Puyo Puyo Tetris 2
Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 | |
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Developer | Sega |
Publisher | Sega |
Platform | PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch, Windows |
Players | 1-8 players |
Release date | PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and S, Nintendo Switch
Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 (ぷよぷよテトリス 2) is the sequel to Puyo Puyo Tetris, released on December 8th, 2020 for all current and last generation consoles.
All modes from Puyo Puyo Tetris return, such as Swap, Party, and Fusion, as well as Skill Battle from Puyo Puyo Chronicle.
Post-launch support, in the form of new characters and features, was released via free updates from January to March 2021. In June 2021, Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 received its final update and the development team for the game was disbanded.
Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 is notable for being the first game that allowed international players to compete in Sega's official esport events. This game is followed by Puyo Puyo Puzzle Pop.
Note that the "Puyo Puyo"/"Tetris" columns here describe which option is hovered by default when selecting a character in non-Swap/Fusion rules on Solo, Multiplayer and Online menus, not the universes in Adventure Mode.
- Puyo Puyo
- Ringo
- Arle
- Amitie
- Maguro
- Carbuncle
- Sig
- Risukuma
- Suketoudara
- Witch
- Draco Centauros
- Schezo
- Marle
- Ecolo
- Ally
- Tetris
At launch the game has 28 characters in total.[1] Additional characters were released throughout early 2021.
Additional Characters
The first set of characters coincided with the first wave on 14 January 2021.
The second set of characters coincided with the second wave on 4 February 2021.
The final set of characters coincided with the final wave on 4 March 2021.
Boss Raids
Some characters appearing in online Boss Raids may have their default play styles switched.
- Puyo Puyo
- Tetris
Adventure Mode
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Reason: Each chapter is missing plot summary. |
The story mode takes place on an overworld map, where you move from location to location. Multiple worlds exist, though worlds can be part of multiple Chapters. The journey goes through Suzuran, the S.S. Tetra, Primp Town, the Constellation Zone, the Edge of Two Worlds, and Grimp. Aside from the main Missions, there is a Side Story in most chapters that can be accessed after all the main missions in said chapter have been completed, as well as optional Missions that can be accessed when they become reachable on the world map. Missions in Adventure Mode initially have three stars, like in the previous game. Once the entire chapter has been 3 starred, a fourth star is available to obtain as well. Skill Battle missions may also have bonus rewards for completing certain challenges. An Auto Difficulty setting is available where the level of difficulty matches your performance.
After selecting whether or not to use auto-difficulty (which adjusts the CPU difficulty, garbage rate, and garbage delay automatically based on performance), the story begins with somebody named Marle talking to an unseen figure, before even the world map.
Times shown are in minutes:seconds.
Chapter 1 - A Fateful Reunion
The story starts in Suzuran, with Ringo talking to herself about how peaceful it is. She then decides that, actually, peace is rather boring and it would be more fun if something crazy happened, like all of her friends bursting out of the sky. Suddenly, Tee and O appear in front of her. Tee makes a Captain's report, noting that he and O were summoned by Ex. Ringo and Tee both remark on the sense of familiarity they have for each other before Ex suddenly appears and interrupts them. Ex has Ringo and Tee battle each other. Ringo uses Puyo and Tee uses Tetris, much to the other's shock. After the battle, Tee and Ringo introduce themselves, which jogs their memory of each other. Ex asks for help stopping a strange force which is trying to merge the Puyo and Tetris worlds again. Ringo picks up on the fact that this isn't the first time this has happened. Ex tells Ringo that he senses that someone is behind the merging of the worlds, and if the worlds do merge they will be consumed by chaos. He asks Ringo and Tee to find out who is causing the merging of worlds, and then promptly leaves. Tee suggests they start by finding some people to help on their quest, but communications with his crew are taking a while so Ringo suggests that they find her friends instead. Maguro arrives and Ringo Puyo battles Maguro to explain their situation. Maguro joins the party and the group head off to find Risukuma, who is in the middle of an experiment. Ringo urges Tee to go and talk to him, which distracts Ris and causes his experiment to explode, prompting a Puyo battle. Ris is defeated, and agrees to join the quest. Ringo asks if they've seen anything suspicious, and Ris and Maguro tell her that they saw Amitie and Arle in the shopping district. Ringo, O and Tee head to the shopping district where they find Marle mumbling about merging the worlds. Ringo confronts her, and Marle runs away after Ringo deduces that she's the culprit. Puyos and Tetriminos appear in the shopping district, and Ringo and Tee work together to clear them. Ringo finds Amitie, and Tee battles her so that she can get aquainted with Tetris. The group then look for Arle, but O runs off and finds Arle and Carbuncle, who he promptly battles and becomes friends with. The rest of the group catch up to O, where they also find Arle and Carbuncle. Arle is overwhelmed by the whole situation, so Ringo battles her to calm her down. Everyone then goes back to Suzuran High, where they reunite with Ris and Maguro and also find Marle. Maguro questions Marle, who reveals that she wanted everyone to meet and battle each other, so she can spread fun. Marle battles Ringo's team before running away. Suddenly, Ess appears, berating Tee for leaving her on the S.S. Tetra. Tee tries to calm her down, and brings her up to speed on what's going on.
