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Name Translations and Etymology by Momochi
新人ナースの女の子。とても熱心にかんびょうするので、かんじゃさんがすぐに心をひらいてくれる。 A young and newly-recruited nurse. She's overly enthusiastic about tending to patients, which is how she gets them to open up easily. |
ちゅうしゃ担当のナース。とっても上手でいたみを感じさせない。とても大きなゾウにだって打てちゃう。 A nurse in charge of handling injections. She is so skilled that you won't feel any pain from getting a shot. She could even give a shot to a huge elephant without it having a reaction. |
新人ナースの女の子。かんじゃさんの気持ちをらくにさせるふしぎなオーラをもっている。 A young and newly-recruited nurse. The mysterious aura she is shrouded in puts the patients to ease. |
歯の健康かんり担当のナース。ハブラシの歌を作ったが、歯みがきしながら歌えないことに気づいて落ちこんでいる。 A nurse in charge of managing dental care. She's written a song about toothbrushes, but has made the sad realization that you would not be able to sing it while brushing your teeth. |
新人ナースの女の子。子どもが好きで助けになりたいと思っている。絵本の読みきかせが得意。 A young and newly-recruited nurse. Enjoys the company of children, and assisting them any way possible. Her specialty is reading picture books to them. |
体温チェック担当のナース。りっぱな体温計をもっているが、実は顔色を見ただけで体温を当てられる能力がある。 A nurse in charge of checking people's temperature. Though her thermometer works splendidly, she's actually capable of telling someone's temperature just by glancing at their complexion. |
新人ナースの女の子。とても気がきくので、かんじゃさんやお医者さんからのしんらいが厚い。 A young and newly-recruited nurse. She is always open to hear others out, which is why she is trusted by not only patients but doctors as well. |
救急箱のかんり担当のナース。くすりの知識はだれにも負けない。最近はかんぽうやくの研究にもねっしん。 A nurse in charge of handling the first-aid kit. Her knowledge on pharmaceuticals is like no other. These days, she's been enthusiastically researching Chinese herbology. |
新人ナースの女の子。声をきいただけで、その人の体のちょうしがあるていどわかるらしい。 A young newly-recruited nurse. She is able to tell the exact heart-rate someone has just by hearing their voice. |
ちょうしんき担当のナース。耳がとても良くて、人や動物だけでなく植物や石の声も聴くことができるらしい? A nurse in charge of handling the stethoscope. She has an awfully strong ear that she cannot only hear people and animals, but even minerals and vegetation? |
フリフリファッション命の女の子。好きな色はパステルピンク。趣味は乙女ちっくな想像をふくらますこと。 A girl dressed in frilly fashion. Her favorite color is pastel pink. She spends her pastime indulging in her maidenly daydreams. |
フリフリファッション命の女の子。カワイイことに命をかけている。まわりからはフシギちゃんと思われがち? A girl dressed in frilly fashion. She would put her life on the line for the sake of cuteness. The people around her seem to think she's totally weird? |
フリフリファッション命の女の子。好きな色はパステルブルー。せいけつ感のある服装を心がけている。 A girl dressed in frilly fashion. Her favorite color is pastel blue. She always tries to dress in fresh clothes |
フリフリファッション命の女の子。趣味はウインドウショッピング。服以外の買い物はガマンすることがおおい。 A girl dressed in frilly fashion. She spends her pastime window shopping. She tends to hold back when it comes to shopping, unless it's for clothes. |
フリフリファッション命の女の子。好きな色はミントグリーン。好きな食べものはグリーンサラダ。 A girl dressed in frilly fashion. Her favorite color is mint green. Her favorite food is green salad. |
フリフリファッション命の女の子。趣味はペットショップめぐり。動物とお話できるとかできないとか? A girl dressed in frilly fashion. She spends her pastime visiting pet shops. She may or may not be able to communicate with animals? |
フリフリファッション命の女の子。好きな色はホワイト。ファッション仲間とのおしゃべりが大好き。 A girl dressed in frilly fashion. Her favorite color is white. She enjoys conversing with her fashionable friends. |
フリフリファッション命の女の子。ティーパーティーを開くのが趣味。白い服に紅茶をこぼさないよう気をつけて! A girl dressed in frilly fashion. She spends her pastime hosting tea parties. Careful not to spill any tea on her white clothes! |
フリフリファッション命の女の子。好きな色はブラック。趣味は音楽かんしょう。 A girl dressed in frilly fashion. Her favorite color is black. She spends her pastime appreciating music. |
フリフリファッション命の女の子。最近は楽器のおけいこにかよっているがなかなか上達しないのがなやみ。 A girl dressed in frilly fashion. She's recently begun practicing a musical instrument, but is troubled by the fact she isn't making much progress. |
モノ作りが仕事のドワーフの女の子。ちょっと怒っているように見えるが、素の顔がそう見えるだけ。 A dwarf girl who works in manufacturing. Though she looks slightly agitated, that's just what her face naturally looks like. |
モノ作りが仕事のドワーフの女の子。素の顔が怒っているように見えるのが最近の悩み。ただいま相談相手募集中。 A dwarf girl who works in manufacturing. She's recently grown an insecurity about her agitated-looking resting face. She's currently looking for someone to talk to about it. |
モノ作りが仕事のドワーフの女の子。普段は口下手だが、自分の好きなモノの話になると、おしゃべりが止まらなくなる。 A dwarf girl who works in manufacturing. She's not much of a talker, but she can't stop chatting when it comes to her favorite things |
モノ作りが仕事のドワーフの女の子。調子に乗って、おしゃべりしすぎると疲れて体調を崩してしまう。 A dwarf girl who works in manufacturing. If she gets a little too overly excited while talking, she'll end up getting herself sick and tired. |
モノ作りが仕事のドワーフの女の子。仕事中もずっと遊んでいるように見えるが、実はちゃんと仕事をこなしている。 A dwarf girl who works in manufacturing. It looks as if she's always goofing around during the midst of work, but she is in fact working hard. |
モノ作りが仕事のドワーフの女の子。なぜいつも遊んでいるのに、ちゃんと仕事ができているのか。それは企業秘密。 A dwarf girl who works in manufacturing. How does she get the job done properly when she's goofing off all the time? That's a work secret. |
モノ作りが仕事のドワーフの女の子。とてもまじめで、ルールや予定を守ることを、第一に考えている。 A dwarf girl who works in manufacturing. She's extremely serious, and is a stickler for rules and schedules, first and foremost. |
モノ作りが仕事のドワーフの女の子。まじめな性格なため、ゆうずうが利かない。ただし、お菓子のお土産がある場合は別。 A dwarf girl who works in manufacturing. Her serious demeanor makes her not the most cooperative. Well, unless you have sweets to offer to her. |
モノ作りが仕事のドワーフの女の子。かなりの才能を持っているが、サボったり怠けるせいで本領を発揮できていない。 A dwarf girl who works in manufacturing. Despite her having great skill, her laziness and slacking has made her unable to display any of it. |
モノ作りが仕事のドワーフの女の子。サボったり怠けすぎた結果、寝ながら仕事をする才能が目覚めつつある。 A dwarf girl who works in manufacturing. From slacking off and being overly lazy, she's gained the talent of working while asleep. |
小さなあくまの女の子。修行を始めたばかりで魔力はまだ全然ない。小あくまの中ではめずらしい熱血漢タイプ。 A lil' devil girl. She's lacking in magical abilities due to her only recently beginning training. Unlike most devils, she's the hot-blooded type. |
小さなあくまの女の子。最近ちょっとだけ魔力が上がってきた。火を出してビックリさせるのが得意。 A lil' devil girl. Her magic has recently improved a bit. She's good at scaring people with her flames. |
小さなあくまの女の子。まだまだがんばって修行している。花火に火をつけるくらいだったらよゆう。 A lil' devil girl. She's still got ways to go in her training. If it was as simple as lighting a firework, she'd be unstoppable. |
小さなあくまの女の子。パーティ用の衣装を着ただけで、楽しくて仕方ない。 A lil' devil girl. She's having a total blast wearing her outfit for the party. |
小さなあくまの女の子。クリスマスプレゼント用の長靴を抱えてはしゃいでる。 A lil' devil girl. She's merrily holding the boots she received as her Christmas present. |
小さなあくまの女の子。あたまがよくリーダーのそしつがある。魔力で水をあやつる能力があるはず。 A lil' devil girl. She's got brains and the makings of a great leader. She's capable of manipulating water through magic. |
小さなあくまの女の子。誰よりも冷静な判断ができるキレ者。でも悲しい映画をみるとすぐに泣いちゃう。 A lil' devil girl. She's quite sharp, and can calmly make decisions better than others. Although, she cries easily when watching sad films. |
小さなあくまの女の子。リーダーとしてみんなを引っぱれるよう魔力も話力もアップめざして修行中。 A lil' devil girl. She's training to improve her magic and charisma so that she can lead others. |
小さなあくまの女の子。クリスマスパーティの準備でいそがしそう。 A lil' devil girl. She's got her hands full with Christmas party preparations. |
小さなあくまの女の子。かわいい雪だるまを作ったから、みんなに紹介するみたい。 A lil' devil girl. She's showing off the cute snowman she created to everyone.
