Opening Scene
 ![[★6] Outlander Warlock Sullivan]( 異邦の使いサリヴァン やあ ミリアム アルベルトから聞いたよ
Outlander Warlock Sullivan Hello there, Miriam. I got the scoop from Albert.
  異邦の使いサリヴァン なんだか おもしろい魔法を 使えるようになったんだって?
Outlander Warlock Sullivan I gather you've been dabbling into some interesting magic lately, isn't that right?
 ![[★6] Outlander Warlock Miriam]( 異邦の使いミリアム サリヴァン… 別に たいした魔法じゃないよ
Outlander Warlock Miriam Sullivan... It's really nothing special.
 ![[★6] Outlander Warlock Sullivan]( 異邦の使いサリヴァン まあまあ そんなにケンソンすることはないさ
Outlander Warlock Sullivan Now, now. No need to be so humble.
 ![[★6] Outlander Warlock Sullivan]( 異邦の使いサリヴァン 私たちが チカラを合わせれば…
Outlander Warlock Sullivan I'm certain if we combine our abilities...
 ![[★7] Outlander Warlock Sullivan]( 異邦の使いサリヴァン この世界の魔法使いたちを 消し去ることだって きっと できるはずだ
Outlander Warlock Sullivan We will definitely be able to erase our 'other selves' from this world.
  異邦の使いミリアム け…消し去る…? そんな……ボク こわいよ…
Outlander Warlock Miriam Er... Erase...? Wait... I'm scared...
Outlander Warlock Sullivan Oh? Are you having second thoughts?
 ![[★6] Outlander Warlock Sullivan]( 異邦の使いサリヴァン 私たちが「あの呪文」を使って この世界に来たからには…
Outlander Warlock Sullivan Remember, we had to use 'that spell' to get to this world in the first place...
 ![[★6] Outlander Warlock Sullivan]( 異邦の使いサリヴァン 早く「こっちの私たち」を どうにかしないと 大変な災いが 起きてしまうんだよ?
Outlander Warlock Sullivan If we don't quickly erase our counterparts from this world, this whole story will end in disaster, won't it?
Outlander Warlock Miriam That's true, but...
 ![[★7] Outlander Warlock Sullivan]( 異邦の使いサリヴァン それじゃあ 決まりだな!
Outlander Warlock Sullivan Then we've come to an agreement!
  異邦の使いサリヴァン …というわけで あっちの方に 特製のトラップを仕掛けておいたよ
Outlander Warlock Sullivan ...That being said, I've prepared a special trap in advance. It's over there.
 ![[★7] Outlander Warlock Miriam]( 異邦の使いミリアム ええっ いつのまに…!?
Outlander Warlock Miriam Huh!? When did you...!?
 ![[★6] Outlander Warlock Sullivan]( 異邦の使いサリヴァン 彼らに協力してもらってね
Outlander Warlock Sullivan Oh, I had some help from those two, of course.
  ダット フッフッフ! あっちの茂みに でっかい 落とし穴を しかけてやったぜ!
Dugtt Heh heh heh! I hid a big pitfall behind those bushes!
  サンス 落とし穴のそばには ツルツルの地面を用意したよ きっと最高のすべり心地さ!
Sans And around that pit, I've covered the earth in slippery permafrost! This is going to be wonderful!
  異邦の使いミリアム サリヴァン… ボクが なんと返事しようと やるつもりだったでしょ…?
Outlander Warlock Miriam Sullivan... You were dead set on this, regardless of what I was going to say, weren't you...?
Outlander Warlock Sullivan Fufufu. Perhaps.
 ![[★6] Outlander Warlock Miriam]( 異邦の使いミリアム ちょっと待って… さっき「ツルツルの地面」に 「落とし穴」って言った?
Outlander Warlock Miriam Hold on... We're just talking about pitfalls and slippery ice, right?
 ![[★6] Outlander Warlock Miriam]( 異邦の使いミリアム なんだ… どんな ブッソウなものを 用意したのかと思ったら…
Outlander Warlock Miriam Jeez... And here I was, thinking we were treading into disturbing territory...
 ![[★6] Outlander Warlock Miriam]( 異邦の使いミリアム この世界の魔法使いたちを ただ落とし穴の中に 落とすだけなんだね?
Outlander Warlock Miriam You're just going to have them stumble and fall into the pit, is that it?
 ![[★7] Outlander Warlock Miriam]( 異邦の使いミリアム それくらいなら… 協力してあげても…いいかも
Outlander Warlock Miriam If that's all... I could help out... I guess.
 ![[★6] Outlander Warlock Sullivan]( 異邦の使いサリヴァン ふふ 助かるよ
Outlander Warlock Sullivan Fufu. You're a lifesaver.
 ![[★6] Outlander Warlock Sullivan]( 異邦の使いサリヴァン まあ とはいえ こっちの魔法使いたちを 落とし穴で一網打尽にしたあとは…
Outlander Warlock Sullivan Well, he's half right. After those warlocks have stumbled and fallen into the pit...
  異邦の使いサリヴァン とっておきの 転送魔法で どこか別の世界に飛ばしてやる つもりなんだけどね
Outlander Warlock Sullivan ...I'll swoop in and use my best teleportation spell, and send them off to another world.
 ![[★7] Outlander Warlock Sullivan]( 異邦の使いサリヴァン よし それじゃあ 準備開始だ
Outlander Warlock Sullivan Alright. Let's get ready.
Fade In
 ![[★4] Richard]( リチャード さあ 急ごう すっかり 遅くなってしまった
Richard C'mon you two. At this rate, we're going to be late.
 ![[★4] Sullivan]( サリヴァン 暗くて足元が見えにくいので 気を付けてくださいね
Sullivan Please be careful, both of you. It's dark, so you may lose your footing easily.
 ![[★4] Miriam]( ミリアム ふん マシューじゃあるまいし ボクに そんな心配は無用だよ
Miriam Oh, no need to worry for me! Unlike Matthew, I have no trouble walking a straight path.
(Shoes squeak against the ice!)
Miriam ...Er, uwaah!?
 ![[★4] Sullivan]( サリヴァン ほら 言ったじゃないですか…
Sullivan See, Miriam? What did I tell you...
Miriam I... That's not it, I didn't lose my footing!
(More ice-meeting-shoe noises!)
Sullivan Eek! What is this!? Permafrost!?
 ![[★7] Richard]( リチャード みんな…いったん落ちつこう これ以上ツルツルすべったら キケンだからな
Richard Everyone... Let's calm down for a moment. If you slide around any more, you might get hurt.
Outlander Warlock Sullivan Jeez... Stubborn ones, aren't you?
Richard What!? There's... another Sullivan?
 ![[★6] Outlander Warlock Miriam]( 異邦の使いミリアム …………
Outlander Warlock Miriam …………
Miriam What the...? There's another one of me too...
 ![[★6] Outlander Warlock Sullivan]( 異邦の使いサリヴァン 混乱しているところ わるいね いろいろ説明したってムダなんだ
Outlander Warlock Sullivan What terrible confusion you must be feeling. Trying to explain ourselves would take far too long, however.
 ![[★7] Outlander Warlock Sullivan]( 異邦の使いサリヴァン さっさと この先の落とし穴に 落ちてもらうよ
Outlander Warlock Sullivan With that being said, I'm going to let you fall into the pit now.
 ![[★5] Miriam]( ミリアム いやいや… このサリヴァン なんていうか…
Miriam Wait, no, hold on! This Sullivan, he's...
Miriam Way too devious!?