PPQ:Special Training Theater/Rein

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< PPQ:Rein

Chapter First-clear Reward
Huge Dream
[★5] Green Moon Puyo

Episode 1

[★6] Ryan ふっ…! はっ…!

Hoo...! Hah...!

[★6] Ryan ボクのチカラはまだまだ こんなものじゃないはずだ

My power isn't done yet. It can't be this way.

[★6] Ryan 応援団を頂点に立たせるまで 手を抜くことは許されない…

Until the cheering squad is in top shape, there will be no cutting corners...

[★6] Ryan いつか夢をかなえるために ボクはボクを応援し続ける!

For the dream to come true someday, I will continue to cheer for myself!

[★4] Rein あのひと… 夢を追っているのね… そんなの見たら…わたし…

That person...Is chasing his dream...Seeing such a thing...I...

[★5] Rein 応援したくなっちゃうじゃないっ!

I feel the need to cheer him on!

[★5] Rein そこのひとー! わたしのぶんまで頑張ってー!

You over there! Do your very best for me!

[★5] Rein なんだか差し入れを つくってあげたくなっちゃった… キッチンで格闘しなきゃ♪

A feeling of wanting to make food for you... Time to scuffle in the kitchen. ♪

[★5] Odette ……あのかた きっと恋をしているんですね! ここは応援しないとです!

......That lady, she must be in love! I must be supportive!

[★5] Odette あのー! わたしで良ければ お手伝いしますー! 一緒にがんばりましょうー!

Uh! If it's fine with you, I could assist! Let's do our best together!

[★5] Silvie ん? オデットのやつ 頑張っているみたいだな

Hm? That Odette, she sure seems to be doing a good job.

[★5] Silvie よーし ここは先輩として アツい想いをこめた拳で ドカーンと応援しないとね!

Alright. as the senior, using these flaming fists, I'll cheer em on with a KA-BLAMO!

[★5] Silvie よっしゃーオデットー! ぶちかましていけー!

Alrighty, Odette! Strike hard!

[★6] Ryan まだ足りないぞ…! ボクのために頑張れボク!

This isn't enough...! I have to hang in there for myself!

[★6] Rein 誰かのためにお弁当をつくる… なんてシゲキテキなの! ああ…応援するのって幸せ…っ!

Making a bento for someone... How exhilarating! Aah... Happiness is to be supportive...Mhm!

[★5] Odette こうして恋の応援をすれば 一人前に近づけるはずです!

Supporting love in such way will bring you one step closer!

[★5] Silvie まだちょっとぎこちないな~ ここはもっとアツく 応援するべきだよね!

Still a tad awkward~ Go even hotter, that's how you ought to cheer!

[★5] Arsil な…なによあの… アツくるしい軍団は…?

Wh...What is... This sweltering league...?

[★6] Fwarl まさに「だいれんさ」ですね!

It really is a "Large Chance"!