PPQ:Special Training Theater/Orkte

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< PPQ:Orkte

Chapter First-clear Reward
Flowers Blooming Inside the Heart
[★5] Green Moon Puyo

Episode 1

[★5] Stornum ねえ そこのキミたち! よかったらオレのライブに 来てくれないかな?

Hey, you gals! You should come to my liveshow, how about it?

[★5] Tsubaki なんだお前? ツヤツヤのサラサラに されたいのか?

What's with you? Do you want me to make your hair all silky and smooth?

[★5] Asagao ウフフ…開発中のお薬を 試してあげようかしら…

Uhuhu...How about testing out a medicine I've been working...?

[★5] Stornum あ…いや…あの… あはは…ゴメンね!

Ah... No... Uhm... Ahaha... Sorry!

[★5] Stornum (おかしいな… オレのさそいに喜んで のってくれると思ったんだけど…)

(That's funny... I thought they'd be happy with my offer...)

[★5] Orkte お…お花… 今日も元気でうれしい…カナ

Th...The flowers... Glad to see they're doing well...Kana.

[★5] Tsubaki おお! ちょうど探していたんだ! 近ごろ花の育ちがわるくてな…

Oh! I was just looking for you! My flowers haven't been growing well lately...

[★5] Orkte こ…この季節のかわいた風… よくないから…当たらないように 工夫するといい…カナ

Th...This season's wind... Isn't good for them...You should have them avoid it...Kana.

[★5] Tsubaki そうか! 風が原因だとは 気づかなかったぞ!

Is that so! I had no idea it was because of the wind!

[★5] Asagao 新しいお薬を作るために この効能が出せる植物を 探しているのだけど…

I've been searching for a plant that'd be effective for creating new medicine...

[★5] Orkte そ…それなら オレがこの前見つけた葉っぱを 3日くらい干しておくといい…カナ

Th...Then, I found this leaf the other day. Just leave it to dry for 3 days...Kana.

[★5] Asagao もしかして新種かしら? ウフフ…それは研究をしないと いけないわね

Could this be a new species? Uhuhu...I'll have to do some research on this.

[★5] Stornum (もしかして…今って あんな感じで植物に詳しい タイプがモテてるの!?)

(Could it be...The type who know all about plants are popular right now!?)

[★5] Stornum (よし! それならオレも…!)

(Alright! I can do that...!)

[★5] Stornum やあ! また会ったね! 知ってる? 花は毎日話しかけると 魔法みたいに美しく成長して…

Hey! Lovely seeing ya' again! Y'know what? I talk to flowers everyday. They grow beautifully, like magic...

[★5] Tsubaki よくある話だが さすがにそれだけでは枯れるな

When you do that, it makes them wither.

[★5] Asagao アタシの毒草と お話してみる? …ウフフ

Wanna chat with my poisonous plant? ...Uhuhu.

[★5] Stornum いやー…あのー… えーっと…

No... Uhm... Uuuh...


Step step...

[★5] Orkte お…お花とお話しするのは とてもいいこと… キミは優しい人…カナ

T...Talking with flowers is very nice... You're a good person...Kana.

[★5] Orkte オ…オレがお花の育て方 ちゃんと教えるから… じ…自信を持ってほしい…カナ

I...I can teach you how to grow flowers properly... I...Want you to be confident...Kana.

[★5] Stornum …ううっ こんなオレに 優しくしてくれるなんて…

...Oooh. I can't believe you're being so nice to me...

[★5] Stornum オレ…花の育て方を きちんと覚えて もっとモテるようにがんばるよ…!

I'm...Gonna learn how to grow flowers properly, and do my best to become more popular...!

[★5] Orkte (もてる…? ちからもちに なりたいの…カナ)

(Being popular...? I wanna be strong...Kana.)