PPQ:Special Training Theater/Georg

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< PPQ:Georg

Chapter First-clear Reward
Fly Away to Avoid
[★5] Green Moon Puyo

Episode 1

[★5] Georg キッキッキ… 今日の落とし穴は なかなかのものが作れたぜ

Kekeke... Today's pitfalls are looking real good.

[★5] Georg どんなヤツでも引っかかる オレさま 特製のトラップだからな あれなら いい悲鳴がきけそうだ

Anyone could get caught in my great self's trap. With this, there will be splendid screams.

??? きゃーーーー!!


[★5] Georg さっそく かかったな 誰だか知らねぇが マヌケ面をおがませてもらうぜ…!

Wow, that didn't take long. Whoever you are, come and show that scared face of yours...!

[★5] Lumir (Off-screen) ど…どうしてこんなところに 落とし穴があるのですか!?

H...How did I get here. Why is there a pitfall!?

[★5] Georg なんだ ルミールか …つまらん 帰る

Oh, just Lumir...Boring. See ya.

[★5] Lumir (Off-screen) ワタクシを置いて 帰らないでください!

Don't leave me here. Please come back!

[★5] Georg うるせぇなぁ…

So annoying...

[★5] Lumir (Off-screen) まったく ゲオルグさんは いつもいつも 仕事中にこんなことばかり…

It's Great Georg, every time. Always doing this stuff at work...

[★5] Lumir (Off-screen) だいたい ここに掘ったら 幽霊城の仲間たちが ひっかかってしまいます!

Y'know, when you dig here, the haunted castle allies are going to get caught in them!

[★5] Georg それは たしかにそうだが…

Well, perhaps that is true...

[★5] Georg ここはオマエの 見回り担当の場所とは ちがうハズなんだがなぁ?

But, you're not even supposed to be patrolling here. Isn't that right?

[★5] Lumir (Off-screen) べ 別に 迷ったワケではありませんよ!

T-that isn't it. I'm not lost!

[★5] Lumir (Off-screen) それはさておき 今日という今日はキッチリと…

That aside, today is the day for things to go properly...

??? ウゴォォォーー!!


[★5] Georg キッキッキ…! どうやらあっちの落とし穴にも 獲物がかかったみたいだな!

Kekeke...! Looks like this pitfall here has caught another prey!

[★5] Lumir (Off-screen) あ ちょっと…! おはなしはまだ終わっていませんよ!

Ah- Wait...! This doesn't look like it's over yet!

[★5] Zoltan (Off-screen) グググ… この落とし穴をツクったのは… ゲオルグ…やはりオマエか…

Grah... The one who created this pitfall... Georg...Of course it's you...

[★5] Georg (Off-screen) げっ!? ゾルタン! おい その剣をしまえ!

Gh!? Zoltan! Put the sword down!

[★5] Zoltan (Off-screen) 問答無用だ…


[★5] Georg ちっ…! アタマの固いヤツめ 話していても ムダだ!

Ack...! You're too hard-headed, talking it out is useless!

[★5] Zoltan ユルさん……!


[★5] Georg 燃えてる剣を 振るんじゃねぇ! オレさまの体が 燃えちまうじゃねぇか!

Quit swinging that flaming sword! You're gonna set my great self on fire!

[★5] Zoltan だまれ… 今日こそは……!

Quiet... Today is the day......!

[★5] Lumir (Off-screen) さて ワタクシはいつになったら 出られるのでしょうか…?

So, when am I ever going to get out of this...?