Allstar Academy Arle *siiiigh*... How did I get myself into this mess?
 ![[★6] Allstar Academy Witch](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/c/c5/Img447706.png/50px-Img447706.png) 幾星学園のウィッチ あら アルルさん? めずらしく 浮かない顔をして どうかしましたの?
Allstar Academy Witch Oh my, Arle, is that you? I’ll say, it’s not like you to walk around with that sort of sullen look on your face. What’s wrong?
 ![[★6] Allstar Academy Arle](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/6/63/Img247706.png/50px-Img247706.png) 幾星学園のアルル あ ウィッチ! それがね……
Allstar Academy Arle Oh, Witch! Well, y’know…
 ![[★6] Allstar Academy Arle](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/6/63/Img247706.png/50px-Img247706.png) 幾星学園のアルル ボク この学園の 生徒会長にならなきゃ いけないみたいなんだ
Allstar Academy Arle They told me I have to be the Student Council President here. And, no, apparently I can’t take a raincheck on that.
Allstar Academy Witch The student… council president?
 ![[★6] Allstar Academy Arle](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/6/63/Img247706.png/50px-Img247706.png) 幾星学園のアルル うん よく分からないけど 名前の響きからして なんだかたいへんそうでさ
Allstar Academy Arle Yeah, I don’t really know what that means either. But it sounds so stiff and official, blegh.
 ![[★6] Allstar Academy Witch](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/c/c5/Img447706.png/50px-Img447706.png) 幾星学園のウィッチ そうかしら? なんとなくですけど この学園の 全権力を握れそうじゃありません?
Allstar Academy Witch You think so? If you ask me, it sounds like a position that might give you total and absolute authority over this entire school! Am I on to something?
  幾星学園のアルル さ…さすがに そんなことは ないんじゃないかなあ たぶん!
Allstar Academy Arle I… I really don’t think that that’s quite it, Witch…! No, I really doubt it!
 ![[★6] Allstar Academy Witch](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/c/c5/Img447706.png/50px-Img447706.png) 幾星学園のウィッチ もしも わたくしが 生徒会長だったら…
Allstar Academy Witch Well, if I got to be president…
  幾星学園のウィッチ 「毎朝1時間の魔法薬材料集め」 を全生徒の義務としますのに! おーほほほっ!
Allstar Academy Witch …I would make good use of my power and decree that all students are henceforth obligated to spend one hour every day gathering magical potion ingredients for me! Ohohohoho!
 ![[★6] Allstar Academy Arle](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/6/63/Img247706.png/50px-Img247706.png) 幾星学園のアルル …やっぱり ボクが生徒会長を やったほうがよい気がしてきたよ ありがとう ウィッチ
Allstar Academy Arle …Thanks, Witch. I’m actually really glad right now that I got chosen to be president instead.
  幾星学園のウィッチ お礼を言われる理由が よく分からないんですけれど!?
Allstar Academy Witch What in the blazes are you thanking me for!?
 ![[★6] Allstar Academy Arle](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/6/63/Img247706.png/50px-Img247706.png) 幾星学園のアルル はっ
Allstar Academy Arle Ah-
  幾星学園のウィッチ ん? 今の カーバンクルの 声のようなものは…
Allstar Academy Witch Huh? Is it just me or did I hear Carbuncle’s voice just now…?
 ![[★6] Allstar Academy Arle](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/6/63/Img247706.png/50px-Img247706.png) 幾星学園のアルル えへへ 聞こえちゃったか ボクのおなかの音だよ
Allstar Academy Arle Eheheh, no no, that was just my stomach. Sorry about that!
 ![[★6] Allstar Academy Arle](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/6/63/Img247706.png/50px-Img247706.png) 幾星学園のアルル そういえば カーくんは 今頃どこで なにをしてるんだろう?
Allstar Academy Arle Come to think of it, where is Carby right now anyway? I wonder what he’s doing?
