PPQ:Manzai Demo Theater/Sullivan and the Shining Gem

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[★4] Sullivan 今日は私の誕生日…ですか
Today is my birthday... huh.
[★4] Sullivan ついに この日が やってきてしまいましたね
At last, this day has arrived.
[★4] Sullivan ……はぁ
[★4] Sullivan 本当に "こんな宝石" が 美しく輝いてくるのでしょうか……
Would "such a gem" really shine beautifully, I wonder......
[★4] Sullivan (光の魔法使いの一族 につたわる この 「光の宝石」)
(This「Shining Gem」passed down to me from the clan of light magicians.)
[★4] Sullivan (それを ある特定の日までに 輝かせることができなければ…)
(If it cannot shine by a certain day...)
[★4] Sullivan (光の魔法のチカラは すべて消え去るってしまう―)
(The power of light magic will completely disappear—)
[★4] Sullivan 正直にいうと じつに面倒なしきたりです
To be honest, it's really a troublesome tradition.
[★4] Sullivan あまりのんびりしてはいられません
I can't get too relaxed.
[★4] Sullivan さすがの私も 光の魔法が使えなくなるのは さけたいですからね
Naturally, I'd be in a rather bad spot if I lost the use of my light magic.
[★4] Sullivan 今日はコレクションの整理を したかったのですが… やめてきましょう
I wanted to organize my collection today, but... let's not.
[★4] Sullivan では 出かけるとしましょうか
Well then, I suppose I should depart.

Episode 1 Pre-boss

[★4] Incubus やあハニー とってもキュートだね! ボクとお茶でもしないかい?
Hey honey, you're totally cute! Want to go out for a spot of tea with me?
[★4] Sullivan ええと…… ハニーというのは 私のことでしょうか
Umm... by "honey", do you perhaps mean me?
[★4] Incubus もちろんさ! かれんでチャーミングで うるわしい キミのことだよ
Of course! Sweet, and charming, and lovely- That's what you are.
[★4] Sullivan (…この人 なにか カンちがいをしていますね)
(...This person might not be understanding things quite right.)
[★4] Sullivan あのー いま とても急いでいるので 他をあたってください
Umー I'm in a hurry right now, so please choose someone else.
[★4] Incubus ま…待ちたまえ!
P... please wait!
[★4] Incubus このボクの誘いをことわるなんて よっぽどのことなんだろう!?
Isn't it quite something, to decline this invitation of mine?!
[★4] Sullivan …ええ まあ
...Ehh, well.
[★4] Incubus ボクに話してみたいまえ! 解決できるかもしれないよ
Talk with me! We can come to a settlement.
[★4] Sullivan じつは… この 「くすんだ宝石」 を今日中に 輝かせないといけないのです
The thing is... I have to make this "dull gem" shine before the day ends.
[★4] Sullivan もしも 間にあわなければ 私の身に 少々やっかいなことが…
If I don't make it in time, it probably won't be good news for me...
[★4] Incubus ン~ オーケィ! 美しいおひめさまの ピンチというワケだね?
Hm~ Okay! So the beautiful princess is in a pinch?
[★4] Incubus ボクがなんとか してみせよう!
I can do anything for you!
[★4] Sullivan おや それは本当ですか?
Oh, can you really?
[★4] Stornum だまされちゃいけないよ!
Don't be fooled!
[★4] Incubus …なんだい キミは?
...What's this now. And you are?
[★4] Stornum オレはストルナム ギタリストだよ
I'm Stornum. A guitarist.
[★4] Stornum キミ こちらの子猫ちゃんの 気をひきたいからって てきとうなことを言っているだろう
If you're trying to earn the affection of this little kitten here, you should say more proper things.
[★4] Sullivan (こ…猫ちゃん?)
(K... kitten?)
[★4] Incubus てきとうとは失礼だね 宝石の輝かさればいいんだろう? ふふ…ボクには秘策があるのさ
Fabulously rude as always, I see. So I just need to make the stone shine, right? Heheh... I happen to have just the thing.
[★4] Stornum どんな方法かは知らないけど あやしいものだね
I don't know what he'll use, but it's definitely something suspicious.
[★4] Stornum それより オレの とっておきのプランを ためしてみなよ
But that aside, I'll try playing my trump card.
[★4] Incubus ふん…ザンネンだけど キミの出る幕なんてないさ
Hmph... Too bad for you, but this is no business of yours.
[★4] Sullivan あのー どちらでもいいので 早く その秘策とやらを ためしていただけませんか?
Excuse meー I'm okay with either one, but can you please try out this secret trump card sometime today?
[★4] Stornum おっと 子猫ちゃんが 待ちきれないみたいだね
Uh-oh, our little kitten looks impatient.
[★4] Stornum さっそく ショウタイムをはじめよう!
Let's start the showtime right away!
[★4] Incubus ノォウ! ハニーとの楽しいデートが かかっているんだ…
No! I'm having my fun date with Honey...
[★4] Incubus ぬけがけはゆるさないよ!
I won't allow you to get a head start!
[★4] Sullivan (この方たち… 宝石を輝かせてくれる気は ほんとうにあるのでしょうか?)
(At the rate this is going... are either of them really capable of bringing the gem's light back?)

