Puyo Puyo!! Quest

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For more information about Puyo Puyo!! Quest, visit the Puyo Puyo!! Quest portal.

Puyo Puyo!! Quest

DeveloperSonic Team
PlatformsiOS, Android
Players1 player
Release dateiOS
Japan April 24th, 2013
Taiwan May 15th - Sept 30th, 2015
South Korea May 15th - Sept 30th, 2015


Japan June 11th, 2013
Taiwan May 15th - Sept 30th, 2015
South Korea May 15th - Sept 30th, 2015

Windows (DMM Game Player)

Japan March 1st, 2018 - June 27th, 2019

Puyo Puyo!! Quest, (ぷよぷよ!!クエスト Puyopuyo!! kuesuto) not to be confused with Puyo Puyo!! Quest Arcade or Puyo Puyo Quest (the RPG-esque mode in Puyo Puyo Box), is a Puzzle RPG spin off of the Puyo Puyo series. The game features puzzle elements that is never before seen in the franchise, and uses a card system similar to other mobile RPG such as Puzzle & Dragons. The game is renowned for reviving many older characters from across the franchise and introducing many new original characters.


Puyo Puyo!! Quest currently has three story categories: Main Story, Extra Maps, and Limited Worlds. There are also Manzai Demo which are not included with the "Worlds" that stories are divided into.

Main Story

Main article: PPQ:Story#Main Story

The main story was added in the game's 10.0.0 update and follows the rookie detective Atari and her adventures across spacetime with her superior Roquier, her boss Seo. Their jobs bring them to different places in space and time, eventually leading to encounters with Time Paradise Company employees Zero, Hachi, and their mysterious superior Issen. The intern and part-timer Towa was introduced in Volume 7 and acts as a sidekick to Atari.

Extra Maps

Main article: PPQ:Story#Extra Maps

The Extra Maps consist of the Ancient Adventures and Ancient Flipside Adventures. These campaigns were included prior to the main story implementation in version 10.0.0.

Limited Worlds

Main article: PPQ:Story#Limited Worlds

Limited Worlds are restricted to collaboration events and are only available for a set amount of time before being removed from the game.

Manzai Demo

Main article: :Category:PPQ:Manzai Demo Theater

There are also smaller, limited time stories associated with some events. These stories usually give context to a set of alternate costumes or a new series and are not always directly related to the game's main story. Access to these event stories is usually limited to the time an event is active and they expire once the event ends.


Puzzle Gameplay

Main article: PPQ:Puzzle Gameplay

Puyo Puyo!! Quest gameplay is different than traditional falling block style of the main series. However, the core rules of gameplay such as connecting 4 or more Puyos of the same color are retained with callbacks to certain Puyo Puyo game modes.

Character Cards and Deck

The collectible character cards, which come with various skills and abilities, are the main draw of the game. These cards can be obtained as drops in quests, in gacha, or by participating in events.

All cards are given one or two colors out of Red, Blue, Green, Yellow and Purple. Cards attack and charge for their active skills when Puyos of the same color are popped.

Cards come in four main types: Balance Type, HP Type, Attack Type and Recover Type, indicating how the card stats distribute.

To participate in the game's various modes and levels, a player must create a deck using cards in their inventory (called Card Box in-game). A deck can make up of at most 9 cards, including one leader card (whose leader skill will be active), four subordinate cards and four back-up cards. When cards are knocked out in game, the latter cards will move forward and fill the vacated spots.

Combination Bonus

Combination Bonus is activated when there are 3 or more different cards with a common trait next to each other in the deck (excluding the supporter). The cards involved will receive an additional 20% bonus on all stats while Combination Bonus is in effect.