 ![[★6] Allstar Academy Witch](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/c/c5/Img447706.png/50px-Img447706.png) 幾星学園のウィッチ そろそろお昼の時間ですものねぇ
Allstar Academy Witch Oh, that’s right, it’s already lunchtime, huh?
 ![[★6] Allstar Academy Witch](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/c/c5/Img447706.png/50px-Img447706.png) 幾星学園のウィッチ ウワサによると 学園では 「給食」という昼食の システムがあるそうですわよ
Allstar Academy Witch From what I’ve heard there is a “lunch service” system in place at this school in a place called the “cafeteria”.
  幾星学園のアルル へえ~ その給食に カレーはあるのかな?
Allstar Academy Arle Wow~! Does this “cafeteria” place have curry, maybe?
 ![[★6] Allstar Academy Witch](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/c/c5/Img447706.png/50px-Img447706.png) 幾星学園のウィッチ 給食において カレーは 鉄板メニューだとも聞きましたわ まあ ウワサですけど
Allstar Academy Witch From what I’ve been told, probably. A curry option is apparently a certain thing with school lunches like these.
  幾星学園のアルル ホント!? それじゃあ この空間には カレーがあるのかもしれないね!
Allstar Academy Arle Seriously!? That means there might be curry in this small dimension! Awesome!
 ![[★6] Allstar Academy Witch](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/c/c5/Img447706.png/50px-Img447706.png) 幾星学園のウィッチ さあ…どうかしら
Allstar Academy Witch Well… It’s possible, at least.
 ![[★7] Allstar Academy Arle (Extra)](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/6/6f/Img247717.png/50px-Img247717.png) 幾星学園のアルル よーし それじゃあ さっそく裏山へ 材料をさがしに行ってみよう!
Allstar Academy Arle Aaaaalright, then let’s go out into the mountainside behind campus and look for some curry ingredients and toppings!
 ![[★7] Allstar Academy Arle (Extra)](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/6/6f/Img247717.png/50px-Img247717.png) 幾星学園のアルル そして 最終的には 生徒会長の権限で…
Allstar Academy Arle Therefore I now decree my first and final order as Student Council President…
  幾星学園のアルル 「全生徒のお昼ごはんは 毎日カレーにします」っていう 校則を作るんだ♪
Allstar Academy Arle From now on it shall be written in the school rules, that all students will be eating curry for lunch every single day♪
  幾星学園のウィッチ 毎日? そ…それは さすがに やりすぎですわぁ!
Allstar Academy Witch Every day? T…That’s too much curry, Arle!
 ![[★6] Allstar Academy Draco](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/a/a9/Img347706.png/50px-Img347706.png) 幾星学園のドラコ アルルに ウィッチ! はやく はやくー!
Allstar Academy Draco Arle, Witch! Over here, quick!
 ![[★6] Allstar Academy Witch](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/c/c5/Img447706.png/50px-Img447706.png) 幾星学園のウィッチ ドラコさんたら… 途中参加のわりに 一番はりきってますわねぇ
Allstar Academy Witch What is it, Draco…? Sheesh, for somebody who just tagged along on our expedition halfway, you sure are pretty psyched about this.
 ![[★6] Allstar Academy Draco](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/a/a9/Img347706.png/50px-Img347706.png) 幾星学園のドラコ だって あたし おなかペコペコなんだもん! さっさと始めようよ!
Allstar Academy Draco Because I’m starving here, starving! C’mon, let’s get started already!
 ![[★7] Allstar Academy Arle (Extra)](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/6/6f/Img247717.png/50px-Img247717.png) 幾星学園のアルル あはは そうだね じゃあ 今から手分けして カレーの材料探し スタートだ!
Allstar Academy Arle Ahahaha, right, let’s do this. Okay, the three of us should split up here and start looking for anything that looks like you can put it in curry!
 ![[★7] Allstar Academy Draco](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/8/88/Img347707.png/50px-Img347707.png) 幾星学園のドラコ おー!!
Allstar Academy Draco YESMA’AM!!