Chapter 2 - All Aboard the SS Tetra
After explaining the situation and introducing Ess to everyone, she's still upset with Tee for leaving her, so the two battle. After being defeated, Ess agrees to help with the quest and leads everyone (barring Ris and Maguro) to the S.S. Tetra. Ess gives everyone a tour, and battles Amitie while describing training excercises. She then leaves to find Zed, and puts Tee in charge of the tour. Tee takes everyone to the greenhouse, where they find a panicked Ai seemingly running away from Jay and Elle. Jay and Elle demand a battle before they tell Tee what Ai was really running away from, and after being defeated they reveal that Ai was afraid of an eerie presence of the ship. The group go and find Ai and after battling to calm him down, Ai says that he felt the eerie presence while on his way to the engine room. The group rush over to the engine room where they find Ess and Zed. Tee asks if they've seen anyone suspicious, and Zed says that his memories regarding the matter have been compromised. After battling him to jog his memory, Zed points the group down the corridor that the suspicious figure went down. Amitie asks if Zed is really Ess's papa, and Ess battles her in response. They searching the ship, until they eventually find Marle. Marle tells the group that since the worlds are merged, they'll get to have fun battling for all eternity. She then runs away again, while Puyos appeear in the ship. Amitie and Arle work together to clear the Puyos, and O explains (via Tee) that while they were battling, power was released that Marle absorbed for herself. The group catch up to Marle again, and when Tee confronts her Marle reveals that she didn't know she was absorbing the power released from battles. Marle says that she wants to make sure everything is fun forever, but Arle points out that Marle isn't having fun at all, and she's doing this against her will. Ringo and Amitie try to explain the true meaning of fun to Marle, but she shuts them down with a battle. She asks desperately if the group had fun during the battle, eventually breaking down. Amitie says that they should have a battle that's actually fun, but Marle says that she isn't allowed, and that it's not "right", before dissappearing. Lemres suddenly appears on the ship, requesting help in Primp town before warping everyone there.
Optional Missions
Tee makes a routine report to O, reporting that the constellation zone seems normal. Ess barges in, asking why Tee makes the same exact report every day. Tee excplains that it's his duty to make a report before Ex suddenly appears and takes Tee and O with him. Ess is left alone until Zed arrives to comfort her with a battle. Ess feels better, and then explains what happened to Tee and O. Zed suggests that they follow O's signals to find them, so Ess and Zed go and find Ai for help. They ask Ai to use his tracking device to find O, but after learning the ship is without a captain, Ai freaks out and has to be calmed down with a battle. Ai uses his tracking device to find O, and discovers that O is warping to a distant world and is beyond the range of Ai's device. Ess and Zed don't undertand the mystic powers at play, so they go to find Jay and Elle who have a mystic power of their own, and might understand better. Jay and Elle reveal that they've already searched for Tee and O using their powers, but won't tell what they found out unless Ess beats them in a battle. Ess gets angry, but Zed suggests that a battle may help Jay and Elle search for Tee and O, so Ess agrees and battles them. Jay and Elle successfully find them, and Ai uses their results and the results from his tracking device to find their location. To find Tee and O, the crew have to fly the S.S. Tetra into uncharted territory, which unnerves Ess. Zed and Ai present a hollogram of Tee, and tell Ess that battling it should help her. Ess feels much more confident after the battle, and steers the ship towards Tee and O.
