PPQ:Manzai Demo Theater/I am the Solitary Warlock

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[★4] Miriam ……それで マシュー いったい なんの話だい?
......So what is it we're discussing here, Matthew?
[★4] Matthew 忘れちゃったの ミリアム? 明日からの合宿についてだよ! ああ~ 楽しみだな~!
Did you forget, Miriam? It's about the training camp we're gonna be in starting tomorrow! Aah~ I can't wait~!
[★4] Richard おいおい 僕たちは遊びに行くわけじゃないんだぞ?
Hey, hey. We aren't going there just to fool around, understand?
[★4] Matthew 分かってるよ リチャード! 早く一人前の魔法使いになるための 修行をかねた 強化合宿でしょ?
I know that, Richard! I'm doing this to get more training in so I can hurry up and grow into a full-fledged warlock, y'know?
[★4] Miriam …興味がないね ボクは えんりょしとくよ
It doesn't interest me. I think I'll pass.
[★4] Matthew え~! なんで~? ボクたちの他にも アルベルトやサリヴァンも行くのに…
Huh~! But why~? Albert and Sullivan and all of our other friends are going...
[★4] Matthew ミリアムだけ不参加なんて ヘンだよ……ボクたち仲間なのに!
Miriam, it'll be weird if you're the only one not there... I mean, we're all friends!
[★4] Miriam ふん ボクはキミたちのこと… 仲間だなんて思ったことないね
Hmph. I don't think you guys... are people I've ever considered friends.
[★4] Richard なんだって?
What did you say?
[★4] Miriam ボクが目指しているのは 最強の闇の魔法使いだぜ?
My only goal is to become the strongest dark magician I can be, right?
[★4] Miriam みんなで仲良く修行なんて するわけないだろ
And learning how to make nice with all of you won't get me any closer to achieving that, will it?
[★4] Matthew そんなー… リチャードもなんとか言ってよ~
That's-... Richaaard, say something back to him~.
[★4] Richard …仕方がないさ マシュー 本人がこう言ってるんだ
...There's no helping it, Matthew. His mind is made up.
[★4] Richard 無理やり連れて行ったところで みんなの輪を乱すだけさ
If we force him to go, he'll just throw our whole group off balance.
[★4] Miriam なんだよ それじゃあまるで ボクが協調性に欠けてる みたいじゃないか
Oh, so I'd just ruin everyone's progress by tagging along, is that it?
[★4] Richard そのとおりだろう?
Wow, you figured it out?
[★4] Miriam ……
[★4] Matthew ちょ… ちょっと! ミリアムもリチャードも やめなよ~!
H... Hold on! Miriam, Richard, both of you cut it out~!
[★4] Miriam ふん まあいいさ 予定通り ボクは一人で 修行することにするよ
Hmph. Whatever, I figured it'd turn out like this. I'll just do whatever studying I need to do on my own.
[★4] Richard 勝手にするんだな
He's just gonna do things how he wants to, I take it.
[★4] Matthew (も~ 二人とも オトナ気ないなぁ…)
(Jeez... you two aren't acting grown-up at all...)

