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Jerry Priego

"My dream is to become both a Pokémon Master and a Puyo Puyo Champion!"
Personal Info
BirthdayNovember 11, 2006
Blood typeAB
Notable Appearances
First appearancePuyo Puyo Fever 2
Latest appearancePuyo Puyo Puzzle Pop


My name is Jerry Priego. Instead of my full name, I am now called Jerry the Great. If you’re new here, then welcome! I am now a 12th grade student (senior) at Douglas High School (Douglas, AL), and a great Pokémon and Puyo Puyo Tetris fan. My most loved favorite Pokémon is Pikachu, while my favorite Puyo Puyo character is Arle. I love Android devices because they’re pretty useful than the iOS’es. And yes, I played the following games:

Games that I played

  • Pokémon Ultra Moon (3DS, 2017)
  • Pokémon X (3DS, 2013)
  • Pokémon Sword (Switch, 2019)
  • Pokémon Scarlet (Switch, 2022)
  • Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs (DS, 2010 because I played on my phone’s DraStic DS emulator)
  • Pokémon Cafe ReMix (Android phone/tablet, Switch, 2020)
  • Pokémon Shuffle or Pokémon Shuffle Mobile (3DS, 2015 or Android phone/tablet, 2018)
  • Pokémon White (DS, 2011)
  • Pokémon GO (Android phone/tablet, 2016)
  • Puyo Puyo Tetris (Switch, 2017)
  • Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 (Switch, 2020)
  • Puyo Pop (GBA, 2002)
  • Puyo Pop Fever (DS, 2005)
  • Puyo Puyo Fever 2 (DS, 2006)
  • Puyo Puyo 15th Anniversary (DS, 2007)
  • Puyo Puyo 7 (DS, 2009)
  • Puyo Puyo 20th Anniversary (DS, 2011)
  • Puyo Puyo Champions (Switch, 2019)
  • Klonoa: Empire of Dreams (GBA, 2001)
  • Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament (GBA, 2005)
  • Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series (PS4, 2022)
  • Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (GBA, 2003)
    Can’t wait to have a really great year soon!

What if?!

Arle Nadja

Light blue represents her alt. voice.

Player Chain
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Chain 1 えいっ! Ei! Hah!
Chain 2 やあっ! Yaa! Tah! There!
Chain 3 いっくよー! Ikku yo! Here I go!
How’s this?
Chain 4 せーの! Sēno! Now! (You) Want more?
Repeater ダイアキュート Daiakyūto Diacute Attack!
Counter そーれ! Sore! Here! Take that!
Right back at ya!
Spell 1 ファイヤー Faiyā Fire(ball)
Spell 2 アイスストーム Aisu Stōmu Ice Storm
Spell 3 ブレインダムド Burein Damudo Braindumbed Mind Blast
Spell 4 ジュゲム Jugemu Ju(d)gem(ent)
Spell 5 ばよえ〜ん Bayoen Bayoen
Enemy Attack
Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Light いたた... Itata... Ouch... Ow!
Heavy やめて~! Yamete~! Stop it~! Hey, stop!
Character Select, All Clear and Match Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character Select いっきまーす Ikkimāsu Here I Go! (It's) my turn!
All Clear やった! Yatta! I did it!
Win 大勝利! Dai Shouri! (Big) Victory!
Lose ばたんきゅー Batankyū- Zonked... Uh-oh...

Match Start / Character Select

Result Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Fan Localization
Match Start/Character Select いっきまーす Ikkimāsu Have at you! I’m here!
Win やった! Yatta! That was perfect! I’m at 100%!
Lose ばたんきゅー Batankyū- I’ll be back when I’m better… Back to square one…


Player Chain

Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Fan Localization
1 えいっ! E-tto, Er, Huh?
2 ファイヤー Faiyā What was it again? How’s that?
3 アイスストーム Ashiddo Acid (Wash)
4 ダイアキュート Shian Cyan
5 ブレインダムド Shirestiaru Celestial Celadon
6 ジュゲム Rapisu Razuri Lapis Lazuli
7+ ばよえ~ん Haidorenjia Hydrangea Cobalt

Enemy Attack

Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Fan Localization
Light やったな〜! U. Ugh. Oof.
Heavy うわぁぁぁ~! E? Huh? Oh boy.

Match Results / Character Select

Result Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Fan Localization
Match Start/Character Select いっきまーす Iku no ka. We are going? Let’s go.
Win やった! Katta no ka. I won?
Lose ばたんきゅー Are… Ohhh nooo… Wait, what?

Draco Centauros

Player Chain

Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Fan Localization
1 えいっ! Taa! Yeah! Hi-yah!
2 ファイヤー Iku yo! Here I go! Attack!
3 アイスストーム Faiyaa Buresu Fire Breath
4 ダイアキュート Shian Burning Breath Dragon Tail
5 ブレインダムド Shirestiaru Draco Special Dragon Claw
6 ジュゲム Rapisu Razuri Dynasonic Hear me roar!
7+ ばよえ~ん Haidorenjia Great Fire Inferno

Enemy Chain

Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Fan Localization
Light やったな〜! Yurusanai zo! I won’t take it! H-hey!
Heavy うわぁぁぁ~! Chotto tanma! Wait a sec! Slow down!

Match Results / Character Select

Result Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Fan Localization
Match Start/Character Select いっきまーす Iku no ka. I won’t lose! I don’t intend to lose!
Win やった! Katta no ka. Ha, I’m more skillful! You can’t compete with me!
Lose ばたんきゅー Gomen… Sorry… *groan* Let’s do that again.


Player Chain

Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Fan Localization
1 えいっ! Sei! ??? There!
2 ファイヤー Yaa! Yah!
3 アイスストーム Horudo Hold
4 ダイアキュート Supiningu Spinning Spin Attack
5 ブレインダムド Rokkudaun Lockdown
6 ジュゲム Taanoobaa Turnover T-Strike
7+ ばよえ~ん Tii Supin Basuto (T-Spin) Burst

Enemy Chain

Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Fan Localization
Light やったな〜! Nani?! What?!
Heavy うわぁぁぁ~! Chotto tanma! It’s going to be difficult… Status report…!

Match Results / Character Select

Result Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Fan Localization
Match Start/Character Select いっきまーす Saa, hajimeru zo. Let’s get started! It’s launch time!
Win やった! Katta no ka. This is the power of the king. I’m the Tetris King!
Lose ばたんきゅー Uso daro!? It can’t be! I’ll be back!

Klonoa predictions?

Puyo Puyo/Tetris

Game Mode

Light blue is Klonoa’s English alt voice.

Player Chain

Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Chain 1 えいっ! Ei! Wahoo!
Ehehe! (ENG Alt. Voice)
Chain 2 やあっ! Yaa! Come on!
Okay! (ENG Alt. Voice)
Chain 3 いっくよー! Ikku yo! Let's do it!
Let us do it! (ENG Alt. Voice)
Chain 4 せーの! Sēno! How's this?!
Repeater ダイアキュート Daiakyūto Diacute Attack!
Counter あげるね~ Agerune~ Payback! Right back at ya!
Spell 1 くるくる~ーーっと。 Supin Spin (Attack)
Spell 2 くるりん~っと。 Kururin~to. Whirlwind
Spell 3 ブレインダムド(♡) Burein Damudo Zephyr
Spell 4 ジュゲム Jugemu Tornado Attack
Spell 5 ばよえ〜ん Bayoen Hurricane Special
Tetris Line Clear テトリス!いっきまーす! Tetorisu! Ikkimāsu! Tetris!

Enemy Chain

Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Fan Localization
Light 壊れないよ。 Kowarenai yo. Ow! Ouch!
Oi! (Alt. Voice)
Heavy 壊れちゃう! Koware chau! Magya! Hangya!

Character Select and Match Results

Result Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Fan Localization
Match Start/Character Select いっきまーす Saa, hajimeru zo. Wahoo! Rupurudu! Come on, let's go!
Win やった! Katta no ka. Let's play again soon(, mate)!
Lose ばたんきゅー Uso daro!? Magyaaa...


Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Match start ぷよぷよ!
Puyo Puyo
Puyo Puyo/Tetris (battle)(!)
Swap チェンジ Chenji. Change. Swap!
Swap while in disadvantage ピンチ脱出! Pinchi dasshutsu! That was close!

Fever Mode/Big Bang

Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Entered や、やりましたぁ! Ya, yarimashita! Showtime!
Succeed できました! Dekimashita! I'm/I am the best!
Failed あっ、ダメ... A, dame... Oh boy/dear...
Big Bang 嬉しいです。 Ureshii desu. Breeze Strike
Light Attack その... Sono... Take this!
Severe Attack いきますよ! Ikimasu yo! Alright!
Win ごめんなさい! Gomennasai! I win!
Light Damage きゃっ! Kya! Ouch!
Severe Damage いやーん! Iyan! Why is this happening...?(!)
Lose やめてください! Yamete kudasai! I lost...


Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Mix Chain/Tetris Plus ミックス連鎖だね!
Mikkusu Rensa dane!
Tetorisu Purasu dane!
Mixed Chain!
Tetris Plus!
Chaining by a Tetrimino crushing Puyo (*yawn*) ノッてきたよ〜! Notte kita yo! Lucky me~

Raffina and Sig duo? (Player chain only)

Usages in blue refers to Sig and yellow refers to Raffina, while purple refers to both simultaneously.

Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Chain 1 えっと E-tto. Er, Huh?
Chain 2 こっちよ! Kotchi yo! This way! Here it comes!
Chain 3 (あ、)そうそう (A, )Sou sou. Oh, yes. Yeah?
Chain 4 おみまいするわ O-mimai suru wa! I'll give you a blow! You ready?
Repeater アシッド
Acid Wash
Thrashing time!
Counter 蹴ちらしてさしあげますわ! Kechirashite sashiagemasu wa! I shall kick it away! It's over for you.
Spell 1 ネージュ Neeju Neige Frost
Spell 2 セルリアン Serurian Cerulean
Spell 3 ディシャージ Dishaaji Décharge Static Shock
Spell 4 シレスティアル Shirestiaru Celestial Celadon
Spell 5 ハイドレンジア
Shieru Aaku
Ciel Arc
Rainbow Deluxe

My favs


PPQ Manzai Theater predictions


― Dialogue ―
―Suzuran City ―
Suzuran City Junior High School
[★3] Arle アルル
It's such a peaceful day~!
So peaceful...So quiet...!

It's such a peaceful day~!
So peaceful...So quiet...!

[★3] Carbuncle カーバンクル
Gu guguu, guguguuu! gu GUU~!

Gu guguu, guguguuu! gu GUU~!

[★3] Arle アルル
Yup, Carby! I'm feeling the breeze!
Wasn't that great?

Yup, Carby! I'm feeling the breeze!
Wasn't that great?

[★3] Carbuncle カーバンクル
Gu gu guuu~!

Gu gu guuu~!

[★3] Arle アルル
You can say that again!

You can say that again!

[★3] Arle アルル
Hmm...I wonder...

Hmm...I wonder...

[★3] Arle アルル
Actually, if we're alone, then that means
it feels kinda boring.

Actually, if we're alone, then that means
it feels kinda boring.

[★3] Carbuncle カーバンクル


[★3] Arle アルル
What if all my friends came down falling
out of the sky?

What if all my friends came down falling
out of the sky?

[★3] Arle アルル
But that's a lot of baloney.

But that's a lot of baloney.

[★3] Arle アルル
(gasp) WHAT THE...!?

(gasp) WHAT THE...!?

[★3] Carbuncle カーバンクル


[★3] Arle アルル
I think somebody came out falling from
the sky!

I think somebody came out falling from
the sky!

[★2] Sig シグ
Owwwwww. That hurt.
But hey, where are we?

Owwwwww. That hurt.
But hey, where are we?

[★2] Raffina ラフィーナ
I don't know.
Feels like we're in some kind of school.

I don't know.
Feels like we're in some kind of school.

[★3] Arle アルル
Raffina? Sig?!

Raffina? Sig?!

[★3] Carbuncle カーバンクル
Guguguu? Guu?!

Guguguu? Guu?!

[★2] Sig シグ
Oh hey.
What are you guys doing here?

Oh hey.
What are you guys doing here?

[★2] Raffina ラフィーナ
We were having a Puyo battle, but in
some cases, we were teleported here.
Sounds strange.

We were having a Puyo battle, but in
some cases, we were teleported here.
Sounds strange.

[★3] Arle アルル
I feel ya.

I feel ya.

[★3] Arle アルル
Oh, and by the way, my name is Arle Nadja.
It's a pleasure to meet you guys!

Oh, and by the way, my name is Arle Nadja.
It's a pleasure to meet you guys!

[★2] Sig シグ
Name's Sig.
Nice to meet ya.

Name's Sig.
Nice to meet ya.

[★2] Raffina ラフィーナ
O~hohoho~ The name's Raffina~
Nice to meet you!

O~hohoho~ The name's Raffina~
Nice to meet you!

[★3] Carbuncle カーバンクル


The Final Showdown?!: Pre-battle

[★7] Satan Satan
Everyone! Stay back!
[★7] Satan Satan
[★7] Atari (Extra) Atari
Satan! Hang in there!
We'll save you no matter what!
[★7] Atari (Extra) Atari
I command you to stop possessing Satan at once!
[★7] Ecolo Ecolo
Sorry, Atari, but you cannot stop me!
[★7] Atari (Extra) Atari
Oh no, this is getting worse...
We'll lose if Ecolo becomes extremely powerful!
That's it, we're done...finished!
??? ???
Not to worry, because we can help you!
??? ???
We'll h-help.
[★7] Atari (Extra) Atari
*gasp* Could it be!?
It's Raffina! And Sig, too~!
[★7] Raffina ver. PuyoTet2 Raffina
Yes indeedy! That's us~
[★7] Sig ver. PuyoTet2 Sig
Yup, I think...
[★7] Atari (Extra) Atari
Are you two here to help me!?
[★7] Raffina ver. PuyoTet2 Raffina
If you wanna win, of course!
[★7] Sig ver. PuyoTet2 Sig
She never lies. I'm sure
[★7] Raffina ver. PuyoTet2 Raffina
Oh, Sig...
[★7] Ecolo Ecolo
*gasp* No way!
There's two of them already!?
[★7] Atari (Extra) Atari
That's right, and we challenge you to a battle!
A Skill Battle, indeed!!
[★7] Raffina ver. PuyoTet2 Raffina
This will be our final showdown.
No holding back!
[★7] Satan Satan
Atari...Sig...and Raffina...
[★7] Satan Satan
[★7] Satan Satan
[★7] Satan Possessed Satan
[★7] Atari (Extra) Atari
Everyone, here we GO!
[★7] Ecolo Ecolo
[★7] Atari (Extra) Atari
Puyo battle!

The Final Showdown?!: Post-battle

[★7] Ecolo Ecolo
I'm finished...
Oh, phooey~!★
[★7] Atari (Extra) Atari
[★7] Raffina ver. PuyoTet2 Raffina
Hooray, we did it!
[★7] Sig ver. PuyoTet2 Sig
[★7] Satan Satan
You three are absolutely amazing...
...I-I thank a-a-all of y-you...
[★7] Atari (Extra) Atari
Are you okay!?
[★7] Satan Satan
Looks like...this will be...the end
[★7] Atari (Extra) Atari
[★7] Satan Satan
Look at me.
I've used up all my power again.
[★7] Arle Arle
*pant, pant* What did I miss?
Huh? The battle's over already?
[★7] Satan Satan
Well, well, if it isn't Arly~
Would you give me a kiss, and...
[★7] Carbuncle Carbuncle
[★7] Satan Satan
*loses consciousness*
[★7] Arle Arle
Don't mess around, okay!?
[★7] Arle Arle
Aren't you the Dark Prince!?
Just get it together, alright?!
[★7] Sig ver. PuyoTet2 Sig
Y''s very bad to lie, I think.
[★7] Satan Satan
[★7] Satan Satan
Just kidding~♪
[★7] Carbuncle Carbuncle
[★7] Arle Arle
Rrrgh! Satan, you idiot!
[★7] Satan Satan
W-Wait, please d-don't hurt me...
[★7] Satan Satan
[★7] Arle Arle
Hmph, keelhaul it all.
He's not getting away with this.
[★7] Carbuncle Carbuncle
Gu gu.
[★7] Raffina ver. PuyoTet2 Raffina
Arle, just leave him alone.
You'll deal with him later.
??? ???
We've got no time left.
This fortress is going to collapse at any second!
[★7] Raffina ver. PuyoTet2 Raffina
[★7] Tee Tee
It's dangerous to stay here.
You must leave immediately.
[★7] O O
Pi pi pi!
[★7] Atari (Extra) Atari
[★7] Atari (Extra) Atari
But I'm not ready!
[★7] Satan Satan
It's time to say farewell...
[★7] Satan Satan
[★7] Atari (Extra) Atari
[★7] Atari (Extra) Atari
[★7] Atari (Extra) Atari


??? ???
??? ???
[★7] Atari (Extra) Atari
Was it just a dream?
[★7] Seo Seo
Yes, it was a dream.
[★7] Atari (Extra) Atari
[★7] Atari (Extra) Atari
They're all gone...
[★7] Seo Seo
Don't worry, they'll be back soon...
...if we believed.
??? ???
You kept me waiting!
??? ???
Gu gu guuu!
[★7] Atari (Extra) Atari
Arle? Carbuncle?
Is that you!?
[★7] Arle Arle
And we're all proud of you!
[★7] Carbuncle Carbuncle
Gu gu!
[★7] Amitie Amitie
You did AMAZING!
[★7] Ringo ver. PuyoTouch Ringo
Great job Atari!
[★7] Sig ver. PuyoTet2 Sig
Eh, nice work, I guess.
[★7] Raffina ver. PuyoTet2 Raffina
You did very well!
[★7] Maguro Maguro
That's right!
Talk about a big victory!★
[★7] Atari (Extra) Atari
No way...It can't be...
I guess it wasn't a dream at all!
[★7] Atari (Extra) Atari
*sob* You guys came back!

Puyo Puyo 33rd Anniversary predictions??

Puyo Puyo 33rd Anniversary
DeveloperSonic Team
PlatformPlayStation 4, PlayStation 5,
Xbox One, Xbox Series X,
Nintendo Switch, Windows
Players1-8 players
Release datePlayStation 4, PlayStation 5,
Xbox One, Xbox Series X and S,
Nintendo Switch,
Japan October 25th, 2024
(WW) October 22nd, 2024

Puyo Puyo 33rd Anniversary (ぷよぷよ!!!, Puyopuyo!!! Puyopuyo 33rd anniversary) released on October 22nd, 2024 for all current and last generation consoles. It is the third and final anniversary game in the series and as such shares more similarities to Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary and Puyo Puyo Chronicle than Puyo Puyo Tetris 2. It is also the final Puyo Puyo game.

Playable characters

Skill Battle exclusives

Pair Puyo exclusives

Alternate Characters

There are 7 alternate characters that can be bought from the shop in the game. These characters use the statistics of their original character (dropset, chain power) but use their own animations and voices. More alternate characters to come in the future.

