![[★5] Sullivan](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/d/d7/Img507205.png/50px-Img507205.png) サリヴァン ふぅ… アルベルトにも困ったものです
Sullivan Sigh... I ended up imposing on Albert, too.
  サリヴァン 弟さんたちが食べざかりで 料理を作りすぎてしまう気持ちは わかりますが…
Sullivan Though I can understand how it must feel for him, making too much food by mistake to account for his little siblings' growing appetites, but…
  サリヴァン おすそ分けの量も多くて… 私ひとりで食べ切れるでしょうか?
Sullivan Even then, the portion he gave me is so big… This is way too much for me to eat by myself, isn’t it?
Opalus Wooow~! That's a real nice gem you've got there!
 ![[★4] Opalus](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/8/8e/Img512304.png/50px-Img512304.png) オパルス よくわからないけど とてもキレイです~
Opalus Don’t know what kind it is, but it's super pretty~.
 ![[★5] Sullivan](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/d/d7/Img507205.png/50px-Img507205.png) サリヴァン よくわからなくは ないと思いますが とびきり美しいでしょう?
Sullivan I don't believe it's very well understood to begin with. But it is quite the gorgeous specimen, isn’t it?
 ![[★4] Opalus](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/8/8e/Img512304.png/50px-Img512304.png) オパルス でも~ わたしの宝石も~ 負けないくらいキレイなんですよ~
Opalus Buuut~ I have my Own gem too~. It's just as pretty as yours, no question~!
Opalus Here, look~.
 ![[★5] Sullivan](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/d/d7/Img507205.png/50px-Img507205.png) サリヴァン これはたしかに美しいですね …ですが
Sullivan (Well, it's very lovely, that’s for certain… However.)
 ![[★5] Sullivan](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/d/d7/Img507205.png/50px-Img507205.png) サリヴァン ふふ… トクベツに 私の魔法を お見せするとしましょう
Sullivan Mhmhm… Here, I'll give you a special demonstration of my magic.
 ![[★5] Sullivan](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/d/d7/Img507205.png/50px-Img507205.png) サリヴァン いきますよ…!
Sullivan Here I go…!
Opalus Woooow~! That's so Amazing~!
  サリヴァン どうです? 私の宝石は 光の魔法の力によって より美しさを増すのです
Sullivan How was that? This gem of mine grows more and more resplendent as it takes in higher amounts of light magical energy.
  オパルス わたしが今までに 見たことのないくらい まぶしい輝きです~
Opalus I've never seen anything so dazzlingly shiny in all my life before today~!
 ![[★4] Opalus](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/8/8e/Img512304.png/50px-Img512304.png) オパルス でもこの宝石… なんだかおいしそうに 見えてきました~
Opalus But this gem… somehow, it's starting to look like it'd be really tasty~.
Opalus Hey, could you maybe let me have just a little taste~?
Sullivan Taste? What are you going on about so suddenly...
 ![[★4] Opalus](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/8/8e/Img512304.png/50px-Img512304.png) オパルス 実はわたし~ 自分の宝石を見ているときも おなかが空いてくることがあって~
Opalus See, the truth is~ When I look at my own gem too, it makes me feel kinda hungry for some reason~.
Opalus I get this urge to sneak little tastes of it in secret~.
  オパルス あれ…どこからか おいしそうなにおいまで してきたような~?
Opalus Huh… where is this delicious smell coming from~?
 ![[★5] Sullivan](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/d/d7/Img507205.png/50px-Img507205.png) サリヴァン どうやら… よっぽどおなかを空かせて いるみたいですね
Sullivan (Apparently… it looks like I’ve been inadvertently stirring up this guy’s appetite.)
 ![[★4] Opalus](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/8/8e/Img512304.png/50px-Img512304.png) オパルス おねがいします~
Opalus Please share with me~!
 ![[★5] Sullivan](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/d/d7/Img507205.png/50px-Img507205.png) サリヴァン ここで このまま立ち去るのは 少し気が引けます…それなら
Sullivan (I'd feel a little guilty if I just took off here… well, in that case.)
 ![[★5] Sullivan](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/d/d7/Img507205.png/50px-Img507205.png) サリヴァン このお弁当でしたら いくらでも食べてかまいませんよ
Sullivan It was coming from this boxed lunch. Here, take as much as you like. I don't mind.
 ![[★5] Sullivan](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/d/d7/Img507205.png/50px-Img507205.png) サリヴァン 私には量が多すぎるくらいなので
Sullivan There's way too much in here for me to eat on my own.
Opalus Eh~? You really mean it~? Yay~!
Opalus I was one step away from just eating these gems~.
 ![[★5] Sullivan](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/d/d7/Img507205.png/50px-Img507205.png) サリヴァン ふぅ…なんとかこの宝石を 守りきることができましたね
Sullivan (Whew… somehow, it looks like I've protected this gem from disaster.)
 ![[★5] Sullivan](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/d/d7/Img507205.png/50px-Img507205.png) サリヴァン アルベルトの料理があって 本当に助かりました
Sullivan (Thank goodness I had Albert's cooking on hand, it really saved me here.)