小さなあくまの女の子。おだやかな性格で読書好き。いつも何だか眠たそう。 A lil' devil girl. She has a calm personality and enjoys reading. She always seems to be drowsy. |
小さなあくまの女の子。魔力で四葉のクローバーを探すのが得意。でもそれはちょっとズルなんじゃ……。 A lil' devil girl. She's very good at finding four-leaved clovers using her magic. Wouldn't that be considered cheating, though......? |
小さなあくまの女の子。草花のごきげんがわかるようになってきた。もっとちゃんとお話するのがもくひょう。 A lil' devil girl. She's starting to understand the feelings of flowers and plants. She wishes to be able to understand them on an even deeper level. |
小さなあくまの女の子。クリスマスパーティの衣装があったかくて、うとうとしている。 A lil' devil girl. Her clothes for the Christmas party are so cozy that they're making her doze off. |
小さなあくまの女の子。クリスマスツリーをかざる場所を探してる。あ、そこはケーキを置く場所だよ! A lil' devil girl. She's looking for a place to put the Christmas Tree. Oh, right next to the cake should be a good spot! |
小さなあくまの女の子。誰よりもカッコよくなりたいと思っているちょいナルシスト。同性にはモテるらしい。 A lil' devil girl. A slight narcissist who thinks of herself as cooler than anyone else. She is apparently popular with the same gender. |
小さなあくまの女の子。人のきもちをあやつれる能力を特訓中。でも魔力がたりないのでまずは見た目から。 A lil' devil girl. She's going through special training to gain the ability to manipulate other's feelings. She doesn't have enough magical power for that just yet, so she's starting with her appearance first. |
小さなあくまの女の子。将来の夢はミュージカルスター。ん?小あくまとしての修行はどうした? A lil' devil girl. She dreams of becoming musical star in the future. Hm? Then what was all that training as a lil' devil for? |
小さなあくまの女の子。クリスマスパーティが楽しみ過ぎてワクワクが止まらないみたい。 A lil' devil girl. Her excitement can't be contained from how much she's looking forward to the Christmas party. |
小さなあくまの女の子。できあがった手作りのリースのかざりつけ中。うん!イイ感じ! A lil' devil girl. She's finished decorating the handmade wreath. Wow! That looks good! |
小さなあくまの女の子。伝統ある名門小あくま一族のおじょうさま。魔力の質も量も他の子よりかなり高い。 A lil' devil girl. The daughter to an establish, prestigious Devil Clan. Her magical power's quality and quantity are considerably higher than others. |
小さなあくまの女の子。人からはつめたく見られがちだけど本人はやさしく接しているつもりらしい。 A lil' devil girl. People say she acts cold-hearted, but that's just her way of being polite. |
小さなあくまの女の子。人を恋におとす能力の特訓中。ただそれはキューピッドのやくわりな気も……。 A young devil girl. She's going through special training to gain the ability to make others fall in love. That feels more like Cupid's job, though...... |
小さなあくまの女の子。初めてのクリスマスパーティにすこし緊張している。 A lil' devil girl. She's a little nervous about attending her first ever Christmas party. |
小さなあくまの女の子。クリスマスパーティへ行く途中に、大きな袋を見つけたみたい。誰のかな? A lil' devil girl. She found a giant sack while on her way to the Christmas party. Whose could it be? |
クリスマスに幸せを届ける役目をもった、双子の女の子。ビビリな性格で、ちょっと火がこわいらしい。 One half of a pair of twin girls who are tasked with the duty of bringing happiness to Christmas. Timid-natured, and seems to be a little frightened by fire. |
クリスマスに幸せを届ける役目をもった、双子の女の子。自信はあまりないけど、やる気はじゅうぶんみたい。 One half of a pair of twin girls who are tasked with the duty of bringing happiness to Christmas. Though she isn't very confident in herself, she seems to have plenty of motivation. |
クリスマスに幸せを届ける役目をもった、双子の女の子。自分なりにがんばろうと、決意をあらたにしたみたい。 One half of a pair of twin girls who are tasked with the duty of bringing happiness to Christmas. She's gained some new determination, and is giving it her all in her own special way. |
クリスマスに幸せを届ける役目をもった、双子の女の子。みんなの心が、あったかくなるようにと願っているらしい。 One half of a pair of twin girls who are tasked with the duty of bringing happiness to Christmas. She wishes for everyone's heart to feel warm. |
クリスマスの日だけヒトの姿になれる、もみの木の精霊。この日を心待ちにしていて、ワクワクしているみたい。 The spirit of a fir tree who can only take on a human form on Christmas Day. She's been anticipating for this day and cannot contain her excitement. |
クリスマスの日だけヒトの姿になれる、もみの木の精霊。帽子についている、クリスタルのアクセサリーがお気に入り。 The spirit of a fir tree who can only take on a human form on Christmas Day. Her favorite part of her hat is the crystal accessory attached to it. |
クリスマスの日だけヒトの姿になれる、もみの木の精霊。飾りつけが大好きで、ともだちといっしょにはしゃいでいる。 The spirit of a fir tree who can only take on a human form on Christmas Day. She loves to decorate, and having a merry ol' time with her friends. |
クリスマスの日だけヒトの姿になれる、もみの木の精霊。ふしぎな力を身にまとい、みんなに幸せをはこんでくれるみたい。 The spirit of a fir tree who can only take on a human form on Christmas Day. She seems to be shrouded in a mysterious force that bring happiness to all. |
クリスマスに幸せを届ける役目をもった、双子の女の子。活発でちょっと強引な性格。いたずらが好きらしい。 One half of a pair of twin girls who are tasked with the duty of bringing happiness to Christmas. She has a lively yet slightly pushy nature. She seems to enjoy causing mischief. |
クリスマスに幸せを届ける役目をもった、双子の女の子。楽しいことが大好きで、やる気はじゅうぶんみたい。 One half of a pair of twin girls who are tasked with the duty of bringing happiness to Christmas. She loves to have a fun time, and seems to have plenty of motivation. |
クリスマスに幸せを届ける役目をもった、双子の女の子。どんな楽しいことがおこるかと、今から楽しみにしてるみたい。 One half of a pair of twin girls who are tasked with the duty of bringing happiness to Christmas. She is looking forward to see what kind of fun occurrences are approaching. |
クリスマスに幸せを届ける役目をもった、双子の女の子。人の心に光をともすため、今日も仕事に出かけるみたい。 One half of a pair of twin girls who are tasked with the duty of bringing happiness to Christmas. Today, it seems she's gone off to do her job of bringing light to people's heart. |
踊り出すと止まらない赤いクツの女の子。お気に入りのクツを手に入れてさっそくはきごごちをおためし中。 A girl in red shoes who cannot stop dancing. She put her favorite shoes on the instant she received them. |
踊り出すと止まらない赤いクツの女の子。クツがぴったりフィットしてご満悦。オシャレもばっちりで踊りはじめる。 A girl in red shoes who cannot stop dancing. She's delighted to see her shoes are a perfect fit. She's begun to dance with precision and style. |
踊り出すと止まらない赤いクツの女の子。クツのふしぎな力でバラをまとい自分の踊りにうっとりと上きげん。 A girl in red shoes who cannot stop dancing. The mysterious power of the shoes have enveloped her in roses that entrap herself into a merrily dance. |
笛の名人で世界を旅する少女。彼女が笛に口をあてるとたちまち気持ちいい音色がひびきわたる。 A young master flutist who travels the world. The air fills with a pleasant tune the second her flute meets her mouth. |
