Maguro Sasaki/Chants

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This page contains the transcripts and translations for Maguro's chants as they appear throughout the series.

Puyo Puyo 7 & Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary

Player Chain
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Chain 1 おっ O. Whoa.
Chain 2 よっと Yo-tto. Okay.
Chain 3 えいやっと! Eiya-tto! Finally!
Chain 4 そーれ! Sore! Here!
Repeater ほいさっさ! Hoisassa! Come on!
Counter 隼返し Hayabusa Gaeshi Peregrine Falcon Turn
Spell 1 ふりけん Furiken Swing-In
Spell 2 稲妻落とし Inazuma Otoshi Lightning Drop
Spell 3 円月殺法 Engetsu Sappou Moon Circle
Spell 4 地球回し Chikyuu Mawashi Earth Turn
Spell 5 太陽極意 Taiyou Gokui Backhand Slip Grip
Enemy Attack
Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Light おぉっ… Ou... Oh...
Heavy 厳しいぃー! Kibishii! (This is) Harsh!
Character Select/Match Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Character Select ちょっとやるか Chotto yaru ka. I'll give it a shot.
Win 勝っちゃった★ Katchatta! Why, I won!★
Lose 覚えてろー! Oboete ro! I'll remember this!
Fever Mode
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Entered チャーンス★ Chansu! Now's my chance!★
Succeed うっひょー★ Uhyo! Wow!★
Failed おやおや? Oya oya? Oh-ho?
Transformation and Pair Puyo Puyo
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Chain A うっひょ~★ Uhyo! Wow~!
Chain B うひょひょ~★ Uhyohyo! Wowow~!
Pair Attack A 必殺 Hissatsu, Take this,
Pair Attack B ペアアタック★ Pea Attakku! Pair Attack!★
Pair Life Lost ま~だまだ★ Mada mada! Not yet!★
Pair Life Gone ソーリー… Soorii... Sorry...
Special Pair Victory
Character Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
With Ringo
Maguro 以心伝心★ Ishin denshin! Telepathical...
Ringo 大勝利! Daishouri! ...victory!