Chapter 3 - Rendezvous at Primp!
Everyone arrives at Primp Town, and Lemres tells Amitie and Arle that their friends are in danger. Lemres sends Amitie and Arle to go and find their friends while he asks Ringo and Tee to help pinpoint the source of the chaos in Primp. Tee remarks that he doesn't know if he can trust Lemres, so the two battle to establish some trust. Ringo asks Lemres to tell them everything he knows about the situation. He explains that he sensed something was watching him and started digging around, discovering Marle who wanted to plunge the world into chaos. Lemres explains that some people call Marle the "dimensional parasite", because she wants the words merged and for everyone to keep battling each other. He says that she seems particularly interested in Ringo and Tee, so Lemres decided to stick around with them. Suketoudara arrives and suddenly challenges them to a battle. Lemres reveals that when the Dimensional Parasite corrupts someone, they'll wander around mindlessly challenging people to battle, and that battling someone who isn't corrupted can snap them out of it. After being defeated, Suketoudara returns to normal. Ringo realises that Suketoudara must have seen the Dimensional Parasite, and he points them in the direction that she went. Ringo wonders why Marle is so obsessed with her and Tee, and deduces that Ex must have brought them together for a reason. Before she can work out the reason Draco arrives, corrupted, and challenges her to a battle. After being defeated and freed, Draco points the group further into the woods. Next they run into Ecolo, who tells Ringo that Marle is no longer in the woods. Ecolo reveals that he's also been corrupted, and got corrupted on purpose just so Ringo would come and save him. Ringo defeats Ecolo, and in return he tells her that he, Satan and Ex all knew about Marle's plan to merge the worlds before it began, and were trying to think of ways to stop it. Ecolo asks Ringo to help Marle, and says that they should meet up with Amitie and Arle before he goes into the details.
Meanwhile, at Primp Magic School, Amitie finds Raffina and Lidelle. Lidelle reveals that Raffina has been battling her non-stop, and asks Amitie to help her. After being defeated, Raffina comes to her senses and joins Amitie on her quest to find Marle. They head inside the school and find Sig, and Amitie asks if he's feeling alright. Sig tells her that a strange girl came by earlier and battled him, and his left hand has been weird ever since. Amitie and Raffina can't tell if Sig's been corrupted, so Raffina decides to just battle him anyway. Sig tells Amitie that his hand has stopped being loud now and he, albeit reluctanly, joins the party. Klug is being harrassed by Feli, remarking on how strange she's been acting, and that even his book has a strange feeling to it. He also notes that this first started when he and Feli battled a mysterious girl. The party arrives, and Klug sheepishly asks them for help. Sig battles Feli, and after being defeated she comes to her senses. Klug and Feli join the party, and everyone leaves to regroup with Lemres.
While that's happening, Arle and Carby head to the Primp Town Shopping District. Arle talks to Carbuncle about how Rulue and Schezo would be upset if she assumed they needed her help and calls Schezo a creeper, prompting him to appear. Schezo asks Arle to confirm something for him, and challenges her to a battle. Before Schezo can reveal what it was, Witch arrives and challenges him to a battle. Schezo tells Arle that some kind of power has taken over Witch, and asks if Arle knows anything about it. Schezo defeats Witch in a battle, which snaps her out of it, and she reveals that she started acting strange after seeing a mysterious girl. Arle fills them in on what's been going on and Schezo reveals that some time ago he saw Marle, who challenged him to a Puyo Battle. Schezo defeated her, and she ran away, but Schezo felt that she was just measuing his strength. Arle, Witch and Schezo all team up to go and stop Marle, but before they can Rulue appears and challenges Arle to a battle. After defeating her, Arle asks if Rulue feels better, but she reveals that she was never corrupted and just felt like battling Arle. Arle decides they should go and find Satan, and hearing this Rulue decides to join the party.