Episode 1 Pre-boss

[★4] Miriam (まったく リチャードのやつ… 勉強のしすぎで 頭がカタくなってるんじゃないか?)
(Good grief, that Richard... wonder if that head of his will eventually shrivel and dry up from all that excessive studying?)
[★4] Yingzhou そこの少年 どうしたのだ 険しい顔をして…… 友と仲たがいでもしたか?
You there, young man. What's troubling you so? You're wearing a rather dour expression...... perhaps you've had a falling-out with a friend?
[★4] Miriam …少年ってのはボクのことかい? ボクの名前はミリアムだ
Am I the "young man" you're referring to? My name is Miriam.
[★4] Yingzhou それは失礼したミリアム殿… 私はエイシュウ 古き書物を好む龍人だ
Please excuse my rudeness then, master Miriam... I am Yingzhou, a dragon person who delights in ancient literature.
[★4] Yingzhou 人の悩みは古来より そう変わらぬもの…
Since even the long-forgotten times of old, human troubles and sorrows have remained unchanged.
[★4] Yingzhou 幾多の悩める者たちが 記した書物にふれることは 人生をより豊かにしてくれる…
Through the records left by people which document their numerous troubles, we are allowed the experience of life through their eyes.
[★4] Miriam (なんだか よくしゃべるヒトだな…)
(This guy sure loves to hear himself talk...)
[★4] Yingzhou ところで 先ほどは なにを悩んでいたのかな?
Now then, what is it that's causing your current sorrows?
[★4] Miriam まぁ アンタの言った通りさ とある「分からず屋」と 少し 言い合いになってね…
Well, it's more or less just as you said. I just got into a bit of an argument with a certain Clueless Blockhead...
[★4] Miriam ただ アイツは… 「友達」ってワケじゃないけど
But that guy isn't exactly... someone I'd call a Friend.
[★4] Yingzhou ふむ… どうやらそなたは 私のよく知る 人物に以ているようだ
Hm... perhaps it might do you well to meet a good friend of mine...
[★4] Miriam ん? それって いったい 誰のこと…
Hm? And just who on earth would that be...?
[★4] Yuanjiao ……だ
[★4] Yingzhou おや ウワサをすれば インキョウではないか 元気にしていたか?
My, speak of the devil. If it isn't Yuanjiao himself. Have you been well?
[★4] Yuanjiao ……るか?
......ot it?
[★4] Yingzhou ん? ああ… なるほど 約束していた剣術書を 借りに来たのだな?
Hm? Aah... I understand. You came to borrow the fencing guidebooks I promised you, correct?
[★4] Yingzhou 少し待っていたまえ
Please wait here a moment.
[★4] Miriam えっ!? 今 ほとんど なにも喋っていないのに なぜ会話が成立したんだ?
Huh!? He's hardly even said an entire word just now, how did you make a legitimate conversation out of that?
[★4] Yingzhou はっはっは まぁ なんとなくだがな 慣れれば分かるものだ
Hah hah hah. Somehow or another, you come to understand things once you're used to them.
[★4] Miriam 慣れという問題じゃない 気がするけど… 声もすごく小さいし…
But I don't think it's just a matter of being used to it... I could barely hear his voice either, with how quiet it was.
[★4] Yuanjiao ……るさい
......hut up.
[★4] Miriam なんだって! 今「うるさい」っていっただろ!?
Excuse me! Did you just tell me to "shut up"!?
[★4] Yingzhou まぁまぁ 二人とも! 以た者同士 ぷよ勝負でもして 親睦を深めようではないか
Now now, you two! Perhaps a friendly round of Puyo will help us fortify the bond we share as friends.
[★4] Yuanjiao ぜん… ……ない…
N... ......r life...
[★4] Miriam 「全然 以てない」って… それはこっちのセリフだー!
"Not on your life", huh... you took the words right out of my mouth!
[★4] Yingzhou おやおや これは以心伝心…はたまた 阿吽の呼吸…といったところかな
My oh my... it's as if they have a telepathic link... or rather. Perhaps this... is what one might call Mutual Harmony.