Red Amitie (Amitie in a new outfit, wielding a sun staff)
  • Release date: July 24, 2023
Possessed Klug (returning from Fever 2 and Puyo Puyo 7)
  • Release date: July 24, 2023
Dark Sig (Sig, but with more obvious demonic features)
  • Release date: July 24, 2023
Alter Ecolo (Ecolo in a more humanoid form)
  • Release date: September 5, 2023
Onesie Prince (Satan in a Carbuncle outfit)
  • Release date: September 5, 2023
Angelic Feli (Feli in an angelic outfit)
  • Release date: October 9, 2023
Shadow Marle (Marle, but with pink hair, more long lightning bolts, and a more eviler personality)
  • Release date: October 31, 2023

Total Characters: 53

Please note that these alternate characters do not include alternate voices.

Adventure Mode

Missions in Adventure Mode initially have three stars, like in the previous game. Once the entire chapter has been 3 starred, a fourth star is available to obtain as well. The boss stages for each chapter are now Pair Puyo battles instead of Skill Battles. Skill Battle missions may also have bonus rewards for completing certain challenges. An Auto Difficulty setting is available where the level of difficulty matches your performance. Times shown are in minutes:seconds.

Chapter 1: A New Threat

Mission Name World Player Opponent Ruleset 1★ 2★ 3★ 4★ Notes
1-1 Our First Exciting Puyo Battle! Suzuran Ringo Maguro Puyo Puyo (Score) Defeat opponent 3,500 4,000 4,500
1-8 Mesmerizing Power (BOSS) Suzuran Ringo and Maguro Sig and Raffina Pair Puyo (Score) Defeat opponent 5,000 6,000 7,000

Chapter 1 Sub-Story: Carbuncle's on the Loose!

Mission Name World Player Opponent Ruleset 1★ 2★ 3★ 4★ Notes
1-S1 A Friend in Deed?! Suzuran Carbuncle Raffina Foursight (Time) Defeat opponent 3,500 4,000 4,500
1-S4 Let's Party! Fearless Rivals! Nahe Woods Carbuncle Arle Party (3m) Defeat opponent 5,000 9,000 13,000 Unlocks Carbuncle

Chapter 8: Final Fight for the World...

Mission Name World Player Opponent Ruleset 1★ 2★ 3★ 4★ Notes
8-8 All Together Now! The Final Showdown! Far Edge of Two Worlds Team Ringo (Ringo, Maguro, Atari & Puubot) (Color Change, Change All, Fighting Spirit) Verse Skill Battle (Score) Defeat opponent 6,500 9,000 12,000 Unlocks Verse

Game modes

Puyo Puyo (ぷよぷよ, Puyopuyo)
This mode plays like the original Puyo Puyo, using the original Puyo Puyo rule.
  • Difficulty levels
Very Easy (Sweet)
The player plays with 3 colors and slower falling speed.
Easy (Mild)
The player plays with 3 colors and slow falling speed. Also starts out with 2 rows of Garbage/Hard Puyos.
Normal (Medium)
The player plays with 4 colors and normal falling speed.
Hard (Hot)
The player plays with 5 colors and fast falling speed.
Very Hard (Spicy)
The player plays with 5 colors and faster falling speed. Also starts out with 2 rows of Garbage/Hard Puyos.

Puyo Puyo 2 (ぷよぷよ通, Puyopuyo tsū)
This mode plays like Puyo Puyo Tsu, using the Tsu rule.
  • Difficulty levels
Very Easy (Sweet)
The player plays with 3 colors and slower falling speed.
Easy (Mild)
The player plays with 3 colors and slow falling speed. Also starts out with 2 rows of Garbage/Hard Puyos.
Normal (Medium)
The player plays with 4 colors and normal falling speed.
Hard (Hot)
The player plays with 5 colors and fast falling speed.
Very Hard (Spicy)
The player plays with 5 colors and faster falling speed. Also starts out with 2 rows of Garbage/Hard Puyos.

Puyo Puyo Fever (ぷよぷよフィーバー, Puyopuyo fībā)
This mode is played using the fever rule (that is, Puyo Puyo Fever and Puyo Puyo Fever 2's version), in that you gain fever time when someone counters nuisance Puyo that you sent them. The "squishy" field effect after every step of the chain in fever mode from Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary and Puyo Puyo 7 is not present. It also uses the fever chains from Puyo Puyo Fever and Puyo Puyo Fever 2, ditching the ones used in Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary and Puyo Puyo 7. Any chains that used to all clear themselves have been slightly modified (usually by adding a Puyo or changing the color of a Puyo) to no longer all clear themselves. For some reason, the picture for this mode in the rule select depicts a Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary/Puyo Puyo 7 fever chain.
  • Difficulty levels
Very Easy
The player starts with 3 fever points, and plays with 3 colors. Attack powers are much more powerful. The speed of Puyo dropping is much slower.
The player starts with 1 fever point, and plays with 3 colors. Attack powers are more powerful. The speed of Puyo dropping is slow.
The player plays with 4 colors. Starting here, they start with 0 fever points. The speed of Puyo dropping is normal.
Attack powers are weaker. Aside from that, identical to Normal. The speed of Puyo dropping is fast.
Very Hard
The player plays with 5 colors. Attack powers are much weaker. The speed of Puyo dropping is much faster.

Mission Puyo (なぞぷよ, Nazo puyo)
This mode plays like Mission mode from Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary and Puyo Puyo 7. In this mode you have to solve different tasks in order to win. Nuisance Puyo aren't present in this mode. Reaching the X's at the top of the screen only clears your field; it does not make you lose.
  • Difficulty levels
Very Easy
The player needs 2 points to win the round.
The player needs 3 points to win the round.
The player needs 4 points to win the round.
The player needs 6 points to win the round.
Very Hard
The player needs 8 points to win the round.

Puyo Puyo Sun as a standard mode (ぷよぷよSUN, Puyopuyo SUN)
This mode plays like Puyo Puyo Sun, using the Sun rule.
  • Difficulty levels
Very Easy
The player plays with 3 colors.
The player plays with 3 colors and starts out with 2 rows of Garbage Puyos.
The player plays with 4 colors.
The player plays with 5 colors.
Very Hard
The player plays with 5 colors and starts out with 2 rows of Garbage Puyos, along with a slightly faster drop speed.

Huge Puyo Rush (でかぷよラッシュ, Deka puyo rasshu)
This mode is a non-stop fever-like version of Puyo Puyo 7's Mega Puyo Rush Transformation mode.
Tiny Puyo Fever (ちびぷよフィーバー, Chibi puyo fībā)
This mode is a non-stop fever-like version of Puyo Puyo 7's Mini Puyo Fever Transformation mode.
Tiny Puyo Excavation (ちびぷよはっくつ, Chibi puyo hakkutsu)
This plays like Excavation from Puyo Puyo!! 15th Anniversary, except tiny Puyo are used instead. Uses quick drop.
Gust (とっぷう, Toppū)
Wind shifts your Puyo over to the left/right, depending on which direction the wind is blowing. Uses classic rules and quick drop.
Big Bang (ビッグバン Bigguban)
After each round of Fever (sixty seconds by default), the garbage created will be sucked into black holes ("READY?") and explode in the namesake revelation ("BIG BANG"). Those who created less garbage will have garbage crashing the field. A player is eliminated when their field is completely shattered, and the last person standing is the winner.
Party (パーティ Paati)
Unlike the Slot mode, the players compete for score (three minutes by default) and can use items in battle. Items can be a personal buff or a debuff sent to other players. Uses the same rule for both Puyo Puyo Tetris and Puyo Puyo Tetris 2, except Tetris.

The effects are: No Rotations (かいてんきんし)

  • Cause opponents to become unable to rotate their pieces for some time.
    Possibly based on how certain AI characters play.

Field Spinner (フィールド回転, Fīrudo kaiten)

  • Rotate the fields 180° (180 dergees).

Chain Preset Get (連鎖のタネゲット, Rensa no tanegetto)

  • Replace a field with a preseted 4 chain.

Field Swap (フィールド交換, Fīrudo kōkan)

  • Swap your field with other players' fields.

Frozen Puyos (こおりづけ, Kōri dzuke)

  • Cover all Puyos in ice blocks on the opponent's field.

Garbage Present (おじゃまプレセント, Ojama puresento)

  • Drop 12 hard Puyos (2 Hard Puyo Rows) on opponent's field.

Garbage Cleanup (おじゃまクリア, Ojama kuria)

  • Erase all garbage Puyos on the player's field.

Garbage Reflector (リフレクト)

  • Reflects taken nuisance back to the sender for some time.

Speed Up (スピードアップ, Supīdoappu)

  • Cause opponents' Puyos to immediately drop and speed up their chains. It's called an instant drop.

Searchlight (サーチライト)

  • Darkens the opponents' fields illuminated by just a swaying searchlight.
    Based on Searchlight mode.

Attack Up (こうげきりょくアップ)

  • Increases the number of nuisance sent by the player.

Single Color Tsumo (ツモ一色)

  • The player's dropset becomes all single-color Puyos.