Episode 1 After Boss

[★4] Incubus ン~ なんなんだい この石は? まったく輝く気配がないじゃないか
N~ What's with this stone? There's no signs of it shining at all.
[★4] Incubus このボクが 口説いても ささやいても 魅惑的にさそってみてもダメ…
Even after all the coaxing and enticing and skillful seduction from yours truly, there's nothing to show for it...
[★4] Stornum オレの美しい音色の演奏にも まったく これっぽっちも 反応しないよ…
Not even my gorgeous tunes were able to get so much as a twinkle out of it...
[★4] Sullivan なんとなく 予想はしていましたが やはりダメでしたか…
I'm not sure what I expected, but somehow I'm still disappointed...
[★4] Incubus このままでは… ハニーとデートが できないじゃないか!
This means... My dream date with Honey can never come true now!
[★4] Stornum …そうだ 子猫ちゃん! よければ オレといっしょうに来ないかい?
...That's right, little kitten! If it's alright with you, why not come with me?
[★4] Stornum オレのバンドメンバーなら なにか知っているかもしれないよ
If it's about being in a band, I bet I can teach you all there is to know.
[★4] Incubus ユー! だからぬけがけは やめてまえ!
YOU-! Don't you try to get a head start on me!
[★4] Stornum なんのことかな? オレはただ 彼女のことを思って…
What are you talking about? I'm just trying to consider the lovely lady...
[★4] Sullivan あのー さっかく盛り上がっているところ もうしわけないのですが…
Umm... Sorry, but I think this has turned into a huge misunderstanding...
[★4] Sullivan 他のつてを思いついたので 私はこのへんで失礼しますね
Though, I suppose it's also my fault for letting it go on this long.
[★4] Stornum うーん それはザンネン
Awww. That's too bad.
[★4] Sullivan ああ それから…
Ahh, well then...
[★4] Incubus ン? なんだいハニー
Hm? What is it, honey?
[★4] Sullivan いえ… 「男」 の私に とても親切にしてくださり ありがとうございました
No, it's just... thank you for treating a "guy" like me so kindly.
[★4] Sullivan …それでは
...I'll be leaving now.
[★4] Stornum ア… ア…
Ah... ah...
[★4] Incubus アンビリーバボー!?