All character cards will have at least one combination, while many have multiple. Combinations source their ideas from character backgrounds (e.g. Magic School students, Suzuran residents, merchants, characters unknown in origins), their roles in the main series, when applicable (e.g. final bosses, key members of OPP cast) and visible design elements (e.g. girls, boys, glasses, relating to plants or animals, horned). At most one Combination Bonus can be in effect at any time, the preference being determined by the number of cards involved, the position of the streak in the deck (leftmost first), and the nature of the combinations (more specific first).


Guilds can be made with other users. Guild Masters and Sub-Masters facilitate management of a guild. You must be at least level 20 to join a Guild.


In a guild, a player can support other players, or get support from them, in the form of sharing a support card. Guild Members can place up to 6 cards as support, one of each colour alongside a card of arbitrary colour. These cards have event bonus status conserved and can be used in Collection Events or Guild Events to take advantage of event bonuses, or in normal quest with the added benefit of a second Leader Skill.


Players can also yell guildmates which restores five Magic Points for both the player and the guildmate they yelled.

Message Board

Guild members can communicate via a simple bulletin board.

Guild Tower

Using TP (Tower Points) obtained in quests, players can increase the level of a guild's set of Guild Towers. As the Guild Towers grow, guild member's cards receive strength bonuses. Fairies used to be the method of leveling up Guild Towers, and were removed in the 10.0.0 update.[1]



Main article: :Category:PPQ:Events

Events in Puyo Puyo!! Quest are varied in play style and difficulty, allowing for collaboration between players both within and outside of one's guild.

Super Puyo Quest Project

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Reason: Further information on the implementation of the Super Puyo Quest Project is missing.

Teaser #1 (April 24, 2021)

During the Puyo Quest 8th Anniversary Special was an announcement of a new project, dubbed the "Super Puyo Quest Project".

Teaser #2 (June 18, 2021)

About two months and two weeks later during the 8th Anniversary Popularity Poll Result Announcement Special-!, Sega released another teaser for Super Puyo Quest Project. This time, numerous details were shown:

  • "Super Adventure"
  • "Super Appearance"
  • "Super Guild"
  • "Super Transformation"
  • Silhouettes of three new characters, confirmed to be the Quest "ARS" Trio.

The Super Puyo Quest Project was clarified to be "In response to everyone's passionate messages sent into the Puyo Quest Cheers Conference." and said to be the "largest Puyo Quest project ever". [2]

Teaser #3 (June 25, 2021)

About a week later, in an interview of Mizuki Hosoyamada and Harigane Skeleton with Dengeki Online, a fourth silhouetted character was shown. No other details were released.

Teaser #4 (August 5th, 2021)

About a month and ten days later, during the Puyo Puyo Quest x Re:Zero Collaboration Special, Sega released their fourth teaser for Super Puyo Quest Project. This teaser revealed 6 things:

  • The silhouette to a companion character to the new ARS trio.
  • Further collaboration with fellow guild members
  • An in-development video of gameplay
  • Addition to special training
  • A new story
  • A new setting

Game Implementation

Super Puyo Puyo!! Quest was implemented on October 26th, 2021 in a mandatory update to version 10.0.0.[3]

