Blade ★ |
Personal Info |
Pronouns | He/Him ♂ |
Birthday | January 8 |
Puyo Puyo!! Quest Info |
Favorite Card(s) |     
Name's Blade. I work almost exclusively on PPQ namespace pages (and PQAC pages in extension). I mainly translate cards and manzai, but I also enjoy archiving and formatting content. I'm not fluent in Japanese and still have a lot to learn, so edits and feedback are very appreciated.
I have basically put myself as the one in charge of handling PQAC pages. If you have any questions about Quest Arcade or notice any errors in the pages that need fixing, feel free to come talk to me about it. Any help regarding these pages are greatly appreciated, by the way!
- My Additional Pages
- Sandbox : Translation Workshop and Self Indulgence
- Arcade Archive : Collection of Quest Arcade Content
- Intrudes Archive : Dialogue within Intrusion Quests
This user is an absolute diehard fan for Lagash!
This user has spent way too much time working on PQAC pages...
My Translation Work
Other Translations
(Less than 3 Characters) Series Translations
One-Off Alt Translations
Partial Rarity Translations
Materials Translations
Voice Transcripts Translations
Special Training Translations ★
Event / Taster Manzai Translations
(One-off) Quest Arcade-Exclusive Translations
Hell Prince Quotes
Investigate! White Day
探れ! ホワイトデー
![[★6] Pearly Hell Prince Uruk]( Pre-boss |
「ホワイトデー」…わたしの 見立てでは、白い衣装で 何かする日だと思うのだが… "White Day" ...Judging by my anyalsis, I have come to the conclusion that it must be a day relating to something about white garments...
![[★6] Pearly Hell Prince Uruk]( |
業界にはない謎の文化の検証… キミたちにも手伝ってほしいというワケだ I'm making a formal investigation on this world's mysterious culture... That is why I require the assistance of you both.
![[★6] Pearly Hell Prince Eridu]( |
いきなり着替えて引っ張り出されたと 思ったら…ま、楽しそうだし、いいよ★ Seems I've been swept away without notice into a new set of clothes... Oh well, this looks like fun, so I'll go along with it. ★
![[★6] Pearly Hell Prince Isin]( |
え、ええとそれじゃ…あっ! そこの方… ホワイトデーについて教えてください…! Uh, alright then. Let's see... Oh! You, over there... If you can, please tell us about White Day...!
![[★6] Bauer]( |
えっ、あ、あの、ボクはわからないです… でもなんだか、ステキな置きですね… Huh? Uhー uhm... I don't think I know...but I must say, it sounds like it would be wonderful...
![[★6] Malika]( |
そうね、全てを白い地にして、その日を ホワイトデーとして盛大に祝いましょう♪ Well then, why don't we fill the entire land with white, and have this day be a prosperous celebration for White Day! ♪
![[★6] Pearly Hell Prince Uruk]( Results |
…結局よくわからなかった これは調査続行だな 行くぞ、イシン、エリドゥ! ...Even after all of that, I still didn't gain any information. The investigation must proceed. Isin, Eridu! Let's get a move on!
ニンゲン社会特有のとある文化を調査するためにプワープアイランドを訪れた魔界王子たち。ウルクによればその文化は「ニンゲン社会特有のものである」ということしかわからない、ナゾに包まれた文化だという。儀式か、祭りか、はたまたなんらかの風習か... 何もかもが未知の文化...その名は「ホワイトデー」!
The Hell Princes have arrived on Pwurp Island to investigate a certain culture which can only be found in the Human World. According to Uruk, all he knows is that "it is exclusive to the Human World", it is truly a culture shrouded in mystery. Is it a ritual? A holiday? Or maybe a custom of some sort...? A culture where all is unknown...its name is "White Day"!
Hell Prince's Halloween
Isin's Halloween
![[★6] Isin ver. HW]( Pre-boss |
にゃおーっ! …あれあれ? ぜ~んぜん怖くない …ですか? MEOW! ...What's that? You mean to tell me... I wasn't scary in the sliiiightest...?
![[★6] Isin ver. HW]( |
困りましたね… ではもう一度… にゃっ… にゃおーーーーっ! Well, that's no good at all... Alright, from the top... Meow... MRRROOOW!
![[★6] Isin ver. HW]( Results |
どうです? おどろきました? かわいい …ですか? …むずかしいですね How was that? Was I scary? ...You thought that was cute? ...That's no good either.
Lagash's Halloween
![[★6] Lagash ver. HW]( Pre-boss |
右手には白銀の粉… 左手には黄金の生命… さあ… 錬成の儀式を始めよう A powder of white lies in my right hand... and an essence of gold in my left... With all of that spoken...may the ceremony of smelting commence.
![[★6] Lagash ver. HW]( |
かきまぜ… かたどり… 業火で焼かれよ (こねてまるめて… おいしくな~れ) Churn, and...mold, then...lay to roast upon the hellfire. (Mix, and kneed...this is gon~na be yummy!)
![[★6] Lagash ver. HW]( Results |
我が渾身のかぐわしき供物存分に喰らうがいい! (クッキーをめしあがれ!) These fragrant offerings were made with all of my strength, so feast on them to your heart's content! (Gobble up my cookies!)
Eridu's Halloween
![[★6] Eridu ver. HW]( Pre-boss |
かざりつけはボクがやるよ パパに頼むほうがラクだけど ボクが楽しまなくちゃね I'm in charge of the decorating. Sure, it'd be easier if papa did it, but... that's no fun for me, is it?
![[★6] Eridu ver. HW]( |
立派な魔族になるためには 自分の手を尽くしてこそ …だよね★ If you wanna be a splendid demon, you gotta give everything you've got... dont'cha agree? ★
![[★6] Eridu ver. HW]( Results |
パーティーの準備は万端! さぁ、余興の練習をしようか All the preparations for the party are set! Now, let's get to working on the entertainment.
Uruk's Halloween
![[★6] Uruk ver. HW]( Pre-boss |
はろうぃん… 面白い儀式だ イタズラと甘い菓子の等価交換なのだろう? Hall-or-in... is an intriguing ceremony. There's a fair exchange between mischief and sweets, I assume?
![[★6] Uruk ver. HW]( |
イタズラ何時間分がキャンデーいくつに相当するのだ? What is the amount of candies equivalent to hours of mischief?
![[★6] Uruk ver. HW]( Results |
…ん~…… とりあえず… もぐもぐ… 菓子を食べながら考えよう ...Hmmm~..... For the time being... *Eating candy...* I'll contemplate on this matter while consuming sweets.
Megiddo's Halloween
![[★6] Megiddo ver. HW]( Pre-boss |
少々試したいことが… 実験につきあっていただけますか? I would like to test out a little something... Would you be so kind to follow through with my experiment?
![[★6] Megiddo ver. HW]( |
イタズラとお菓子… あなたのタマシイはどちらを選ぶのでしょう… ふふふ Mischief or sweets...which path will your soul choose to go down, I wonder... Hehehe.
![[★6] Megiddo ver. HW]( Results |
…おかしいですね お菓子しか選ばないとは… 実験は失敗のようです ...Well, isn't that peculiar. Your choice was sweets... It appears that this experiment was a bust.
Bestoll's Challenge
Miscellaneous Quotes