Everyone meets back up at the fountain, and Tee makes a captain's report detailing what they know so far. Arle tells everyone that her group is looking for Satan, prompting him to appear. Arle asks what Satan knows about Marle, and he explains that Marle's sole purpose is to maintain the balance between "fun" and "order". Satan says that if they let things continue like this, they will have no choice but to face the worst possible outcome. Satan asks Arle to accept his help, while also flirting with Arle, causing her to battle him and teach him a lesson. Amitie asks Satan to tell them where Marle is, and Satan reveals that the battle was just a distraction while Ecolo captured Marle. Arle aks Marle to stop what she's doing, but she refuses and runs away again.
Side Story - Unseen Invasion
Lemres hears a strange voice in his dreams, before being abruptly woken and challenged to a battle by Suketoudara. Lemres notices Suketoudara acting strange before Suketoudara promptly leaves. The strange voice returns, saying that Suketoudara could teach Lemres a thing or two about fun and asking Lemres to surrender his mind to her. Lemres refuses, banishing the voice from his mind, before leaving to go and check on the others amd find out what's going on. Marle and Feli have just battled in the Primp Shopping District and Marle corrupts Feli, leaving before Lemres arrives. Feli tells Lemres about the dark aura surrounding Marle. Lemres asks Feli if she's feeling okay, to which she replies that she is, before suddenly battling Lemres, much to both of their confusion. Lemres warns Feli to be on guard and keep her mind from falling apart, before giving her chocolate and leaving to find Klug, who is talking to Sig about the creepy voices they've been hearing. Klug tells Lemres about a mysterious girl who challenged him to a battle, and after that he would occasionally hear her voice. Lemres wonders how Sig and Klug are unnafected by the voice, and challenges them to a battle, discovering that Sig and Klug's latent power managed to repel the voice. Klug is confused, asking if his book did anything, but Lemres tells him not to worry before giving them cream puffs and leaving. He runs into Ecolo, who tells him that Primp Town isn't the only place affected by the mystery voice, and that Ringo's world is also in danger. Lemres asks Ecolo what he knows, but Ecolo requires Lemres to beat him in a battle before he'll tell. Ecolo reveals that Marle is planning to merge the worlds, and that he's been calling her the "Dimensional Parasite". Satan arrives, and guides Lemres to where Arle and co. are on the S.S. Tetra.
Chapter 4 - Chasing the Mystery Girl
Optional Missions
Chapter 5 - To The Edge of Spacetime
Optional Missions
Side Story - A Tale of Awakening
Chapter 6 - The Truth Restored
Optional Missions
Side Story - Writing the Book on Love
Chapter 7 - Order Shows Its Face
Optional Missions
EX Chapter - A Parasite's Dream
Single Player Challenges
Online leaderboards are available in challenges.
- Endless Puyo & Tiny Puyo
- Medium handicap, 2 minute time limit
- Endless Fever
- Medium handicap
- Marathon
- Endless mode OFF
Puyo Puyo
- Endless Puyo
- A Puyo mode where the player can practice by themselves. In endless mode, getting more points will increase the level, which makes the fall speed faster. The game ends when the player either tops out or times out (after 60 seconds, 90 seconds, or 2-4 minutes).
- Endless Fever
- Clear preset Puyo chains to try and keep the timer from reducing to 0. All clear chains add extra time.
- Tiny Puyo
- You are given a much smaller Puyo board. The objective is the same as Endless Puyo. This mode uses dropsets.
- Marathon
- A Tetris mode where the player must get a high score within 150 lines. For every 10 lines cleared, the level increases and the falling speed will become faster.
- Sprint
- Clear 40 lines in the fastest time possible.
- Ultra
- Get the highest score possible within 3 minutes.
- Versus
- The basic battle rule. Each player can choose either Puyo Puyo (using Tsu rules) or Tetris (using modern gameplay mechanics). A match can start even with players choosing different modes. If a Tetris player has at least one Puyo opponent, all Tetris attacks get stored in an Attack Gauge and only sent when a Tetrimino does not clear a line.
- Swap
- Each player swaps between Puyo Puyo and Tetris gameplay every twenty-five seconds (by default). The game does not wait for the current piece to finish dropping before swapping, and the current piece will continue to drop (without player control) after the swap. Clears started before the change can combo with furthers clear in the current field, creating extra damage. This is called a "Swap Combo."