Episode 2 Pre-boss

[★4] Sullivan ? もしかして 私をお呼びですか?
? Were you just addressing me, by any chance?
[★4] Galatea そうそう こむずかしい顔をした おぬしじゃ おぬし!
Yes yes, you there, you with the sour-looking face!
[★4] Risukuma 察するに… なにかお困りではありませんか?
If I had to venture a guess... could there be some troubling issue on your mind?
[★4] Sullivan 困っているといえば 否定はしませんが…
Well, you aren't exactly wrong about that, but...
[★4] Galatea わしの発明品で 見事に解決してやるぞ!
My invention here is the superb solution to your problems!
[★4] Risukuma ぜひ 試作品の調子を見てみたく ……ごほんごほん いや キミを助けたいと思ってね
Of course, it could still be considered in the trial stages ......*cough cough* Or rather, I think we'd like to offer you our assistance.
[★4] Sullivan いま 思いっきり心の声が 聞こえていたような気がしますが… まあ いいでしょう
Just now, it feels like I heard what you really think, but... oh well, what can it hurt?
[★4] Sullivan 私はこの「くすんだ宝石」の輝かせ方を探っていたところです なにか いい方法を知りませんか?
I'm searching for something that might help this "dull gem" of mine shine. Would you happen to know anything helpful?
[★4] Galatea ほうほう…… それは スバらしい~~!!
Hohoh...... how utterly sublime~~!!
[★4] Risukuma この上なく ナイスなタイミングです
You have impeccably nice timing.
[★4] Sullivan と 言いますと?
How do you mean?
[★4] Galatea 聞いて腰をぬかすでないぞ!
Listen up, and try not to collapse from sheer surprise!
[★4] Galatea ちょうど いましたが くすんだものを いっしゅんで輝かせる装置を発明したところじゃ!
This device I've invented can take your aforementioned dull thing and give it a polished shine in an instant!
[★4] Risukuma 同じく… あらゆるモノをピカピカにする薬品を 完成させたところです
Similarly... we've perfected a chemical that can give any other object a sparkling sheen.
[★4] Sullivan そ… そんな偶然が 本当にありえるのでしょうか…
Can... can a coincidence like this really be happening...?
[★4] Risukuma さあ その石をこちらへ この液体をあますところなく ぬりたくり 反応をみるとしよう
Now then. Bring that stone here, douse it thoroughly with this solution, and observe the reaction.
[★4] Galatea ああっ! わしの装置の実験がさきじゃ!
Right! Let my Experiment Commence!
[★4] Sullivan ついに 「実験」といいきりましたね…
So you finally admit it's an Experiment...

