PPQ:Special Training Theater/Swordfighter Lidelle

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< PPQ:Swordfighter Lidelle

Chapter First-clear Reward
Safety Charm
[★5] Green Moon Puyo

Episode 1

[★6] Swordfighter Lidelle えへへ…キラキラです…

Ehehe... It's so sparkly...

[★5] Swordfighter Raffina あら リデルさんなんだか ごきげんですわね?

Ah, Lidelle. How are you faring this fine day?

[★6] Swordfighter Lidelle あっ ラフィーナさん…この剣…とってもキレイだと思いませんか?

Oh, Raffina... Don't you think this sword is so pretty?

[★5] Swordfighter Raffina そうですわねぇ…

I suppose it is quite beautiful...

[★5] Swordfighter Raffina 輝くジュエリーに見とれてしまう気持ちはとっても よく分かりますわ

Admiring a piece of sparkling jewelry is a feeling I understand very well.

[★5] Swordfighter Raffina けど そうして眺めているだけじゃ剣がかわいそうではなくて?

However, it seems pitiful to just look at a sword, don't you agree?

[★6] Swordfighter Lidelle ええっ…そうなんでしょうかでも…剣でたたかったりするのはなんだか こわいなあ…

Uhm... I agree, but the thought of actually using a sword is...scary...

[★5] Swordfighter Raffina うーん…リデルさんの場合は「護身用」という方が合っているかもしれませんわね

Hm... Perhaps it'd be more appropriate to use it for "self-defense" in your case.

[★6] Swordfighter Lidelle ごしんよう…?


[★5] Swordfighter Raffina 簡単に言うと お守りですわ

To put it simply: using it to protect yourself.

[★6] Swordfighter Lidelle お守り…それなら こわくないです…

Protect myself... If I think of it that way, it's not scary at all...!

[★5] Nick よう そこのおじょうちゃん!

Yo, little lady!

[★6] Swordfighter Lidelle きゃっ!?いきなり なんですか…?

Eep! Wh-what do you want...?

[★5] Nick オレはニック!いってみれば盗賊ってヤツだ!

The name's Nick! You could say that I'm in the business of thievin'!

[★5] Nick おぅ! おぅ!イイもん持ってるなー?

Ooh, ooh! You look like you've got somethin' good there!

[★5] Nick その剣をわたしてくれればわるいようには しないぜぇ!

Hand over that sword all quiet like and I won't do anythin' to hurt ya!

[★6] Swordfighter Lidelle ど…どうしよう…

Wh-what do I do...

[★6] Swordfighter Lidelle でも この「ごしんよう」の剣がきっと まもってくれるはずです!

But... If I have this "self-defense" sword, I'm sure it will protect me!

[★7] Swordfighter Lidelle …えいっ!

...Take that!

[★5] Nick なっ なんだ!?

Wh-what the?!

[★5] Nick このおじょうちゃん…なぜ急に 笑顔で剣をさし出してきたんだ!?

Wh-why's this girl pointin' that blade at me with a smile on her face all of a sudden...?!

[★5] Nick なんだか分からねぇが…ただならぬものを感じるぜ…!

I don't get this... This don't feel right...!

[★5] Nick オ…オレがわるかった…だから…

I dont...get this at all... So...

[★5] Nick みのがしてくれー!

Please lemme goー!

[★6] Swordfighter Lidelle ……や…やりましたぁ!

...I... I did it...!

[★6] Swordfighter Lidelle お守りの効き目…バッチリみたいです!

This really does work perfectly as a safety charm...!

[★5] Swordfighter Raffina なんだかようすが おかしかったような気もしますけど…

I would say something was strange about your behavior, but...

[★5] Swordfighter Raffina ぶじに 追っぱらえてよかったですわね!

I'm quite glad you were able to chase him off!

Translation: Eudaemonics