- Big Bang
- Similar to Versus, except the Puyo Puyo player is in Fever mode and the Tetris player has "Lucky Attack."
- After each round of Fever/Lucky Attack (sixty seconds by default), the nuisance created will be sucked into black holes ("READY?") and explode in the namesake revelation ("BIG BANG"). Those who created less nuisance will have nuisance crashing the field. A player is eliminated when their field is completely shattered, and the last person standing is the winner.
- Party
- The players compete for score (three minutes by default) and can use items in battle. Items can be a personal buff or a debuff sent to other players.
- Fusion
- In an 8x16 board, both Puyos and Tetriminos fall following character-specific dropsets. Tetriminos can crush stacks of Puyo and only color Puyos reappear later from the top. Similar to the Active rule in Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary, the next pieces can be dropped even when a chain is in progress of clearing, or when a Tetrimino is left to slowly crush Puyo.
- The dropset consists of eight Puyo drops (post-Fever), two Tetriminos and one special drop, which can be a piece that switches repeatedly between Puyos and a Tetrimino, or a golden 1-to-2-block Tetris piece.
- Skill Battle
- Each player recruits a team of three characters and attempts to reduce the opponent's HP bar (displayed in orange) to 0. There are two means of receiving HP damage, either by topping out, which resets the playfield, or by receiving garbage. Each character of the team has a skill that can be activated for various effects, including modifying the field, buffing and debuffing, etc. These skills cost mana points (MP) that are displayed as a green bar.
- Characters have a leveling system and can be upgraded by playing the Adventure or Boss Raid modes to increase team stats and learn new skills. Item cards can also be equipped during a match to increase stats and gain special effects, and they are also dropped in Adventure or Boss Raid modes.
- Skill Battles do not have an Endurance mode.
Role In Sega eSport Tournaments
Main article: Puyo Puyo GLOBAL RANKING SERIES
On September 20, 2024, Sega announced the Puyo Puyo GLOBAL RANKING SERIES, a series of offical and community Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 tournaments with the purpose of promoting international competitive play of Puyo Puyo. Winners would recieve an all expenses paid trip to Japan to participate in the Puyo Puyo Grand Prix Final, with an official uniform and a cash prize. This is the first set of competitive events that has global tournament outreach outside of Japan, as well as the first set of Puyo-only tournaments in Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 by SEGA.
- Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 is the first Puyo Puyo game to receive an international release prior to being released in Japan, as well as being rendered using Sonic Team's Hedgehog Engine 2, first used in Sonic Forces. It is also the first game after Puyo Pop Fever to be released in Italian.
- Its development was first alluded to in a survey released by Sega of America in May of 2020. It had many concept names for the game, by default being Puyo Puyo Tetris Explosion.
- The game's art style appears to be influenced by Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary and Puyo Puyo Champions moreso than Puyo Puyo Tetris; this is most evident with Ringo, Amitie, Sig, and Satan, whose character designs have been reverted back to those of Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary. Most of the cutscene sprites are redraws of the previous game's sprites.
- Previous Puyo Puyo games by SEGA re-used the base sprite for a few animations, while PPT1 and Puyo Puyo 7 outright re-used animations for a few characters. This is the first game by SEGA to have a unique set of sprites for every animation. Particularly high spells now cause the animation to appear in the background instead of under the player's field, while damage animations are now accompanied by a background effect akin to snow noise.
- While the Japanese version rerecords all voices (as with all games, except Puyo Puyo eSports), the English voices are not all rerecorded, most lines being reused from Puyo Puyo Tetris. The typical exceptions are the normal chain, counter, win, and loss voice lines, as well as some used in Big Bang. In addition, while most characters in the English version have fully new alternate voices, some reuse their alternate voices from the previous game, with new voice lines in the same cases as their normal voice.
- Character icons return from Puyo Puyo Champions, with the addition of icons for the Tetra Crew, Ex, Marle, and Squares. Between the two games, Nasu Grave is the only character playable in the SEGA era games to not have an icon. The update that added Sonic as a playable character also added icons for Shadow, Dr. Eggman, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, and Metal Sonic.
- Furthermore, this is the first Puyo Puyo game to feature usernames and player icons under the players' fields in Adventure and Endurance modes, the latter in which the CPU icon changes every time a new opponent arrives.
