PPQ:Satan ver. PuyoChron

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For this character's general appearance in the whole series, see Satan.

Satan ver. PuyoChron
サタン ver.ぷよクロ
Green Puyo
Green Puyo
Balance Type Single Attack Material
Single Attack
First Int.: 2016/12/12
CV: Chikara Ousaka (逢坂力)
Edit dataRefresh
[★4] Satan ver. PuyoChron
サタン ver.ぷよクロ
[★4] Satan ver. PuyoChron
[★4] Satan ver. PuyoChron
[[File:Img{{{ts}}}.png|96px|[★4] Satan ver. PuyoChron (Extra Power Change)|link=PPQ:Satan ver. PuyoChron/★4]]
Green Puyo
HP 755~1740
ATK 222~633
RCV 50~298
Transformation Fusion
Img370103.png ×1
Img370103.png ×1
Img370104.png ×1
Img370105.png ×1
Img370505.png ×1
[★4] Satan ver. PuyoChron ×?
★7-transform Board
Power Strawberry
Healing Eggplant
Endurance Asparagus
×{{{hs7}}} each
[★4] Satan ver. PuyoChron
any one of:
[★4] Satan ver. PuyoChron

any 5
Extra Training Board
[★5] Satan ver. PuyoChron
サタン ver.ぷよクロ
[★5] Satan ver. PuyoChron
[★5] Satan ver. PuyoChron
[[File:Img{{{ts}}}.png|96px|[★5] Satan ver. PuyoChron (Extra Power Change)|link=PPQ:Satan ver. PuyoChron/★5]]
Green Puyo
HP 1447~3093
ATK 506~1212
RCV 110~639
Transformation Fusion
Img370103.png ×1
Img370104.png ×1
Img370105.png ×1
Img370505.png ×1
Img370506.png ×1
[★5] Satan ver. PuyoChron ×?
★7-transform Board
Power Strawberry
Healing Eggplant
Endurance Asparagus
×{{{hs7}}} each
[★5] Satan ver. PuyoChron
any one of:
[★5] Satan ver. PuyoChron

any 5
Extra Training Board
[★6] Satan ver. PuyoChron
サタン ver.ぷよクロ
[★6] Satan ver. PuyoChron
[★6] Satan ver. PuyoChron
[[File:Img{{{ts}}}.png|96px|[★6] Satan ver. PuyoChron (Extra Power Change)|link=PPQ:Satan ver. PuyoChron/★6]]
Green Puyo
HP 2206~3712
ATK 1051~1697
RCV 260~744
Transformation Fusion
[[File:Img{{{hs1}}}.png|30px|link=]] ×1
[[File:Img{{{hs2}}}.png|30px|link=]] ×1
[[File:Img{{{hs3}}}.png|30px|link=]] ×1
[[File:Img{{{hs4}}}.png|30px|link=]] ×1
[[File:Img{{{hs5}}}.png|30px|link=]] ×1
[★6] Satan ver. PuyoChron ×?
★7-transform Board
Power Strawberry
Healing Eggplant
Endurance Asparagus
×{{{hs7}}} each
[★6] Satan ver. PuyoChron
Green Sir Wilde (30)
any one of:
[★6] Satan ver. PuyoChron
Green Sir Wilde (30)

any 5
Extra Training Board
Acquisition Means
Magic Stone Gacha Magic Stone Gacha:
Once-per-day Free Gacha Once-per-day Free Gacha
Silver Ticket Gacha Silver Ticket Gacha
Gold Ticket Gacha Gold Ticket Gacha
Premium Ticket Gacha Premium Ticket Gacha
Platinum Ticket Gacha Platinum Ticket Gacha
Event Limited Character Ticket Gacha Event Limited Character Ticket Gacha
Puyo Fest 10%/Gtd. Ticket Gacha Puyo Fest Ticket Gacha
Cross Ability 10% Ticket Gacha Cross Ability 10% Ticket Gacha
Full Power 10% Ticket Gacha Full Power 10% Ticket Gacha
Summons Point Gacha Summons Point Gacha
Summons Point Gacha Mix-up Summons:
Wilde Stone only:
PuyoPoint Exchange PuyoPoint Exchange:
Fixture Wilde Stone Voucher Fixture Wilde Stone Voucher
Equivalent Characters of
Satan サタン
Satan Santa Satan Celebration Satan Satan ver. PuyoChron Satan ver. PuyoTet Satan ver. Conan Satan ver. PuyoAngel Satan ver. PuyoeSports Dark Pitcher Satan Satan ver. PowerPros Satan ver. PuyoTet2 Dream Satan
Yellow Satanexc.
Dazzling Satanexc.
Satan & Carbuncleexc.
[★7] Altered Satanexc.
Steam City Satanexc.
Masked Satanexc.
Miracle Quizshow Satan-samaexc.
Dark Princes Satan & Carbuncleexc.
See also: {{|seealso}}