Opening Scene
 ![[★6] Outlander Warlock Richard]( 異邦の使いリチャード …うーん 気になるな
Outlander Warlock Richard ...Mm. This is quite worrisome.
 ![[★6] Outlander Warlock Sullivan]( 異邦の使いサリヴァン おや リチャード なにか 考えごとかい?
Outlander Warlock Sullivan Oh my, Richard. Contemplating something, are we?
 ![[★6] Outlander Warlock Richard]( 異邦の使いリチャード ああ サリヴァン この近くに 図書館のようなものは ないかと思ってね
Outlander Warlock Richard Ah, Sullivan. I was just thinking, there ought to be a library of some sort around this place.
Outlander Warlock Sullivan Library?
 ![[★6] Outlander Warlock Richard]( 異邦の使いリチャード そうさ せっかく「こっち」の世界に 来られたんだ
Outlander Warlock Richard Right. It seems that great pains were taken to bring us here to ‘this’ world.
  異邦の使いリチャード この僕が まだ読んだことのない 刺激的で 好奇心をくすぐられる 究極の魔術書を ぜひ手に入れたい!
Outlander Warlock Richard It’s really aggravating my curiosity as someone who’s eager to read anything I’ve never read. I’ve just got to get my hands on every last magic tome they’ve got!
Outlander Warlock Sullivan ... How aggressively ambitious you are.
 ![[★6] Outlander Warlock Sullivan]( 異邦の使いサリヴァン それに 図書館の「借りる」という システム上 「手に入れる」のは 難しいと思うけど
Outlander Warlock Sullivan Moreover, though, considering the “borrowing” system in place at most libraries, I believe that “getting your hands on” those books will be quite difficult.
  異邦の使いリチャード キミ… そういうところは 意外とキッチリしてるよな
Outlander Warlock Richard You… a bit unexpected of you to put it so bluntly.
Outlander Warlock Sullivan Just putting your gross lack of responsibility out in the open, that’s all.
 ![[★6] Outlander Warlock Sullivan]( 異邦の使いサリヴァン …まあ いいや 私も この島の地図や風習について もっと知りたいと思っていたし
Outlander Warlock Sullivan ...Oh well, not that it matters. I must admit, I’ve also been thinking I’d like to know more about this island’s geography and cultural customs.
 ![[★6] Outlander Warlock Sullivan]( 異邦の使いサリヴァン 図書館さがしに つきあうよ
Outlander Warlock Sullivan I’ll go along with you on your little library hunt.
  異邦の使いリチャード よしきた! たとえサリヴァンでも 人手は 多いに越したことは ないからな!
Outlander Warlock Richard Alright, then! Even if it’s you, Sullivan, it’s not like we’ve got any other world-crossers with the experience to help us anyway!
  異邦の使いサリヴァン ん…? 今 なにか引っかかる物言いを されたような…
Outlander Warlock Sullivan ... Hm? Just now, I might have caught something that sounds like another person talking…
  異邦の使いリチャード おっ! ちょうどいいところに いかにも 図書館が好きそうなヤツを発見!
Outlander Warlock Richard Oh! What a fantastic coincidence, we’ve found a guy who definitely looks like he knows his way around a library!
  異邦の使いサリヴァン はあ…? そんな 分かりやすい人物が いるわけ…
Outlander Warlock Sullivan Huh…? To think that someone with a personality so easily readable could even exist…
  クルーク フンフンフフ~ン♪ 今日は図書館で どんな本を 借りようかな~っと!
Klug Hmhmhmhmmm~♪ I wonder which book I should check out from the library today~!
Outlander Warlock Sullivan There we have it……
Outlander Warlock Richard Quick, let’s follow him!
Scene Transition
 ![[★6] Outlander Warlock Richard]( 異邦の使いリチャード へえ… 思ったよりも いいところだな
Outlander Warlock Richard Whoa… this place is even nicer than I expected.
 ![[★6] Outlander Warlock Sullivan]( 異邦の使いサリヴァン うん 蔵書数もありそうだし 私の調べものも はかどりそうだ
Outlander Warlock Sullivan Yes, they appear to have quite an impressive collection of books here. Seems my research will be made much easier as well.
  異邦の使いリチャード ああっ! あそこの棚にある本は…!
Outlander Warlock Richard Aah! The book on that shelf over there…!
  異邦の使いサリヴァン リチャード… ここは図書館だよ 大声をだすのは…
Outlander Warlock Sullivan Richard… this is a library. Raising your voice like that will…
  異邦の使いリチャード ズバリ おもしろそうな魔術書! 背表紙から漂う まがまがしい 雰囲気… まちがいない!!
Outlander Warlock Richard This is exactly the kind of magic tome I’m looking for! This ominous aura emanating from the spine... there’s no mistaking it!!
  異邦の使いサリヴァン …彼とは他人のフリをして 私は反対側を回るとしよう
Outlander Warlock Sullivan ...I’ll just circle around to the other side of the building and pretend I don’t know him.
Fade In
Outlander Warlock Richard Hehe… this magic tome is…
Klug Absolutely pertinent to my interests!
Outlander Warlock Richard, Klug Huh!?
 ![[★6] Outlander Warlock Richard]( 異邦の使いリチャード ええっと… この本は 僕が先に 目をつけていたと思うんだけど
Outlander Warlock Richard Um… I’m quite certain that I’m the one who saw this book first.
 ![[★7] Klug]( クルーク いいや ボクだね! なんなら先週から 気になっていたくらいさ
Klug No, it was me! See, I’ve had my eyes on it ever since the last week I was here.
 ![[★6] Outlander Warlock Richard]( 異邦の使いリチャード フンッ そんなのは キミが優先される 理由には ならないよ
Outlander Warlock Richard Hmph. Then it’s your own fault, you clearly didn’t see any reason to prioritize it.
 ![[★7] Klug]( クルーク それなら ボクが退く理由も とくに ないはずだけどね
Klug Well, I see no particular reason to step back for the likes of you either, now do I?
 ![[★4] Io]( イオ ちょっと お二人とも! 図書館では お静かに!
Io Excuse me, you two! Lower your voices inside the library!
 ![[★6] Outlander Warlock Richard]( 異邦の使いリチャード …………
Outlander Warlock Richard ............
 ![[★7] Klug]( クルーク …………
Klug ............
 ![[★6] Outlander Warlock Richard]( 異邦の使いリチャード ヒソヒソ… (それじゃあ アレしかないな)
Outlander Warlock Richard whisper whisper... (Well then, I suppose we’ll have to resort to That.)
 ![[★7] Klug]( クルーク ヒソヒソ… (こうなっては やるしかないね)
Klug whisper whisper... (In this situation, there’s no other choice.)
 ![[★6] Klug]( 異邦の使いリチャード・クルーク コソコソ…!! (ぷよ勝負だ!!)
Outlander Warlock Richard, Klug whisper whisper…!! (Puyo Puyo Battle!!)