Episode 1 After Boss

[★4] Yingzhou どうかな? 今のぷよ勝負で おたがい 心が相違じたと感じぬか?
Well? Do you feel like you can better understand each other after that Puyo match?
[★4] Yuanjiao ……る
[★4] Miriam いやいやいや! 剣を抜こうとしてるし!心が通った気配ないぞ!?
Whoa whoa whoa! He was swinging a sword around! I don't think that exactly constitutes Understanding!?
[★4] Yingzhou ははは まぁ インキョウは いつもこのような調子だ 気にすることはない
Hahaha, it's quite alright. Yuanjiao has always behaved like this. It's nothing to worry over.
[★4] Miriam それにしたって もうちょっと態度とか 言い方ってものが…
Well, still, his attitude and his speech patterns are a little...
[★4] Miriam あっ…
[★4] Yingzhou ふふふ 気づいたかな ミリアム殿 そなたも なかなか素直に なれない性格のようだ
Mhmhm. Perhaps you've noticed, master Miriam. You too are not one to be honest with your emotions.
[★4] Yingzhou 先ほど そなたは 「分からず屋と口論になった」と言っていたが その者はきっと…
A moment ago, you mentioned having an "argument with a Clueless Blockhead". However, I'm sure that person...
[★4] Yingzhou そなたの心の内を 分かろうにも それが 叶わなかったのではないか?
Also wishes simply to know your innermost feelings, do they not?
[★4] Miriam ……ふん
[★4] Yingzhou とはいえ インキョウ そなたも もっと 人を信用したほうがいいぞ
And on that note, Yuanjiao, it would be wonderful of you to have a bit more faith in other people.
[★4] Yuanjiao ……考えて…おく
...... s'pose... so.
[★4] Yingzhou よしよし その意気だ 二人とも
There there, that's the spirit, you two.
[★4] Yingzhou 昔読んだ書物によると 親友のことを「心腹の友」と 呼ぶこともあってだな…
According to one of my ancient texts, two exceptionally close companions might often be referred to as "Soulmates"...
[★4] Yingzhou 自分の中身を全て見せ合って なにも 隠しごとが ないということから…
Those who bare their entire beings to each other, and are said to keep nothing secret between them...
[★4] Miriam あのさ… エイシュウ…
Uh, hey... Yingzhou...
[★4] Yingzhou ああ それとはまた別の 先人の教えでは 「竹馬の友」という言葉が…
Aah, in the words of the Old Ones, they might be called "Lifelong Partners"...
[★4] Miriam あ~ もう!
Aaah, jeez!
[★4] Miriam エイシュウの話ーー
I think you've talked--
[★4] Yuanjiao 長すぎだ…
Long enough...
[★4] Miriam !?
[★4] Yuanjiao !?
[★4] Yingzhou はっはっは やはり私のにらんだとおり 二人は以た者同士のようだ
Hahahah, it's just as I suspected. The bond between you two seems stronger now.

Episode 2 Pre-boss

[★4] Fwarl 良い…悪い…良い…悪い…良い!
Likes me... likes me not... likes me... likes me not... likes me!
[★4] Fwarl やった~!
[★4] Rein やった…!
[★4] Miriam キミたち さっきから なにをやっているんだい?
Hey, what were you two just doing over there?
[★4] Fwarl えっ コレですか? コレは…花占いです!
Uh, this? These are... Flower Fortunes!
[★4] Fwarl 私とリーンさんの 友達としての相性を 占っていたんですよ!
Rein and I were just measuring our compatibility as friends!
[★4] Miriam 占い? ふん ボクはそういうの 信じない主義なんだ
Fortune-telling, huh? Hmph, I don't believe in superficial junk like that.
[★4] Rein でも… フワールの占いは けっこう当たるのよ?
But... Fwarl's fortunes have always turned out to be exactly right, you know?
[★4] Miriam そもそも 占いの結果に 左右される友情なんて… その程度ってことだろう
Letting something like a fortune's results dictate how you talk to other people... that's just nonsense.
[★4] Fwarl なるほど あなたには さぞ かた~いキズナで 結ばれたお友達がいるんですね?
I see. I guess you must have some suuu~per strong bonds with your friends, huh?
[★4] Miriam …ま まぁね
M... Maybe, maybe not.
[★4] Fwarl その微妙な間……
That stuttery reply......
[★4] Fwarl あなた もしかして…
Could it be that you...
[★4] Fwarl お友達がいないんですか!?
Don't have any friends!?
[★4] Miriam …友達がいないから なんだっていうんだよ
...So what if I don't? It's none of your business.
[★4] Fwarl あっ いえいえ 違うんです! ひとつ試したいおまじないが ありまして…
Ah, no no, that's not it! It's just that there's a little charm I wanna try out...
[★4] Rein それって もしかして 「友達ができるおまじない」っていうヤツ?
You aren't talking about the "Start-Making-Friends Charm", are you?
[★4] Fwarl そう! いつか孤独な人を見かけたら 教えてあげようって思ってたんです
That's the one! I was thinking of giving it a try when I found a lonely person to share it with.
[★4] Miriam 誰が孤独な人だ!! そんなおまじないは必要ない!
Hey, who's the lonely person here!? I don't need a stupid charm like that!
[★4] Fwarl まぁまぁ エンリョしないで… まずはその場で 3回まわってもらえます?
Now now, don't get so worked up... First off, could you stand right there and spin in a circle 3 times for me?
[★4] Miriam だからやらないって!
I already said I'm not doing this!
[★4] Rein は~い クルクル~
Alrighty~. Spinny Spinny~.
[★4] Miriam 勝手に回転させるなー!
Stop spinning me around and Listen-!