- The color of a character's field, character icon when controlled by CPU, dialogue text, and name box in cutscenes match their associated color (or main color, in cases of Marle and Squares; except the lattermost when a character's name is obscured, which always use red or blue) in Puyo Puyo!! Quest, with three most obvious examples being Rulue, Ecolo, and Jay & Elle. Interestingly, while Ms. Accord's associated color on UI elements is blue, her field is purple like Schezo, Klug, Feli, Tee, Jay & Elle, and Squares.
- The Online Greetings in this game reference past chants from various characters. For example, Ringo quotes her character select quotes from both 7 and 20th/Champions.
- Unlike in previous games, the "SEGA"/"Tetris" calls when booting up the game, as well as title calls can now be played in Audio as clips 46-48.
- As a result, the "SEGA" CI sound was only used when booting up the game, just like Puyo Puyo Champions, as akin to other SEGA titles since 2018.
- The US website reuses Champions character art for Rulue, Schezo, Draco, Witch, and the Dark Prince, despite new character art existing for them already.
- Despite the Microsoft Store's Xbox game listing supporting Simplified Chinese (China) as a language, this game isn't available in mainland China since an ID is required and uses an Anti-Indulged System in China, even though this game has Simplified Chinese language support for mainland China and Singapore. The same thing occurs in Puyo Puyo Champions.
- The announcement for the July 1st update (version 1.3.2) states that the development team for Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 has since been disbanded.
Supported Languages
User Interface
On consoles, the languages supported for the user interface (UI) depend on the region where it was purchased from. The Steam version supports all UI languages regardless of region.
- This is the first Puyo Puyo game to officially support English as a user interface language on all supported gaming platforms, regardless of region. Previously, English was absent for games sold in the East and Southeast Asian markets, including Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea.
- In addition, this is the first Puyo Puyo game to be released in British English, Latin American Spanish, and Canadian French.[2]
Native Name | English Name | Japan | USA | Americas | EMEA | Oceania | East/SE Asia |
Deutsch | German | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
English (United Kingdom) | English (United Kingdom) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
English (United States) | English (United States) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Español (España) | Spanish (Spain) | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Español (Latinoamérica) | Spanish (Latin America) | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Français (Canada) | French (Canada) | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Français (France) | French (France) | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Italiano | Italian | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
한국어 | Korean | Yes | No | No | No | No | Yes |
日本語 | Japanese | Yes | No | No | No | No | Yes |
简体中文 (中国) | Simplified Chinese (China) | Yes | No | No | No | No | Yes |
简体中文 (新加坡) | Simplified Chinese (Singapore) | Yes | No | No | No | No | Yes |
繁體中文 (台灣) | Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) | Yes | No | No | No | No | Yes |
繁體中文 (香港) | Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong) | Yes | No | No | No | No | Yes |
Character Voices
All versions support both Japanese and English character voices regardless of region.
English Launch Commemoration
Japanese Launch Commemoration
2020 Holiday Illustration
Wallpaper promoting the release of the demo for PS4 and PS5, featuring Arle Nadja, Carbuncle, Tee, and O.
Concept Art
The SS Tetra
Background Concept
Background Concept
Tetra Crew
Character Select Renders
Character Select Renders
Marle and Squares
Marle and Squares
Squares and Tee illustration by Akira Mikame
Character Art
Marle (Possessed)
Marle (True)
Dark Prince (aka Satan)
Tetris Palace
Cockpit 1
Cockpit 2
Cockpit 3
Engine Room
Game Room
Andō Ringo’s House
Sasaki Maguro’s House
Constellation Zone
Grimp Forest
To the Edge
Suzuran Junior High
Primp Magic School
Primp Forest
Puyo Academy
Color Town
Shopping District
Two Merged Worlds
Edge of Two Worlds
Far Edge of Two Worlds
Realm of Ruling
Other Media
External links
- Official Website (English)
- Official Website (Japanese)
- Official Website (Simplified Chinese)
- Official Website (Traditional Chinese)
- Official Website (Korean)
- ↑ Sega Tokyo game show online 2020 (https://youtu.be/OiNvKmg9cOE)
- ↑ US eShop listing for PPT2