Score Vacuum (スコアばきゅ〜む)

  • Steal points from all opponents.
    Only for players not in first place.
Foursight (よんてさき, Yontesaki)
Your 4 next 2 Puyos are shown instead of 2 next 2 Puyos. Uses the Tsu rule and quick drop.
Blocks (ブロック, Burokku)
Unclear-able blocks (Block Puyo) are placed in a preset pattern, randomly chosen from several such patterns, one of which has only a two-column wide gap half way up the board. Uses the Tsu rule and quick drop.
Active (アクティブ, Akutibu)
You can still place Puyo during a chain. Uses classic rules and quick drop.
Cross Spinner (クロスかいてん, Kurosu kaiten)
Your field splits into 2 (the first 3 columns and the last 3 columns), and then each field rotates 180 degrees every 10 seconds. Based off of Spinner mode from Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary. Uses quick drop.
Quartet (カルテット, Karutetto)
Your drop set consists of 4-piece Puyo. Uses quick drop.
Bomber (ばくだん, Bakudan)
In this mode, instead of sending Nuisance Puyo, you send Bomb Puyo, which explode after the user with them makes a certain amount of moves. When this happens, all Puyo surrounding the bomb will become Hard Puyo. Any Bomb Puyo caught in this explosion will explode.
Underwater (すいちゅう, Suichuu)
Underwater mode is a slow moving mode where you place Puyo into a body of water filled up to two Puyo. Puyo float in the water, making the mode in essence the same as placing Puyo at the bottom of a Puyo field.
Due to the nature of this mode, Nuisance Puyo only fall in groups of 1 line. This prevents Nuisance Puyo from causing chains due to unequal descent of columns.
Skill Battle (スキルバトル, Sukiru batoru)
Each player recruits a team of three characters and attempts to reduce the opponent's HP bar (displayed in orange) to 0. There are two means of receiving HP damage, either by topping out, which resets the playfield, or by receiving garbage. Each character of the team has a skill that can be activated for various effects, including modifying the field, buffing and debuffing, etc. These skills cost mana points (MP) that are displayed as a green bar.
Characters have a leveling system and can be upgraded by playing the Adventure or Boss Raid modes to increase team stats and learn new skills. Item cards can also be equipped during a match to increase stats and gain special effects, and they are also dropped in Adventure or Boss Raid modes.
Skill Battles do not have an Endurance mode.

Hidden Modes

Non-Stop Fever (ずっとフィーバー, Zutto fība)
Plays like Non-Stop Fever from Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary, but includes quick drop. For some reason, the picture for this mode in the rule select depicts a Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary/Puyo Puyo 7 fever chain.
Excavation (はっくつ, Hakkutsu)
Filling up the fourth column will no longer cause the player to lose and uses quick drop.
Tiny (Mini) Puyo (ちびぷよ, Chibi puyo)
Plays like tiny Puyo mode from Puyo Puyo Tetris and Puyo Puyo Tetris 2, but includes quick drop.
Huge (Mega) Puyo (でかぷよ, Deka puyo)
Plays like huge Puyo mode from Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary, but includes quick drop.
Ice Blocks (こおりづけ, Koorizuke)
Filling up the fourth column will no longer cause the player to lose and uses quick drop.
Spinner (だいかいてん, Daikaiten)
Plays like Spinner mode from Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary, but includes quick drop.

Pair Puyo

Pair Puyo (also known in Japan as ペアでぷよぷよ, Pea de Puyopuyo) is a special mode with its own rules in which four players can play in two teams of two. Within each team, players share Nuisance Puyo, and also share "lives": if a player's field fills up, instead of having to wait for the match to be decided their field is simply replaced with a preset 4 chain at the cost of one life. The game can be played with one, three or five lives per team, and is decided once all lives of one team are lost.

Gameplay is based somewhat on Transformation mechanics (quick drop, continuous offsetting, and dropsets) except without the transforming. Instead it uses 2 new features:

Extra Chains
If you start a chain (even a 1-chain) during your teammate's chain (or at least, before they place their next Puyo pair), it increments a counter which will eventually be used to send a large amount of nuisance to the opposing team, similar to how the counter in Mega Puyo Rush mode works. This feature allows both players to indefinitely delay nuisance falling on them by alternately building and firing short chains.
Synchro Chains
Firing chains of the same length (3 or more) at the same time adds bonus points and sends additional nuisance to the opposing team.

Puyo Puyo Re:Tetris

Chapter 1

Mission Name World Player Opponent Ruleset 1★ 2★ 3★ 4★ Notes
1-1 Yet Another Puyo Tetris Battle?! Suzuran Arle Tee Versus (Score) Defeat the opponent. 3,000 3,500 4,000 Unlocks Tee for use in Skill Battles.
1-2 Suzuran Arle n/a Endless Trial (1m 30s) 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000
1-3 Reunited with the Red Puyo-Hat Girl...Again! Suzuran Tee Amitie Versus (Time) Defeat the opponent. 3:00 2:45 2:30 Unlocks Amitie for use in Skill Battles.
1-4 Suzuran Tee Ringo Versus (Time) Defeat the opponent. 3:00 2:45 2:30 Unlocks Ringo for use in Skill Battles.
1-5 Suzuran Tee n/a Marathon Trial (15 lines) 3,000 5,000 7,000 10,000
1-6 Suzuran Ringo Maguro Versus (Score) Defeat the opponent. 3,500 4,500 5,500 Unlocks Maguro for use in Skill Battles.
1-7 Suzuran Maguro Risukuma Versus (Time) Defeat the opponent. 3:00 2:45 2:30 Unlocks Risukuma for use in Skill Battles.
1-8 (BOSS) Suzuran Team Arle (Arle, Maguro, and Ringo) (Fighting Spirit, Change All, HP Recovery) Tee (Sharpshooter, Fighting Spirit, Crestfall) Skill Battle (Score) Defeat the opponent. 4,000 5,000 6,000

Chapter 1 Sub-Story: Carbuncle's on the Loose!

Mission Name World Player Opponent Ruleset 1★ 2★ 3★ 4★ Notes
1-S1 Suzuran Carbuncle Raffina Versus (Time) Defeat the opponent. 2:45 2:30 2:00 Reachable after clearing 1-8
1-S2 Suzuran Carbuncle Sig Versus (Time) Defeat the opponent. 2:45 2:30 2:00
1-S3 Suzuran Carbuncle Amitie Swap (Score) Defeat the opponent. 4,000 4,500 5,500
1-S4 Let's Party! Fearless Rivals! Suzuran Carbuncle Arle Party (3m) Defeat the opponent. 4,000 7,000 10,000 Unlocks Carbuncle

Chapter 1: Extra Missions

  • These missions can be played after completing the main storyline.
Mission Name World Player Opponent Ruleset 1★ 2★ 3★ Notes
1-EX1 Suzuran Arle Sonic Versus (Time) Defeat the opponent. 1:30 1:15 Reachable after clearing 1-1

Chapter 2

Mission Name World Player Opponent Ruleset 1★ 2★ 3★ 4★ Notes
2-1 Suzuran Tee Ess Versus (Time) Defeat the opponent. 2:45 2:30 2:15 Unlocks Ess for use in Skill Battles.
2-2 SS Tetra Ess Ringo Versus (Score) Defeat the opponent. 3,500 4,500 5,500
2-3 SS Tetra Sig Jay & Elle Versus (Score) Defeat the opponent. 3,500 4,500 5,500 Unlocks Sig for use in Skill Battles.
2-4 SS Tetra Raffina Jay & Elle Versus (Score) Defeat the opponent. 3,500 4,500 5,500 Unlocks Raffina for use in Skill Battles.
2-5 SS Tetra Ringo Zed Versus (Time) Defeat the opponent. 2:50 2:30 2:00 Unlocks Zed for use in Skill Battles.
2-6 SS Tetra O n/a Fever Trial (Lv.10) 7,000 10,000 13,000 15,000 Unlocks O for use in Skill Battles.
2-7 SS Tetra Jay & Elle n/a Sprint Trial (2m) 2:00 1:45 1:30 1:00 Unlocks Jay & Elle for use in Skill Battles.
2-8 SS Tetra O Ai Swap (Time) Defeat the opponent. 2:45 2:30 2:15 Unlocks Ai for use in Skill Battles.
2-9 (BOSS) SS Tetra Team Tee (Tee, O, and Jay & Elle) (Assemble!, Heal, and Fighting Spirit) Marle (Alt. Voice) (Barrage, Change All, Steel Guard) Skill Battle (Time) Defeat the opponent. 3:00 2:45 2:30 Unlocks Marle

Chapter 2: Optional Missions

Mission Name World Player Opponent Ruleset 1★ 2★ 3★ 4★ Notes
2-P1 Let's Practice! Tiny Puyo SS Tetra Ringo n/a Tiny Trial (1m) Lv.20 Lv.22 Lv.24 Lv.27+ Reachable after clearing 2-3
2-P2 Refresher Time! Skill Battle SS Tetra Team Raffina (Raffina, Ringo, and Carbuncle) (Change All, Fighting Spirit, Assemble!) Zed (Stifle, Terraformer, HP Recovery) Skill Battle (Time) Defeat the opponent. 2:45 2:30 2:15 Reachable after clearing 2-8

Chapter 2 Sub-Story:

Mission Name World Player Opponent Ruleset 1★ 2★ 3★ 4★ Notes
2-S1 SS Tetra Ai (Alt. Voice) Tee Swap (Time) Defeat the opponent. 2:45 2:30 2:00 Reachable after clearing 2-5
2-S2 SS Tetra Ai (Alt. Voice) Ess Swap (Time) Defeat the opponent. 2:30 2:15 2:00
2-S3 SS Tetra Ai (Alt. Voice) Jay & Elle Swap (Score) Defeat the opponent. 5,000 5,500 6,000
2-S4 SS Tetra Ai (Alt. Voice) Risukuma Party (3m) Defeat the opponent. 5,000 7,500 12,000