Returning Characters Roster

Character Color Cards
Akuma Akuma Purple Puyo Akuma
Amitie Amitie Red Puyo Amitie Sweet Amitie Stylish Amitie Santa Amitie Swordfighter Amitie Amitie ver. Mukku Amitie ver. PuyoChron Amitie ver. Sonic Amitie ver. PuyoTet Amitie ver. PuyoTouch Amitie ver. PuyoAngel Amitie ver. P4 Bursting Amitie Nice Batter Amitie Amitie ver. Witch Apprentice Amitie ver. PowerPros Amitie ver. Sakura Kinomoto Amitie ver. PuyoTet2 Amitie ver. Cure Dream Amitie ver. Eden Academy Coffee Shop Amitie Popping Amitie Steam City Amitie Ribbitie & Amitie Primp Town Amitie Wishing Star Amitie Happy Fairy Amitie Spotlight Amitie
Angelic Feli Angelic Feli Red PuyoPurple Puyo Angelic Feli Pure Angelic Feli
Archan Archan Red Puyo Archan
Arle Arle Blue Puyo Arle Arle ver. PuyoTet Santa Arle Arle ver. Winter Break Celebration Arle Crowned Arle Arle ver. Battle Arle ver. PuyoChron Arle ver. Sakura Arle ver. PuyoTouch Arle ver. PuyoEVA Gugugugu Arle Make Up Arle Ace Pitcher Arle Arle ver. PowerPros Undark Arle Seabreeze Arle Arle ver. Sakura Kinomoto Arle ver. PuyoTet2 Arle ver. Kagura Arle ver. Doraemon Arle ver. Jujutsu High Ministop Arle Valkyrie Arle Coffee Shop Arle Kitty Arle Arle & Carbuncle Steam City Arle Valkyries Arle & Carbuncle Primp Town Arle Adventuring Sorceress Arle Magnificent Curry Arle Allstar Academy Arle
Baldanders Baldanders Blue Puyo Baldanders
Banshee Trio Banshee Trio Purple Puyo Banshee Trio
Baromett Baromett Red Puyo Baromett
Cait Sith Cait Sith Yellow Puyo Cait Sith
Carbuncle Carbuncle Yellow Puyo Carbuncle Carbuncle ver. Anniversary Carbuncle ver. PuyoeSports Gatchan Carbuncle Halloween Carbuncle Carbuncle ver. PuyoTet2 Dark Carbuncle Carbuncle ver. PuyoChron Steam City Carbuncle Primp Town Carbuncle
Chico Chico Yellow Puyo Chico Worship Gown Chico Postal Chico Sunshine Hunter Chico Steam City Chico Chico ver. Shiny Luminous
Cockatrice Cockatrice Purple Puyo Cockatrice
Dapper Bones Dapper Bones Red Puyo Dapper Bones
Dark Arle Dark Arle Purple Puyo Dark Arle Dark Arle ver. Izu Valkyrie Dark Arle Dark Arlematsu Undark Arle
Dark Sig Dark Sig Blue PuyoRed Puyo Dark Sig
Donguri Gaeru Donguri Gaeru Green Puyo Donguri Gaeru Hokkori Gaeru Ribbitie & Amitie
Doppelganger Arle Doppelganger Arle Red Puyo Doppelganger Arle Dusklight Doppelganger Arle Valkyrie Doppelganger Arle
Draco Centauros Draco Centauros Green Puyo Draco Centauros Spirited Draco Teahouse Draco Midsummer Draco Draco ver. PuyoChron Santa Draco Draco ver. PuyoEVA Manager Draco Draco ver. PuyoTet2 Draco ver. Cure Rouge Vigorous Draco Steam City Draco Charmy Draco [★6] Altered Draco Miracle Charmy Draco Allstar Academy Draco Spotlight Draco
Ecolo Ecolo Yellow Puyo Ecolo Ecolo ver. PuyoChron Reindeer Ecolo Ecolo ver. Zenigata Player Ecolo Ecolo ver. PuyoTet2 Ecolo ver. Katsura Ecolo ver. Gendou Ecolo ver. Enma Daio Ecolo ver. Enma Daio Ecolo ver. Enma Daio Ecolo ver. Enma Daio Ecolo ver. Enma Daio Space☆Ecolo