Episode 2 After Boss

[★4] Fwarl ……そして最後に ぷよ勝負をする…っと!
......now finish it off with a Puyo battle and...!
[★4] Fwarl よし! これでミリアムさんにも お友達ができますよ!
There you have it! Now Miriam will be able to make more friends too!
[★4] Miriam だから 余計なお世話だって!
I told you that's none of your business!
[★4] Miriam いいかい? ボクが目指すのは 最強の闇の魔法使いだ 少し孤独なくらいがイメージ的に…
Listen here, okay? My ultimate goal is to become the strongest dark magician known to man. A little air of loneliness is just part of my image, so...
[★4] Rein いいわ…!
How cool...!
[★4] Miriam え?
[★4] Rein あなた… 自分の夢を 追いかけてるのね…!
So you're... chasing fervently after your own life's ambition...!
[★4] Rein ……だったら わたしが全力でサポートしてあげる!
......And so, I'll support you with everything I have!
[★4] Miriam 急にどうしたんだ!?
What the heck is this all of a sudden!?
[★4] Fwarl よかったですね ミリアムさん! さっそくお友達ができましたよ!
How nice for you, Miriam! Looks like you've already found a new friend!
[★4] Rein うふふ… ミリアム… ステキな前髪…♪
Ehehe... Miriam... your bangs are really pretty...♪
[★4] Miriam いやいや どう見ても 様子がおかしくないか…?
No, wait, no matter how you look at it, isn't this a little weird...?
[★4] Fwarl いいえ? いつものリーンさんですよ
No? This is just normal, everyday Rein.
[★6] Rein ミリアム これ… わたしの今日のお弁当 食べてもいいよ…?
Miriam, here... would you like to share the lunch I made today...?
[★4] Miriam いや… えんりょしておく ボクが食べてしまったら キミも困るだろうし…
Ah... no, I can't do that. It'd end up being a problem for you if I ate your lunch...
[★4] Miriam (これ以上 この二人に かかわるのはキケンな 予感がする…)
(I get the feeling things won't end well if I keep hanging around these two...)
[★6] Rein 心配してくれるんだね… うれしい…! でも…大丈夫だよ…♪
You're worrying about me... that makes me happy...! But... it's okay...♪
[★6] Rein 誰かの夢を応援できる… それだけで わたし とってもうれしいの…♪
Being able to support someone else's dream... just that in itself makes me so happy...♪
[★4] Miriam ち…近づくな! なんていうか… たぶん…こういうのは…
Y...You're a little close! Now that I think about it... this is kinda...
[★4] Miriam 友達とはちがう気がするー!!
I'm pretty sure this is not a normal friendship-!!
[★6] Rein あっ… 夢に向かって行ってしまうのね… ますます応援したくなっちゃうっ♪
Ah... he's going off to work toward his dreams... it just makes me wanna keep cheering harder for him~♪
[★4] Fwarl 今日もリーンさんは 楽しそうですね~
Rein's having a fun time today too, it seems.
[★4] Fwarl 今日のラッキースポットの 「海辺」に遊び来て 正解でした!
Coming to play at our lucky spot by the "Seashore" was definitely the right call!

