PPQ:Special Training Theater/Kikimora

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< PPQ:Kikimora

Chapter First-clear Reward
Stb manzai.png
Sparkling Clean!
[★5] Red Moon Puyo
Stb manzai.png
Consultation Services for Cleaning
[★5] Red Moon Puyo

Episode 1

[★5] Kikimora ふんふふ~ん♪ キレイなところって やっぱり居心地がいいわ

Hm~hm~hmm ♪ A sparkling clean place is, of course, the most comfortable.

[★5] Kikimora あっ! あそこ 掃除したばかりなのに ヘンな汚れがついてるじゃない!

Ah! How'd a stain get here, I just cleaned this spot!



[★5] Mappela ふにゅう~ また転んでしまいましたぁ…

Ouch~ I fell again...

[★5] Kikimora ちょっと! その手のヌルヌル…

Hey! That slime...

[★5] Kikimora あなたが ここをこんなにしたハンニンね!

You're the one responsible of that stain!

[★5] Mappela ふぇ? す…すみません…

Huh? M...My apologies...

[★5] Kikimora いいかげん 汚すのはやめてもらうわ! さあ そのヌルヌルを…

Alright, I'm going to stop you from making a mess! Now, that slime...

[★5] Mappela はうぅ…ごめんなさい 呪いのせいで このヌルヌルは どうやっても取れないんです…

Waah... I'm sorry, but it's my curse that causes this slime. It doesn't get off no matter how hard I try...

[★5] Kikimora 呪い? そういえばあなた イタズラしているにしては 困った表情をしているわね…

Curse? Actually, you don't seem like a troublemaker, more like you're the one in trouble...

[★5] Kikimora いいわ この周りにあるヌルヌルは わたしが片付けてあげる!

Okay, I'll clean up all that surrounding slime!

[★5] Mappela はわわ… ありがとうございます!

Awawa... Thank you so much!

[★5] Kikimora よいしょっと! それにしても意外と 弾力があるわね…あら?

There you go! It was surprisingly resilient... Oh?

[★5] Kikimora はがしたヌルヌルが すき間のホコリを根こそぎ くっつけてくれたおかげで…

The slime I swept up is sticking in the crevices and getting the dust out...

[★5] Kikimora 前よりキレイになってるじゃない!

It's cleaner than it's ever been!

[★5] Mappela わぁ…! この呪いが お役に立つ日が来るなんて 夢みたいです!

Aah...! I always thought my curse being useful one day could only be a dream!

[★5] Kikimora あなた すごいわ! こうなったらさっそく…

You're amazing! Well, I'll be on my way now...

[★5] Kikimora 島中をヌルヌルお掃除で ピッカピカにしに行くわよー!

This slime-cleaning technique's gonna make the island sparkling clean!

[★5] Mappela え? え?

Eh? Eh?

[★5] Kikimora さあさあ あなたも 来るのっ!

C'mon, c'mon, you're coming too!

[★5] Mappela ふえぇ~… 大変な人に出会って しまいました…

Oooh~... Seems I've met a tough person today...

Episode 2

[★6] Kikimora それではさっそく お掃除お悩み相談室を はじめるわよー!

Room for consulting cleaning concerns is open. Let's get started right away!

[★6] Kikimora まず最初の相談者は…

First consultant...

[★6] Abyss こほん…教室の角に ホコリがたまりすぎて 困っている

The...classroom is having an issue with collecting dust in the corner.

[★6] Kikimora なるほどね そういうことだったら…

I see. Well, in that case...

[★6] Kikimora いつもより気合を入れて お掃除することね!

You're gonna need more enthusiasm than usual when cleaning!

[★6] Abyss い…いや… それでは根本的な解決には…

N...No... I don't think that'd solve the root of our problems...

[★6] Kikimora はいはい どんどんいくわよー!

Yada, yada. Let's keep 'em coming!

[★6] Skeleton T おちゃー さいきん ホネのかがやきが 失われてきた気がするのぢゃ…

Ochaa! Lately, I've felt like I've lost the sparkle to my bones...

[★6] Kikimora それなら簡単よ! 茶葉を布にくるんで からだをゴシゴシするといいわ!

That's easy-peasy! Wrap tea leaves in a cloth and rub your body with it!

[★6] Skeleton T なんとあっぱれな方法ぢゃ! さっそく試してみようかのう!

What a brilliant method! I'll try it out right away!

[★6] Kikimora さて 次のお悩みは? なんでも キレイにしちゃうわよ!

Now, who's next? I'll clean everything up!

[★6] Dukis そもそも 掃除が面倒だわさ! やりたくないんだわさ!

Cleaning's such a hassle in the first place! I don't wanna do it!

[★6] Kikimora それはもう 心意気の問題ね!

In that case, it's all just a matter of your spirit!

[★6] Kikimora 「キレイになるのって楽しい!」 そう考えるようにすれば すぐにお掃除もおわるはずよ!

"It's fun to be clean!" If you think about it like that, cleaning will be done in no time!

[★6] Dukis ぐぬぬ… 結局は掃除する はめになるんだわさ~

Uugh... But I'd still have to clean anyway~

[★6] Dukis あーあ… どこかに ちゃちゃーっと 掃除をやってくれるおばさんが…

Aah... There's gotta be an old lady who could do the cleaning in a lickety-split for me somewhere...

[★6] Kikimora …おばさん?

...Old lady?

[★6] Kikimora ねえ…あなた いま わたしのことを おばさんって言ったわよね…?

Hey... Are you trying to call me an old lady...?

[★6] Dukis い…言ってないんだわさ! なんだか目がこわいんだわさ…

I...I didn't say anything like that! That look in your eyes is kinda scary...

[★6] Kikimora …こわいおばさんですって?

...A scary old lady?

[★6] Dukis ひ…ひぇ~ とんでもない かんちがいだわさ~

H...Heh~ That's impossible, you're talking crazy~

[★6] Kikimora お悩み相談室は中止よ! もう許さないんだからっ!

I'm not taking this any longer! Consulting cleaning concerns room is closed!

[★6] Kikimora ぷよみたいに あとかたも残さず キレイにしちゃうわーっ!

I'm gonna mop the floor with you in puyo, you'll be left without a trace!

[★6] Dukis (Off-screen) あ~れ~だわさーーっ!!

Huuu~h~!? I'm in troouuuble!!