PPQ:Special Training Theater/Fred

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< PPQ:Fred

Chapter First-clear Reward
Sailor’s Favorite
[★5] Red Moon Puyo

Episode 1

[★4] Fred いいか野郎ども! 出航は明け方だ! 町ではしゃぎすぎるんじゃねぇぞ!

Alright, dudes! We set sail at dawn! Don't get too wild while we're in town!



[★3] Incubus おや? あれはたしか…

Oh my? That must've been...

[★3] Incubus 泣く子もだまるというウワサの 海賊団の船長…だったかな?

The so-called pirate captain who's intimidating enough to silence a crying child...or, something like that?

[★4] Fred さてと… オレもそろそろ行くか! 久しぶりに 港町を楽しまねぇとな

Well... 'Bout time I go around! The last time I got to enjoy the port town was forever ago.

[★3] Incubus 港町を…楽しむ…? まさか…!

Enjoying himself...at the port town...? It can't be..!

[★3] Incubus 「船乗りはすべての港に恋人がいる」 って聞いたことがあるけど…

I've heard of the saying, "Sailors have lovers back at every harbor"...

[★3] Incubus ふ~ん 少し気になるね…

Hm~ I'm a bit curious...

[★4] Fred よう! 今日もまた一段と かわいいヤツがそろってるな!

Yo! Today, yer lineup's way cuter than the last!

[★4] Greco あら… いつもありがとう♪ わたしが愛情をこめて育てたのよ

Oh my...Thank you as always ♪ I put my whole heart into growing them.

[★3] Incubus 今「いつもありがとう」って きこえたような…?

Did I just hear a, "thank you as always" right then...?

[★3] Incubus なんとなく ガサツそうな イメージがあるけど… 女性のあつかいが うまいのかも…

Though, he has a crude-looking image... Maybe he knows how to treat ladies well...

[★4] Fred おっ! こっちもなかなかいいな もっとよく見せてくれ

Oh! These ones are real good too. Lemme get a closer look.

[★4] Caren ボンジュー♪ でしょでしょ! ガマンできないくらい あま~い いい香りがするわよね★

Bonjour ♪ Indeedy-do! It just smells so good and sw~eet, it makes it hard to hold back. ★

[★3] Incubus 今度は 別の女の子と 親しそうにしてる…!

Now he's getting friendly with a different girl...!

[★3] Incubus あの海賊… まさか ほんとうに すべての港に恋人が…!?

That pirate... It can't be, sailors ACTUALLY have lovers back at every harbor...!?

[★4] Fred さーて… そろそろお待ちかねの ところに向かうとするか!

Now... 'Bout time I head to the place I've been wanting to go!

[★3] Incubus むむっ… さらに親しい女の子が まだ いるのかい!?

Hmm... Could there be another girl you're even closer with!?

[★3] Incubus …あとをつけてみよう

...I must follow him.

[★5] Coffee Shop Amitie お待たせー! お店で一番あま~い スペシャルパフェだよ♪

Thanks for waiting! The café's sweet~est special parfait. ♪

[★4] Fred もぐもぐ… うま~い!! やっぱり甘いもんは最高だな!

Om nom... De~lish!! Sweets really are the best of the best!

[★3] Incubus こ…ここは ただの喫茶店…?

Th...This is just a coffee shop...?

[★4] Fred みずみずしいブドウと プルプルの プリンも 調達できたことだし… 今夜はスイーツで宴会だ!!

Now that I've got fresh grapes and jiggly pudding... Tonight's gonna be a sweet feast!!

[★3] Incubus なんだって!?

What's happening!?

[★3] Incubus じゃ…じゃあ… さっきの 女の子たちは 恋人じゃなく… ただ 買い物をしていただけ…?

S...So, all those ladies from earlier... He was just there to shop...?

[★4] Fred …ああん? さっきから オレの あとをつけてたのは オマエか?

...Uuuuh? Have you been following me all this time?

[★4] Fred もしかして… オマエ…

Could it be... You...

[★3] Incubus Oh… いや… これには いろいろとゴカイがあって…

Oh... No.. There's just been a lot of stuff going on...

[★4] Fred 分かってるって! オマエも 甘いもんが好きなんだろ!?

I got it! You like sweets too, don't ya!?

[★4] Fred こりゃいい! いっしょに朝まで 甘いもんのスバらしさについて 語り明かそうぜ!

That's great! We can talk all about the glory of sweets together 'till the sun rises!

[★3] Incubus ち… ちがう!! ボクは 甘党の海賊には キョーミな~い!!

N...Noooo!! I don't wan~na talk with this sweet tooth having pirate~!!