PPQ:Manzai Demo Theater/Vanishing of the Hotspring Steam Bunny
< PPQ:Limited Story/2020 § Vanishing of the Hotspring Steam Bunny
Chapter | |
A Cold Opening Hot Spring Story! (温泉ストーリーは突然に) | |
The Monster in the Mountains (雪山のビックフット) | |
And Then, There Were No More Guests. (そして客はいなくなった) |
お宿でゆっくりと心安らぐ時間を過ごしていると、雰囲気に似つかわしくない不穏なメモを発見する。 「こんや 24じ のろいうさぎが くる」 今宵、おそろしい夜がはじまるような、はじまらないような…!?
Episode 1
ひょおおおおおお~..... |
(The wind roars past your ears...) |
「…拝啓 みなさま いかがお過ごしですか」 |
...My dearest audience. How are you all doing tonight? |
「プワープアイランドの片隅..... 人里離れた山の中に 願いが叶う フシギな敵湯があるらしい...」 |
Our story begins in a hidden corner of Pwurp Island…… There lies a lonely mountain, which upon it lays a curious and wondrous hot spring, one said to grant whoever visit it a wish... |
「そのヒミツを探るため わたくしは はるばる やってきたのですが…」 |
I’ve come a long, long way in search of this wonderful secret.. |
ビュオオオオオオオオオオ~...!! |
(The blizzard's picking up...!) |
Chamali | |
Praesepe | |
Praesepe | |
Chamali | |
Dabih | |
Chamali | |
Chamali | |
Chamali | |
![]() ![]() なに~…? だれかいるの~…? |
??? |
Chamali | |
Toule | |
Toule | |
Io | |
Primm | |
Chamali | |
Toule | |
第一話 「温泉ストーリーは突然に」 |
Episode 1: “A Cold Opening Hot Spring Story!” |
「ここは秘湯『ユキうさぎ温泉』 ...最近ぐうぜん湧いて出た 温泉らしい」 |
We have found ourselves at the the secluded "Snow Rabbit Onsen Inn." ...It seems that it’s been rather busy lately. |
「こんなところに温泉旅館が あったとは知らなかったが...」 |
We had no idea that this inn existed, but... |
「体が冷えたわたくしたちは 一晩この旅館で お世話になることになった...」 |
Our bodies had grown so cold that we were forced to retire and rest inside, high up on the mountain... |
Sunohime | |
Sunohime | |
Sunohime | |
Chamali | |
Dabih | |
Praesepe | |
Sunohime | |
Toule | |
Primm | |
Io | |
Sunohime | |
Sunohime | |
「そのとき視界の端を 見慣れない生きものが横切った...」 |
While Sunohime spoke, we all saw a creature out of the corner of our eyes... |
「白くて長い目のあれは...」 |
Something pink and fluffy was there... |
Rabbit Tera-chan | |
Chamali | |
Rabbit Sig | |
Rabbit Prince | |
Rabbit Uto | |
Rabbit Uto | |
Toule | |
Dabih | |
Sunohime | |
Praesepe | |
Sunohime | |
Sunohime | |
Sunohime | |
Sunohime | |
Chamali | |
Chamali | |
Chamali | |
「どことなく、フシギな温泉 フシギな旅館のおかみに フシギな宿泊客たち...」 |
This strange onsen, with its strange innkeeper, and the strange guests that take harbor... |
「なにごともなくこの一夜が 過ぎ去ればよかったのだが...」 |
It would have been a relief if the night had passed without incident, but... |
「どうやらそうは いかないようだ...」 |
That would not be the case... |
Toule | |
Chamali | |
Toule | |
「こんや 24じ のろいうさぎがくる」 |
“At the toll of 12, the Accursed Rabbit will come.” |
Toule | |
Chamali | |
Toule | |
Chamali | |
![]() ![]() お二人とも!!! |
??? |
Chamali | |
Toule | |
Sunohime | |
Sunohime | |
Chamali | |
「こんや 24 のろいうさぎがくる」 |
“At the toll of 12, the Accursed Rabbit will come.” |
Chamali | |
![]() ![]() キャーーーーッ!! |
??? |
Chamali | |
「...この旅館に残された宿泊客 のこり 8人」 |
...Within the confines of this inn, only 8 guests remain. |
Episode 2
「迷子になって辿りついた 雪山の旅館.... 吹雪で。 閉じこめられた宿泊客たち...」 |
We have found ourselves snowed in within the Snow Rabbit Onsen Inn, perched on the snowy cap of a mountain. A blizzard roars outside... |
「そしてナゾの言葉 『こんや 24じ のろいうさぎが くる』...」 |
We found a mysterious note, reading; “At the toll of 12, the Accursed Rabbit will come.” |
「最悪の状況を想定したわれわれは 叫び声がした方向へ走った」 |
Upon hearing a scream, we assumed the worst and quickly headed in the direction of the sound. |
「そこには驚きの光景が 広がっていた...」 |
We were greeted by an incredible sight... |
第二話 「雪山のビッグフット」 |
Episode 2: The Monster in the Mountains |
Praesepe | |
Chamali | |
Dabih | |
Toule | |
Praesepe | |
Toule | |
Praesepe | |
![]() ![]() きゃーーーーっ!! |
??? |
Chamali | |
Primm | |
Chamali | |
Io | |
Praesepe | |
Io | |
Chamali | |