Episode 3 Pre-boss

[★5] Minotauros ルルー様! どこにおられるのですかー!
Mistress Rulue! Where did you run off tooo-!
[★5] Miriam (なんだ あの牛のような男は? 誰かを探しているようだが…)
(What's with this cow-looking guy? Seems like he's looking for someone...)
[★5] Rulue うるっさいわね ミノ! 少しは静かにできないの?
Oh, put a Sock in it, Mino! Can you not stay quiet for Two Seconds?
[★5] Minotauros あっ ルルー様! モォ~ 迷子になってしまわれたかと 心配したんですよ~!
Ah, Mistress Rulue! Moowoo~ I was worried that you'd gone off and gotten yourself lost~!
[★5] Rulue はあ? フザケないでちょうだい あんたが勝手に迷子になった だけでしょ!
Huuh? Please, don't patronize me so thoroughly. You're the only one who's gotten themselves lost here!
[★5] Minotauros も…もぉしわけありません…
R-right... the fault is aall miiine...
[★5] Miriam おい… 事情はよく知らないが そんな言い方は ないんじゃないか?
Hey... I don't know what you guys are going through, but maybe you shouldn't be talking to him like that?
[★5] Rulue なんですの あなた? あなたには関係ありませんわ!
What do you care, boy? It's got nothing to do with you!
[★5] Minotauros そうだぞ ボウズ! これはオレとルルー様 二人だけの問題だ!
That's right, little brat! This matter is only between me and Mistress Rulue!
[★5] Miriam な… なんだよ ボクはアンタを不憫に 思って声をかけたっていうのに
Wh... What the heck. I just thought I'd speak up for you because you looked so utterly pathetic back there.
[★5] Minotauros 不憫だなんて とんでもねぇ!!
How dare you call me Pathetic!!
[★5] Minotauros ルルー様は オレの恩人であり 忠誠を誓う相手でもある…
Mistress Rulue is my kind, generous savior, and I am her ever-faithful companion...
[★5] Minotauros とにかく素晴らしいお人なのだ!
In short, she's a perfectly wonderful lady!
[★5] Miriam ふん…その素晴らしい人とやらに 罵声をあびせられて アンタは つらいと思わないのかい?
Hmph... but doesn't it hurt a little when that "wonderful lady" keeps hurling all those insults at you?
[★5] Minotauros フンッ 分かってないな… そのキビシイお言葉も ルルー様なりの愛情表現なのだ!
Hmmph! You don't understand, I see... Those cruel words are just another form of Mistress Rulue's love!
[★5] Rulue ミ~ノ~?
[★5] Minotauros ひぃっ!!
[★5] Rulue なーに 勝手なことを話しているのかしらぁ?
What makes you think you can speak out so carelessly, hmm?
[★5] Minotauros あっ いや… その… いかに ルルー様が格闘家として 優れてるかという話をですね…
Ah, no... that was... I just... was referring to your incredible martial arts skills, that's all...
[★5] Rulue それなら今すぐ… 私の格闘技を味わいなさい!
Well, in that case... You can taste my skills for yourself right now!
[★5] Minotauros グモモーッ た…助けてくれー ボウズ!!
Gumowoowoo- H... Help me, little brat!!
[★5] Miriam うわっ やめろ! ボクまで巻きこむなー!
Uwoahh, cut that out! Don't drag me into this mess--!

Episode 3 After Boss

[★5] Minotauros ブモモォ… ルルー様のごきげんを そこねた上に…
Bumowoo... he beat even Mistress Rulue's fighting spirit...
[★5] Minotauros こんなボウズに 負けてしまうとは… もぉしわけありません!!
To lose against this brat... I'm such an utter disgrace!!
[★5] Rulue そうよミノタウロス! もっと精進なさい!
You're right, Minotauros! You need to learn some discipline!
[★5] Minotauros はいっ もちろんです! ウモーッ!
Of course, right away! Mwoooh-!
[★5] Miriam やれやれ… そうやって誰かに指図されて喜ぶなんて… ボクには理解できないよ
For Pete's sake... how can anyone be happy getting ordered around like that... I just can't wrap my head around it.
[★5] Rulue オーッホッホッホ! さっきから聞いてると あなた さびしい人なんですのねぇ…
O~hohoho! If what I've been hearing out of you is any indication, you must be such a lonely boy...
[★5] Miriam …どういう意味だい?
...What's that supposed to mean?
[★5] Rulue 私は別に ミノのことが キライだから キビしく 接しているのではなくってよ
It's not like Mino and I stick around each other because I hate him and pester him for fun, you know.
[★5] Minotauros ルルー様……
Mistress Rulue......
[★5] Rulue 私は ミノのちょっとやそっとじゃ 動じないタフさを認めているし…
It's because I truly appreciate him, not just for his unrelenting toughness...
[★5] Rulue なにより 私への絶対の忠誠心も いちおう 信頼しているわ!
But for his complete and unwavering loyalty to me above anyone else!
[★5] Minotauros ええ そのとおりです! このミノタウロスとルルー様の キズナは海よりも深いのだ!
Yes, she's exactly right! The bond connecting Mistress Rulue and I, Minotauros, runs deeper than the deepest oceans!
[★5] Rulue そこまでは言ってないでしょ!
Do not phrase it like that!!
[★5] Minotauros ……はい
[★5] Rulue まぁ 友好の形ってのは ひとそれぞれってことよ お分かりかしら?
Oh well. So, do you understand now how many forms friendship can take between people?
[★5] Miriam なるほどね……でもやっぱり ボクは 誰かに指図される なんてゴメンだけどね
Yeah, I get it...... but if you seriously think anyone will ever order me around, sorry about your luck.
[★5] Rulue オーッホッホッホ! 素直じゃありませんわね
O~hohoho! My, aren't we brutally honest!
[★5] Rulue さぁ 行くわよミノ! これからみっちり トレーニングしてあげるから 覚悟なさい!
Alright, let's get going, Mino! Your training's going to be even more intense from now on, so you'd better prepare yourself!
[★5] Minotauros ブモモーー! ありがたき幸せーー!!
Bumoowooo--! Thank you, I couldn't be happier--!!

