聞いてミリアム! リチャードに 悪気はなかったんだよ~ Just listen, Miriam! Richard didn't mean anything bad by his words~!
…ああ 分かってるさ 実はリチャードが案外 天然だってことくらい ... Yeah, I understand that much. Honestly, I'm just surprised that Richard would decide to do something like this out of nowhere.
またそうやって 憎まれ口を… Again with your harsh comments, huh...
それに……もしかすると ボクの態度も ほんの少し 悪かったかもってのは認める That aside, though... perhaps my behavior back then was also just a little unpleasant, so I owe you my own apology.
ミリアム……? Miriam......?
今回 一人で修行してみて いろんな人に出会った Recently, while I was training on my own, I met all sorts of different people.
…リチャードみたいな おせっかいなヤツにもな ...and just like you, Richard, they felt the need to stick their noses in my personal business.
あはは! それは楽しそうだね! Ahaha! That sure sounds like an interesting time!
それで… 今まで 仲間とか キズナとか あんまり考えてなかったけど And it made me realize... until now, I never really gave much thought to things like "friends" or "bonds".
けっこう 大切なのかも って感じた But afterward I felt that, maybe they are something worth thinking about.
そんなの あたりまえだよ~ ね リチャード! Well, that goes without saying~! Right, Richard?
ああ ミリアムも マシューも アルベルトにサリヴァンも… That's right. Miriam, Matthew, and Albert and Sullivan too...
大切な仲間であり…… ライバルだ! All of you are my precious friends...... and rivals!
…ライバル? ...Rivals?
それって つまり… 認めてるってことかい? So basically, that means... you think of me as your equal?
そうだな みんなの魔法の実力は どれもホンモノだと思っている Yes, I do. Each one of you is the genuine article when it comes to your magical talents, I think.
……ふん しかたないな ......Hmph. I guess that's it, then.
明日の合宿だけど… ボクも参加してやるよ So, tomorrow's training camp... I suppose I'll enter it too.
やっと 素直になったか ミリアム! Finally being honest with yourself, huh, Miriam!
かんちがいするんじゃない… ボクは自分が強くなるために キミたちを利用するだけだ Don't misunderstand me, though... it's only to make myself stronger by learning from all of you.
やれやれ… まあ そういうことにしておこう Good grief... Alright, if that's what you insist on calling it.
ふふっ これで仲直りだね! も~ 二人とも 世話がやけるんだから! Heheh, so now we're back to normal! Jeez~ it took all those other people to get you guys to make up, didn't it!
これからはもっと オトナにならなきゃダメだよ!? Surely, we've gotta learn to be more mature after this, right!?
その言葉… よりによって マシューに言われてしまうとは フクザツな気分だな That... I'm not sure how I feel hearing those words from you of all people, Matthew.
ふん… その意見には同意するよ Hmph... I have to agree with you there.