Sunohime | |
Primm | |
Primm | |
Io | |
Chamali | |
Toule | |
Sunohime | |
Io | |
Sunohime | |
「...こころなしか部屋の空気が 重くなってしまった」 |
...The atmosphere inside the inn has grown burdening. |
「ここらで わたくしが発明した 困ったダンスでも踊って場を 和ませようと思いましたが...」 |
I imagined that I may be able to lighten the move with my spur-of-the-moment trouble-relieving dance, but... |
「ジタバタしてもしょうがない...と いうことでみんな部屋に戻って 早く寝ることを提案しました」 |
There would be no point in trying, to fruitlessly to raise their spirits… So, I suggested that we all return to our rooms, quickly. |
Sunohime | |
Io | |
Primm | |
Toule | |
Primm | |
Toule | |
Praesepe | |
フッ… |
(The sound of electricity powering off resounds...) |
Sunohime | |
Chamali | |
Dabih | |
Praesepe | |
Chamali | |
Praesepe | |
Dabih | |
……………… |
……………… |
Praesepe | |
Chamali | |
Praesepe | |
……………… |
……………… |
Chamali | |
Praesepe | |
![]() ![]() さん♪ ミッケーナでぇ〜す... |
??? |
Praesepe | |
Chamali | |
Mckenna | |
「この旅館に残された宿泊客 のこり5人...」 |
...Within the confines of this inn, only 5 guests remain. |
Episode 3
「吹雪ふきすさぶ夜に うさぎ姿の面々がいなくなり...」 |
During a blizzard-filled night, the bunny guests mysteriously disappeared from the Snow Rabbit Onsen Inn... |
「ひとり またひとり..... 次々と 宿泊客が消えていってしまった」 |
One by one.... Bunny after bunny, they all vanished. |
「そして現れたユウレイらしき 人物.... 果たして『呪いのうさぎ』 とは なんなのだろうか...」 |
And then, a ghostly figure appeared out of nowhere…. The Accursed Rabbit’s true identity still remains unknown. |
「しかし、予想外に シリアスな展開で ビックリ仰天なわたくしです」 |
Despite the preceding events, the seriousness of this new situation took me aback. |
Praesepe | |
Mckenna | |
Praesepe | |
Mckenna | |
Mckenna | |
Chamali | |
Mckenna | |
Praesepe | |
Mckenna | |
Mckenna | |
Praesepe | |
Toule | |
Mckenna | |
Mckenna | |
Praesepe | |
Toule | |
Chamali | |
Toule | |
Toule | |
Chamali | |
Chamali | |
Toule | |
Chamali | |
Toule | |
Chamali | |
「...そのとき」 |
...Then, all of a sudden, |
「ろうかの向こうに青白い人影が 見えたような見えなかった ような気がして」 |
One moment it was there, the next it was gone… A white figure dashed through the adjacent hallway. |
「わたくしは『キャーッ』と 悲鳴をあげました」 |
I let out a yelp. |
Toule | |
Mckenna | |
Praesepe | |
Chamali | |
しーん... |
(A sudden, crabless and ghostless silence.) |
Chamali | |
Chamali | |
Toule | |
Chamali | |
Toule | |
Toule | |
Chamali | |
Chamali | |
「まずはシグさかな王子ウト... これで のこりは8人」 |
Sig, The Ocean Bunny Prince, Uto… There were only 8 of us left |
「次にいなくなったのはダビー イオプリム... これで のこりは5人」 |
The next to disappear was Dabih, Io, Primm… then there were only 5. |
「最後にいなくなったのは遅れて 到着したミッケーナプレセペ... これで のこりは3人」 |
The last to wander off was McKenna, who arrived late, and Praesepe... Now there are only 3 of us left. |
「残っているのはカマリ トゥール そして食堂で 目撃されたピンク色のうさぎ...」 |
All who’s left is Chamali, Toule, and the pink bunny they saw in the dining hall. |
Toule | |
……………………… |
……………………… |
Toule | |
……………………… |
……………………… |
Chamali | |
Toule | |
Chamali | |
Toule | |
Chamali | |
Risukuma | |
Chamali | |
Risukuma | |
Chamali | |
Risukuma | |
Risukuma | |
Chamali | |
Chamali | |
Toule | |
![]() ![]() ピンポンパンポン♪ |
??? |
Chamali | |
![]() ![]() 宿泊客のみなさま のろいうさぎがやってきました! |
??? |
![]() ![]() いますぐ露天風呂に お集まりくださいませ! |
??? |
Chamali | |
Big Carro-chan | |
Big Carro-chan | |
Rabbit Prince | |
Rabbit Sig | |
Rabbit Uto S | |
Dabih | |
Primm | |
Io | |
Mckenna | |
Praesepe | |
Chamali | |
Sunohime | |
Chamali | |
Sunohime | |
Sunohime | |
Big Carro-chan | |
Rabbit Uto S | |
Sunohime | |
Toule | |
Chamali | |
Sunohime | |
Sunohime | |
Chamali | |
Risukuma | |
Chamali | |
Toule | |
Friede | |
Hilda | |
Friede | |
Friede | |
Hilda | |
Friede | |
Hilda | |
第三話「そして客はいなくなった」 |
Episode 3: "And Then, There Were No More Guests." |
~ おしまい ~ |
Vanishing of the Hotspring Steam Bunny
~ Ending ~ |