Episode 2 After Boss

[★4] Galatea さあ! はやく石をわたすのじゃ! みごとに輝かせてやろう
Come on! Hurry and hand over that stone! We'll give it a shine like you've never seen.
[★4] Risukuma ぜひ ここはわたくしに おまかせあれ
Without a doubt, you can leave all of this to me.
[★4] Sullivan あのー… その前に ひとつ確認しておきたいのですが
Umm... Before we do that, there's just one thing I'd like to confirm.
[★4] Galatea ん? なんじゃ?
Hm? What's that?
[★4] Sullivan あなたたちの発明品とは ぐたい的にどういうものなのでしょうか?
What specific function is this invention of yours supposed to have, exactly?
[★4] Galatea ぬ 説明しておらんかったか では 教えてやろう! この装置はなんと!
D-Did I not explain it yet? Well then, I'll tell you! This device...!
[★4] Galatea 中に入れたモノを 一度 高温でとかし ふくげんする装置じゃ!
Is an apparatus that takes an object and melts it down at a high temperature, then reconstructs it!
[★4] Galatea これなら 中にまざった不純物も のこらず除去できる!
And in the process, it can also remove all impurities from it!
[★4] Sullivan とかす…? ふくげん…?
Melt down...? Reconstruct...?
[★4] Risukuma わたくしの発明した薬品は なづけて「ネバット★ヒカール」
I call this chemical of my own design [Shine★Mold].
[★4] Risukuma この液体をぬりたくれば すべてが「ネバッ」と 発光することでしょう
When coated in this liquid, the entire object is "molded" until it achieves shining radiance.
[★4] Sullivan ネ… ネバッと…?
M... Molded...?
[★4] Galatea 説明も終わったことじゃし おぬしもナットクできたじゃろ? ほれ 石をわたすのじゃ
Now that the explanation's over with, we've got your consent, right? Here, now give us the stone.
[★4] Sullivan …それはできません
...I can't do that.
[★4] Galatea な なにゆえじゃ!?
S-Say what!?
[★4] Sullivan ええっと…… じつは にたような方法をすでに ためしたことがあるんです
Um, well... see, I've already tried a method that involves melting down under heat.
[★4] Sullivan そして ざんねんながら 宝石は輝きませんでした
And unfortunately, that gem didn't come out shining.
[★4] Sullivan (私としたことが つい 口からでまかせを言ってしまいました…)
(I may have just let something slip from my mouth without thinking...)
[★4] Sullivan (とはいえ だいじな宝石を とかしたり ネバッとさせることは さけたいですからね)
(On the other hand, having this precious gem melted down and molded is something I'd rather avoid.)
[★4] Risukuma おどろいた すでに この「ネバット★ヒカール」を 製作した者がいたとは…
What a surprise. To think that someone else has already produced this [Shine★Mold].
[★4] Galatea だれかの二番せんじなど… 発明家としてのプライドがゆるしておけん!
Someone else trying to up the competition... My pride as an inventor won't stand for this!
[★4] Risukuma いかにも
[★4] Galatea 研究所にこもって 実験のやりなおしじゃー!!
Time to shut myself in the lab and redo this experiment from scratch-!!
[★4] Sullivan ……ふぅ いまのうちに 別の方法を探すとしましょうか
......Whew. I suppose I'd best start searching for another method while I still can.

Episode 3 Pre-boss

[★5] Matthew お~い サリヴァン!
Heeey, Sullivan!
[★5] Sullivan おや マシューに ミリアム 何かご用ですか?
Oh my. Matthew, Miriam, are you two out on some business?
[★5] Matthew うん! ねえねえサリヴァン いま なにか欲しい物ってある?
Uh-huh! Hey, hey, Sullivan. Is there anything you'd really like to have right now?
[★5] Sullivan 欲しい物ですか そうですねえ…
Something I'd like to have, hm? I suppose there is...
[★5] Miriam マシュー… キミってやつは もう少しマシな聞き方があるだろう
Matthew... you could've been a little bit better about asking that question, don't you think?
[★5] Matthew えー そうかなあ? ミリアムは気にしすぎだよ~
Huuh? I guess? Miriam, you worry way too much~.
[★5] Matthew …で サリヴァン なにか思いついた?
...So, Sullivan. Have ya thought of something?
[★5] Sullivan うーん… 欲しいのは特にありませんが…
Hmmm... There's nothing in particular that I really want, but...
[★5] Sullivan しいて言うなら このくすんだ石を 輝かせる方法を知りたいですね
If I had to give an answer, I would really like to find a way to make this dull gem here shine.
[★5] Matthew えー… またその石? サリヴァンってば いつもそればっかり~!
Whaaa... again with that gem? Jeeeez, Sullivan, that's like all you ever talk about!
[★5] Miriam まあ そんなことだろうと 予測はしていたけどね
Well, still, we could kind of guess he'd ask for something like this because of that.
[★5] Matthew キレイな石なら ほかにも たくさん持ってるでしょ? それに…
But don't you already have a whole bunch of pretty gems like that? Besides...
[★5] Matthew その石 いつも持ってるけど いままで一度も輝く気配をみせたことがないし…
You're always carrying that one around, but you never seemed worried about how shiny it was before...
[★5] Matthew もしかしたら ニセモノなんじゃないかなーって…
Have you ever considered that maybe it's just a fake...?
[★5] Sullivan ……マシュー いまのは 聞き捨てなりませんよ
...... Matthew. I won't stand for that comment you just made.
[★5] Matthew えっ あの… えーっと?
Eh? Um... uhhh?
[★5] Miriam ふん どうやら キミのしつげんが サリヴァンを怒らせたみたいだぜ
Hm. Well, it looks like you've gone and made Sullivan mad with that careless quip of yours.
[★5] Matthew ええーっ そうなのー!? ゴメンね~ サリヴァン?
Whaat, for real-!? Sorry, I didn't mean it, Sullivan?