Feli Feli Purple Puyo Feli Lovestruck Feli Chef Feli Feli ver. Kuromi Traveling Diviner Feli Feli ver. PuyoChron Feli ver. Hatsune Miku Santa Feli Balbal Feli Feli ver. Arale-chan Feli ver. Neko Musume Feli ver. PuyoTet2 Feli ver. Beatrice Steam City Feli Primp Town Feli Seafoam Feli Feli ver. Cure Magical
Frankensteins Frankensteins Yellow Puyo Frankensteins
Fufufu Fufufu Green Puyo Fufufu
Gogotte Gogotte Red Puyo Gogotte Steam City Gogotte
Harpy Harpy Yellow Puyo Harpy Songstress Harpy Harpy ver. PuyoChron Evening Cooling Harpy Rocker Harpy Steam City Harpy
Hohow Bird Hohow Bird Red Puyo Hohow Bird
Honey Bee Honey Bee Yellow Puyo Honey Bee
Incubus Incubus Purple Puyo Incubus Masked Incubus Blue Incubus
Jaan Jaan Blue Puyo Jaan Rain-sheltering Jaan Lamp Jaan
Kikimora Kikimora Red Puyo Kikimora Gardening Kikimora Kikimora ver. HW Steam City Kikimora
Klug Klug Purple Puyo Klug Diligent Klug Chef Klug Coffee Shop Klug Swordfighter Klug Klug ver. Kuromi Klug ver. PuyoChron Prim Klug Klug ver. Great Detective Klug ver. PuyoTet2 Klug ver. Shinpachi Klug ver. Puck Klug ver. Eden Academy Sparking Klug Steam City Klug Genius Knight Klug Primp Town Klug Sea Skyline Klug Lucid Stargazer Klug
Kodomo Dragon Kodomo Dragon Blue Puyo Kodomo Dragon Rowdy Ritual Kodomo Dragon
Lemres Lemres Green Puyo Lemres Chef Lemres Uncanny Lemres Traveling Bard Lemres Lemres ver. PuyoChron Lemres ver. Bourbon Tree Lemres Manager Lemres Sweets Hunter Lemres Lemres ver. PuyoTet2 Lemres ver. Doraemon Chill Lemres Starlight Lemres Steam City Lemres Primp Town Lemres Sugary Sweet Lemres Spotlight Lemres
Lidelle Lidelle Green Puyo Lidelle Furisode Lidelle Uncanny Lidelle Swordfighter Lidelle Lidelle ver. PuyoChron Andromeda Lidelle Miracle Hunter Lidelle Lidelle ver. Cure Lemonade Lidelle ver. Eden Academy Gallant Lidelle Steam City Lidelle [★5] Altered Lidelle Primp Town Lidelle Flower Bed Lidelle
Lycanthrope Lycanthrope Blue Puyo Lycanthrope
Maguro Maguro Blue Puyo Maguro Pike Stall Maguro Traveling Warlock Maguro Maguro ver. PuyoChron Maguro ver. KAITO Maguro ver. Goemon Tea Time Maguro Captured Maguro Maguro ver. Aoba Jousai High Maguro ver. PuyoTet2 Maguro ver. A.I.M.S. RisukuMaguro Star Seven★Maguro Street Maguro Steam City Maguro
Mamono Mamono Purple Puyo Mamono
Mandrake Mandrake Green Puyo Mandrake
Minotauros Minotauros Yellow Puyo Minotauros Gladiator Minotauros Masque the Great Steam City Minotauros
Momomo Momomo Yellow Puyo Momomo
Ms. Accord Ms. Accord Blue Puyo Ms. Accord Black Ms. Accord Ms. Accord ver. PuyoChron Tea Gathering Ms. Accord Big Popoi Steam City Ms. Accord Valkyrie Ms. Accord Primp Town Ms. Accord Allstar Academy Ms. Accord
Mummy Mummy Yellow Puyo Mummy
Nasu Grave Nasu Grave Purple Puyo Nasu Grave
Nohoho Nohoho Green Puyo Nohoho
