PPQ:Special Training Theater/Gilbert

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< PPQ:Gilbert

Chapter First-clear Reward
Measure of Strength
[★5] Purple Moon Puyo

Episode 1

ひそひそ… ざわ… ざわざわ…

Whispering... mumurs... lots of noises...

[★5] Gilbert フン… なにやら さわがしいな? やはり街に長居は無用か… ん?

Hmph... What is the cause of all this racket? Though, I suppose my stay in this town is long overdue... Hm?

[★5] Chetta ふーっ… ヒトのカオなんて ひさしぶりに描いたよー! みんな どんどん見ていってー!

Whew... It's been forever since I had last drawn an actual human face! Bing-bang! Everybody, feast your eyes on this!

[★5] Gilbert …これは!? 私の顔が描かれた 貼り紙だと!?

...What is the meaning of this!? A poster with my face printed on it!?

[★5] Gilbert 「ギルバート 二千万」 …つまり 海賊にはつきものの けんしょう金… というワケか

"Gilbert: 20 Million"...Does this mean that I am a wanted pirate with a bounty...? Well, in that case...

[★5] Gilbert ククク… 名声をあげすぎるというのも 困りものだな…

Kukuku... It seems that I have created quite the name for myself. I worked hard for this...

[★5] Chetta …そーれっと! つぎの絵も完成! となりにペタペタっと…

...There you have it! The next painting has been completed! Time to plaster these to the walls...

[★5] Gilbert これは… フレッド!? それに バハールもだと…?

Is that...Fred!? And there's even Bahar too...?

[★5] Gilbert 奴らも 海賊団の船長として 名声をあげたというのか… フン…

It appears those pirate crew-having captains also have bounties on themselves... Hmph...

[★5] Chetta さっきから アツいまなざしで 絵を見てると思ったら 本人だったー!

I thought you were just closely examining the painting earlier, but it turns out you're the real guy!

[★5] Chetta あたしの絵 どう? 才能がほとばしってるでしょ?

Do you like my painting? You can feel my talent surging from it, yes?

[★5] Gilbert まあまあといったところだな …ん? 数字のケタがおかしいぞ

I suppose it is not half bad...Hm? The numbers here seem to be different.

[★5] Gilbert ちょっと待て… いち… じゅう… ひゃく…!?

Hold on a moment... One... ten—... hundred million!?

[★5] Gilbert バハールが三千万… フレッドは 一億五千万だと!? 私が 二千万だというのに!?

Bahar is 30 million...and Fred is 150 million!? Yet I'm only 20 million!?

[★5] Gilbert なぜだ… 答えろ! 奴らは どれほどの名声をあげたのだ!?

What is the meaning of this all... Answer me! How famous are these guys that you gave them such high bounties!?

[★5] Chetta えー!? あたしは たのまれた 絵を そのまま描いただけだよー!

Huh!? I just painted what they asked me to paint!

[★5] Fred おう! ギルバートじゃねぇか! シケたツラして どうした?

Well! If it isn't Gilbert! What's gotten yer face all long?

[★5] Gilbert フレッド…! 貴公… いったい どんな手柄をあげて 賞金の額をあげたのだ…!?

Fred...! Youー... What in the world did you do to gain such a high bounty...!?

[★5] Fred ショーキン? オマエ いったい なんの話をしてるんだ?

Bounty? What are ya talkin' bout?

[★5] Gilbert とぼけるな!! あの貼り紙に かかれた 賞金を見てみろ!!

Don't play dumb with me!! Just look at what it says on the poster!!

[★5] Fred ああ! あのポスターか! なかなかいいデキだろ? オレがたのんで描かせたんだ!

Ooooh! That poster! 'Course I see it clearly? It came out just how I wanted it to!

[★5] Gilbert 描かせたのは貴公だったのか… では… あの数字はなんなんだ!

You specifically requested this...? But...the numbers that are written on it!?

[★5] Fred そんなもの オレたちの強さを あらわす数字に決まってんだろ?

Ya put a number that matches with how strong ya are. Ain't that how they work?

[★5] Gilbert 強さをあらわす数字だと…!? けんしょう金では なかったのか

It represents a measure of strength...!? So it isn't a bounty?

[★5] Gilbert まったく まぎらわしい… すべて 貴公の主観ではないか

How utterly misleading...and subjective to one's self.

[★5] Fred へっ! オマエも バハールも なかなかのもんだが… 一番強いのは オレだからな!

Heh! You and Bahar are pretty good too, but...in the end, I'm the strongest!

[★5] Gilbert クッ… こんなことに 踊らされてしまうとは… 私としたことが 情けない…

Kuu... I cannot believe I allowed myself to be carried away like this... I am disappointed in myself...

[★5] Fred へえ? 数字なんて細けぇことを 気にするなんて 意外と センサイなヤツなんだな オマエ!

Huuuh? To think ya get yerself all riled up by a teeny thing like numbers. Yer a delicate dude, aren'tcha!?

[★5] Fred しかたねーな… オマエの数字を 二千万から 五千万くらいに あげておいてやるぜ!

In that case... We'll just hav'ta raise that 20 million of yers all the way up to 50 million!

[★5] Gilbert ヘンな気づかいは無用だー!!