Chapter 3

Mission Name World Player Opponent Ruleset 1★ 2★ 3★ 4★ Notes
3-1 Primp Ringo Klug Versus (Time) Defeat the opponent. 2:45 2:30 2:00 Unlocks Klug for use in Skill Battles.
3-2A Primp Amitie Sig Versus (Score) Defeat the opponent. 4,500 5,500 6,500
3-2B Primp Sig Raffina Versus (Score) Defeat the opponent. 4,500 5,500 6,500
3-2C Primp Raffina Feli Versus (Time) Defeat the opponent. 2:30 2:15 1:45 Unlocks Feli for use in Skill Battles.
3-3 Primp Feli Lemres Versus (Time) Defeat the opponent. 2:30 2:15 1:45 Unlocks Lemres for use in Skill Battles.
3-4 Primp Amitie n/a Fever Trial (1m) 100,000 150,000 200,000 300,000
3-5 Primp Suketoudara Ocean Prince Swap (Time) Defeat the opponent. 2:15 2:00 1:45 Unlocks Suketoudara for use in Skill Battles.
3-6 Primp Sig n/a Ultra Trial (1m 25s) 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000
3-7 (BOSS) Primp Team Amitie (Amitie, Raffina, and Sig) (Recycle, Change All, Barrage) Ms. Accord (Piece Void, Recovery Up, Terraformer) Skill Battle (Time) Defeat the opponent. 2:30 2:15 2:00 Unlocks Ms. Accord

Chapter 3 Sub-Story

Mission Name World Player Opponent Ruleset 1★ 2★ 3★ 4★ Notes
3-S1 Primp Lidelle n/a Tiny Trial (2m 30s) Lv.12 Lv.14 Lv.16 Lv.20 Reachable after clearing 3-4
3-S2 Primp Lidelle n/a Endless Trial (1m) 5,000 8,000 12,000 17,000
3-S3 Primp Lidelle n/a Marathon Trial (10 lines) 5,000 6,000 7,000 10,000
3-S4 Primp Lidelle Ocean Prince Party (3m) 7,000 10,000 12,000 15,000 Unlocks Lidelle

Chapter 4

Mission Name World Player Opponent Ruleset 1★ 2★ 3★ 4★ Notes
4-1A Underwater Ocean Prince Serilly Party (3m) Defeat the opponent. 5,000 7,000 10,000 Unlocks Serilly for use in Skill Battles.
4-1B Underwater Arle Ocean Prince Party (3m) Defeat the opponent. 5,000 9,000 12,000
4-2 Underwater Serilly Suketoudara Swap (Score) Defeat the opponent. 4,750 6,750 9,750
4-3 Underwater Tee Ringo Swap (Time) Defeat the opponent. 2:25 2:10 1:45
4-4A Underwater Arle Tee Big Bang (Score) Defeat the opponent. 4,000 6,000 8,000
4-4B Underwater Rulue Raffina Big Bang (Score) Defeat the opponent. 5,000 7,000 10,000
4-4C Underwater Ringo Rulue Big Bang (Time) Defeat the opponent. 2:25 2:10 1:45
4-5 Underwater Amitie Draco Centauros Versus (Time) Defeat the opponent. 2:25 2:10 1:45 Unlocks Draco Centauros for use in Skill Battles.
4-6 Underwater Suketoudara Witch Versus (Score) Defeat the opponent. 2:25 2:10 1:45 Unlocks Witch for use in Skill Battles.
4-7 Underwater Marle Ocean Prince Swap (Time) Defeat the opponent. 2:25 2:10 1:45 Marle will use her normal appearance in battles instead of her alternate apperance in Adventure Mode from this point on.
4-8 (BOSS) Underwater Team Arle (Arle, Draco Centauros, and Suketoudara) (Change All, Pair Puyo Change, Steel Guard) Ocean Prince (Piece Void, Recovery Up, Terraformer) Skill Battle (Score) Defeat the opponent. 5,000 6,000 8,000 Unlocks the Ocean Prince

Chapter 4 Sub-Story

Mission Name World Player Opponent Ruleset 1★ 2★ 3★ 4★ Notes
4-S1 Underwater Schezo Rulue Big Bang (Time) Defeat the opponent. 3:00 2:45 2:15 Reachable after clearing 4-4C
4-S2 Underwater Schezo n/a Ultra Trial (1m) 5,000 7,000 10,000 12,000
4-S3 Underwater Schezo n/a Fever Trial (45s) 7,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 Reachable after clearing 4-7
4-S4 Underwater Schezo n/a Tiny Trial (1m 30s) Lv.18 Lv.21 Lv.23 Lv.25+
4-S5 Underwater Schezo Ragnus Party (4m) 7,000 13,000 15,000 20,000 Unlocks Schezo

Chapter 5: Return to Primp!

Mission Name World Player Opponent Ruleset 1★ 2★ 3★ 4★ Notes
5-1 Primp Ringo Ecolo Swap (Time) Defeat the opponent. 2:45 2:30 2:00
5-2 Primp Arle Rulue Swap (Time) Defeat the opponent. 2:45 2:30 2:00 Unlocks Rulue for use in Skill Battles.
5-3 Primp Amitie Dark Prince Swap (Score) Defeat the opponent. 5,500 7,500 10,000
5-4A Primp Tee Ecolo Big Bang (Score) Defeat the opponent. 6,000 9,000 13,000
5-4B Primp Marle Ecolo Big Bang (Time) Defeat the opponent. 2:30 2:15 1:45
5-5 (BOSS) Primp Team Arle (Arle, Amitie, Ringo) (Change All, Fighting Spirit, Barrage) Dark Prince (Piece Void, Recovery Up, Terraformer) Skill Battle (Score) Defeat the opponent. 5,000 6,000 8,000 Unlocks the Dark Prince

Chapter 6

Mission Name World Player Opponent Ruleset 1★ 2★ 3★ 4★ Notes
6-1 SS Tetra Tee Ecolo Big Bang (Score) Defeat the opponent. 5,000 8,000 12,000 Unlocks Ecolo
6-2A SS Tetra Ringo Raffina (Alt. Voice) Fusion (Score) Defeat the opponent. 5,000 8,000 12,000
6-2B SS Tetra Draco Centauros Arle (Alt. Voice) Fusion (Time) Defeat the opponent. 4:00 2:30 1:45
6-2C SS Tetra Sig Amitie (Alt. Voice) Fusion (Time) Defeat the opponent. 4:00 2:30 1:45
6-2D SS Tetra O Carbuncle (Alt. Voice) Fusion (Score) Defeat the opponent. 4:00 2:30 1:45
6-3A Constellation Zone Sig Raffina (Alt. Voice) Big Bang (Time) Defeat the opponent. 2:30 2:15 1:45
6-3B Constellation Zone Ex Ecolo (Alt. Voice) Big Bang (Score) Defeat the opponent. 2:30 2:15 1:45
6-4 Constellation Zone Ringo Harpy Swap (Score) Defeat the opponent. 2:30 2:15 1:45
6-5A Constellation Zone Rulue Schezo Fusion (Score) Defeat the opponent. 2:30 2:15 1:45
6-5B Constellation Zone Klug Feli Fusion (Time) Defeat the opponent. 2:30 2:15 1:45
6-6 Constellation Zone Jay & Elle Yu & Rei Big Bang (Score) Defeat the opponent. 6,000 9,000 12,000 Unlocks Yu & Rei for use in Skill Battles.
6-7 Constellation Zone Amitie Lemres Big Bang (Score) Defeat the opponent. 6,000 9,000 12,000
6-8 Constellation Zone Arle Tee Party (3m) Defeat the opponent. 6,000 9,000 12,000
6-9 (BOSS) Constellation Zone Team Arle (Arle, Carbuncle, Schezo) (Pair Puyo Change, Recycle, Fighting Spirit) Ex (Piece Void, Recovery Up, Terraformer) Skill Battle (Score) Defeat the opponent. 5,000 6,000 8,000 Unlocks Ex

Chapter 7: It's Time for the Final Showdown!

Mission Name World Player Opponent Ruleset 1★ 2★ 3★ 4★ Notes
7-1 Constellation Zone Arle Squares Versus (Score) Defeat the opponent. 5,000 7,000 10,000
7-2 Edge of Two Worlds Tee Rozatte Versus (Time) Defeat the opponent. 2:00 1:45 1:30 Unlocks Rozatte for use in Skill Battles.
7-3A Edge of Two Worlds Ragnus Legamunt Versus (Time) Defeat the opponent. 2:00 1:45 1:30 Unlocks Legamunt for use in Skill Battles.
7-3B Edge of Two Worlds Marle Marle (Alt. Voice) Fusion (Score) Defeat the opponent. 2:00 1:45 1:30
7-4 Edge of Two Worlds Arle Rafisol Fusion (Time) Defeat the opponent. 2:00 1:45 1:30
7-5 Edge of Two Worlds Ex Dark Prince Swap (Time) Defeat the opponent. 2:00 1:30 1:15
7-6 Edge of Two Worlds Tee Squares Big Bang (Time) Defeat the opponent. 2:00 1:30 1:15
7-7 Far Edge of Two Worlds Tee Rafisol Party (3m) Defeat the opponent. 2:00 1:30 1:15
7-8 Far Edge of Two Worlds Arle Arle (Alt. Voice) Fusion (Time) Defeat the opponent. 2:00 1:30 1:15
7-9A (BOSS) Far Edge of Two Worlds Team Arle (Arle, Legamunt, Ex) (Pair Puyo Change, Recycle, Fighting Spirit) Squares (Piece Void, Recovery Up, Terraformer) Skill Battle (Score) Defeat the opponent. 5,000 6,000 8,000 Unlocks Squares
7-9B (FINAL BOSS) Really Far Edge of Two Worlds Team Arle (Arle, Legamunt, Squares) (Pair Puyo Change, Recycle, Fighting Spirit) Dark Prince (Piece Void, Terraformer, Assemble!) Fusion Skill Battle (Time) Defeat the opponent. 2:00 1:30 1:00

Puyo Puyo!!! 33rd Anniversary (2024 game)

Ringo Ando (Standard Voice)

Player Chain
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Chain 1 解けた! Toketa! Solved (it)!
Chain 2 『ビビッ』てきた! "Bibi" tekita! How tingly! Got it!
Chain 3 興奮してきた! Koufunshite kita! How exciting! This is exciting!
Chain 4 ぐふふふふふ! Kufufufufufu! Tee-hee-hee! Hahahahaha!
Repeater にゃははははー! Nyahahahaha! Hahahaha! Oh yeah!
Counter お返しいたします! Okaeshi itashimasu! I will pay you in kind! Right back at you!
Spell 1 サイン Sain Sine
Spell 2 コサイン Kosain Cosine
Spell 3 タンジェント Tanjento Tangent
Spell 4 インテグラル Integuraru Integral Algorithms
Spell 5 パーミテーション Paamiteeshon Permutation Calculus

Ringo Ando (Alt. Voice)

Voice lines are color-coded according to who Ringo is imitating; Sig: blue, Raffina: yellow, and Amitie: red.

