Maguro Sasaki

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Maguro Sasaki

Maguro, as he appears in Puyo Puyo Puzzle Pop.
RomanizationSasaki Maguro
IPA/'məɡʊrɒ saˌsaki/
Other NamesChinese 佐佐木鲔鱼 (zuǒzuǒmùwěiyú)
Chinese 鮪魚
Hangul 마구로 (Maguro)
Russian Магуро (Maguro)
Personal Info
BirthdayJanuary 5 (Capricorn)[1]
Blood typeO
AgeJunior high school age[2]
Notable Appearances
First appearancePuyo Puyo 7
Latest appearancePuyo Puyo Puzzle Pop
Voice Actor(s)
JapaneseYūki Ishikari
EnglishSpike Spencer
Puyo Puyo!! Quest information
Maguro Pike Stall Maguro Traveling Warlock Maguro Maguro ver. PuyoChron Maguro ver. KAITO Maguro ver. Goemon Tea Time Maguro Captured Maguro Maguro ver. Aoba Jousai High Maguro ver. PuyoTet2 Maguro ver. A.I.M.S. RisukuMaguro Star Seven★Maguro Street Maguro Steam City Maguro

Maguro Sasaki is a student at the school in Puyo Puyo 7. He lives in the Suzuran Shopping District with Ringo, as the eldest son of a fishmonger. He is Ringo's childhood friend, and frequently spends time with her in the physics clubroom, though he does not appear to be interested in conducting experiments himself. He is reportedly to be skilled at studying, cooking, and games. He constantly carries a Puyo-themed kendama, a toy similar to a yo-yo or ball-in-cup, as he is an avid gamer; the tricks he performs with this toy comprise his attack animations. He has a unique quirk of adding ★ at the end of his sentences.


Personal History

Maguro lives in Suzuran like Ringo and Risukuma where his family runs a fishmongery. He has one younger brother.[3]


Maguro is a teen who's most distinctive feature is his purple hair that covers his eyes. His eyes are never shown, which in Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary is suggested to be a fail-safe measure so he doesn't accidentally infatuate everyone, due to apparently being very beautiful. He also carries around a Puyo-themed kendama.

His normal attire is a white shirt with a purple tie, grey jeans, a watch on his left wrist, and violet shoes. In Puyo Puyo 7 he instead wears a dark grey jacket, and curiously has much sharper teeth then normal. In Puyo Puyo Tetris he wears a white sweater vest with a blue diamond pattern over his normal attire.


He's rather strange and sarcastic, often talking in a smooth talking manner and generally being level headed. Though normally calm, he will start panicking if things go wrong. He is something of a gamer, disclosing his concerns about tabletop gaming to Risukuma in Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary. A recurring quirk with his speech is that he tends to end his sentences with a star.


He is skilled with using his kendama as an improvised weapon. His spells reference this gimmick, and include Swing In/ふりけん [Furiken], Lightning Drop/稲妻落とし [Inazuma Otoshi], Moon Circle/円月殺法 [Engetsu Sappou], Earth Turn/地球回し [Chikyū Mawashi], Backhand Slip Grip Special/太陽極意 [Taiyō Gokui], Butterfly Dance/胡蝶の舞 [Kochō-no Mai], and Sidewinder, all of which are kendama tricks. Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary reveals that his eyes are apparently so beautiful they can make anyone regardless of gender or species fall in love with him, dubbed by Ringo as the "Beauty Beam".


Ecolo and Maguro seen to dislike each other. Maguro is close to Ringo, which leads Ecolo to despise him.
Ringo is Maguro's clubmate and childhood friend, and the two are quite close to each other.
Another friend and fellow clubmate at school. Risukuma is senior to Maguro.


Puyo Puyo 7

Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary

Maguro is one of the 24 playable characters of Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary. He is with Risukuma and Ringo in the physics clubroom when Risukuma's experiment explodes, transferring and dispersing the three of them to Primp Town. He is unlocked after Ringo's route, which is the first in the game.

Maguro's Story

Maguro's story in Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary. Ringo accompanies throughout his route and inadvertently gets him into Puyo battles with those they meet. His opponents are:


Ringo is bored and feels like seeing Maguro's face. Maguro refuses, but Ringo demand through a puyo battle. Even after he wins however, he relents to her demands.