Episode 3 After Boss

[★5] Sullivan マシュー この石は 私にとっては とても大切なものなのです
Matthew, this gem means something very important to me.
[★5] Sullivan それを「ニセモノ」などと…
To call it a 'fake' is simply...
[★5] Matthew ちがうんだよ~ 別に バカにしたわけじゃないんだ!
I didn't mean it like that~! It's not like I was trying to make fun of it or anything!
[★5] Matthew ただ ボクには ふつうの石ころと区別が できないっていうだけで…
It's just that I can't really tell it apart from any other old stone, I guess...
[★5] Miriam おい マシュー
Hey, Matthew.
[★5] Matthew あっ… ボク もしかして… また よけいな一言を…!?
Ahh... did I just... say something I shouldn't have again...!?
[★5] Sullivan …はぁ もういいです 私はこれで失礼します
... *sigh* That's enough. I'll just excuse myself now.
[★5] Matthew ああ! まってよ~ サリヴァン!
Aah! Wait uuup, Sullivan!
[★5] Miriam ふん なにをやっているんだい サリヴァンの欲しいものを 聞くどころか おこらせるなんて
Heh, what are you even doing? Where in the process of asking him for a gift idea did you manage to piss him off instead?
[★5] Miriam …逆に感心するよ
It's honestly impressive, how counterproductive that was.
[★5] Matthew ひどいや ミリアム! すこしくらい フォローしてくれたっていいのに~!
You're horrible, Miriam! It'd be nice if you could back me up at least a little bit~!
[★5] Miriam そんなの興味ないね
I have no interest in doing that.
[★5] Miriam それより… これからどうするんだい?
But on that note... what's your plan of action now?
[★5] Matthew うう… いちど みんなのところへ帰ろう…
Uuugh... well, let's get back home to everyone else for a little while...

Episode 4 Pre-boss

[★5] Sullivan (もうこんな時間ですか…)
(It's already grown this late, has it...)
[★5] Sullivan (この石が 本当に輝くのか すこし不安になってきました…)
(Can this gem really be made to shine? I'm getting a bit worried...)
[★5] Sullivan (…もしかすると マシューのいうようにただの石ころなのでは…?)
(...Perhaps it could be only an ordinary stone after all, just as Matthew said...?)
[★5] Sullivan はあ…… いつもの私らしくありませんね
*sigh*...... This really isn't like me at all.
[★5] Aldera おやおや~ キミ こんなところで何をしているんだい?
Oh my oh my~. You, there. What are you doing here in this kind of place?
[★5] Aldera そんな湿っぽい顔じゃ幸運がにげてしまうよ?
With a gloomy face like that, could it be that good fortune has run away from you?
[★5] Aldera ここはこのアルデラさんに どーんと話してみなさい!
Since you're here, I, Aldera, want you to share eeeeverything with me!
[★5] Nasos いまならなんと ナソスもついてくるよ!
And I, Nasos, am also here right behind her!
[★5] Sullivan あなた方はいったい?
Just who on earth are you people?
[★5] Aldera 通りすがりの占い師 アルデラさんと~
I am the passing fortuneteller, Miss Aldera~.
[★5] Nasos 同じく占い師のナソスだよ!
And I'm Nasos, also a fortuneteller!
[★5] Sullivan なるほど 占い師の方でしたか…
I see. So you're dabblers in fortune-telling, eh...
[★5] Sullivan …… ……あのー
...... ......Um, hey-
[★5] Aldera うんうん 言わなくてもわかるよ ズバリ「恋」のおなやみだろう?
Mmhm, say no more, I understand. It's definitely a matter of 'Love' that troubles you, is it not?
[★5] Nasos なんと! それはドキドキするね!
Whoa! That's super exciting!
[★5] Sullivan いえ… この宝石のことなんですが……
No... it's about this gemstone, actually...
[★5] Nasos 大丈夫! 私たちにまかせて!
It's all right! Leave everything to us!
[★5] Nasos とびきりハッピーな恋の未来を作ってあげる♪
We'll pave the way to the happiest, most lovey-dovey future just for You♪.
[★5] Sullivan ですから…この宝石を…
Like I said... this gem...
[★5] Aldera それじゃあ さっそく占ってみよーう!
Now then, without further ado, let the fortune-telling Commence!