Player Chain
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Chain 1 解けた! Etto, Er, Huh?
Chain 2 『ビビッ』てきた! Kotchi yo! This way! Here it comes!
Chain 3 興奮してきた! Hajimaru yo! Here it starts! Let’s do it!
Chain 4 おみまいするわ! O-mimai suru wa! I’ll give you a blow! You ready?
Repeater アシッド Ashiddo Acid (Wash)
Chain A (21-24 Chains) やったね! Yoshi. Good. Nice.
Chain A (25+ Chains) やったね! Yoyuu da wa! It’s easy! Child’s play!
Counter お返しいたします! Makenai yo! I won’t lose!
Spell 1 シアン Shian Cyan
Spell 2 フラーム Furaamu Flamme Scorch
Spell 3 アクティーナ Akutiina Aktina Tempest
Spell 4 ラピスラズリ Rapisu Razuri Lapis Lazuli
Spell 5 シエルアーク Shieru Aaku Ciel Arc Rainbow Deluxe
Enemy Attack
Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Light いたた... Uwa! Ah! Whoa!
Heavy やめて~! Taihen da! This is bad! Oh boy!
Match Start, All Clear and Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character Select やるのか? Yaru no ka? You're playing? Are we starting soon?
All Clear わーい! Wai! Whee! Yeah!
Win いぇーい♪ Iei!♪ Yay~♪ *giggle* Yeah!
Lose こ、こんなの嘘よ… Ko, konna-no uso yo... T-That can't be... Someone owes me an apology…

Arle Nadja

  • Light Blue - Puyo Puyo 33rd Anniversary ENG Alt. Voice
Player chain
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Chain 1 えいっ! Ei! Hah!
Chain 2 やあっ! Yaa! Tah! There!
Chain 3 いっくよー Ikku yo! Here I go!
How's this?
Chain 4 せーの! Sēno! Now! (You) Want more?
Repeater ダイアキュート Daiakyūto Diacute Attack!
Gu gu!
Chain A (21-24 Chains) やったね! Yatta ne! I did it!
Chain B (25+ Chains) やった! Yatta! Yay! Yes, I did it!
Counter リバイア Ribaia Revia Take that!
Right back at you!♡
Spell 1 ファイヤー Faiyā Fire(ball)(♡)
Spell 2 アイスストーム Aisu Stōmu Ice Storm(♡)
Spell 3 ブレインダムド Burein Damudo Braindumbed Mind Blast(♡)
Spell 4 ジュゲム Jugemu Ju(d)gem(ent)
Spell 5 ばよえ〜ん Bayoen Bayoen
Enemy Attack
Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Light いたた... Itata... Ouch... Ow!
That hurt!
Heavy やめて~! Yamete-! Stop it-! Hey, stop!
I-I've had enough!
Character Select, All Clear and Match Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character Select いっきまーす Ikkimāsu Here I Go! (It's) my turn!
All Clear やった! Yatta! I did it!
Yay, I've done it!
Win 大勝利! Dai Shouri! (Big) Victory!
Lose ばたんきゅー Batankyū- Zonked... Uh-oh...
Oh no...!
Big Bang/Endless Fever
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Entered いっくよー! Ikuyo! Here I go!
I'm happy!♥︎
Success うんうん! Un un! Yup, yup! (Oh,) yes!
Failed うわ~! Uwa~! Ahhh~! (A-)Actually...
Big Bang ヘヴンレイ Hevunrei Heaven('s) Ray
Light attack いっけー! Ike! Go! Do your thing!
Severe attack やったね! Yatta ne! (Yes,) I did it!
Let's finish it!
Win イェーイ Iei! Yay!
Gu guuuuu~!♡
Light damage いててててて! Itetetetete! Owowowowow! Ugh!
Severe damage なんで〜!? Nande!? Why!? Oh no...!
I-I don't like this...!
Lose ボク、もうダメ... Boku, mou dame... I'm done for... Guess I'm out...
Guu gu guuu...
Huge Puyo Rush
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Chain A やったね! Yatta ne! I did it!
Chain B やった! Yatta! Yay! Yes, I did it!
Skill Battle
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Power Reserve さあ、行こう Saa, ikou! Now, let's go! Now, let's do this!
Change All (3 rows) これでどうだ! Kore de dou da! How's this?
Recycle 力になるよ! Chikara ni naru yo! Let me help!
You can do it!
Fighting Spirit 受け取って! Uketotte! Take this!
Gu, gu-gu-guu~!
Pair Puyo Puyo
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Pair 4 Chain えい Ei! Hah!
Hit it where it hits!
Pair 5 Chain えーい Eei! Yeah!
Pair 6 Chain いっけー! Ikke! (Go) (get 'em)!
Pair 7 Chain それ! Sore! There!
You won't beat me!
Pair 8 Chain
Sync Chain Start
ひゃーほー! Hyaahoo! Yahoo!
Pair 9-12 Chain A ペアー... Pea.. Pair..
Pair 9-10 Chain B 連鎖! Rensa! Chain!
Pair 11-12 Chain B アタック! Attaku! Attack!
Pair Attack A (Pair 13+ Chain A) 一緒に... Issho ni... Joinly... Adventurous...
Pair Attack B (Pair 13+ Chain B) ペアアタック! Pea Attakku! Pair Attack!
Guuu... guuguu!!
Pair Life Lost まだまだいくよ〜! Madamada iku yo! Keep going! It's not over yet!
It is not over yet.
Pair Life Gone ごめ〜ん! Gomen! Sorry!
My bad!
Win ボクが一番! Boku ga ichiban! I'm/I am number one!
Lose ふにゃあ~ Unyaa... Owww...
That was no good at all...


Player Chain
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Chain 1 やあ Yaa! Hah! Hi-yah!
Ahahahaha! (33rd Alt. Voice)
Chain 2 いっくよー! Iku yo! Here I go!
Give up! (33rd ENG alt.)
Chain 3 始まるよ! Hajimaru yo! Here it starts! Let's do it!
Let us do it!
Chain 4 準備オッケー! Junbi okkee! I'm ready! Ready for more?
You ready?
Repeater アクセル Akuseru Accelerate Unstoppable!
Thanks for waiting!
Chain A (21-24 Chains) いえ~い Ie~i! Yeah!
Chain B (25+ Chains) イェ~イ! IE~I! Yay!
*wicked laughter*
Counter 負けないよ! Makenai yo! I won't lose!
I will not lose!
Spell 1 フレイム Fureimu Flame
Spell 2 サイクロワール Saikurowaaru Cyclowhirl Cyclone
Spell 3 アクティーナ Akutiina Aktína Tempest
Spell 4 フェアリーフェア Fearii Feaa Fairy Fair Fairy Fire
Spell 5 ルミネシオン Rumineshion Lumination Luminescence
Enemy Attack
Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Light うわっ! Uwa! Ah! Whoa!
Oh, my!
Heavy ふぇぇーん! Fueeee-n! Whaa~!
Match Start/Result/All Clear
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character Select いっきまーす! Ikimasu! Here I go~! Let's go!
Let's do this.
All Clear わーい! Wai! Whee! Yeah!
Win いぇーい♪ Iei!♪ Yay~♪ *giggle* Yeah!
Lose ばたんきゅ~… Batankyuu... Zonked... Oh no...!?
Fever Mode & Big Bang
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Entered フィーバー! Fiibaa! Fever!
Success ばっちぐー! Batchi guu! Perfecto!
Failed うぅ~ Uu... Uh... Huh?
No way...
Big Bang よーし、いっくよー! Yoshi, iku yo! Alrighty, here I go!
Right, here I go.
Light attack えーいっ! Ei! Hah! Take that!
Take this!
Severe attack イェーイ! Iei! Yeah!
Had enough?!
Win 決まったね! Kimatta ne! I made it! Take THAT!
*evil laughter*
Light damage ややややめてぇ~! Ya, ya, ya, yamete! S-stop it!
Severe damage ま、負けないよ~! Ma, makenai yo! I, I won't lose!
Oww, that hurts!
Lose ダメかも~… Dame kamo... I maybe done for... What a drag...
Huge Puyo Rush
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Chain A いえ~い Ie~i! Yeah!
Chain B イェ~イ! IE~I! Yay!
*wicked laughter*
Skill Battle
Activated Skill Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
HP Recovery 助けるよ! Tasukeruyo! I'll help!
Allow me.
Fighting Spirit いけるいける! Ikeru, ikeru! You can do it! My turn!
Let's have some fun!
Skill Seal 一緒だよ! Isshodayo! I'm with you.
No escape!
Recycle 一気に行くよー! Ikini ikuyo! Let's go, all together!
Crush them!
Pair Puyo Puyo
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Chain A いえ~い Ie~i! Yeah!
Chain B イェ~イ! IE~I! Yay!
*wicked laughter*
Pair 8 Chain
Sync Chain Start
ひゃーほー! Hyaahoo! Yahoo!
*evil laughter*
Pair Attack A 素敵な Suteki na, Wonderful... Magical...
Pair Attack B ペアアタック! Pea Attakku! Pair Attack!
Pair Life Lost まだまだいくよ〜! Madamada iku yo! Keep going! I'm still going!
You can't stop me.
Pair Life Gone ごめ〜ん! Gomen! Sorry (about this)!
All Pair Lives Gone (Game Over) ほ~え~… Hoee... Huh... Oh, bother...