Maguro's second opponent is Amitie, who arrives in a blur of excitement and misconception about what Ringo and Maguro were up to. After a puyo battle and some explanation, Amitie decides she also wants to tag along and test Maguro's "Beauty Beam" on others.


Amitie approaches Lidelle and gets her to look towards Maguro, who relents into showing his face to Lidelle. Lidelle falls in love, and requests a puyo battle. Afterwards, she appears to be in a dizzy state. Maguro, the ever unwilling participant, asks if that's enough, but Amitie and Ringo want to find more test subjects.


Amitie and Ringo come across Klug and decide to test Maguro's "Beauty Beam". Klug falls in love and reacts frantically, asking Maguro to stay afar. After a puyo battle, Klug appears to be in a dizzy state. Ringo concludes that the beam works on boys as well. Amitie and Ringo then decide to test it on someone unusual.


Amitie and Ringo bring Maguro to the beach, where they find Suketoudara. Suketoudara reacts to Maguro's "Beauty Beam" by dancing a courtship dance, much to Maguro's distress. They puyo battle, afterwards leaving Suketoudara in a dizzy state. Maguro asks if they're done now, and Amitie assents, her curiosity fulfilled, and leaves.


Maguro's sixth opponent is Risukuma, who asks what Maguro and Ringo are up to. Ringo explains that they were testing the effect of his beautiful face. Risukuma wants to see it as well, but Maguro refuses, saying that he is done for the day. Risukuma proposes they do an "unveiling" exchange: Maguro shows Risukuma his face for Risukuma showing Maguro his naked body. Maguro rejects this, leading to a puyo battle.


Having lost his chance to see Maguro's face, Risukuma asks why Ringo is unaffected by Maguro's "Beauty Beam". Ringo explains that since they've been together so long, it doesn't seem all that surprising to her. Ringo asks if Maguro is disappointed, to which he responds "especially". For no real reason, Ringo suggests a puyo battle. Afterwards, Risukuma implies that he can see love in their puyo battle, and decides to stealthily leave.


Maguro's eighth and final opponent is Ecolo, who appears out of nowhere, declaring that Maguro and Ringo's conversation and battle were going into an unacceptable territory. Ecolo further yells that Maguro's existence as a super beautiful boy doesn't make sense, and angrily challenges him to a puyo battle. After losing to Maguro, Ecolo insults him and says they hate him before leaving.

Afterwards, with just the two of them again, Maguro mentions that he thinks he'll make Roll Cabbage for dinner. Ringo is excited, since Maguro is also skilled at cooking.

Other Characters' Stories

Ringo's Story

Maguro features as Ringo's fifth opponent. The two of them share a friendly puyo battle in celebration of being reunited.

Risukuma's Story

Maguro serves as Risukuma's fifth opponent. Maguro speaks to Risukuma of his fear of 'board games', 'analogue games' and 'gamebooks' becoming obsolete, due to the increasing popularity of 'digital games'. He states of a wish for them to be 'circulated' more frequently, rather than purchased for high prices, and hoarded as 'Collector's Items', stating how much of an enjoyable experience it is, to tackle such genres, with the open imagination of a child's. Risukuma's patience and composure are slowly lost as Maguro continues, and when Maguro is finished, Risukuma, in his panicked state, begs to just Puyo battle him, which Maguro accepts. Upon his victory, Risukuma admits that "somewhere in the middle, the bear had completely lost track of the conversation, nevertheless, Maguro admits that he feels better, having got it "off his chest", and battled. Maguro suggests doing it all again "sometime" and leaves, to which Risukuma states "Again... hopefully not..."