笛の名人で世界を旅する少女。ふしぎな音色にひきよせられてかわいい動物たちがあとをついてくる。 A young master flutist who travels the world. The mysterious tune attracts many adorable animals into coming along with her. |
笛の名人で世界を旅する少女。次から次へと動物や人形が行列にくわわりみんな笛の音に合わせて笑顔で大行進。 A young master flutist who travels the world. One after another, animals and even dolls are adding themself in the mix. They're all smiling in a big parade to the tune of the flute. |
頭のいい兄と勇気ある妹のふたり兄妹。ふたりはとってもなかよしで楽しい時もこまった時もいつもいっしょ。 A pair of siblings, a smart older brother and a courageous younger sister. They're very close with each other, and are always together through thick and thin. |
頭のいい兄と勇気ある妹のふたり兄妹。ふたりでお出かけしたけれど迷子になっておなかも空いてちょっと心配。 A pair of siblings, a smart older brother and a courageous younger sister. The two headed off for an outing, but ended up getting themselves lost. Now they're hungry and a little worried of what to do. |
頭のいい兄と勇気ある妹のふたり兄妹。おかしの家を見つけてひと安心。おうちに帰るためなら何でもするふたり。 A pair of siblings, a smart older brother and a courageous younger sister. They're relived to have found a house made of sweets. They'd do whatever it takes to get back home. |
甘いブドウが大好きなキツネっぽい女の子。欲しかった高い木になるブドウが手に入りどうやって食べるか考え中。 A foxy girl with a penchant for sweet grapes. She has obtained the grapes she desired from a tall tree, and now she's trying to figure out how to eat them. |
甘いブドウが大好きなキツネっぽい女の子。口にしたらあまりのすっぱさにビックリ。こんなブドウならいらないとご立腹。 A foxy girl with a penchant for sweet grapes. She was surprised by how sour it tasted. These weren't the grapes she wanted, now she's all cranky. |
甘いブドウが大好きなキツネっぽい女の子。ブドウがすっぱいならお肉でいいと負け惜しみをかくして満面の笑顔。 A foxy girl with a penchant for sweet grapes. The grapes were too sour, but meat's just as good. She hides her case of sour grapes with a big smile on her face. |
美しい歌声で人をひきつける少女。ある国の王様によばれてサヨナキドリの美声を聞かせてあげる。 A young girl with a beautiful voice that charms others. She has been called upon by the king of a certain country who wishes to hear her voice that's as beautiful as a nightingale. |
美しい歌声で人をひきつける少女。せっかくよばれて歌ってあげたのに作り物のサヨナキドリに人気をうばわれる。 A young girl with a beautiful voice that charms others. Even though she was the one who was called to sing, the prop-nightingale completely stole the show. |
美しい歌声で人をひきつける少女。作り物のサヨナキドリがこわれたのでもういちど歌ってあげているところ。 A young girl with a beautiful voice that charms others She is taking a moment to sing for the damaged prop-nightingale. |
アイスキャンディーが好きで仕方ない少女。ソーダのようにさわやかな性格をしている。動きやすい服が好きみたい。 A young girl who can't get enough of popsicles. Her personality is as refreshing as soda. She likes prefers clothes that are easy to move in. |
アイスキャンディーが好きで仕方ない少女。いつも元気いっぱいで、カゼをひいたことがないとか。 A young girl who can't get enough of popsicles. She's always bursting with energy, and has never caught a cold. |
アイスキャンディーが好きで仕方ない少女。アイスの中でもソーダ味が一番好き。一日でいくつ食べられるか試しているらしい。 A young girl who can't get enough of popsicles. Out of all flavors of ice cream, her favorite has got to be soda. She's trying to see how many of them she can gobble up in a single day. |
アイスキャンディーが好きで仕方ない少女。たくさんのアイスキャンディーをくばって、みんなを幸せにすることが夢。 A young girl who can't get enough of popsicles. Her dream is to bring happiness to all by giving everyone loads of popsicles. |
かき氷が好きで仕方ない少女。とっても礼儀正しい性格で、面倒見がいい。最近は、まっちゃ味にはまってるらしい。 A young girl who can't get enough of shaved ice. She has an extremely courteous nature, and is very caring. She's been all about matcha flavor these days. |
かき氷が好きで仕方ない少女。おっとりしているためか、かき氷をとかしてしまうのが最近の悩み。 A young girl who can't get enough of shaved ice. Perhaps her recent troubles regarding shaved ice are caused by her gentleness. |
かき氷が好きで仕方ない少女。とけかけのかき氷をあわてて食べて、あたまがキーンとなることも。 A young girl who can't get enough of shaved ice. She gives herself a brain freeze whenever she rushes to finish her shaved ice due to it melting. |
かき氷が好きで仕方ない少女。かき氷のトッピングにはまっていて、いろんなものを組み合わせて楽しんでいる。 A young girl who can't get enough of shaved ice. She's been obsessed with shaved ice toppings, and enjoys creating various combinations. |
ソフトクリームが好きで仕方ない少女。無邪気な性格で、ちょっとドジな一面も。バニラ味が一番のお気に入り。 A young girl who can't get enough of soft serve. She has a simple-minded nature with a bit of a clumsy side. Vanilla flavor is her number one favorite. |
ソフトクリームが好きで仕方ない少女。最近教えてもらった、バニラとなにかのミックス味がマイブームみたい。 A young girl who can't get enough of soft serve. She's recently discovered a mix between vanilla and another flavor, and it is now her current obsession. |
ソフトクリームが好きで仕方ない少女。ちょっとドジだという自覚があるためか、アイスはしんちょうに運ぶようにしている。 A young girl who can't get enough of soft serve. She's cautious while holding her ice cream, perhaps it is because she knows that she can be a bit of a klutz. |
ソフトクリームが好きで仕方ない少女。みんなに喜んでもらえるように、アイスにはさまざまな工夫をこらしている。 A young girl who can't get enough of soft serve. She's put various concepts into the ice cream to ensure everybody will be pleased with it. |
熱帯魚が大好きな女の子。恥ずかしがり屋で、知らない人を見るとすぐ物陰にかくれてしまう。 A girl who adores tropical fish. She's shy, and rushes to hide in the shadows when she spots a stranger. |
熱帯魚が大好きな女の子。恥ずかしがり屋で人見知りだが、仲良くなると、かなりなれなれしくなる。 A girl who adores tropical fish. A shy person with a fear of strangers, but she becomes quite friendly once you get to know her. |
熱帯魚が大好きな女の子。着ている服は不思議な光を放っていて、その光は見ている人を引き付ける。 A girl who adores tropical fish. The clothes she dons emits a mysterious radiance that fascinates those who see it. |
熱帯魚が大好きな女の子。最近の悩みは、不思議な光を放つドレスを着ているため、かなり目立ってしまうこと。 A girl who adores tropical fish. She's recently been troubled by her dress's mysterious radiance being too eye-catching. |
熱帯魚が大好きな女の子。いつも透明感がある格好をしている。とても優しい性格をしていて、友達も多い。 A girl who adores tropical fish. She always dresses with a sense of translucency. She has an awfully kind personality, and a whole lot of friends. |
熱帯魚が大好きな女の子。全身からあふれる透明感のせいで、友達から存在を忘れられることがある。 A girl who adores tropical fish. Her translucence clothes flow down her entire body, which causes her friends to sometimes forget she's even there. |
熱帯魚が大好きな女の子。いつもほんわかしている癒し系。人が集まる、にぎやかな場所が好き。 A girl who adores tropical fish. She's the healing-type, and is pleasant at all times. She enjoys boisterous places where people get-together. |