Puyo Puyo Tetris, Puyo Puyo Chronicle, & Puyo Puyo Tetris 2

  • Purple - Puyo Puyo Tetris 1 Alt Voice
  • Dodger Blue - Puyo Puyo Chronicle Alt Voice
  • Pigment Indigo - Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 Alt Voice
Player Chain
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Chain 1 おっ O. Woah. Wa-ho!
Chain 2 よっと Yo-tto. Okay. Hey!
Chain 3 えいやっと! Eiya-tto! Finally! Ya watchin'?
Chain 4 そーれ! Sore! Here! Check this out!
Repeater ついに来ました!
ついに来た! (T1 Alt. Voice)
Tsui-ni kimashita!
Tsui-ni kita!
Finally here! Kendama time!
Counter 隼返し Hayabusa Gaeshi Peregrine Falcon Turn Back Cross Space Walk
Spell 1 ふりけん Furiken Swing-In
Spell 2 稲妻落とし Inazuma Otoshi Lightning Drop
Spell 3 胡蝶の舞 Kochou-no Mai Butterfly Dance Repeat Moon Circle
Spell 4 サイドワインダー Saidowaindaa Sidewinder
Spell 5 真・太陽極意 Shin-Taiyou Gokui Backhand Slip Grip Special
Tetris Line Clear テトリス大回転 Tetorisu Daikaiten Great Tetris Spin Tetris!
Enemy Attack
Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Light おぉっ… Ou... ??? Aw...
Ow. (T2 Alt. Voice)
Heavy 厳しいぃー! Kibishii! (This is) Harsh! Oh no!
Character Select/Match Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character Select ちょっとやるか Chotto yaru ka. I'll give it a shot. Let's get to work!
Win ボクの勝ち、だね★ Boku-no kachi da ne! I won!★ What an easy win!★
Lose な〜んでこうなるの〜? Nande kou naru no? (Huh,) How'd that happen?
Fever Mode/Big Bang
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Entered チャーンス★ Chansu! Now's my chance!★ You see that?★
Succeed うっひょー★ Uhyo! Wow!★ I'm the best!★
Failed おやおや? Oya oya? Oh-ho? Aw, shucks!
Shucks... (T1 Alt. Voice)
Big Bang ストラーイク★ Sutoraiku! Strike!★ I got this!
Light Attack そーれ! Sore! Here! Hey there!
Severe Attack ほいさっさ! Hoisassa! Come on! Can't catch me!
Win うひょひょ~★ Uhyohyo! Wowow~! Down and out!
Light Damage おっとっと Ottotto. Whoops!
Severe Damage ダメかも… Dame kamo... I maybe done for... Pick up the pace!
Lose ダメだった…★ Dame datta... Done for, after all...★ Bummer...
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Match Start ぷよぷよ!
Puyo Puyo!
*bored* Let's play Puyo Puyo!
*annoyed* Let's play Tetris!
Swap 天地二段 Tenchinidan Heaven and Earth Let's swap!
Swap while in disadvantage スリルま〜んてん★(T1)
厳しいぃー! (T2)
Suriru manten!
(This is) Harsh!
What a rush!★(T1 Standard Voice)
Thank goodness.★ (T1 Alt. Voice)
This is harsh...! (T2)
Result Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Power-up item いいねぇ Ii ne! Good! Score!
Offensive item 受け取って! Uketotte! Accept this! Try one of these!
Getting multiple items at once 木の葉返し Konoha Gaeshi Leaf Turn Ready for this?
Topped out ま〜だまだ★ Mada mada. I'm not done yet!★
Win トップはボク、だよ★ Toppu-wa boku da yo! I am at the top!★ Not too shabby, huh?★
Be a Runner-Up いい感じ★ Ii kanji! (Eh,) Looking good!★
Lose 覚えてろー! Oboete ro! I'll remember this! (Eh,) Just wait till next time!
Result Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Mix Chain ミックス連鎖(、)きた! Mikkusu Rensa kita! Mix Chain!
Tetris Plus テトリスプラス(、)きた! Tetorisu Purasu kita! Tetris Plus!
*annoyed* Tetris... PLUS.
Chaining by a Tetrimino crushing Puyo いけいけー! Ike ike! Go go! *sarcasticly* Lucky me!
Mega Puyo Rush
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Chain A うっひょ~★
キラッ★ (Chronicle Alt. Voice)
Chain B うひょひょ~★
キラキラッ★ (Chronicle Alt. Voice)
Kira kira!
Skill Battle
Activated Skill Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Change All (2 rows) さあ、どうぞ? Saa, dou zo? There you go!
Change All (3 rows) そぉれ! Sore! There! Take that!
Change All (4 rows) ほいっとな! Hoitto na! Alley-oop! Bam!
Unused がんばって★ Ganbatte!★ Good luck!
System Startup
Result Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Boot Up 1 セガ! Sega!
Boot Up 2 テトリス! Tetorisu! Tetris!
Title Screen ぷよぷよテトリス!
Puyo Puyo Tetorisu!
Puyo Puyo Tetorisu 2!
Puyo Puyo Tetris!
Puyo Puyo Tetris 2!
Online Greetings
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
よろしく! Yoroshiku! Nice to meet you! I'm excited!♪
*bored* I'm excited.
楽しもう、よ? Tanoshimou, yo? Let's have fun, okay? *Rolling R's* Ready to have some fun?
ちょっとやるか Chotto yaru ka. I'll give it a shot. Are ya ready?★
うひょ★ Uhyo★ Wow!★
キラ★ Kira★ Sparkle!★

Puyo Puyo Champions

Player Chain
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
20+ Chain A うっひょ~★ Uhyo! Wow~! Wa-hoo!
20+ Chain B うひょひょ~★ Uhyohyo! Wowow~! Down! And! Out!
Counter 隼返し Hayabusa Gaeshi Peregrine Falcon Turn Back Cross Space Walk
Spell 1 ふりけん Furiken Swing-In
Spell 2 稲妻落とし Inazuma Otoshi Lightning Drop
Spell 3 円月殺法 Engetsu Sappou Moon Circle
Spell 4 地球回し Chikyuu Mawashi Earth Turn
Spell 5 太陽極意 Taiyou Gokui Backhand Slip Grip
Enemy Attack
Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Light おぉっ… Ou... ??? Argh!
Heavy 厳しいぃー! Kibishii! (This is) Harsh! Oh no!
Character Select/All Clear/Match Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character Select ちょっとやるか Chotto yaru ka. I'll give it a shot. Are you ready?
All Clear やった★ Yatta! I did it!★
Win 勝っちゃった★ Katchatta! Why, I won!★ Looks like I won!★
Lose 覚えてろー! Oboete ro! I'll remember this! Just wait till next time!
Fever Mode
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Entered チャーンス★ Chansu! Now's my chance!★ You see that?★
Succeed うっひょー★ Uhyo! Wow!★ I'm at the best!★
Failed おや? Oya? Oh-ho? Huh?!

