PPQ:Special Training Theater/Zoltan

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< PPQ:Zoltan

Chapter First-clear Reward
Conflagrant Memory
[★5] Red Moon Puyo

Episode 1

[★5] Zoltan オレの中に眠る… かつての記憶…

Inside of me... Lies a lost memory...

[★5] Zoltan あと少しで… 思い出せそうな…ヨカンがする…

So close... To remembering...I feel it...

[★4] Goutarou おっと そこの真っ赤なキミ! オレの応援を求めているな!

Hey, you, the big red one! You look like you need my cheers!

[★5] Zoltan 応援…? オレは…ムカシの記憶を… 取りモドそうと…しているだけだ…

Cheer...? My... Memories from then... Trying to... Remember...

[★4] Goutarou ならばこのゴータロー 応援団長として 記憶をとりもどす ことを全力でサポートしよう!

Then, Goutarou, head of the cheering squad, shall use all I got to support you on regaining your memories!

[★5] Zoltan …………… ……まあいい…好きにしろ…

............... ......Well...If you'd like to...

[★5] Zoltan かつてのオレは… 火炎の騎士…そうヨばれていた…

I was once... The flaming knight... As they called...

[★5] Goutarou 燃えるようにアツい男だったんだな! うぉぉぉーーー!! オレも 燃えてきた!!

You were a dude full of fiery passion! UUOOOHH!! I'm getting fired up too!!

[★5] Zoltan そして…流水の騎士… ガルムと…ウデをきそい合っていた…

And...The knight of currents...Garmr... We rivaled in skill...

[★5] Goutarou たがいを認め合った ライバルとのバトル!! 熱い! 熱いぞ!!

People who recognize one another, battling it out as rivals!! Heated! Really heated!!

[★6] Goutarou 赤く燃える話をきいて オレの応援魂にも火がついた! キミならもっと思い出せるはずだ!

This story that burns red, it's building up my cheering spirit! You're sure to remember more!

[★5] Zoltan オマエの身にマトウ猛火… オレの過去にも…

You have a flame that burns inside you... My past was similar...

[★5] Zoltan そうだ…アノ時… この剣のチカラを解放し…

Yes...From long ago... When the power of this sword was unleashed...



[★5] Zoltan コレは…なんだ… チカラの…暴走…? ウッ…もう少しで思い出せるハズ…

What...Is this... Uncontrollable...Power? Oh...So close to remembering...

[★6] Goutarou 気合を入れろ! 夜明けは近いぞ!

Fire up! Dawn is approaching!

[★6] Zoltan 我が剣よ…その炎で… オレの記憶を…いまココに…

This sword...This flame... My memories...Come back now...

[★5] Lumir きゃーー!! 火事ですよー!!

Kyaaah!! Fire!!

[★5] Lumir だれか… 消火できるひとはいませんかー!

Someone...Come and extinguish the fire!

[★5] Garmr 水ならあるぞい!

Water incoming!



[★4] Zoltan …………
[★5] Garmr ふー! あやうく 燃え広がるところだったぞい!

Phew! Anymore, and that fire would've spread everywhere!

[★4] Zoltan モドりかけていた… オレの記憶が……

This close...My memories......

[★4] Zoltan あとでオボエていろ…ガルム…

Almost remembered it...Garmr...