Puyo Puyo Tetris

Maguro's first appearance in Puyo Puyo Tetris, is at the start of Chapter 2, when he notices Tee's ship crash onto the roof of Suzuran High. He seeks out Ringo after class, and briefs her on the presence of the ship, leading Ringo straight to Tee and the damaged SS Tetra. When Ringo and Tee are tipped off about the location of Jay & Elle by Zed, Maguro tags along in the search. After the "two nasty and cruel people" are caught and cornered, Maguro is tasked with returning Jay and Elle back to the Tetra. Their objections are short lived, due to Ringo's previous victory against them in a battle. Maguro is later seen back at the school with the other members of previous events within the game, having done his share of introductions along with the others, his concern focused on Ringo, when the corrupted trio of Feli, Raffina, and Rulue appear. Maguro stays behind at Suzuran High, and says one last goodbye to Ess when Ringo, Tee, Amitie, Arle, and Ess, go in search of Ecolo.


  • While originally conceived as a blue magical girl who was the daughter of a fishmonger, he was later changed to a boy during the planning stages of Puyo Puyo 7 since the designers felt that there were already a large number of female characters in the series[4].
  • Maguro has an asymmetrical design in Mega/Deka form. However, since neither of his other two forms have asymmetry, no additional art and animations were coded to reflect this, not even in the Wii and PSP versions.
  • His name means tuna, which makes some sense considering he is the son of a fishmonger. His Mini/Chibi form also reflects upon this somewhat.
  • Despite being skilled with a kendama, Maguro's spell animations are not accurate depictions of the tricks he uses.
  • A drama CD revealed that when Maguro was younger, he was bullied by the other boys in his class out of jealousy, due to his handsome looks.
  • In Puyo Puyo Tetris 2, Maguro is said to have a cat, which Ringo once overfed with rice.
  • In Puyo Puyo Tetris 2, Maguro has an unused manzai demo.
  • His namesakes are Tomoko Sasaki, a former Sega of Japan composer, and her favorite word maguro (まぐろ) (Japanese: tuna)[5].

Alternate Voices

  • In Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary, his voice becomes lower-pitched. This tone is generally used in subsequent games in the Japanese version, though there are a few exceptions; in Puyo Puyo Tetris, his lines are spoken in an ominous way (like Ringo), and in Puyo Puyo Chronicle, it sounds more closer to his normal voice than Puyo Puyo!!.
    • In the English version of Puyo Puyo Tetris, he speaks in a suave voice.
      • Around late-February 2018 to mid-March 2018, the Steam port of Puyo Puyo Tetris had an audio glitch that Maguro's Japanese alternate voices are used by Amitie instead. This is fixed in the updated version of mid-March 2018.
  • In Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 in both languages, he sounds monotone as if he is bored, though the English version also includes hints of annoyance in his tone. A similar situation happens with Carbuncle.
  • In Puyo Puyo Puzzle Pop, his voice is deeper, almost like his Deka form in Puyo Puyo 7.
    • In the English version, he uses an aged tone, with the inclusion of an Australian Accent.


Puyo Puyo


Character profiles

See the respective PPQ-namespace card pages of Maguro for the character's in-game description in Puyo Puyo!! Quest.

Game Description

"Ringo's childhood friend and classmate. He is always finding new hobbies to fill his time!"
"Ringo's childhood friend and eldest son of a fishmonger. Has many skills and interests,
including kendama, games, and cooking."
"An eccentric, yet very cool, student at Suzuran Junior High who can’t settle on one hobby."
(Character Select)

"Ringo's smart and stylish friend!" (Adventure Mode Intro)

Character specific mechanics

Puyo Puyo/Tetris

Game Mode


Pieces Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Puyo
11 2 1 2 40

Puyo Puyo 7 only

Identical to that of Donguri Gaeru and Ai.

Pieces Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Puyo
12 1 1 2 39


Pieces Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Puyo
3 4 2 4 3 64


Puyo Pieces Tetrimino
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 SP
or or

Ice Blocks Nuisance Pattern



Due to the large number of chants for Maguro Sasaki, the full list is moved to a separate page. See Maguro Sasaki/Chants.


Due to the large number of images for Maguro Sasaki, the gallery is moved to a separate page. See Maguro Sasaki/Gallery.


  1. Puyo Puyo Chronicle
  2. Puyo Puyo 7. Maguro attends a 中学校 (chūgakkō), where students range from 12-15 years old.
  3. Puyo Puyo Puzzle Pop Profile
  4. Nintendo DREAM Volume 183 - Puyo Puyo 7 Concept Art Article Translation by Nenilein on the Wayback Machine