Ocean Prince Ocean Prince Yellow Puyo Ocean Prince Ocean Prince ver. PuyoChron Prince Salde Rabbit Prince Midwinter Prince Salde Prince Salde ver. Penpen Prince Salde ver. Seigaku [★6] Prince Salde ver. PuyoChron King of Ocean Prince Steam City Shellbrick III
Oniko Oniko Red Puyo Oniko Stardrift Onion Pixie & Oniko
Onion Pixie Onion Pixie Yellow Puyo Onion Pixie Stardrift Onion Pixie & Oniko
Otomo Otomo Green Puyo Otomo Serious Otomo Stood-up Otomo Otomo Prince Steam City Otomo
Owlbear Owlbear Blue Puyo Owlbear
Pakista Pakista Blue Puyo Pakista
Panotty Panotty Green Puyo Panotty Maritime Panotty
Parara Parara Blue Puyo Parara
Popoi Popoi Purple Puyo Popoi Black Popoi Santa Claws Popoi Steam City Popoi Evil Popoi the Great
Raffina Raffina Yellow Puyo Raffina Sakura Raffina Diligent Raffina Swordfighter Raffina Raffina ver. PuyoChron Midsummer Raffina Raffina ver. Ran Sweet Raffina Make Up Raffina Raffina ver. Karasuno High Raffina ver. PuyoTet2 Raffina ver. Tsukuyomi Raffina ver. Eden Academy Kitty Raffina Martial Staff Raffina Steam City Raffina Primp Town Raffina Guiding Raffina
Ragnus Ragnus Purple Puyo Ragnus Powerful Ragnus Vacation Ragnus Ragnus ver. PuyoChron Ragnus ver. Ichiro Ogami Ragnus ver. Shinsengumi Ragnus ver. Hamushter Great Hero Ragnus Steam City Ragnus
Red Amitie Red Amitie Red PuyoYellow Puyo Red Amitie
Ringo Ringo Red Puyo Ringo Ringo ver. PuyoTet Greengrocer Ringo Ringo ver. Mukku Explorer Ringo Traveling Hero Ringo Ringo ver. PuyoChron Santa Ringo Ringo ver. Shadow Peachy Ringo Ringo ver. PuyoTouch Ringo ver. Lupin Ringo ver. Ulala Ringo ver. Sakura Kinomoto Ringo ver. PuyoTet2 Summery Ringo Spotlight Ringo Coffee Shop Ringo Kitty Ringo Ringomatsu Princess Ringo Ringo Ando Steam City Ringo Ringo ver. Cure White On-stage Ringo Ringo ver. Gyaru Cutie Puniru
Risukuma Risukuma Yellow Puyo Risukuma Kitchen Risukuma Traveling Sage Risukuma Risukuma ver. PuyoChron Risukuma ver. Division 24 Risukuma ver. Jigen Captured Risukuma Risukuma ver. PuyoTet2 Risukuma ver. Subaru Risukuma ver. Jujutsu High Missionary Risukuma Risumatsu Steam City Risukuma RisukuMaguro Shopping District Robot Risukuma
Rulue Rulue Red Puyo Rulue Takoyaki Shop Rulue Lovestruck Rulue Rulue ver. Mukku Rulue ver. PuyoChron Romance Hunter Rulue Rulue ver. PuyoTet2 Rulue ver. Misato Gorgeous Rulue Sparkling Rulue Steam City Rulue Flash Attack Rulue Martial Ball Rulue Primp Town Rulue Dark Princess!? Rulue Allstar Academy Rulue Spotlight Rulue
Satan Satan Green Puyo Satan Santa Satan Celebration Satan Satan ver. PuyoChron Satan ver. PuyoTet Satan ver. Conan Satan ver. PuyoAngel Satan ver. PuyoeSports Dark Pitcher Satan Satan ver. PowerPros Satan ver. PuyoTet2 Dream Satan Spotlight Satan Dazzling Satan Satan & Carbuncle [★7] Altered Satan Steam City Satan Miracle Quizshow Satan-sama Dark Princes Satan & Carbuncle Primp Town Satan