Puyo Puyo Puzzle Pop

Player Chain & Damage
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Chain 1 ほら Hora. Here. Take that!★
Chain 2 見てて Mitete. Watch this!
Chain 3 これが Kore ka. Here!
Chain 4 こうなって Kounatte. Like this!
Repeater そろそろいくよ★ Soro soro ikuyo. Let’s keep moving!
Chain 20-24 最高★ Saikou Amazing!★
Chain 25+ 最っ高〜★ Sai~kou~ Awesome!!!
Counter 隼返し Hayabusa Gaeshi Peregrine Falcon Turn Back Cross Space Walk
Spell 1 ふりけん Furiken Swing-In
Spell 2 稲妻落とし Inazuma Otoshi Lightning Drop
Spell 3 胡蝶の舞 Kochou-no Mai Butterfly Dance Repeat Moon Circle
Spell 4 サイドワインダー Saidowaindaa Sidewinder
Spell 5 真・太陽極意 Shin-Taiyou Gokui Backhand Slip Grip Special
All Clear スッキリした〜★ Sukkiri shita~ Ah, nice and clean!
Light Damage なんとっ Nanto What Uh-oh!
Heavy Damage 厳しいぃー! Kibishii! (This is) Harsh! Oh no!
Adventure Mode Map Dialogue
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Story introduction 以後、お見知り置きを★ Hey there, nice to meet ya!
Beginning an episode
or Challenge Dungeon
遊んでくれるのかな?★ Asonde kureru no ka na? Wanna play together?
Entering a stage ちょっと行くか★ Chotto iku ka. Let's do this!
Finding an item 1 もらっておく、よ★ Moratte oku, yo I’ll take that!
Finding an item 2 レアはっけ〜ん★ Rea hakke~n Rare discovery.★ Sounds something good!
Completing a stage なるほどね★ Naruhodo ne I see now.★ That was good!
Failing a stage ぎゃふんっ Gyafun... Gah... Wah-wah.
Completing all stages これから、ど〜なるの、かな★ Korekara, do~naruno, kane I wonder what I’ll do next.
Special Dialogue
Event Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character's birthday I sure hope today's a good one!
Clearing a Secret Mission コングラチュレーションズ! Kongurachuereshonzu! Congratulations!
Player's birthday
Puyo Day
Character Select & Match Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character Select 遊んでくれるのかな?★ Asonde kureru no ka na? (Oi,) Wanna play together?
Win 勝たせてもらった、よ★ Thanks for let me win (mate)!
Lose 非常に 厳しい Hijō ni kibishī Very harsh... (Hey) Now that's a bummer!
Fever Mode & Big Bang
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Entered ゾーン突入★ Zōn Keikaku-dōri I’m in the zone!★
Oh I'm in the zone I am! (Alt. Voice)
Clear Success 計算通り★ Just like I hoped!
Clear Failed 間違えた?★ Did I blow it? (Oh...)
Big Bang ちょ〜っと痛い、よ★ Cho~tto itai, yo This miiight hurt a bit★ (Oh,) Now that stings, (don't it)!
Light Attack よいしょ★ Yoisho Woo!
Heavy Attack よっこらしょ〜★ Baam (Heh heh)!!
Win ごめ〜んね★ Gome~n ne Sorry! Sorry (mate)!
Light Damage ひょ〜〜 Wow!
Heavy Damage わわわわわぁ〜★ Wa wa wa wa wa~a 〜 Wowowow!!
Oi oi oi!! (Alt. Voice)
Lose ざ〜んねん……★ Za~n nen Too bad...

Puyo Puyo!! Quest

Main article: PPQ:Voice Transcript/Maguro

Main article: PPQ:Voice Transcript/Steam City Maguro