Episode 4 Pre-boss

[★5] Klug ……どうだい ラフィーナ? これでよく分かったろう!
......Well, Raffina? Surely this has helped you understand!
[★5] Raffina はぁ クルーク… あなたのごたくは いいかげん 聞き飽きましたわ
*sigh* Klug... enough of your pedantic babbling already. I'm getting tired of hearing it.
[★5] Klug なんだって!?
What was that!?
[★5] Klug せっかくボクがダークな魔導の すばらしさについて 解説してあげているというのに…!
After I went to all the trouble of explaining the brilliant nuances of Dark Mages...!
[★5] Miriam やあ キミ いま… 「ダーク」という 言葉が聞こえたんだけど
Hey, you there. I hear you throwing around the term "Dark Mage".
[★5] Miriam それってつまり 「闇」のチカラのことかい?
You wouldn't happen to mean "Dark Magician", would you?¹
[★5] Klug ああ そうさ 通りすがりの人! 知性的なボクは あえて ダークと呼んでいるけどね!
Aah, right you are, passing stranger! But my esteemed, intellectual self simply prefers to call them "Dark Mages"!
[★5] Raffina (このイヤミメガネ… まーたカッコつけて やがりますわね)
(That arrogant, glasses-wearing little twerp... trying to act cooler than he actually is.)
[★5] Miriam それは奇遇だな ボクも 一流の闇の魔法使いを 目指しているところなんだ
What a nice coincidence. You see, I'm also studying to become the world's most renowned Dark Magician.
[★5] Miriam かずある魔法の中でも 闇のチカラが最強だと 確信しているからね
Out of the many schools of magic in existence, I think that Dark Magic is without a doubt the strongest.
[★5] Klug ふーん なるほどね… キミとは気が合いそうだ!
Hmm, I see... then you and I have the same opinion!
[★5] Raffina あら クルークなんかと 気が合う人なんて めずらしいですわね
Oh my, someone who actually agrees with Klug on something. That's a pretty rare sight.
[★5] Klug しかーし!
[★5] Klug 闇のチカラでいちばんに なるのはこのクルークだ!
The one whose dark magic will bring them to the top is me, Klug!
[★5] Miriam …それは聞き捨てならないな
Well, now that you've said that, I can't just let it slide.
[★5] Miriam 闇の魔法使いとして 広く名を知らしめるのは このミリアムだ!
Because the Dark Magician whose name becomes the most well-known across the world will be me, Miriam!
[★5] Raffina ちょ…ちょっと お待ちなさい!
H... Hold on just a minute!
[★5] Raffina それでしたら わたくしの 体術こそが さらに上を行く 最強パワーに決まってますわ!
If that's how it is, I've decided I'll train my martial arts to be even stronger than both of you!
[★5] Klug それじゃあ ここはやっぱり……
Well then, I guess this means......
[★5] Miriam ぷよ勝負でハッキリさせよう!!
Clearly, we'll just have to Puyo Battle!!

