やはりきみは 最高に優秀な 魔法使いのようだ! As I thought, you're an amazingly excellent warlock!
それはどうも… Well, thanks...
よし!これで いよいよ 魔王を倒す旅に 出発できるぞ! All right! At long last, we can set off on our journey to defeat the Demon Lord!
お待ちなさい! Hold it right there!
私は魔王… つまりサタン様に会えると 聞いてたのよ? This Demon Lord... you wouldn't by chance be sending me to beat up my darling Satan?
倒すだなんて ありえませんわ! Defeating him is simply out of the question!
長旅になりそうですけど 相応の報酬は 用意できているんでしょう? Seems like it'll be a long trip, but do you have any proper payment set aside for me?
タダ働きなんて 絶対にゴメンですわ! If you think I'm working for free, I sure am sorry to disappoint you!
(なんだ 仲間われか?) (What kind of companions are these?)
おちついてくれ キミたち! Please calm down, you two!
むかしから 勇者は魔王を 倒すものと決まっているし… For countless ages, Heroes have been committing themselves to defeating Demon Lords...
旅で得る ”経験値” は 何ものにも代えがたい 財産だ! And with the "Experience Points" they earn on their journeys, they can gain all sorts of untold assets!
残念ですけど おカネ以外には 興味がありませんの Sorry, but if it doesn't involve money, then I'm not interested.
こんなパーティー さっさと 抜けさせてもらうわよ! I'm removing myself from this party immediately!
ああっ! 2人とも! 待ってくれ~! Aah! You guys! Please waaaait!
……ラグナス なぐさめになるか 分からないが ......Lagnus. I'm not sure how to console you, but...
今回の一件で 勉強だけでは 得られない 楽しい経験ができた Today, you gave me a wonderfully fun experience that I could never have by just studying all day long.
ボクはキミに 感謝しているぞ I sincerely thank you for that.
リチャード……! Richard...!
では これから共に 魔王を倒す旅へと…… Well then, we should start preparing now for our journey to defeat the...
いや それは遠慮させてもらうよ Sorry, but I'll pass on that.
がっくり…… Ouch......