PPQ:Manzai Demo Theater/Steam City Minotauros
Chapter | |
A Ring of Smiles Tied by Flowers (花でつながる笑顔の輪) | |
Epilogue (エピローグ) |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
~ 翌日 ~
~ The Next Day ~ |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
~ 数日後 ~
~ Several Days Later ~ |
Mecha Odorigame-Red | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Mecha Odorigame-Red | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Mecha Odorigame-Red | |
Mecha Odorigame-Red | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Mecha Odorigame-Red | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Mecha Odorigame-Red | |
Mecha Odorigame-Red | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Mecha Odorigame-Red | |
Mecha Odorigame-Red | |
Steam City Minotauros |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Mecha Odorigame-Red | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Mecha Odorigame-Red | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Mecha Odorigame-Red | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
ピヨピヨ! パタパタパタ…! |
Chirp-Chirp! |
Steam City Minotauros | |
ギャラリーA わー! すごーい! あの鳥さん まるで生きてるみたい! |
Gallery Member A |
ギャラリーB かわいい~! 見ているだけで いやされるなあ♪ |
Gallery Member B |
ワイワイ! わーわー! パチパチパチ! |
Cheering! Chatter! Standing Ovation! |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Steam City Lidelle | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
ギャラリーA あ~ せっかく 楽しいショーだったのに マジシャンさん 帰っちゃったー! |
Gallery Member A |
ギャラリーB マジシャンに手品のタネを 聞こうとするなんてダメだよねー! |
Gallery Member B |
ギャラリーC あの花屋さん 顔がコワいよ~! |
Gallery Member C |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Mecha Odorigame-Red | |
Mecha Odorigame-Red | |
Steam City Minotauros | |
Mecha Odorigame-Red | |
Steam City Minotauros |