熱帯魚が大好きな女の子。にぎやかな場所に出かけるのが趣味。でも、すぐに迷子になってしまう。 A girl who adores tropical fish. She goes to boisterous places in her spare time. However, she gets herself lost the second she gets there. |
熱帯魚が大好きな女の子。みんなから頼りにされるお姉さん的存在。「あらあら、まあまあ」が口ぐせ。 A girl who adores tropical fish. She's an older sister figure that everyone can rely on. Her most common phrase being "oh me, oh my". |
熱帯魚が大好きな女の子。みんなからあこがれのお姉さんといわれ、本人も悪い気はしていない様子。 A girl who adores tropical fish. She's an older sister figure that everyone aspires to be just like, and she doesn't seem to mind that at all. |
ちょうちょの妖精の女の子。花のミツ集めが上手いが、美味しそうなミツは食べてしまうので、ミツ集めが終わらない A butterfly fairy girl. She's got a knack for gathering the nectar from flowers, but she ends up eating all the delicious nectar, so she never finishes collecting them. |
ちょうちょの妖精の女の子。花の香りだけで種類が的確に分かるみたい。新しいミツを求めて森を探し回っている。 A butterfly fairy girl. It seems that she can tell the exact type of flower just from its scent. She scours the forest in search of new nectar. |
ちょうちょの妖精の女の子。ミツだけでなくきれいな花も大好き。ミツのたまった花束を作ってお持ち帰り。 A butterfly fairy girl. She loves not only nectar, but also beautiful flowers. She's proud to say that she's made a nectar-ful bouquet of flowers to take home with her. |
ちょうちょの妖精の女の子。木の実や果物を森で探すのが大好き。恥ずかしがり屋で早朝に探しに行く。 A butterfly fairy girl. She loves to scour through the trees for nuts and fruits. Due to her shyness, she wakes up early in the morning to do her searching. |
ちょうちょの妖精の女の子。木の実や果物の知識がすごく豊富で、安全な物だけを的確に集めてくる。 A butterfly fairy girl. Her knowledge on nuts and fruits is amazingly rich, which is how she safely gathers them with precision. |
ちょうちょの妖精の女の子。森でおなかをすかせた動物を見つけると集めた木の実や果物を分けてあげる。 A butterfly fairy girl. She shares all the nuts and fruits she had collected to the hungry animals that she spots in the forest. |
ちょうちょの妖精の女の子。イタズラが大好きで、森で人を見つけると後をついて行ってイタズラをしかける。 A butterfly fairy girl. She loves to cause mischief, and follows to play pranks on people she can find in the forest. |
ちょうちょの妖精の女の子。こっそりイタズラをしかけては、陰から成功の瞬間を見守っている。 A butterfly fairy girl. She plays her pranks stealthily, then goes to watch in the shadows to witness them play out successfully. |
ちょうちょの妖精の女の子。自分のしかけたイタズラが大成功した時は嬉しさのあまりお祭り騒ぎをする。 A butterfly fairy girl. When her pranks end up a great success, she becomes taken over by enough delight to fill up a bustling party. |
ちょうちょの妖精の女の子。元気いっぱいで森の仲間がたくさんいる。森で起きた出来事はみんな彼女の耳に入る。 A butterfly fairy girl. She's a total ball of energy and has tons of forest friends. When a juicy scoop hits the forest, it's bound to reach her ears. |
ちょうちょの妖精の女の子。森の奥深くの静かな場所がお気に入り。実は飛ぶのがニガテで、密かに練習している A butterfly fairy girl. Her favorite place is a peaceful spot deep in the forest. To tell the truth, she's not very good at flying, and goes there to practice in secret. |
ちょうちょの妖精の女の子。上手に飛べるようになり、森を飛び回る。その姿はキラキラとかがやいている。 A butterfly fairy girl. It appears she has learned how to fly skillfully, and has gone to soar through the forest. It is as if she is totally glistening. |
ちょうちょの妖精の女の子。森の中では誰もが知っているアイドル的存在。行く先々でみんなを夢中にさせる。 A butterfly fairy girl. A young star who's known by everyone in the forest. All eyes are on her wherever she goes. |
ちょうちょの妖精の女の子。完ぺき主義で、自分が納得するまでとことんやるタイプ。朝のお手入れは特にこだわる。 A butterfly fairy girl. A perfectionist, she's the type to go all out until satisfied. She puts special attention into her morning routine. |
ちょうちょの妖精の女の子。納得いくまで朝のセットをしていたら、1日の半分が過ぎていた。しかし本人は大満足 A butterfly fairy girl. By the time she finished setting up her morning routine, half of the day had already gone by. Nevertheless, she herself is very much pleased. |
火のドラゴンから少女の姿に。今まで以上の力を秘めている。相変わらず、やる気に満ち溢れている。 A fire dragon taking on the form of a young lady. Her power has secretly grown stronger than ever now. Her motivation is flowing over the brim, as it always is. |
火のドラゴンから少女の姿に。人の姿だと、大好きなかき氷を少ししか食べられないことが唯一の不満。 A fire dragon taking on the form of a young lady. The only complaint she has about her human form is that she can only eat a small portion of her favorite shaved ice. |
火のドラゴンから少女の姿に。自分が持つ火の力を限界ギリギリまで高めた結果、凄まじい力が覚醒したらしい。 A fire dragon taking on the form of a young lady. By enhancing her fire-handed abilities to its utmost limits, it looks as if a tremendous power is awaking. |
Skill Name: 火龍の祝福 Blessing of the Fire Dragon |
水のドラゴンから少女の姿に。今まで以上の力を秘めている。自分の何が変わったか、冷静に分析中。 A water dragon taking on the form of a young lady. Her power has secretly grown stronger than ever now. She calmly analyzes the peculiar happenings bestowed upon her. |
水のドラゴンから少女の姿に。以前より速く泳げるようになったことが嬉しいようで、ずっと泳いでいる。 A water dragon taking on the form of a young lady. She's overjoyed that she can swim faster than ever before, and has been swimming non-stop |
水のドラゴンから少女の姿に。水と極限まで同化することによって、自分の持つ本当の力が覚醒したらしい。 A water dragon taking on the form of a young lady. From absorbing water to its very limits, it looks as if the power she truly had within her is awaking. |
Skill Name: 水龍の祝福 Blessing of the Water Dragon |
森のドラゴンから少女の姿に。今まで以上の力を秘めている。新しい体で、光合成をしている。 A forest dragon taking on the form of a young lady. Her power has secretly grown stronger than ever now. She is performing photosynthesis with her new form. |
森のドラゴンから少女の姿に。体が小さくなったことで、森に住んでいる動物たちと遊べるようになり喜んでいる。 A forest dragon taking on the form of a young lady. Though her body's shrunken down, she's happy to play with the animals who reside within the forest. |
森のドラゴンから少女の姿に。母なる大地からエネルギーを吸収することで、真の力が覚醒したらしい。 A forest dragon taking on the form of a young lady. From absorbing Mother Earth's energy, it looks as if her true power is awaking. |
Skill Name: 森龍の祝福 Blessing of the Forest Dragon |
光のドラゴンが少女の姿に。今まで以上の力を秘めている。姿が変わっても、日課のお祈りは忘れない。 A light dragon taking on the form of a young lady. Her power has secretly grown stronger than ever now. She never forgets her daily prayers, even when her form is altered. |
光のドラゴンが少女の姿に。今まで接していた人達から「女神」と呼ばれるようになってしまい困っている。 A light dragon taking on the form of a young lady. Her recent troubles stem from people she comes in contact with referring to her as a "goddess". |