Player Chain
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Chain 1 ほら Hora. Here! Hah!
W-Well... (33rd Alt. Voice)
Chain 2 こっちよ! Kotchi yo! This way! Here it comes!
H-Here I go...
Chain 3 ごらんなさい! Goran nasai! Have a look! Don't blink!
D-Do not b-blink...!
Chain 4 おみまいするわ! O-mimai suru wa! I'll give you a blow! You (r-)ready...?
Repeater フォルト Foruto Fort (T-)Thrashing time!
Counter 蹴ちらしてさしあげますわ! Kechirashite sashiagemasu wa! I shall kick it away! It's (o-)over for you...
Spell 1 ネージュ Neeju Neige (F-)Frost
Spell 2 フラーム Furaamu Flamme Scorch
Spell 3 ディシャージ Dishaaji Décharge (S-)Static (S-)Shock
Spell 4 フー・ダルティ Fuu Daruti Feu d'Arti Fireworks
Spell 5 シエルアーク Shieru Aaku Ciel Arc Rainbow Deluxe!
Enemy Attack
Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Light 何よっ!? Nani yo!? What's that!? Ah!
Heavy いや~っ! Yameyagare!...desu wa! Cut it out, for sure! No!
S-stop it...!
Character Select/Match Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character Select 覚悟はよろしくて? Kakugo-wa yoroshikute? (A-)Are you prepared?
Win 当然の結果ですわ! Touzen-no kekka desu wa! It's a natural outcome! (Um,) Was (t-)there ever any doubt...?
Lose こ、こんなの嘘よ… Ko, konna-no uso yo... T-That can't be... (Aww,) (S-)Someone owes me an apology...
Fever Mode/Big Bang
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Entered おーっほっほっ! O-hoho! *noblewoman's laugh* Here I come!
I-I made it…! (33rd Alt. Voice)
Success さすがわたくし Sasuga watakushi. As expected of me. Are you awestruck?!
Uh, a-are you a-awestruck…?
Failed えっ? E? Huh? What!?
Big Bang 覚悟なさい! Kakugo nasai! Prepare yourself! (Um,) Stand (y-)your ground!
Light Attack はっ! Ha! Hah! Hi-yah!
Severe Attack いきますわよ~! Ikimasu wa yo! Here I go! Round house!
T-take this…!
Win きまりましたわ! Kimarimashita wa! I made it! (O-)Out of my way!
Light Damage なんですって!? Nan desu-tte!? What!? (Hey!)
Severe Damage わたくしとしたことが… Watakushi-to shita koto-ga... This isn't like me... (B-)Better watch out!
Lose ふざけんな!…ですわ… Fuzaken na! ...desu wa... Stop messing around, for sure... Next time...!
W-We'll meet again…

Satan (Dark Prince)

Player Chain
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Chain 1 ふんっ Fun. Hmph.
Heh… (33th ENG Alt. Voice)
Chain 2 愚かな...
やめよう (30th Alt Voice)
Let's drop it.
You fool!
Hah hah...
Chain 3 行くぞ
Yuku zo.
Here I go. How dare you!(?)
Chain 4 覚悟はいいか? Kakugo-wa ii ka? Are you prepared? Prepare yourself!
Get ready!
Repeater フハハハハハ! Fuhahahahaha!
*evil laughter*
Chain A (21-24 Chains) ハハハハハ! Hahahahaha! Mwahahahaha!
Heh heh heh... (33rd Alt. Voice)
Chain B (25+ Chains) ハハハハハハハハ! Hahahahahahahaha! HAHA~hahahahahaa!
Counter それで本気かか? Sore-de honki (ka)? Is that all you've got? Are you even trying!?
Spell 1 ディザスター Dizasutaa Disaster
Spell 2 ジャガーノート Jagaanooto Juggernaut Calamity
Spell 3 カタストロフ Katasutorofu Catastrophe Devastation
Spell 4 カタクリズム Katakurizumu Cataclysm
Spell 5 アセンション Asenshon Ascension
Enemy Attack
Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Light いてっ! Ite! Ouch! Ow!
Heavy うぎゃあ~! Ugya~! Gah! Aaaaaaah!
Character Select, All Clear and Match Results
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character Select ふむ、いいだろう。 Fun, ii darou. Hmph, All right. Ha, so be it!
You wanna fight?
All Clear ショータイムだ! Shootaimu da! (It's) Showtime!
Win 私に逆らうからだ。 Watashi-ni sakarau kara da. Your defiance brought this. You will/You’ll never beat me.
Lose これは 夢だ…! Kore-wa yume da...! I must be dreaming...! This... cannot/can’t be...!
Fever Mode/Big Bang
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Entered ショータイムだ! Miru-ga ii!
Misete ageyou.
I’ll show you.
No mercy for you!
Success 受け取るがいい! Uketoru-ga ii! You should take it! Consider this a gift!
Failed なに!?
Dame nanoka…
It cannot be!
Big Bang 地獄行きだ
Jigoku yuki da.
Tengoku ikida!
You're going to hell.
You're going to heaven!
To the underworld/heavens!
Light Attack ふんっ! Fun! Hmph! H(i-y)ah!
Severe Attack くらえっ! Kurae! Take this! It's showtime!
Win はーはっはっはっはっ!
Go away!
Light Damage あれぇ? Are? Huh? Aaugh!
Severe Damage こんなはずは! Konna hazu-wa! This is not supposed to be so! Impossible...
Rrrgh, stop it!
Lose そんなバカなぁ…! Sonna baka-na! It can't be! (N-)No way...(!)

Puyo Puyo eSports Adventure Mode predictions

Similar to Puyo Puyo Tetris, the story is divided into seven acts (plus an extra stage), with nine playable episodes. These episodes consist of different game modes, which may be played with or without an opponent. However, playable characters are locked, meaning the player can only use the character relevant to that part of the story, including characters that have not yet unlocked. Three-starring the entire act will unlock the extra stages, but cannot be played until completing the main game. The eighth bonus act will be available after completing the main game. Time shown is in minutes:seconds.

Act 1

Scene World Player Opponent Rule 1★ 2★ 3★ Notes
1-1 Suzuran City Ringo Maguro Puyo Puyo 2 (Score) Beat opponent 2,000 3,000
1-2 Suzuran City Ringo Amitie Puyo Puyo 2 (Score) Beat opponent 4,500 5,500
1-3 Suzuran City Amitie Arle Puyo Puyo 2 (Time) Beat opponent 2:45 2:30
1-4 Suzuran City Ringo Score Challenge (1:00) 3,000 4,000 5,000
1-5 Suzuran City Maguro Risukuma Puyo Puyo Fever (Time) Beat opponent 2:45 2:30
1-6 Suzuran City Maguro Ringo Puyo Puyo Fever (Time) Beat opponent 2:30 2:15
1-7 Suzuran City Maguro Time Challenge (5,000) <3:00 ≤2:45 ≤2:30
1-8 Suzuran City Carbuncle Arle Puyo Puyo Fever (Score) Beat opponent 3,500 4,500
1-9 (BOSS) Suzuran City Ringo Hed Puyo Puyo Fever (Score) Beat opponent 5,500 7,500 Unlocks Hed
EX-1 Suzuran City Ringo Paprisu Puyo Puyo 2 (Time) Beat opponent 2:15 1:45 Unavailable until completing the main game

Act 2

Scene World Player Opponent Rule 1★ 2★ 3★ Notes
2-1 Primp Amitie Raffina Puyo Puyo Fever (Time) Beat opponent 2:45 2:30
2-2 Primp Raffina Sig Puyo Puyo Fever (Score) Beat opponent 5,500 6,500
2-3 Primp Sig Maguro Puyo Puyo 2 (Score) Beat opponent 4,500 5,500
2-4 Primp Sig Score Challenge (1:00) 3,500 4,500 5,500
2-5 Primp Ringo Risukuma Puyo Puyo 2 (Time) Beat opponent 2:30 2:15
2-6 Primp Sig Raffina Puyo Puyo 2 (Time) Beat opponent 2:30 2:15
2-7 Primp Raffina Time Challenge (5,500) <2:45 ≤2:30 ≤2:15
2-8 Primp Arle Carbuncle Puyo Puyo Fever (Time) Beat opponent 2:45 2:10
2-9 (BOSS) Primp Raffina Hartmann Puyo Puyo Fever (Time) Beat opponent 2:30 2:00 Unlocks Hartmann
EX-2 Primp Arle Valkyrie Arle Puyo Puyo 2 (Time) Beat opponent 2:00 1:45 Unavailable until completing the main game

Act 3

Scene World Player Opponent Rule 1★ 2★ 3★ Notes
3-1 Woods Arle Sig Puyo Puyo 2 (Time) Beat opponent 2:45 2:30
3-2 Woods Arle Ragnus Puyo Puyo Fever (Score) Beat opponent 2:45 2:30

Act 7

Scene World Player Opponent Rule 1★ 2★ 3★ Notes
7-1 Puzzle Space Amitie Harpy Puyo Puyo Fever (Score) Beat opponent 2:45 2:30
7-2 Puzzle Space Raffina Rulue Puyo Puyo 2 (Score) Beat opponent 2:45 2:30
7-3 Puzzle Space Sig Penglai Puyo Puyo 2 (Time) Beat opponent 2:45 2:30
7-4 Puzzle Space Harpy Score Challenge (2:00) 3,000 4,000 5,000
7-5 Puzzle Space Arle Dark Prince Puyo Puyo Fever (Time) Beat opponent 2:45 2:30
7-6 Puzzle Space Maguro Ragnus Puyo Puyo Fever (Score) Beat opponent 2:45 2:30
7-7 Puzzle Space Arle Time Challenge (100,000) 4:30 4:15 4:00
7-8 Puzzle Space Ally Dark Prince Puyo Puyo 2 (Score) Beat opponent 2:45 2:30
7-9A (TOURNAMENT) Puzzle Space Ringo 1. Sultana
2. Penglai
3. Dark Prince (BOSS)
Puyo Puyo 2 (Score) Beat opponent 2:45 2:30
7-9B (FINAL BOSS) Puzzle Space Any two characters Dark Prince and Rulue Puyo Puyo Fever (Time) Beat opponents 2:45 2:30

Puyo Puyo Hex predictions??

