Dapper Bones

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Dapper Bones

Dapper Bones, as he appears in Puyo Puyo!! Quest.
RomanizationOshare Kōbe
Other NamesOshare Bones
Spanish Huesos Dandis
Personal Info
BirthdayDecember 24 (Capricorn)
Blood typeB (When alive)
Notable Appearances
First appearancePuyo Puyo Fever
Latest appearancePuyo Puyo!! Quest
Voice Actor(s)
JapaneseMakoto Yasumura
Mark Atherley
Puyo Puyo!! Quest information
[★7] Dapper Bones

Dapper Bones (Japanese: おしゃれコウベ Oshare Kōbe), previously known as Oshare Bones, is a skeleton that is obsessed with fashion, and often critiques the outfits and fashion choices of those he comes across. When he was alive, he was a poet. His Japanese name is a portmanteau of oshare, which means "fashionable" or "stylish", and sharekoube, which means "skull (especially a weatherbeaten one)".

He seems to act as a spiritual successor to Skeleton T from Madou Monogatari, as both characters are skeletons and have weak AI compared to their peers. In both Puyo Puyo Fever and Puyo Puyo Fever 2, Dapper does not rotate his Puyos when controlled by the AI.



Dapper is a skeleton, wearing a tail coat and a top hat. In Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary, he claims that he once had long, curly blonde hair when he was alive.


Dapper Bones is flamboyant, openly homosexual, and isn't afraid to flirt with some men. In Japanese, he uses a variety of feminine Japanese speech patterns, including usage of the feminine personal pronoun atashi. Toting himself as a fashionista, he heavily criticizes anyone that he deems unfashionable, even suggesting what they should wear instead of their current attire.

Some texts in Puyo Puyo Fever 2 and Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary suggest that he takes interest in wearing feminine clothes from time to time, as in the former he writes to the player on Girls' Day and discusses wanting to someday wear a juunihitoe (a type of 12-layered kimono traditionally worn by court ladies in Japan), and in the latter mentions needing to have a new dress made when discussing a ball which is supposedly to be held at Ocean Prince's palace. Regardless, his biography in Puyo Puyo Fever 2 lists him as male.

Despite the mannerisms, he does hold some regrets in regards with his missing lover. Ever since that lover went missing, he willingly threw away all of the memorabilia related to that person into the sea. The "Memory of Chu" item featured in Puyo Puyo Fever 2 is implied to belong to Dapper originally, but he insists letting the player take it. According to his interactions with Satan in Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary, Dapper says his lover bears Satan's image.


Dapper is unfortunately not very talented at Puyo matches, only being able to rotate in 15th and fast drop after Fever 1. In matches, his spells are insults to his opponents ("Call the fashion police!", "Talk to the hand." "Drop dead!") or fashion terms (Elegant, Psychedelic, Asymmetry, Avant-Garde, Trés Bien).


While Dapper doesn't seem to generally hold any ill will towards Amitie, he detests her choices in fashion and tends to criticize her sharply as such, disliking her hat in particular. He dislikes her clothing enough to become irate at Arle when she considers borrowing a hat from her after he suggests that Arle wear a cap, considering it to be a mockery of his advice. Amitie also manages to greatly insult him in Puyo Puyo Fever 2 when she makes a negative comment about his own attire while he is trying to explain fashion terms to her. Regardless, in Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary, he confides to her when saddened, is happy to share details about his life with her when asked, and asks her to show him how good of a magic user she is becoming before their match begins.
Dapper has expressed attraction for Lemres more than once, starting in Puyo Puyo Fever 2 and continuing into Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary. While Lemres seems uncomfortable by the end of a conversation they share in the former game, wherein Dapper begins to express minor jealousy towards young people and compliments Lemres on having smooth skin, by the latter game he seems more friendly towards Dapper and says that it is a shame Dapper found a lover beforehand as he would've liked to meet him when he was still alive. While Dapper himself insists that the only reason he's not madly in love with Lemres is having met his lover already, he still finds him fascinatingly handsome.
Rulue and Dapper meet briefly in Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary, interested in each other's knowledge of fashion, with Dapper appreciating Rulue's clothes, and Rulue interested to hear that the two of them have similar love problems. They mutually agree that they could get along nicely, and Dapper especially is happy to have chatted with her and makes the offer to give her something free from his store if she wins a Puyo match against him.