Episode 4 After Boss

[★5] Sullivan すみませんが… 私はこの宝石を輝かせたいのであって 別に恋のな悩みなどは…
Sorry to disappoint, but... what I want is to make this gem shine here. I'm not really concerned about Love or the like...
[★5] Aldera ふむふむ… なるほどね~ 分かっちゃったよ!
Hmhm... I see~. I think I've got it!
[★5] Sullivan あの… ですから……
Um... like I've been saying...
[★5] Aldera ずばり! キミは ある「大事なこと」を やり忘れているようだね!
Basically! You, my friend, seem to be forgetting a certain "Important Thing"!
[★5] Sullivan は はぁ… 大事なこと…ですか?
H-Huh... An important thing... you say?
[★5] Nasos そう!とっても単純で きほん的なことだよ~!
Correct! And it's a super basic, super fundamental thing~!
[★5] Aldera キミ… さっきから ず~っと その石ばかり 見ているよね?
You... for a while now, you've been spending almost aaaaall your time just staring at that stone there, huh?
[★5] Aldera 人と話すときは ちゃんと相手の目を見なきゃ!
When people are talking to you, you gotta at least look 'em in the eye once in a while!
[★5] Aldera そうしないと いろいろなものを 見落としちゃうよ~!
If you don't do that, there are so many things you'll wind up missing out on~!
[★5] Aldera 特に… 人の気持ちとかね!
Like, y'know... people's feelings and stuff!
[★5] Sullivan …!
[★5] Nasos さっきのキミは 石のことで なやんでいるというよりも どこかさびしそうだったし
Just a little bit ago, you were worrying so much over that stone and nothing else that it honestly made ya look kinda lonely.
[★5] Nasos 私の占いの結果からみるに… ともだちとケンカでも したんじゃない?
My fortuneteller's intuition is showing me... you also had a fight with some friends of yours, didn't ya?
[★5] Sullivan ええ… そのとおりです
Yeah... that's right.
[★5] Nasos だけどキミのともだちは キミを傷つけるつもりはなかったみたい
But it doesn't look like these friends of yours were specifically out to hurt you.
[★5] Sullivan ……そうでしょうね 彼らはそんな人はありませんから…
......Hm, I suppose you're right. They're not the sort of guys who would do that...
[★5] Aldera なははは♪ あたしたちから言えることはもうなさそうだね ナソス!
Nahahaha♪! Doesn't look like those things we said before were part of the problem at all, Nasos!
[★5] Nasos そうだね アルデラ! ちゃんと自分で気づいてくれたみたいだよ!
Right you are, Aldera! Seems like this guy managed to figure out the real problem all by himself!
[★5] Sullivan …… ありがとうございます
...... You both have my thanks.
[★5] Sullivan あなたたちのおかげで なんだか 目の前が ひらけたような気がします
With your help, I feel like the path in front of me has started to open up.
[★5] Aldera どういたしまして! あたし達は なやめる者の 味方だからね!
Don't mention it! We're always happy to help out a friend in need!
[★5] Nasos それじゃ! キミのハッピーな未来を ねがってるよ~♪
Well then! Start looking forward to your Happy Future~♪!
[★5] Aldera キミの未来に幸あれってね!
May your future be bright!
[★5] Sullivan ……帰ってマシューに 謝らないといけませんね
......I've got to head back home and apologize to Matthew, huh.

