Blade |
Personal Info |
Gender | Male |
Birthday | January 8 |
Name's Blade. I work almost exclusively on PPQ namespace pages (and PQAC pages in extension). I mainly translate cards and manzai, but I also enjoy archiving and formatting content. I'm not fluent in Japanese and still have a lot to learn, so edits and feedback are very appreciated.
- My Additional Pages
- Sandbox : Translation Workshop, To-do List, and Self Indulgence
- Arcade Archive : Collection of Quest Arcade Related Content
- Intrudes Archive : Exclusive Dialogue within Intrusion Quests
This user is an absolute diehard fan for Lagash!
My Translation Work
Other Translations
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Materials Translations
Voice Transcripts Translations
Special Training Translations ★
Event / Taster Manzai Translations
Hell Prince Quotes
Investigate! White Day
探れ! ホワイトデー
Pre-boss |
「ホワイトデー」…わたしの 見立てでは、白い衣装で 何かする日だと思うのだが… "White Day" ...Judging by my anyalsis, I have come to the conclusion that it must be a day relating to something about white garments...
業界にはない謎の文化の検証… キミたちにも手伝ってほしいというワケだ I'm making a formal investigation on this world's mysterious culture... That is why I require the assistance of you both.
いきなり着替えて引っ張り出されたと 思ったら…ま、楽しそうだし、いいよ★ Seems I've been swept away without notice into a new set of clothes... Oh well, this looks like fun, so I'll go along with it. ★
え、ええとそれじゃ…あっ! そこの方… ホワイトデーについて教えてください…! Uh, alright then. Let's see... Oh! You, over there... If you can, please tell us about White Day...!
えっ、あ、あの、ボクはわからないです… でもなんだか、ステキな置きですね… Huh? Uhー uhm... I don't think I know...but I must say, it sounds like it would be wonderful...
そうね、全てを白い地にして、その日を ホワイトデーとして盛大に祝いましょう♪ Well then, why don't we fill the entire land with white, and have this day be a prosperous celebration for White Day! ♪
Results |
…結局よくわからなかった これは調査続行だな 行くぞ、イシン、エリドゥ! ...Even after all of that, I still didn't gain any information. The investigation must proceed. Isin, Eridu! Let's get a move on!
ニンゲン社会特有のとある文化を調査するためにプワープアイランドを訪れた魔界王子たち。ウルクによればその文化は「ニンゲン社会特有のものである」ということしかわからない、ナゾに包まれた文化だという。儀式か、祭りか、はたまたなんらかの風習か... 何もかもが未知の文化...その名は「ホワイトデー」!
The Hell Princes have arrived on Pwurp Island to investigate a certain culture which can only be found in the Human World. According to Uruk, all he knows is that "it is exclusive to the Human World", it is truly a culture shrouded in mystery. Is it a ritual? A holiday? Or maybe a custom of some sort...? A culture where all is unknown...its name is "White Day"!
Hell Prince's Halloween
Isin's Halloween
Pre-boss |
にゃおーっ! …あれあれ? ぜ~んぜん怖くない …ですか? MEOW! ...What's that? You mean to tell me... I wasn't scary in the sliiiightest...?
困りましたね… ではもう一度… にゃっ… にゃおーーーーっ! Well, that's no good at all... Alright, from the top... Meow... MRRROOOW!
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どうです? おどろきました? かわいい …ですか? …むずかしいですね How was that? Was I scary? ...You thought that was cute? ...That's no good either.
Lagash's Halloween
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右手には白銀の粉… 左手には黄金の生命… さあ… 錬成の儀式を始めよう A powder of white lies in my right hand... and an essence of gold in my left... And now...may the ceremony of smelting commence.
かきまぜ… かたどり… 業火で焼かれよ (こねてまるめて… おいしくな~れ) Churn, and...mold, then...lay to roast upon the hellfire. (Mix, and kneed...this is gon~na be yummy!)
Results |
我が渾身のかぐわしき供物存分に喰らうがいい! (クッキーをめしあがれ!) These fragrant offerings were made with all of my strength, so feast on them to your heart's content! (Gobble up my cookies!)
Eridu's Halloween
Pre-boss |
かざりつけはボクがやるよ パパに頼むほうがラクだけど ボクが楽しまなくちゃね I'm in charge of the decorating. Sure, it'd be easier if papa did it, but... that's no fun for me, is it?
立派な魔族になるためには 自分の手を尽くしてこそ …だよね★ If you wanna be a splendid demon, you gotta give everything you've got... dont'cha agree? ★
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パーティーの準備は万端! さぁ、余興の練習をしようか All the preparations for the party are set! Now, let's get to working on the entertainment.
Uruk's Halloween
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はろうぃん… 面白い儀式だ イタズラと甘い菓子の等価交換なのだろう? Hall-or-in... is an intriguing ceremony. There's a fair exchange between mischief and sweets, I assume?
イタズラ何時間分がキャンデーいくつに相当するのだ? What is the amount of candies equivalent to hours of mischief?
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…ん~…… とりあえず… もぐもぐ… 菓子を食べながら考えよう ...Hmmm~..... For the time being... *Eating candy...* I'll contemplate on this matter while consuming sweets.
Megiddo's Halloween
Pre-boss |
少々試したいことが… 実験につきあっていただけますか? I would like to test out a little something... Would you be so kind to follow through with my experiment?
イタズラとお菓子… あなたのタマシイはどちらを選ぶのでしょう… ふふふ Mischief or sweets...which path will your soul choose to go down, I wonder... Hehehe.
Results |
…おかしいですね お菓子しか選ばないとは… 実験は失敗のようです ...Well, isn't that peculiar. Your choice was sweets... It appears that this experiment was a bust.
Bestoll's Challenge
Miscellaneous Quotes