光のドラゴンが少女の姿に。雲間から射す光を浴びたことによって、奇跡のような力が覚醒したらしい。 A light dragon taking on the form of a young lady. From basking in the shine rifted between the clouds, it looks as if a marvelous-like power is awaking. |
Skill Name: 天龍の祝福 Blessing of the Saint Dragon |
闇のドラゴンが少女の姿に。今まで以上の力を秘めている。転生が成功して、少し自慢げ。 A dark dragon taking on the form of a young lady. Her power has secretly grown stronger than ever now. She's a tad boastful about her successful transformation. |
闇のドラゴンが少女の姿に。見た目が変わったことで、周りの人に怖がられなくなったことが嬉しいみたい。 A dark dragon taking on the form of a young lady. She seems to be pleased that people are no longer frightened by her peculiar form. |
闇のドラゴンが少女の姿に。自分の心の闇を優しく包み込むことで、不思議な力が覚醒したらしい。 A dark dragon taking on the form of a young lady. By enveloping the darkness in her heart with tender love, it looks as if a mysterious power is awaking. |
Skill Name: 闇龍の祝福 Blessing of the Darkness Dragon |
少女の姿になった森のドラゴン。みんながもう一度食べたくなるような魅力的なメインディッシュを作っている A forest dragon taking on the form of a young lady. She creates main dishes which are so appealing that it makes everyone come back for seconds. |
Skill Name: わらわが焼いた! I cooked it! |
【開発畑】GMマッチングの中でも、「みわくの仮面舞踏会」の課題達成が一番うれしかったのぅ。みなに感謝じゃ! |
- This series includes the character Fresta who was treated as PPQAC's mascot.
お菓子とバトンでみんなを応援する女の子。どんな時でも明るく元気よくをモットーに、世界中を旅している。 A girl who uses a baton and confectionary to cheer everyone on. She travels all around the world with her motto of being cheerful and bright. |
お菓子とバトンでみんなを応援する女の子。付かれたみんなに甘いお菓子をプレゼント。色とりどりのお菓子は疲労回復にピッタリ。 A girl who uses a baton and confectionary to cheer everyone on. She gifts a present of sugary sweets to anybody who's fatigued. The assorted candies make for the perfect exhaustion reliver. |
お菓子とバトンでみんなを応援する女の子。みんなと一緒にパレードを楽しんだら終わりの合図。また新しい場所を探して旅に出る。 A girl who uses a baton and confectionary to cheer everyone on. She has signaled the finale to her delightful parade with all. She now heads off in search of a new locale to travel to. |
Skill Name: コンタクトマテリアル Contact Material |
- Despite the title implying there would be a complete series, Twir is the only member in the series
神秘的な力を持つと噂される不思議な子。すごい力を秘めているが、まだまだ成長途中のため、修行のために世界を大冒険。 A mysterious youth rumored to possess mystical powers. They have great power within them, but they still have much more growing to do. So they've gone off on a great adventure around the world to train. |
神秘的な力を持つと噂される不思議な子。力を完全には使えないが、人を助ける際には無意識のうちにいつも以上の力が出ている。 A mysterious youth rumored to possess mystical powers. They're not capable of using their full power just yet, but they tend to exert more power than usual when it comes to aiding others. |
神秘的な力を持つと噂される不思議な子。自分の力をうまく使えるようになった。世界の平和を夢見て新たな冒険にでるみたい。 A mysterious youth rumored to possess mystical powers. They now have great control of their power. They seem to be off on a new adventure— an adventure for harmony. |
Skill Name: 名も無き力 Nameless Power |
神秘的な力を持つと噂される不思議な子。食べた人の幸運を祈りながら、自己流でシチューを作る。神秘的な味になる予定。 A mysterious youth rumored to have mystical powers. They're making their very own stew, one that will bring prayers of good fortune to those who consume it. They plan for the taste to be mystical. |
Skill Name: おいしくなるのは必然です! There's no doubt it'll be tasty! |
- Dorwa's name is an anagram. Rearranging the characters in their name spells out World (ワルド)
Every Quest Arcade card description (and more) that was not included when ported to Puyo Puyo!! Quest
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A mysterious entity birthed from the soul of a dog plushie. A girl who loves to help out others. |
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A mysterious entity birthed from the soul of a bear plushie. She wishes to say things like "roa~r!", but finds it embarrassing to do so. |
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A mysterious entity birthed from the soul of a bunny plushie. The young girl believes that anything is possible if you just wish for it. |
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A mysterious entity birthed from the soul of a cat plushie. Lately, she's been thinking about how amazing space is. |
- Fun Fact
- In PPQAC, the series name is "キグルミィ" (Katakana)
but in PPQ it is written as "きぐるみぃ" (Hiragana)
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The rumored beastly guardian of garnet. Authorizes victory and fraternity. He is endlessly training in a pursuit for strength. |
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The rumored beastly guardian of turquoise. Authorizes success and prosperity. He is always on the path to success, no matter what it might be for. |
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The rumored beastly guardian of peridot. Authorizes peace and faith. He takes it upon himself to settle everything as peacefully as possible. |
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The rumored beastly guardian of citrine. Authorizes wealth and first love. He believes the solution to everything is fortune. |
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The rumored beastly guardian of opal. Authorizes purity and hope. He believes that everything will work out if you're having fun. |
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A summoness whose power derives from Scorpio. Her summoning spell was a success, and it looks like she can't help but smile. |
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An archeress whose power derives from Sagittarius. With an arrow shrouded with a mysterious aura, she's overflown with confidence. |
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A holy knightmaiden whose power derives from Virgo. Today, it seems that raising up her glimmering sword brings blessings to all. |
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A little princess from the Land of Sweets. Her tomboyish nature gets her into all sorts of trouble. |
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A little prince from the Land of Sweets. A calm-mannered model student. He takes on a blunt demeanor when he is with others. |