Episode 4 After Boss

[★5] Klug キミ 思ったよりやるじゃないか!
Well, you've got more skill than I thought!
[★5] Miriam キミもな… 闇のチカラというのも まだまだ奥が深いみたいだ
Likewise... seems your knowledge of dark powers runs pretty deep.
[★5] Raffina さっきから思ってましたけど… あなたたちって どことなく以てますわねぇ
I sort of expected it already, but... even I'm a fair bit impressed by you two.
[★5] Klug よーし! これから さらに勉強して…
Excellent! Then from here, I just need to keep up with my studying...
[★5] Klug 早く レムレスに ほめてもらう… いや 勝負で勝ってやるんだ!
And soon enough, Lemres will praise me... no, I'll beat him in a match myself!
[★5] Raffina あー レムレスというのは クルークがあこがれている ちょっと変わったヒトのことですわ
Aah, by the way, Lemres is this kinda weird guy that Klug looks up to.
[★5] Miriam あこがれの人なのに… 勝負で負かしたいのか?
You look up to him... but you also want to defeat him?
[★5] Klug もちろん! それくらい強くならないと 認めてはもらえないからね!
But of course! Because if I don't get stronger that way, he won't recognize me as his equal!
[★5] Miriam ふーん そういうものか
Hmm. Is that so.
[★5] Miriam ボクは自分以外の誰かに あこがれたりしないから よく分からないな
I can't say I relate. I've never really looked up to anyone other than myself.
[★5] Raffina あなたって… クルークに 負けずおとらずの うぬぼれ屋さんですわね
You... You're just as full of yourself as Klug is, I see.
[★5] Miriam なんだと?
Excuse me?
[★5] Klug ラフィーナ! さりげなく ボクまで 小バカにしないでくれたまえ!
Raffina! Don't just casually say things that make me look bad!
[★5] Klug …それにしても ミリアム キミにはライバルと呼べる 存在はいないのかい?
...That aside, Miriam. I suppose I can start considering you my rival now, hm?
[★5] Miriam ライバル…?
[★5] Klug そうさ! お互いをシゲキし合って 実力を高めあう ライバルさ!
Exactly! Two rivals, mutually encouraging each other and bringing out the best of our abilities!
[★5] Raffina 仲間と書いてライバルと読む! …ってヤツですわね
He calls all of his friends 'rivals'! ...He's just that type of guy.
[★5] Miriam 仲間… ライバル…
Friends... Rivals...
[★5] Miriam そんなヤツ……いないさ
I don't have... anything like that.
[★5] Raffina な~んか歯切れ悪いですわねぇ
It's kiiinda hard to understand you when you mumble like that.
[★5] Raffina あなた… もっと自分と 向き合ってみた方が いいんじゃないかしら?
Maybe... you ought to start comparing yourself with other people, hm?
[★5] Raffina なんなら 滝に打たれる のがオススメですわよ! おーっほっほっほ♪
If you want to, at least, I advise you reach out a bit more! O~hohoho♪
[★5] Klug まぁ ボクがキミのライバルに なってあげてもいいけど…
Well, at the very least, you're perfectly welcome to think of me as your rival...
[★5] Klug ラフィーナの言うように もう少し じっくり 考えてみた方がよさそうだね?
Perhaps you should think over Raffina's words a little more thoroughly, okay?
[★5] Miriam ……ライバル …か
......Rivals... huh.

Episode 5 Pre-boss

[★5] Matthew も~ 探したんだよ ミリアム!
Jeez~ We've been looking for you, Miriam!
[★5] Miriam …なにしに来たんだよ 合宿なら行かないと 言っただろう
What are you guys doing here? Didn't I tell you I'm not going to that training camp?
[★5] Richard ほらな マシュー もうなにを言ってもムダだって
See, Matthew? I told you that talking to him wouldn't solve anything.
[★5] Matthew そんなこと言ってリチャード さっきまでソワソワしてて 落ち着かなかったクセに~
I know what you said, Richard, but still! Ever since then, I've been too restless to let it go...
[★5] Richard …ちょっと 考え事をしていただけさ
...Hold on a moment. I wanna talk about something that's been on my mind.
[★5] Miriam なんだよ ボクになにか 言いたい ことでもあるのかい?
What, do you have something to say to me?
[★5] Richard ……ミリアム さっきは 協調性がないなんて言って すまなかったな
......Miriam. A while ago, I said some things that were inconsiderate to you. I apologize for that.
[★5] Miriam ……
[★5] Miriam …ふん 分かればいいんだよ
...Hmph. Well, it's good that you understand.
[★5] Richard とういうのも 以前から 少し心配していたんだ
But aside from that, I've also been a bit worried ever since then.
[★5] Miriam なにをだい?
About what, exactly?
[★5] Richard 周りの意見をほとんど聞かず ひとりよがりなところがある キミのこと…
You take pride in yourself, but you rarely ever listen to advice from anyone around you...
[★5] Miriam ……
[★5] Richard それでつい 本当のことを 言ってしまって…
And because of that, it's hard to tell what your true self really is...
[★5] Miriam 本当のことを…だって?
My true self... so what?
[★5] Matthew リチャード~… 今の言い方はさすがに ダメだよ~!
Richarrrd.. you can't just tell him something like that so bluntly!
[★5] Richard ええっ だって アルベルトが 「正直」に謝ってこいって…
Maybe, but like Albert always says, it's best to be Honest with your apologies...
[★5] Matthew …キミって 勉強はすごくできるけど
... You sure know how to do your research.
[★5] Matthew たま~に抜けてるよね…
But sooometimes things like that are better just left unsaid...