Schezo Schezo Purple Puyo Schezo Nekomimi Schezo Reindeer Schezo Aloha Shirt Schezo Schezo ver. Kuromi Ninja Schezo Schezo ver. PuyoChron Schezo ver. Toru Amuro (Poirot) Schezo ver. Division 24 Schezo ver. Nekoma High Pegasus Schezo King of Darkness Schezo Schezo ver. PuyoTet2 Schezo ver. Gintoki Cool Schezo Crescent Schezo Steam City Schezo Schezo Barnaby & Wild Black Tiger Double-edged Mage Schezo Allstar Academy Schezo
Scylla Scylla Red Puyo Scylla Pole-fishing Scylla Hunting Drive Scylla
Serilly Serilly Blue Puyo Serilly Eversummer Serilly Lovestruck Serilly Serilly ver. PuyoChron Curtain Call Serilly Otohime Serilly Steam City Serilly Bubbly Santa Serilly
Sig Sig Blue Puyo Sig Yukata Sig Crowned Sig Santa Sig Swordfighter Sig Rabbit Sig Sig ver. PuyoChron Sig ver. PuyoTet Sig ver. Kitty Diligent Sig Sig ver. P3 Sig ver. Seijuro Kamiyama Shigushigu Sig Sig ver. Gegege no Kitaro Sig ver. PuyoTet2 Sig ver. Eden Academy Kitty Sig Blue Sky Sig Ecstatic Sig Steam City Sig Primp Town Sig Raincloud Nine Sig Debug Master Sig
Samurai Mole Samurai Mole Green Puyo Samurai Mole
Sasori Man Sasori Man Red Puyo Sasori Man Midsummer Sasori Man
Skeleton T Skeleton T Blue Puyo Skeleton T Relaxed Skeleton T
Strange Klug Strange Klug Red Puyo Strange Klug Strange Klug ver. Woz Strange Klug ver. Eden Academy Yellow Strange Klug Strange Klugmatsu Even Stranger Klug Primp Town Strange Klug Kitty Strange Klug Steam City Strange Klug
Suketoudara Suketoudara Red Puyo Suketoudara Flame Suketoudara Suketoudara ver. PuyoChron Suketoudara ver. Culprit Suketoudara ver. Teddie Suketoudara ver. PuyoTet2 Suketoudara ver. Doraemon ChristmaSuketoudara Charmy Suketoudara Dancing Star Suketoudara
Tartar Tartar Blue Puyo Tartar Tartar ver. Higa Steam City Tartar
Unusual Ecolo Unusual Ecolo Purple PuyoBlue Puyo Unusual Ecolo
Will-o-wisp Will-o-wisp Purple Puyo Will-o-wisp
Witch Witch Yellow Puyo Witch Santa Witch Crowned Witch Witch ver. Winter Break Witch ver. PuyoChron Witch ver. Arale-chan Witch ver. PuyoTet2 Witch ver. Emilia Green Witch Kitty Witch Red Witch Steam City Witch Moonlight Witch Concoctive Witch Flourishing Witch Majestic Queen Witch Primp Town Witch Spotlight Witch
Yellow Satan Yellow Satan Yellow PuyoGreen Puyo Yellow Satan
Yu & Rei Yu & Rei Purple Puyo Yu & Rei Reindeer Yu & Rei Yu & Rei ver. PuyoChron Players Yu & Rei Yu & Rei ver. Nezumi Otoko Primp Town Yu & Rei
Zoh Daimaoh Zoh Daimaoh Yellow Puyo Zoh Daimaoh Ornate Zoh Daimaoh




An extended archive of these illustrations including links to the original posts and their captions can be found at the link below.

Main article: Puyo Puyo!! Quest/Illustration Archive

Full-screen Art


Promotional Images


Puyo Puyo Quest!! Opening animation
Let's Head Out, On We Go! Puyo Puyo!!! (ココからもっと!ぷよぷよ!!! Koko Kara Motto! Puyo Puyo!!!) View fan-translated lyrics

Gameplay Videos

Promotional video showcasing gameplay
Battling against other players