Puyo Puyo Fever

Dapper's primary appearance in Puyo Puyo Fever is in the WakuWaku course, where Amitie encounters him in the Woods of Nahe during Stage 2. After startling her, he harshly criticizes Amitie's choice in clothing, irritating her and prompting the two to battle.

Puyo Puyo Fever 2


In Puyo Puyo Fever 2, Dapper runs the shop, where the player can purchase items that have various effects on gameplay. He also begins to reveal information about his past, though letters and dialogue. A scene involving him and Raffina at his store has the latter find an item--the Memory of Chu--after it falls out of the Shell of Memories she had previously received. Shocked at finding it, he gives it to Raffina, stating that he no longer deserves to own the item himself. A letter addressed to the player expands upon the item; Dapper states that it was a gift given to him by his missing lover, and after said lover's disappearance, Dapper threw the item into the sea out of grief, expecting to never see it again and explaining that seeing it brings back painful memories.


Dapper's first story appearance is in Stage 2 of Raffina's WakuWaku course. Raffina approaches him with the news that she is in search of a missing prince and asks for his assistance in finding him, whereupon Dapper responds that he has not seen aid prince around and refuses to help her, on the basis that "all the princes in the world are mine". Upset, Raffina challenges him to a Puyo match.

His second story appearance is in Stage 2 of Amitie's HaraHara course. After entering his shop, Amitie overhears him talking about fashion concepts that she does not understand, and questions him about them. Dapper decides to talk to her about fashion using his clothes as an example, but when Amitie mentions that he doesn't even wear any underpants, Dapper loses his temper and angrily challenges Amitie.

Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary

For reasons unknown, in this game and this game only his AI can rotate his Puyo.

Dapper's Story

Dapper's story in Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary further expands upon his search for his lover, with him intending to use the wish the medal grants to the tournament winner to seek out his lover. His opponents in the tournament are as follows:

Ms. Accord

His first opponent is Ms. Accord, whom he is quick to criticize the clothing of. When Ms. Accord comments that his critiques tend to be on the harsh side, he says that they don't have to be that way and suggests a makeover to her, deciding that if he wins their match, she should wear the dress of his choosing.


His second opponent is Lidelle. Again, he criticizes her appearance, focusing mainly on her hair and how ridiculous he feels it looks. Lidelle's response is to express her jealousy that Dapper doesn't have to worry about his hairstyle like she does, offending him by calling attention to his lack of hair. Her further attempts to clarify her position only upset him more.


His third opponent is Amitie, who immediately notices that he seems to be feeling down, which he explains is due to Rider's prior comments. Amitie asks him afterwards what he was like in the old days, to which Dapper is happy to reveal that he was "really cool", and was a natural blonde, with long, curly hair. Amitie wishes to see what he looked like, but Dapper admits that he no longer owns any old photos of himself, as he threw them into the sea. He then changes the subject and moves onto the Puyo match with Amitie, stating that he would like to see how skilled of a magic user she has become.

Zoh Daimaoh

His fourth opponent is Zoh Daimaoh. Dapper is immediately drawn to his choice in fashion, particularly curious about his bindi. After Zoh explains that such attire is only natural for him, Dapper responds that he figured Zoh's boyfriend must've suggested the bindi to him. Zoh gets flustered, stating that he is a man and does not have a boyfriend, and Dapper explains that bindi are commonly worn by married women, which is where he had gotten the idea from. Dapper further compliments Zoh, leaving him flustered.


His fifth opponent is Sig, whom he asks about his wish, should he win the tournament. Sig responds that it is a secret, and Dapper is pleased to hear that Sig is grown up enough to have his own secrets. He compliments Sig on his appearance, particularly his hairstyle and the way he carried his bag, going on to note that he knew a bassist once that held his guitar the same way.


His sixth opponent is Lemres, whom Dapper seems quite happy to see and immediately compliments. Lemres returns his compliments, but Dapper explains that flattery won't keep him from holding back in their upcoming match. Dapper mentions to Lemres that had he not already met someone first, he would be madly in love with him, and Lemres retorts that it's a shame someone beat him to him, because he would've liked to see Dapper when he still had his blonde hair, having apparently heard from Amitie about such. Mentioning that Amitie also discussed the photos Dapper threw into the sea, Lemres asks if Dapper would like him to retrieve them with his magic, causing Dapper to panic and beg him not to.


