では おだいじに… これで 今日の診察はおしまいね Well then, take care... this concludes today's checkup.
まいど どうもー! 新種のキノコを売りにきたわよ♪ Thanks for your business~! I come bearing all-new varieties of 'shrooms♪.
あら ソニアじゃない めずらしいキノコはある? My, if it isn't Sonia. Got some weird new mushroom, do you?
これは グッスリタケの新種…? ぜひ いただくわ! Is this a new breed of Sleeping 'Shroom...? Then by all means, I'll take some!
ラッキ~! ヘンなキノコは グレタちゃんのところで 買い取ってくれるから ラクね♪ Lucky me~! I sure am lucky to have you here to buy up all my weird 'shrooms, Greta!
…いま なんだか 気になることをいわなかった? ...Did I perhaps hear something suspect leave your lips just now?
ううん なんでもないわよ♪ まいどあり~! Nope, not a thing♪! Much obliged as always~!
すみませ~ん よくねむれる薬は ありますか…? Pardon meeee~. Do you happen to sell any potent sleep aids here...?
たくさんヒツジを数えても ねむれなくて… ついに 幻覚が見えるようになっちゃって… Even after counting a whole bunch of sheep, I couldn't make myself sleepy... I think I'm starting to hallucinate at this point...
めええぇ~! はなしてぇ~ バロメッツは幻覚じゃないよぉ~ Meeeeeh~! Lemme gooo~! Baromett is Nooo Hallucination~!
それは大変! 待っていてちょうだい さっき手に入れた グッスリタケを… That's Terrible! Wait right there, I'll take this Sleeping 'Shroom that just came in...
きざんで すりつぶして まぜまぜ… こねこね… …できたわ! Chop it up, mash it up... stir stir... mix mix... ...and Done!
グッスリねむれる 特製のねむり薬よ イッキに飲みほして! Go on and chug down this Deluxe Super Sleepy Sleep Aid Shot!
ごくごくっ… これは… …うっ!? *glug glug*... This... Ngh!?
バターン! *Ba-Plunk!*
きゃあ! たおれるように ねむっちゃったわ! すごい効きめ! Kyah! He practically passed out cold! That sure is some potent stuff!
…こまったわね 仕上げに スクワットをすると もっと ぐっすりねむれるのに… ... Well this is a pain. Just some finishing squats and it would have made him even sleepier...
こら! 起きなさい! Hey! You wake up this second!
(Off-screen) うう… うう~ん… Uuu... mmmmnh~...
…おかしいわね ぜんぜん 目が覚めないわ ...How odd. His eyes won't budge a single inch.
そんなに効くお薬なんて 気になるめぇ… ペロっ♪ I'm not so sure about a medicine like that, meeh... *lick♪
…………!! に、に… ............!! B-Buh...
ニガいめええぇぇ~!! Bitterhhh, mehhhh~!!
まさか ねむったんじゃなくて… ニガすぎて キゼツしたのかも!? Could it be that it didn't induce sleepiness at all... it was so insanely bitter that it just knocked him out!?
(Off-screen) う~ん…う~ん… ガクッ… Nnnnngh~... Nnnnngh~... *Gackh*...
あらあら… 「良薬はクチにニガし」つまり よく効くお薬ほど ニガいのよね♪ My, oh my... "the more bitter the taste, the better the medicine", as they say. If it's that bitter, it must be good!
そ… そうかなあ…? You... you sure about that...?