[★5] Matthew 聞いてミリアム! リチャードに 悪気はなかったんだよ~
Just listen, Miriam! Richard didn't mean anything bad by his words~!
[★5] Miriam …ああ 分かってるさ 実はリチャードが案外 天然だってことくらい
... Yeah, I understand that much. Honestly, I'm just surprised that Richard would decide to do something like this out of nowhere.
[★5] Richard またそうやって 憎まれ口を…
Again with your harsh comments, huh...
[★5] Miriam それに……もしかすると ボクの態度も ほんの少し 悪かったかもってのは認める
That aside, though... perhaps my behavior back then was also just a little unpleasant, so I owe you my own apology.
[★5] Richard ミリアム……?
[★5] Miriam 今回 一人で修行してみて いろんな人に出会った
Recently, while I was training on my own, I met all sorts of different people.
[★5] Miriam …リチャードみたいな おせっかいなヤツにもな
...and just like you, Richard, they felt the need to stick their noses in my personal business.
[★5] Matthew あはは! それは楽しそうだね!
Ahaha! That sure sounds like an interesting time!
[★5] Miriam それで… 今まで 仲間とか キズナとか あんまり考えてなかったけど
And it made me realize... until now, I never really gave much thought to things like "friends" or "bonds".
[★5] Miriam けっこう 大切なのかも って感じた
But afterward I felt that, maybe they are something worth thinking about.
[★5] Matthew そんなの あたりまえだよ~ ね リチャード!
Well, that goes without saying~! Right, Richard?
[★5] Richard ああ ミリアムも マシューも アルベルトにサリヴァンも…
That's right. Miriam, Matthew, and Albert and Sullivan too...
[★5] Richard 大切な仲間であり…… ライバルだ!
All of you are my precious friends...... and rivals!
[★5] Miriam …ライバル?
[★5] Miriam それって つまり… 認めてるってことかい?
So basically, that means... you think of me as your equal?
[★5] Richard そうだな みんなの魔法の実力は どれもホンモノだと思っている
Yes, I do. Each one of you is the genuine article when it comes to your magical talents, I think.
[★5] Miriam ……ふん しかたないな
......Hmph. I guess that's it, then.
[★5] Miriam 明日の合宿だけど… ボクも参加してやるよ
So, tomorrow's training camp... I suppose I'll enter it too.
[★5] Richard やっと 素直になったか ミリアム!
Finally being honest with yourself, huh, Miriam!
[★5] Miriam かんちがいするんじゃない… ボクは自分が強くなるために キミたちを利用するだけだ
Don't misunderstand me, though... it's only to make myself stronger by learning from all of you.
[★5] Richard やれやれ… まあ そういうことにしておこう
Good grief... Alright, if that's what you insist on calling it.
[★5] Matthew ふふっ これで仲直りだね! も~ 二人とも 世話がやけるんだから!
Heheh, so now we're back to normal! Jeez~ it took all those other people to get you guys to make up, didn't it!
[★5] Matthew これからはもっと オトナにならなきゃダメだよ!?
Surely, we've gotta learn to be more mature after this, right!?
[★5] Richard その言葉… よりによって マシューに言われてしまうとは フクザツな気分だな
That... I'm not sure how I feel hearing those words from you of all people, Matthew.
[★5] Miriam ふん… その意見には同意するよ
Hmph... I have to agree with you there.

TL Notes

  • 1: Here, Miriam is using the word 闇 (yami) which means dark/darkness, while Klug is using ダーク (daaku) which is literally just the English word "dark". It was kinda difficult to translate it 100% accurately in a way that didn't sound extremely stilted, so I went with what I did here to emphasize the point that Klug's just being conceited/stubbornly contrarian.