His seventh opponent is Baldanders. Dapper compliments his mask, and discusses how despite some people figure him to be a cat person, he actually prefers dogs, noting their loyalty to their masters as the primary reason and relating it to how he is awaiting the return of his missing lover. Inferring that Baldanders is also waiting for someone, Dapper expresses extreme happiness at what he considers a kindred spirit.


Dapper's eighth and final opponent is Satan. Initially, Dapper mistakes Satan for his missing lover, only to realize his mistake when Satan introduces himself, while still in awe at the extreme similarity. When Dapper clarifies that he mistook Satan for someone he knew a long time ago and no longer knows the whereabouts of, Satan offers to search for the person for Dapper. However, Dapper has no belongings of theirs, and so he offers his hand as it has been touched by his lover, and Satan's search comes up empty regardless. Dapper tells him that his search may have failed because "the lost has already been found".

Upon winning the tournament, Dapper meets with Ms. Accord again to receive his medal and make his wish. His wish is to meet up again with his lover, but due to using and ambiguous timeframe in which to meet them, he is distraught to learn that he still does not know when he will see them again. Ms. Accord, however, comforts him by assuring him that now a meeting has been guaranteed either way, and Dapper finds comfort in that certainty and insists that he can keep waiting.

Other Character's Stories

Outside of his own story, Dapper Bones appears as an opponent when playing as other characters. Akuma faces him as his sixth opponent, surprised to hear that Dapper thinks fondly of his choice of attire. Dapper admires that while young people tend to dress in colorful and decorative manners, adults such as Akuma and himself look better wearing more nice and sophisticated things.

He acts as Arle's fifth opponent, and immediately begins to criticize her fashion sense, especially when Arle admits to having worn the same style of clothes for fifteen years. He suggests to her that she at least wear a cap if she insists on wearing those same clothes, and becomes irate when Arle considers borrowing a cap from Amitie, as he greatly dislikes Amitie's cap and thinks Arle is mocking his advice.

He appears in Dongurigaeru's story as his third opponent, insisting that he changes his acorn cap and pants into something less plain and more vibrant, eventually threatening to cram him into a sparkling mirror ball when he protests.

Dapper also acts as Ocean Prince's second opponent, getting into a pleasant conversation with him and asking him if he's found anything useful in the sea as of late and offers to buy them at his store. He soon gets the idea to hold a ball at Ocean Prince's palace in order to have at least one day where everyone dresses up in style, and insists that Ocean Prince host said ball if he wins their Puyo match.

Onion Pixy's story begins with a match against Dapper, who begins by wondering aloud if the medal will allow him to see his lover again. Onion Pixy converses with him on the subject, with Dapper further wondering if he will see his lover again and deciding that he needs to keep his hopes up, and then going on to invite Onion Pixy to face him in Puyo while further talking about love.

He also appears as Rulue's second opponent, wherein they get into a brief conversation about love and fashion, and seem to enjoy each other's company, as Dapper is happy to find someone fashionable, and Rulue notes that they have similar problems regarding love. Dapper is delighted to have met her, and offers to let her take something free from his store if she wins their Puyo match, as his treat.

In Yu and Rei's story, he appears as their fifth opponent and suggests that they liven up their image with something other than plain white garments. They insist that they prefer wearing white and that they wouldn't be recognizable as ghosts wearing anything else, but Dapper challenges them to a Puyo match and declares that if he wins, he gets to choose what the twins wear.


  • Dapper Bones (along with Sig) is the strongest character in Fever mode in Puyo Puyo Fever 2.
  • In Fever 1, a glitch in all versions except GBA and DS causes his animation for Psychedelic to go unused, and for his first spell animation to be used twice.