Episode 5 Pre-boss

[★5] Albert マシュー! そっちの調子はどうだ?
Matthew! How's it going over there?
[Matthew] Jeez, just gimme a couple more seconds-!
[★5] Albert はやくしないと サリヴァンが帰ってくるぞ!
If you don't hurry up, Sullivan's going to come back!
[Matthew] I know that, sheesh-!
[★5] Albert やれやれ… 間に合うといいんだが
Good grief... it'll be nice if we can finish in time, but.
[★5] Richard いざとなったら ここでどうにか 足止めするしかないな
At this point, we have no choice but to try and keep him away from this area somehow.
[★5] Albert そうだな……っと ウワサをすればなんとやらだ
Looks like it......though, I can't be sure exactly how feasible that is.
[★5] Sullivan おや? アルベルトにリチャード 家の前でどうしたのですか?
Oh? Albert and Richard. What are you two doing out in front of the house?
[★5] Albert ああ ちょっとおまえに 用があってな
Aah, hey, we just need to borrow you for a sec.
[★5] Richard 新しい魔法を思いついたから いまから相手をしてほしいんだ
I've just come up with a potential new magic spell, and I've been looking for an opponent to test it out on.
[★5] Sullivan ええ わかりました …ですが 少し待っていてもらえませんか?
Ooh, I see... sure, but can I ask you to wait just a little while before we do that?
[★5] Sullivan 今すぐマシューに伝えないと いけないことがあるので
Right now, there's something very important that I need to say to Matthew.
[★5] Albert いや…その…えーと…
No, wait.. that's... uuuuh...
[★5] Richard い… いますぐでないと せっかくの魔法の効果が 半減してしまうんだ! …たぶん
I... If we don't test it out now, this particular magic will lose half of its effectiveness! ...Probably.
[★5] Albert …! 実はそうなんだ! だから悪いが用事はあとにしてくれ!
...! Yeah, that's it! So I'm sorry, but could you please take care of that other business after this?
[★5] Sullivan 仕方ありませんね… てみじかにお願いしますよ
I suppose it can't be helped... I'll indulge you for just a short while.
[★5] Albert (ふぅ…なんとかごまかせたか)
(Whew... Somehow, we managed to deter him.)