Puyo Puyo Hex
DeveloperSonic Team
PlatformNintendo Switch
Players1-4 players
Release date(WW) April 29, 2025

Puyo Puyo Hex (ぷよぷよ, Puyopuyo!!! Puyopuyo 33rd anniversary) released on April 29th, 2025 worldwide, only for the Nintendo Switch. It is the final side game in the series and as such shares more similarities to Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary and Puyo Puyo Tetris, except the player has to slide hexagons with emblems involving the colored Puyos on them.

Playable characters

  • PPHX1
  • PPHX2
How to unlock them (Puyo Puyo Hex)
Characters/Alt. Voices Notes
Arle & Carbuncle’s alt voice Purchase for 1000 pts.
Amitie & Donguri Gaeru's alt voice Purchase for 1000 pts.
Ringo's alt voice Purchase for 1500 pts.
Maguro's alt voice Purchase for 1500 pts.
Atari & Puubot's alt voice Purchase for 2000 pts.
Risukuma's alt voice Purchase for 2000 pts.
Roquier's alt voice Purchase for 3000 pts.
Seo's alt voice Purchase for 3000 pts.
Lidelle's alt voice Purchase for 4500 pts.
Suketoudara's alt voice Purchase for 4500 pts.
Sig's alt voice Purchase for 9999 pts.
Raffina's alt voice Purchase for 9999 pts.
Klug's alt voice Complete Chapter 3.
Onion Pixie's alt voice Complete Chapter 6.
Hachi's alt voice Complete Chapter 8 (including all EX stages for every chapter; post-game only).
Ms. Accord's alt voice Complete all lessons in the Lesson mode (post-game only).
Lemres Complete Chapter 3 (comes with alt. voice pack).
Feli Complete Chapter 3 (comes with alt. voice pack).
Schezo Complete Chapter 4 (comes with alt. voice pack).
Witch Complete Chapter 4 (comes with alt. voice pack).
Draco Centauros Complete Chapter 5 (comes with alt. voice pack).
Yu & Rei Complete Chapter 5 (comes with alt. voice pack).
Dark Prince Complete Chapter 6 (comes with alt. voice pack).
Rulue Complete Chapter 6 (comes with alt. voice pack).
Hachi Beat the main game by completing chapter 7.
Ms. Accord Beat the main game by completing chapter 7.

Game Modes

Puyo Puyo Hex: 14

Puyo Puyo Hex 2: 20

  • Puyo Puyo
  • Puyo Puyo 2
  • Puyo Puyo Sun
  • Puyo Puyo~n
  • Puyo Puyo Fever
  • Excavation
  • Bomber
  • Gust
  • Mission Puyo
  • Transformation
  • Tiny Puyo Excavation
  • Tiny Puyo Fever
  • Huge Puyo Rush
  • Searchlight
  • Tiny Puyo
  • Giant Puyo
  • Slot
  • Party
  • Big Bang
  • Skill Battle
  • Active
  • Blocks
  • Spinner
  • Cross Spinner
  • Ice Blocks
  • Non-Stop Fever
  • Pair Puyo Puyo

Tetris 3 predictions??

Puyo Puyo Tetris 3
DeveloperSonic Team
PlatformPlayStation 5,
Xbox Series S/X,
Nintendo Switch, Windows
Players1-8 players
Release datePlayStation 5,
Xbox Series X and S,
Nintendo Switch
(WW) February 6th, 2024

Puyo Puyo Tetris 3 (ぷよぷよテトリス 3) is the sequel to Puyo Puyo Tetris 2, released on Febuary 6th, 2023 for all current and last generation consoles. It is the third and final game of the Tetris series. It is the first and only game to support 2-8 players in single-screen mode, respectively

The game was announced worldwide on November 11th, 2023, at 11 P.M. JST via Nintendo Direct.

All modes from Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 return, such as Swap, Party, Fusion, and Skill Battle, as well as Pair Battle from Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary.


Puyo Puyo


Puyo Puyo RPG: Arle’s Adventure

Puyo Puyo RPG: Arle’s Adventure
DeveloperSonic Team
PlatformGame Boy Advance
Players1 player (Adventure Mode)
1-4 players (Battle Mode)
Release date(WW) April 9th, 2024

Puyo Puyo RPG: Arle’s Adventure (ぷよぷよRPG) is an RPG fan-game/hack for the Game Boy Advance. It is based on Pokémon Puzzle Challenge. Set in the fantasy land of Pwurp, it follows the adventures of Arle Nadja with her pet Carbuncle, along with her friends, Raffina and Sig.


Chapter 1: The Adventure Begins

Chapter 2: The Scattered Parts

Chapter 3: Not Quite Herself

Chapter 4: Find the Yellow Vellumental!

Chapter 5: Saving the Pink Curly-Haired Girl

Chapter 6: A Message from Primp Town

Chapter 7: Here Comes the Comet Warlock

Chapter 8: Another Showdown

Chapter 9: Obtain the Red Vellumental!

Chapter 10: Enter the Fighting Queen

Chapter 11: Blue-Haired Boy Under Siege

Chapter 12: The Road Not Taken

Chapter 13: Recover the Blue Vellumental!

Chapter 14: Rise of the Dark Prince

Chapter 15: Into the Cosmos

Final Chapter: The Final Showdown



EX Chapter 1: Here We Go Again!

EX Chapter 2: Showdown at Intral City

EX Chapter 3: The Dreamer and the Dream

Final EX Chapter: A Growing Heart



Puzzle Pop EX Predictions

Puyo Puyo Puzzle Pop EX

Game logo
PlatformApple Arcade, Android, Amazon Fire, Nintendo Switch, PS5, Xbox Series X/S
Players1-4 players
Release dateWW: April 4th, 2024

Warning: The following article or section contains major spoilers.

Puyo Puyo Puzzle Pop EX (ぷよぷよパズルポップ EX) is the revamped version of Puyo Puyo Puzzle Pop, released on 2025 for all current and last generation consoles, especially Apple Arcade. It follows Amitie and her friends in a new adventure after being pulled into the Dream World by the mysterious creature Meena.

Playable characters

New characters

Puyo Puyo Puzzle League

Puyo Puyo Puzzle League (ぷよぷよでパネポ, Puyopuyo de Panepon) is a game hack that is a crossover between Puyo Puyo and Puzzle League. It will be released in April 27th, 2020 for the Game Boy Advance. It has a sequel titled Puyo Puyo Puzzle League 2: Double Sync with two versions, Blue Trance and Red Vision, released in July 5th, 2024 for the Nintendo DS.

Puyo Puyo Puzzle League
PlatformGame Boy Advance
Players1-4 players
Release dateWW: April 27th, 2020


Puyo Puyo X Battle

Puyo Puyo X Battle is a fan-game hack for the Nintendo DS, released on summer 2025. It follows Arle with her pet Carbuncle, and her friends, Raffina and Sig, in a new adventure.

Playable characters


Unlockables (Characters/Alt.Voice)
Unlockable Notes
Arle & Carbuncle’s alt voice Three-star every chapter in Arle & Carbuncle's story*
Raffina’s alt voice Three-star every chapter in Raffina's story*
Sig’s alt voice Three-star every chapter in Sig's story*
Amitie & Donguri Gaeru’s alt voice Purchase for 1500 pts.
Ringo’s alt voice Purchase for 1500 pts.
Maguro’s alt voice Purchase for 1500 pts.
Rulue (+ alt voice) Beat the game once
Dark Prince (+ alt voice) Beat the game once
Risukuma's alt voice Purchase for 2000 pts.
Lemres (+ alt voice) Complete Lemres' story
Feli (+ alt voice) Complete Feli's story
Klug Complete Klug's story
Klug's alt voice Beat the game once
Lidelle Complete Lidelle's story
Lidelle's alt voice Beat the game once
Meena Beat the game once
Meena's alt voice Complete the Extra Story

Completing/three-starring EX stages are not required*

Unlockables (Other)
Unlockable Notes
Unlock everything (all stages, cutscenes, unlockables, 9999 pts, etc,.)
Similar to the Konami code, but longer*
While holding both the L and R buttons down, press in that order;
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, X, Y, B, A, SELECT, START*
Sound Test Beat the game once
Extra Story Beat the game once
Extra Hard Mode Beat the game in Hard mode once

Puyo Puyo RPG: Our Popping Adventure!

Puyo Puyo RPG: Our Popping Adventure! (Japanese: ぷよぷよRPG!!!アルルの冒険, Puyopuyo RPG!!! Arle no Bouken) is an RPG-puzzle game for the Game Boy Advance presented by Sega and created by Sonic Team. It can be played from 1-4 players in free battle mode, while 1 player is required for adventure mode. This game is roughly based in the vein of Pokémon. Similar to Puyo Puyo Chronicle, this game uses 2D models for the characters instead, and it uses anime cutscenes during the story.

Playable characters