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A little princess from the Land of Sweets. She acts like like a spoiled brat, and enjoys when people pet her on the head. |
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A little princess from the Land of Sweets. She is reliable, but can be a bit gluttonous and is always eating more than her fill. |
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A little prince from the Land of Sweets. He's the type who would rather be told that he is "cool" instead of "cute". |
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A girl born from a Rose. She uses roses to produce a gorgeous party venue. Stay clear of the thorns |
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A girl born from a Lily. She uses lilies to produce a peaceful party venue. It seems that being boisterous isn't her forte. |
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A girl born from a Tulip. She uses tulips to produce a delightful party venue. What color of flower tickles people's fancy? |
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A girl born from a Sunflower. She uses sunflowers to produce a warm and cozy party venue. She just adores the sun. ♪ |
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A girl born from an Iris. She uses irises to produce a marvelous party venue. She also tends to flowers of similar resemblance. |
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A deity who presides over the element of wind. They had been sealed away within an enormous tornado for a long, long time. They're a devious liar. |
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「ロングヘアーにすれば多少はマシだと思うが… なにぶん私は少女趣味なものが似合わなくてな」 |
"I guess havin' long hair would help me out a lil', but... that girly frou-frou stuff's just not for me." |
- This line was actually in Quest, but since Cusun is from Arcade I found it most fitting to put it here
- This line was removed and replaced with:
「ロングヘアーにすれば多少はマシだと思うが…なに、見てみたいって? 無理な相談だ…」
伝説の剣を司る女の子。パーティーで剣を使った演武に挑戦。まずはしっかり準備体操。 A maiden presiding over a legendary sword. She's arrived at the party to perform a sword demonstration. But before all of that, she's got some warming up to do. |
伝説の剣を司る女の子。鎧よりも身軽で華やかなバラのドレスで、いつも以上に身も心も軽やか。 A maiden presiding over a legendary sword. This rose dress is much more beautiful and casual than her armor, it makes her feel lighter than she's ever been before. |
伝説の剣を司る女の子。素早い剣さばきにさらに磨きがかかる。ロージーと臨機応変に会場を盛り上げる。 A maiden presiding over a legendary sword. Her swift swordsmanship have been furtherly refined. She livens up the venue with roses and playing by ear. |
伝説の剣を司る女の子。気ままに楽しく剣を振り回す演武は、大盛り上がりでアンコールが絶えない。 A maiden presiding over a legendary sword. The crowd got so excited by how freewheeling and fun her sword-wielding demonstration was that it left no shortage for encore. |
伝説の斧を司る女の子。パーティーで斧を使った演武に挑戦。内心では慣れないドレス姿に少し困惑。 A maiden presiding over a legendary axe. She's arrived at the party to perform an axe demonstration. She's secretly a little embarrassed about wearing an unfamiliar dress. |
伝説の斧を司る女の子。ユリのドレスも着慣れてきたようで、鏡に映る自分の姿に自信を持てるようになった。 A maiden presiding over a legendary axe. She's beginning to warm up to the lily dress, and has gained more confidence regarding her appearance. |
伝説の斧を司る女の子。正確な動きをより完ぺきに仕上げていく。ユーリーと演武の見せ場の最終調整。 A maiden presiding over a legendary axe. Her precise movements are better than perfect. The grand finale shall feature her lily-like demonstration. |
伝説の斧を司る女の子。華麗で静かに巨大な斧を振り下ろす演武は、誰も動けなくなるほどの迫力。 A maiden presiding over a legendary axe. She swung her giant axe so gorgeously and gently in her demonstration that it left everyone too speechless to move. |
伝説の弓を司る女の子。パーティーで弓を使った演武に挑戦。弓をパーティー用に調整中。 A maiden presiding over a legendary bow. She's arrived at the party to perform a bow demonstration. She's trying to get herself used to the party's bow. |
伝説の弓を司る女の子。チューリップの矢の扱いにも慣れてきて動きながらでも的を射抜けるようになった。 A maiden presiding over a legendary bow. She's gotten herself adjusted to using the tulip arrows, and can now hit targets even while they're moving. |
伝説の弓を司る女の子。演武の新しいみせ方を思いついたみたい。チューリーと矢につけた香りを追加調整。 A maiden presiding over a legendary bow. She's been struck with a fresh idea to showcase during her demonstration. She's given the arrows a tulip-y scent as a bonus feature. |
伝説の弓を司る女の子。射出と同時に不思議な放物線を描く矢の演武は、親子連れに大人気。 A maiden presiding over a legendary bow. The way she shot her arrows curiously parabolic in her demonstration was extremely well-received by both parents and children. |
伝説のスピアーを司る女の子。パーティーでスピアーを使った演武に挑戦。この日のためにスピアーをひまわりで飾る。 A maiden presiding over a legendary spear. She's arrived at the party to perform a spear demonstration. The spear adorns a sunflower for the special occasion. |
伝説のスピアーを司る女の子。ひまわり模様のかわいいスピアーに満足。でも何か足りないと、急に二槍流に挑戦。 A maiden presiding over a legendary spear. She was satisfied with her sunflower-donning spear. But it just wasn't cutting it, which is why she suddenly decided to try out dual-wielding. |
伝説のスピアーを司る女の子。二槍流になったことで新しい技を考案中。ヒマリーとしては急な方向転換にオロオロ。 A maiden presiding over a legendary spear. Dual-wielding has given her an idea for a new move. A sunflower-y change of direction that's sure to shake things up. |
伝説のスピアーを司る女の子。二本のスピアーを鮮やかに躍らせる演武は、あまりの美しさで人の心を動かす。 A maiden presiding over a legendary spear. Her demonstration of two spears being swung brilliantly was so beautiful that it moved people's hearts. |
伝説のランスを司る女の子。パーティーでランスを使った演武に挑戦。マイペースにイメージを練っている。 A maiden presiding over a legendary lance. She's arrived at the party to perform a lance demonstration. She's creating a mental image at her own pace. |
伝説のランスを司る女の子。アヤメの衣装も難なく着こなし、ランスを握ると、自然と体が動き出す。 A maiden presiding over a legendary lance. She struts in her iris dress with ease, and her body starts moving on its own when she clutches her lance. |
伝説のランスを司る女の子。本番のイメージをしっかり固めて、アヤミーとの最終調整は終了。 A maiden presiding over a legendary lance. Her mental image for her performance is almost set, she just needs an iris-y finisher to get it all completed. |