[★5] Albert みんな じゅんびはいいな? せーの…
Is everyone ready? One, two...
[★5] Albert 誕生日おめでとう! サリヴァン!!
Happy Birthday, Sullivan!!
[★5] Richard おめでとう
Happy Birthday.
[★5] Matthew おめでとうー!
Happy Birthday-!
[★5] Miriam ふん… おめでとう
Hmph... Happy Birthday.
[★5] Sullivan みなさん… これはいったい?
You guys... what is this?
[★5] Richard なにって キミの誕生日パーティに決まっているだろ
What do you mean? I'm quite sure this is a Birthday Party for you, isn't it?
[★5] Matthew ボクたち がんばってじゅんびをしてたんだよ! ほら これを見て!!
We all worked really hard to put it together! Here, take a look at this!!
[★5] Sullivan これは…魔法陣ですか? なにやら とても大きいですね
Is this... a magic circle? Whatever it's for, it's quite enormous.
[★5] Matthew サリヴァン さっきその石を輝かせる方法を 知りたいって言ってたでしょ?
Sullivan, you said you wanted to find a way to make your gem shine, right?
[★5] Matthew だから 魔法でどうにかできないかと思って 調べてみたんだ!
So I thought, why not try and see if we can find a way to do it with magic!
[★5] Sullivan あの… マシュー その件については……
Um... hey, Matthew, about that......
[★5] Matthew さあ 早く早く! その石を 魔法陣の真ん中においてみてよ!
C'mon, hurry up, hurry up! Try putting that gem in the center of the magic circle!
[★5] Sullivan はっ…はい… わかりました
O... Okay... Understood.
ゴゴ… ゴゴゴゴ…
*rumble... rumblerumblerumble...*
[★5] Albert ば 爆発したぞー!?
I-it Exploded-!?
[★5] Richard うーむ 本に書いてあるとおりに やったはずなんだが…
Mmmm, this outcome seems consistent enough with what's written in the book, but...
[★5] Miriam マシューの仕上げが 甘かったんじゃないか?
Looks like you didn't have the know-how to finish this job properly, huh, Matthew?
[★5] Matthew ごごご…ごめんねサリヴァン!! 大切なものだったんだよね? ボク なんてあやまったら……!
I-I-I... I'm so sorry, Sullivan!! That thing meant a whole lot to you, right? I gotta make this right somehow......!
[★5] Sullivan ……プッ
[★5] Sullivan アハハハハハ! いま 思いっきり爆発しましたよ!? アハハハハハ!!
Ahahahahaha! That sure was a full-force explosion just now, huh!? Ahahahahaha!!
[★5] Matthew ど… ぢうしよう…! ショックでサリヴァンが おかしくなっちゃった…
Wh... What do I do...! I made Sullivan turn loopy from shock...
[★5] Sullivan ハハハハ! ……ふぅ いいえ… ちがうんです 私は怒ってなんかいません
Hahahaha! ......Whew. No, no... that's not it. I'm not angry or anything like that at all.
[★5] Matthew え? で…でも さっきは ボクが余計なことを言ったせいで あんなに怒ってたのに…
Eh? B...But just a little while ago, you got so mad because I said all those rude unnecessary things to you...
[★5] Sullivan あの宝石のことは…もういいのです あれにこだわりすぎて まわりが 見えなくなっていました
About that gem, well... it doesn't matter anymore. I was so obsessed with that thing that I started becoming blind to everything else around me.
[★5] Sullivan だからこそ これからは みなさんの方を向いて きちんと 心を通わせていきたいのです…!
And so, from now on, I want to be more honest like all of you, and communicate my feelings more openly...!
[★5] Sullivan (たとえ 光の魔法使いとしてのチカラを失ってしまったとしても…)
(For instance, the things I've been missing outside of Light Magic...)
[★5] Matthew サリヴァン…
[★5] Albert おまえ… すこし変わったな どこかスッキリした顔つきだ
You... were just a little bit strange there. You sure managed to startle me with that face you made.
[★5] Richard ああ いつもより ちゃんと向き合って 話せている気がするよ
Right. It feels like you're being more open and honest with us than usual.
[★5] Miriam まあ それが当たり前なんだけどね
Well, that sort of goes without saying, doesn't it?
[★5] Miriam …あと どうでもいいけど あそこで 輝いているのは キミの宝石なんじゃないのかい?
...Not that it matters after all this, but isn't that your stone sparkling over there?
[★5] Sullivan えっ…?
[★5] Albert 本当だ! よかったじゃないかサリヴァン
It is! Well isn't that great, Sullivan?
[★5] Matthew うわぁ~ ボクも一安心したよ~!
Wooow~ I'm feeling pretty relieved myself~!
[★5] Sullivan ……
[★5] Albert サリヴァン? どうしたのか?
Sullivan? What's the matter?
[★5] Sullivan …ふふっ いえ みなさん ありがとうございます
... Heheh. No, I'm fine. Thank you, everyone.
[★5] Sullivan そして これからも 素晴らしい魔法使いを目指して 一緒にがんばっていきましょうね
Now let's all do our best from here on out, and keep working together to become Wonderful Wizards.