PPQ:Special Training Theater/Carrie

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< PPQ:Carrie

Chapter First-clear Reward
Secret Strategy Meeting
[★5] Green Moon Puyo

Episode 1

[★4] Carrie じゃあ これから… 第一回! 「迷子のアタイの船をさがす作戦会議」 …を はじめるよ!

Alright, now... step one! "Strategy meeting to search for my lost ship" ...Shall commence!

[★4] Carrie 臨時団員の アンタたちにも しっかりがんばってもらうからね!

My extraordinary crew, I'm keeping a close eye on ya, so do yer best!

[★4] Carrie まったく アイツら… ヒミツ作戦の 最中に アタイからはぐれて 船で 行っちまうとは あわてんぼうだねぇ

In the middle of... the secret operation, I got completely separated from my ship while on deck.

[★4] Nari 網にかかった人を助けただけなのに メンドーなことに巻きこまれたな!

We went to save someone caught in a net, and now we're in a troublesome mess!

[★3] Osa 迷子の船って いってるけど この姉ちゃんのほうが迷子なんじゃ…

She says the ship's lost, but that lady looks more lost herself...

[★4] Carrie じゃあ 発表してもらおうか! 迷子の船をさがすには どうする? …アンタ!

Alright, let's begin the announcement! How does one find a lost ship? ...You!

[★3] Osa えっ!? オレから!? えーっと… そうだな…

Eh!? Me!? Uhm... Well...

[★3] Osa 海の向こうまで とどくくらい 大声で呼ぶ …なんてのはどうだ?

We yell loud enough to be heard across the sea...How's that sound?

[★4] Carrie いいね! わるくない案だ! さっそくやってみな!

Great! Not a bad idea! Get to work!

[★3] Osa オレがやるのかよ!? まったく しょーがねーな…

I have to do it!? It can't be helped...

[★3] Osa いくぞ… すうぅぅーーーっ…

Here I go... HEEEEEEEEEYY...!

[★3] Osa ここに 船をさがしてる 迷子の姉ちゃんがいるぞーーー!!


[★4] Carrie こっ… このバカ! 迷子なのは アタイじゃなくて 船だよ!!

Ah... Ya landlubber! The ship's lost, not me!!

[★4] Carrie やめやめ! この作戦は却下だ! つぎ! だれかいい案はないかい?

Stop, stop! We're not doing this operation! Next! Anyone got any better ideas?

[★4] Nari はいはーい! わかりやすく のろしをあげる …っていうのは?

Yep, yep! Calling out in an easy-to-understand way...How's that?

[★4] Carrie なるほど! いい案じゃないか! さっそくやってみな!

Alright! That's a good idea right there! Get to it!

[★4] Nari そういわれると思って もう ケムリを準備しておいたぜ!

I knew you'd say that, which is why I've prepared smoke!

[★5] Pike Stall Maguro そーれ★ もくもくっと…★

There it is. ★ The smoke clouds... ★

[★4] Carrie いきなりだれだい!?

Where'd you come from!?

[★4] Carrie …ゲホッ! ゲホゲホッ… すごいケムリだね… この作戦はダメ! 中止だ!

...Ughk! Ack-errk...! What's with this smoke...? No more of this operation! Abort!

[★5] Pike Stall Maguro せっかく おいしいサンマが 焼けそうなのに… ザンネン★

I was 'bout to cook up some tasty mackerel...So lame. ★

[★4] Shio は~い 砂浜に文字を書くのはどう~?

O~kay, how about writing it out on the beach's sand~?

[★4] Carrie ふむふむ… 地味だけど カクジツそうな案だね! やるよ!

Hmm, hmm... Simple, yet reliable-sounding! Let's do it!

[★3] Osa でもさ… 文字っていったって なにを書けばいいんだ?

But... What are we even supposed to write about?

[★4] Nari そりゃあ… この姉ちゃんが仲間に いま 伝えたいことを書くんだろ?

Let's see... We can write about what this lady wants to tell people?

[★4] Carrie 伝えたいこと? …決まってるさ! 砂浜に大きく文字を… ガリガリ…

What I wanna tell 'em? ...I know exactly what! Gonna write huge letters in the sand... scratch-scratch...

[★4] Carrie よし でーきた! これでどうだ!

Alright, there ya have it! What'cha think!?

[★4] Shio え~と…? 「キャリー海賊団サイコー!」…?

U~hm...? "Carrie, The Best Pirate!"...?

[★4] Carrie こんなんじゃ まだまだ足りないね 「オマエらとのキズナは世界一!」 あとは「美人船長キャリー」と…

This isn't quite enough. "The Bond Between You is Number One!" or maybe "Beautiful Captain Carrie"...

[★4] Carrie いや「美女船長」のほうがいいか? ぶつぶつ… ぶつぶつ…

Or would "Gorgeous Captain" be better? (Mutter-mutter... Mutter-mutter...)

[★3] Osa なんだか ノリノリみたいだけど… 本当にこれで船が見つかるのか?

She seems to be in high spirts, but... is this really how you should search for a ship?

[★4] Nari まあ… 姉ちゃんが楽しそうだし いいんじゃねーか?

Well... That lady's having fun. That's good, right?

[★4] Carrie ふっふっふ♪ これで成功まちがいなしだね!

Heheheh. ♪ This'll be a success for sure!