伝説のランスを司る女の子。流れるようにランスを操るすばらしい演武の評判は、またたく間に広がっていった。 A maiden presiding over a legendary lance. Word of mouth has spread like wildfire over her magnificent demonstration of fluid lance-wielding. |
イチゴのショートケーキが大好きな女の子。いっぱいオシャレをして、クリスマスの町にお出かけ中。 A girl who loves strawberry shortcake. She's gotten herself all dolled up, and is on her way to town for Christmas. |
イチゴのショートケーキが大好きな女の子。おっきなクリスマスツリーやイルミネーションを見てうっとりしてる。 A girl who loves strawberry shortcake. She can't take her eyes off of the illumination from the large Christmas tree. |
アップルパイが大好きな女の子。今日は家族でクリスマスパーティ。でも、なんだかソワソワしてるような… A girl who loves apple pie. Today's the day for the Christmas Party with her family. She seems to be a bit nervous, though... |
アップルパイが大好きな女の子。おばあちゃんにサプライズプレゼント!とってもよろこんでもらえたみたい! A girl who loves apple pie. She's making a surprise gift for her grandma! She looks to be very much pleased with how it turned out! |
モンブランが大好きな女の子。今日のお勉強はおやすみして、クリスマスのじゅんびをしてる。 A girl who loves mont blanc. She's taken a break from her studies to focus on Christmas preparations. |
モンブランが大好きな女の子。おすまし顔をしてるけど、プレゼントが楽しみでワクワクしてるみたい。 A girl who loves mont blanc. She's putting on a nonchalant face, but is actually excitedly looking forward to her present. |
フルーツケーキが大好きな女の子。クリスマスのプレゼントをどうするかずっと迷っているみたい。 A girl who loves fruitcake. She's can't make up her mind on what to get as a Christmas present. |
フルーツケーキが大好きな女の子。やっとプレゼントが決まったようだけど、今度はパーティに着ていく服を迷ってる。 A girl who loves fruitcake. She's finally made up her mind on the present, but now she can't decide on what to wear for the party. |
チョコケーキが大好きな女の子。大人なじょせいになるためにクリスマスは静かに過ごす予定。 A girl who loves chocolate cake. She plans on spending Christmas peacefully in order to become a classy lady. |
チョコケーキが大好きな女の子。やっぱりクリスマスを全力で楽しむ大人なじょせいに目標を変更! A girl who loves chocolate cake. Sure enough, she's changed her plan into now becoming classy lady by spending Christmas to the fullest! |
人間とうさぎのハーフで、ダンスが大好きな女の子。お月さまの下で踊るのが今から楽しみみたい。 A half human, half rabbit girl who loves to dance. She's delighted to dance beneath the moon for this occasion. |
人間とうさぎのハーフで、ダンスが大好きな女の子。踊るときには、じまんのセンスを持ってダンスをしようと決めていたらしい。 A half human, half rabbit girl who loves to dance. When she danced, it seemed she decided to perform a dance that held a sense of pride. |
人間とうさぎのハーフで、ダンスが大好きな女の子。見ている人が笑顔になるくらいとても楽しそうに踊っている。 A half human, half rabbit girl who loves to dance. She dances with so much glee that anybody who spectates can't help but smile as well. |
人間とうさぎのハーフで、ダンスが大好きな女の子。明るくて元気いっぱいのダンスでみんなを幸せなきもちにしてくれる。 A half human, half rabbit girl who loves to dance. Her cheerful and energetic dance brought a sensation of happiness to everyone. |
人間とうさぎのハーフで、ダンスが大好きな女の子。がんばって練習したダンスをお月さまの下で踊るのが楽しみみたい。 A half human, half rabbit girl who loves to dance. She's doing lots of rehearsals because she's looking forward to dancing beneath the moon. |
人間とうさぎのハーフで、ダンスが大好きな女の子。まだまだ練習がたりないと、いっしょうけんめい踊ってるみたい。 A half human, half rabbit girl who loves to dance. She has more rehearsing to do, she seems to be putting her all into dancing so it can end in a bang. |
人間とうさぎのハーフで、ダンスが大好きな女の子。練習のせいかを発揮できてとてもかっこよく踊っている。 A half human, half rabbit girl who loves to dance. She demonstrates all of her rehearsing by performing an extremely stylish dance. |
人間とうさぎのハーフで、ダンスが大好きな女の子。しなやかでかっこいい踊りに、みんながうっとりしている。 A half human, half rabbit girl who loves to dance. Her elegant and stylish dance left everyone completely starstruck. |
人間とうさぎのハーフで、ダンスが大好きな女の子。きれいな月をバックに踊るのがとても楽しみみたい。 A half human, half rabbit girl who loves to dance. She's really looking forward to dance beneath the beautiful moon. |
人間とうさぎのハーフで、ダンスが大好きな女の子。キレのある動きで踊っているが、ふわっとしたほほえみをうかべている。 A half human, half rabbit girl who loves to dance. She moves beautifully in her dance, and appears to have a soft smile on her face. |
人間とうさぎのハーフで、ダンスが大好きな女の子。鈴の音をひびかせてとても幸せそうに踊っている。 A half human, half rabbit girl who loves to dance. With the sound of ringing bells, she dances with much delight. |
人間とうさぎのハーフで、ダンスが大好きな女の子。ふわっとしたしんぴてきな踊りは、みんなが感動する。 A half human, half rabbit girl who loves to dance. Her gentle dance shrouded with mystery left everyone feeling deeply moved. |
人間とうさぎのハーフで、ダンスが大好きな 女の子。お花見のために着物を着て いつもとはちがった、舞を練習中。 A half human, half rabbit girl who loves to dance. Donning a kimono for the flower-viewing, she rehearses a new kind of dance. |
人間とうさぎのハーフで、ダンスが大好きな女の子。舞に使う和傘もしっかり用意。舞の練習の方は順調みたい! A half human, half rabbit girl who loves to dance. She's prepared a wagasa to use for her dance. Her dance rehearsal seems to be going smoothly! |
人間とうさぎのハーフで、ダンスが大好きな女の子。練習中の舞に合わせて着物を新調。舞を早く見せたくてテンションが少し高い。 A half human, half rabbit girl who loves to dance. She's got a kimono to match with the dance she's been rehearsing. Tension's raising a little too high, but she just really wants to show off her dance. |
人間とうさぎのハーフで、ダンスが大好きな女の子。しっかり練習した舞をおひろめ。咲き乱れる花にも負けない美しさで魅力的。 A half human, half rabbit girl who loves to dance. Her greatly rehearsed dance is making its debut. It is as beautiful and charming as the blooming of flowers. |
人間とうさぎのハーフで、ダンスが大好きな女の子。人見知りなため、たくさんの人の前で舞うことにとても緊張しているみたい。 A half human, half rabbit girl who loves to dance. She seems to be super anxious due to the large amount of people attending. |
人間とうさぎのハーフで、ダンスが大好きな女の子。人見知りをなおすチャンスと思い、舞の練習をしっかりしているみたい。 A half human, half rabbit girl who loves to dance. She thinks this may be a chance to fix her fear of strangers, and seems to be doing well at rehearsing her dance. |
人間とうさぎのハーフで、ダンスが大好きな女の子。大勢の前で練習通りにうまく舞えるかは不安だけど、今は練習に集中している。 A half human, half rabbit girl who loves to dance. Infront of the big crowd of people, she skillfully dances just as she rehearsed to. Though she feels anxious, she's more focused on following her rehearsal. |
人間とうさぎのハーフで、ダンスが大好きな女の子。恥ずかしさをすこし残しつつも健気に舞う姿は、咲きほこる花のように魅力的。 A half human, half rabbit girl who loves to dance. The way she dances admirably with a hint of shyness is as charming as a flower in full-bloom. |
