![[★6] Alex](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/d/da/Img405506.png/50px-Img405506.png) アレックス このあたりで 凶暴な鬼が あばれ回ってるという ウワサを 聞いてきたのだが…
Alex I've heard rumors of a ferocious oni wandering these parts...
 ![[★4] Kisaragi](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/5/59/Img206104.png/50px-Img206104.png) キサラギ ふふふふふ…… すばらしい……
Kisaragi Hehehehehe...... Exquisite......
 ![[★6] Alex](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/d/da/Img405506.png/50px-Img405506.png) アレックス 見たところ 凶暴そうではないし あばれ回ってもいない…
Alex From what I'm seeing, this one doesn't seem to be ferocious or wandering...
 ![[★6] Alex](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/d/da/Img405506.png/50px-Img405506.png) アレックス 人ちがい…いや 鬼ちがいだろうか?
Alex Wrong person... No, wouldn't it be "wrong oni"?
Kisaragi ...Hey, what's with you?
 ![[★4] Kisaragi](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/5/59/Img206104.png/50px-Img206104.png) キサラギ ああ… もしかして 「クラマサ」のミリョクに 引きよせられてしまったんだね?
Kisaragi Aah... Could it be you've been drawn in by Kuramasa's allure?
Alex "Kuramasa"?
  キサラギ しかたない… トクベツに 見せてあげるよ ふふふふふ……
Kisaragi Guess there's no choice... Have a peek at the best of the best. Hehehehehe......
Alex Gasp! He's trying to unsheathe his sword!
 ![[★6] Alex](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/d/da/Img405506.png/50px-Img405506.png) アレックス やはり キサマが ウワサの 凶暴な鬼だな!?
Alex I knew it. You, fiend, are the rumored ferocious oni!?
 ![[★6] Alex](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/d/da/Img405506.png/50px-Img405506.png) アレックス みなの者 集まれ! 総員抜刀!
Alex Everyone, gather round! All hands to the sword!
  ダニエル んんー 「ばっとー」って… なにをすればいいのん?
Danielle Hmmm...? "All hands"...? Why do we have to do that?
Josef Let's just enjoy yourselves! U-kikiki! ♪
  ハーピー それでは~♪ わたしの歌を~♪ きいてください~♪
Harpy C'mere~♪ Listen to my song~♪ If you please~♪
  アレックス お…おいっ!? 目の前を ちゃんと見ろ! 凶暴な鬼が刀を…
Alex H...Heeey!? Can't you see what's going on!? There's a ferocious sworded oni...
 ![[★4] Kisaragi](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/5/59/Img206104.png/50px-Img206104.png) キサラギ ホラ…どうだい? ボクの愛刀「クラマサ」は…
Kisaragi Here... What do you think of my beloved Kuramasa...?
  キサラギ とても 形のいいツバだろう? ふふふふふ……
Kisaragi Very nicely shaped handguard, huh? Hehehehehe......
 ![[★6] Alex](https://puyonexus.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/d/da/Img405506.png/50px-Img405506.png) アレックス ……そ…そんな… この鬼…まさか…
Alex ......Th-This...oni here...is actually just...
Alex Some sword super-fan!?