Character-specific mechanics


Pieces Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Puyo
13 1 1 1 37

Ice Blocks Nuisance Pattern



Puyo Pop Fever

Player Chain (Popoi Type)
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Chain 1 チェックするわよ Chekkusuru wa yo. I'll check you out. I'm hip to you!
Chain 2 覚悟なさい Kakugo nasai. Prepare yourself. Get with it.
Chain 3 イケてないわねぇ Ikete nai wa ne. Uncool...
Chain 4 全然ダメねぇ Zenzen dame ne! Totally uncool...
Chain 5 ちょっと話聞いてるのぉ? Chotto hanashi kiite ru no? (Hey, are) You listening to me?
Repeater もう我慢できない! Mou gaman dekinai! I can't stand it (any more)!
Spell 1 出直してらっしゃい Denaoshite rasshai. Come back when you've improved. Call the fashion police!
Spell 2 顔を洗ってらっしゃい Kao-o aratte rasshai. You should cool off. Talk to the hand.
Spell 3 死んでおしまい! Shinde oshimai! End it and die! Drop dead!
Spell 4 アバンギャルド~! Abangyarudoo! Avant-Garde
Spell 5 サイケデリ~ック Saikederikku Psychedelic
Enemy Attack
Attack Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Light いやっ Iya! No! How rude.
Heavy やめてちょうだい Yamete choudai... Stop it!
Fever Mode
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Entered おっほ! Ohho! Oho! I'm so cool.
Succeed おっほほほ! Ohohoho! Ohohoho! I'm the greatest!
Failed あら… Ara... Oh, (horrors)!
Character Select/Match Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character Select せわーが やける わ ね Sewa-ga yakeru wa ne You give me trouble. I am doing you a favor.
Win ホント、おバカさんね Honto, obakasan ne Honestly, you're a fool. You can lick my boots!
Lose そ、そんな… So, son'na... No way...

Fever 2

Player Chain (Sig type)
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Chain 1 チェックするわよ Chekkusuru wa yo. I'll check you out.
Chain 2 覚悟なさい Kakugo nasai. Prepare yourself.
Chain 3 イケてないわねぇ Ikete nai wa ne. Uncool...
Chain 4 全然ダメねぇ Zenzen dame ne! Totally uncool...
Chain 5 ちょっと話聞いてるのぉ? Chotto hanashi kiite ru no? Hey, are you listening to me?
Repeater もう我慢できない! Mou gaman dekinai! I can't stand it any more!
Spell 1 出直してらっしゃい Denaoshite rasshai. Come back when you've improved.
Spell 2 顔を洗ってらっしゃい Kao-o aratte rasshai. You should cool off.
Spell 3 死んでおしまい Shinde oshimai. End it and die!
Spell 4 アヴァンギャルド~! Avangyarudoo! Avant-Garde
Spell 5 トレビアーン! Tore Biaan! Trés Bien!
Enemy Attack
Attack Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Light いやっ Iya! No!
Heavy やめてちょうだい! Yamete choudai! Stop it!
Fever Mode
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Entered おほっ! O ho! *laughing*
Succeed おっほほ! Ohhoho! *laughing*
Failed あらまっ… Ara ma... Oh...
Character Select/Match Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Character Select せわがやけるわねえ Sewa-ga yakeru wa nē. You give me trouble.
Win ホント, おばかさんね Honto, obakasan ne. Honestly, you're a fool.
Lose そ、そんな… So, son'na... No way...
Japanese Romanization Translation
サイケデリック! Saikederikku! Psychedelic!

15th Anniversary

Player Chain
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Chain 1 チェックするわよ Chekkusuru wa yo. I'll check you out.
Chain 2 覚悟なさい Kakugo nasai. Prepare yourself.
Chain 3 イケてないわねぇ Ikete nai wa ne. Uncool...
Chain 4 全然ダメねぇ Zenzen dame ne! Totally uncool...
Repeater もう我慢できない! Mou gaman dekinai! I can't stand it any more!
Counter おだまんなさい! Odamannasai! Shut up!
Spell 1 エレガント Ereganto Elegant
Spell 2 サイケデリック Saikederikku Psychedelic
Spell 3 アシンメトリー Ashinmetorii Asymmetry
Spell 4 アバンギャルド~! Abangyarudoo! Avant-Garde
Spell 5 トレビアーン! Tore Biaan! Trés Bien!
Enemy Attack
Attack Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Light いやっ Iya! No!
Heavy やめてちょうだい! Yamete choudai! Stop it!
Fever Mode
Character Select/Match Result
Japanese Romanization Translation
コンサバティブ Konsabatibu Conservative


Puyo Puyo Fever

Puyo Puyo Fever 2

Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary

Puyo Puyo Quest

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