プレゼントをおくるのが大好きな女の子。プレゼントを渡した人の楽しそうな顔を見るのが大好き。 A girl who loves to give presents to people. She loves to see the faces of glee from those she has given presents to. |
プレゼントをおくるのが大好きな女の子。彼女からプレゼントを受け取るとみんなドキドキしちゃうらしい。 A girl who loves to give presents to people. It seems that when someone accepts her present, her heart skips a beat |
プレゼントをおくるのが大好きな女の子。世界中の人がプレゼントをおくりあうことで世界が平和になると信じている。 A girl who loves to give presents to people. She believes the world would be a more peaceful place if everyone in the world just gave each other presents. |
プレゼントをおくるのが大好きな女の子。自分がプレゼントになることで、ハッピーな気持ちを伝えたいと思っている。 A girl who loves to give presents to people. By turning herself into a present, she hopes to bring a happy sensation. |
プレゼントをおくるのが大好きな女の子。お祝い用のロールケーキを試作。おいしさだけでなくかわいらしさも重視。 A girl who loves to give presents to people. She's created a prototype for celebratory roll cake. It's not just tasty, its cuteness is just as important. |
プレゼントをおくるのが大好きな女の子。おいしそうなロールケーキを作れて大満足。自分も食べたくなるけどガマン。 A girl who loves to give presents to people. She's as pleased as can be with the tasty-looking roll cakes she's made. She wants to gobble it all up, but she must hold herself back. |
プレゼントをおくるのが大好きな女の子。記念日のお祝いに、愛情こめて作ったロールケーキを、とびきりの笑顔でプレゼント。 A girl who loves to give presents to people. With a glorious smile, she brings her presents of roll cakes made with love for the Anniversary Celebration. |
プレゼントをおくるのが大好きな男の子。プレゼントを受け取った人が喜ぶ顔を見るのが大好き。 A boy who loves to give presents to people. He loves to see the faces of delight from those he has given presents to. |
プレゼントをおくるのが大好きな男の子。彼からプレゼントを受け取るとみんなワクワクしちゃうらしい。 A boy who loves to give presents to people. It seems that when someone accepts his present, he isn't able to contain his excitement. |
プレゼントをおくるのが大好きな男の子。世界中の人がプレゼントをおくりあうことで幸せになれると信じている。 A boy who loves to give presents to people. He believes things would be more pleasant if everyone in the world just gave each other presents. |
プレゼントをおくるのが大好きな男の子。自分がプレゼントになることで、その素晴らしさを伝えたいと思っている。 A boy who loves to give presents to people. By turning himself into a present, he hopes to convey something wondrous. |
プレゼントをおくるのが大好きな男の子。お祝い用のパンケーキを試作。おいしさだけでなく豪華さも重視。 A boy who loves to give presents to people. He's created a prototype for celebratory pancakes. They're not just tasty, their extravagance is just as important. |
プレゼントをおくるのが大好きな男の子。特別な記念日に、気合が入りすぎて、たくさんのパンケーキを作ってしまった。 A boy who loves to give presents to people. The special anniversary made him so motivated that he ended up making a whole lot of pancakes. |
プレゼントをおくるのが大好きな男の子。記念日のお祝いに、丹精こめて作ったパンケーキを、ステキな笑顔でプレゼント。 A boy who loves to give presents to people. With a marvelous smile, he brings his presents of pancakes made with earnest effort for the Anniversary Celebration. |
とある場所をまもっている双子の兄。ツノのある、イヌのすがたをしている。弟とはとっても仲良し。 |
とある場所をまもっている双子の兄。とてもおしゃべりで、まわりのひとは思わず笑顔になる。 |
とある場所をまもっている双子の兄。じまんのツノだが、遊んでいるときは、ちょっとじゃまらしい。 |
とある場所をまもっている双子の兄。いつも遊びまわっているが、いざという時には、とても頼りになる。 |
とある場所をまもっている双子の弟。ツノなしの、シシのすがたをしている。お兄ちゃんとは仲良し。 |
とある場所をまもっている双子の弟。あまりおしゃべりではないが、やさしいふんいきでみんなが集まってくる。 |
とある場所をまもっている双子の弟。少しこわい顔をしているが、とってもやさしい性格。 |
とある場所をまもっている双子の弟。とてもりりしい顔をしているが、実は可愛いものが大好きですごくやさしい。 |
届け物や手紙を配達している女の子。恥ずかしがり屋で、人前に出るのが苦手。今日もこっそり手紙を届けている。 |
届け物や手紙を配達している女の子。人の前に出るのが恥ずかしいらしく、直接、手紙を手渡すのが苦手。 |
届け物や手紙を配達している女の子。バレンタインデーはチョコレートも運ばないといけないので大忙し。 |
届け物や手紙を配達している女の子。ラブレターの配達をしているときだけ、なぜか胸がドキドキしてしまうらしい。 |
Skill Name: おとどけバレンタイン Valentine's Delivery |
特別なものを送り届ける女の子。思い出に残るようなステキなケーキを作る。いい花の香りがするケーキにしたいみたい。 |
Skill Name: ケーキ作り頑張ります♪ I Worked Hard to Bake this Cake ♪ |
届け物や手紙を配達している男の子。あわてん坊で、いつも落ち着きがなく、ジッとすることが出来ない。 |
届け物や手紙を配達している男の子。おっちょこちょいで、慌てん坊。たまに届け先を間違えることがある。 |
届け物や手紙を配達している男の子。ホワイトデーの荷物を担当することになって、かなりはりきっている。 |
届け物や手紙を配達している男の子。クッキーやマシュマロをおすそわけしてもらい喜んでいる。 |
Skill Name: おとどけホワイトデー White Day Delivery |
- Glossary for every Quest Arcade Original series that have been ported to Puyo Puyo!! Quest
- + A Timeline of every Port/Rarity/Alt Release for Said Series' in Quest
Image sources: @AM_puyoquest,
- As per usual for official puyo puyo art, there are sadly no proper artist credits
- Twitter Illustrations
Thank you! (Development Field)
Illustration of Gratitude (1st)
Illustration of Gratitude (2nd)
Illustration of Gratitude (3rd)
Illustration of Gratitude (4th)
Illustration of Gratitude (5th)
Illustration of Gratitude (6th)
Illustration of Gratitude (7th)
Illustration of Gratitude (8th)
Illustration of Gratitude (9th)
Illustration of Gratitude (10th)
Illustration of Gratitude (11th and final)
End of Service
- Fresta Reaction Images
- Fresta was treated as PPQAC's mascot. The artwork of her was used for reaction images relating to the game's current status
"Really sorry..."
"Let's give it our all!!!"
"Huh~? Huuuh~?
"Huh~? Huuuh~?
"Thank you so much!"
- PPQAC Strategy Guide
(Sample) Cover for the PPQAC Strategy Guide
Cover for the PPQAC Strategy Guide
- Phone Wallpapers
- These were wallpapers made around mid 2016~late 2016. It includes many series that are exclusive to PPQAC only. Names of series' are featured below in caption
June 2016 Calendar Mirrorlander Series
July 2016 Calendar (Black and White Chess Kingdom Series)
August 2016 Calendar (Frozen Dessert + Fireworks Series)
September 2016 Calendar (Otsukimi Postman + Tsukimi Rabbit Dancers)
Mirrorlander Series (Closeup)
Maid Series
Ghost Lolita Series
Anniversary Valkyria Series
Jewel Angel Series
Snow Kingdom Series (Different from Quest)
Seasonal Cryptid Princess Series
Postman Series
- Desktop Wallpapers
- These are the same series that are featured in the phone wallpapers, but have been formatted to fit a desktop background
July 2016 Calendar (Black and White Chess Kingdom Series)
August 2016 Calendar (Frozen Dessert + Fireworks Series)
September 2016 Calendar (Otsukimi Postman + Tsukimi Rabbit Dancers)
Mirrorlander Series
Maid Series
Ghost Lolita Series
Anniversary Valkyria Series
Jewel Angel Series
Snow Kingdom Series (Different from Quest)
Seasonal Cryptid Princess Series
Postman Series
Cryptid Princess Series