 ![[★6] Allstar Academy Draco](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/a/a9/Img347706.png/50px-Img347706.png) 幾星学園のドラコ …って ぜんぜん見つからないぞー!!?
Allstar Academy Draco There’s NOTHING edible here!!
 ![[★6] Allstar Academy Arle](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/6/63/Img247706.png/50px-Img247706.png) 幾星学園のアルル いつのまにか こんなに奥まで来ちゃったね…
Allstar Academy Arle Yeah, and we’re pretty deep in already…
  幾星学園のドラコ こうなったら… この光るナゾのキノコを食べて 空腹をまぎらわすしか……
Allstar Academy Draco I’m left with no choice… I’ll just have to eat this weird, shiny mushroom I’ve never seen before to stuff that gaping void in my belly…!
Allstar Academy Arle D-Draco, NO!!
 ![[★6] Allstar Academy Witch](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/c/c5/Img447706.png/50px-Img447706.png) 幾星学園のウィッチ おーほほほっ! 予想以上の大収穫でしたわ♪
Allstar Academy Witch OhHOHOHO! Behold, a harvest much richer than even I expected♪
  幾星学園のアルル えっ ホントに!? …って その両腕いっぱいに抱えてるのは…
Allstar Academy Arle Wait, what, you actually found something!? …Wait, those herbs you’re carrying in your arms, those look like…
  幾星学園のウィッチ 見たことのない薬草が たくさん生えていたので 可能な限り持ち帰るつもりですの!
Allstar Academy Witch I’ve never seen any of these potential potion ingredients grow anywhere else before! I’ll try to take as much of it home with me as possible!
  幾星学園のアルル あはは… どうりで 今日のキミは やけに協力的だと思ったよ
Allstar Academy Arle Ahahah… That explains why you were being so weirdly cooperative when I said we were going into the mountains.
 ![[★6] Allstar Academy Draco](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/a/a9/Img347706.png/50px-Img347706.png) 幾星学園のドラコ もー! そんなの まったくお腹の足しにならないよ!
Allstar Academy Draco What the heck, Witch! That stuff’s not gonna do anything to fill our empty stomachs!
  幾星学園のドラコ 悲しみのファイヤーブレスだ! がおーーーっ!!
Allstar Academy Draco I’m so disappointed, I could just spit fire everywhere! ROAR!!
  幾星学園のウィッチ ちょっとぉ! せっかく集めた薬草が燃えたら どうするんですの!?
Allstar Academy Witch Back off! You’re going to burn all my wonderful potion ingredients to a crisp, you menace!
 ![[★6] Allstar Academy Draco](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/a/a9/Img347706.png/50px-Img347706.png) 幾星学園のドラコ ウィッチは 料理研究部なんだろ? だったら もっと食べられるものを 探してよね!
Allstar Academy Draco Aren’t you in the Cooking Club? Then you should start looking for something that’s actually edible out here, me thinks!
 ![[★6] Allstar Academy Witch](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/c/c5/Img447706.png/50px-Img447706.png) 幾星学園のウィッチ あなたこそ! 化学部なら 薬草じゃなくて 研究に情熱を 燃やしたらどうなんですの?
Allstar Academy Witch Right back at you! You’re in the Chemistry Club, so save that fire of yours for some chemical reactions, rather than to ruin my herbal harvest.
Allstar Academy Draco Say that again, you little…!
Allstar Academy Witch I’ll say it as often as I want, ‘cuz it’s true.
  幾星学園のアルル ちょ ちょっと二人とも! ケンカしないでよー!
Allstar Academy Arle Y-You two! Stop fighting, please!
 ![[★6] Allstar Academy Arle](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/6/63/Img247706.png/50px-Img247706.png) 幾星学園のアルル はあ ボク…本当に…
Allstar Academy Arle *sigh* Don’t tell me…
  幾星学園のアルル この学園をまとめていかなくちゃ いけないの~~!!?
Allstar Academy Arle ...this chaos is what I’ll spend my time at this school trying to sort out!!?