PPQ:Manzai Demo Theater/In Pursuit of Bouquet of Happiness
< PPQ:Limited Story/2019 § In Pursuit of Bouquet of Happiness
Chapter | |
Prologue (プロローグ) | |
Episode 1 (第1話) | |
Episode 2 (第2話) | |
Episode 3 (第3話) |
プワープの住人たちは楽しそうにお祭りの準備を進めていた。 しかしその中にひとり、むずかしい表情をした参加者の姿が… どうやら衣装に似合うブーケが用意できなかったようだ。 それを聞いたアリィは、「わたしにまかせてください!」と、 (勝手に)ブーケを用意することに決めたのだった!
ガヤガヤ… |
(chatter…) |
ガヤガヤ… ガヤガヤ… |
(chatter… chatter...) |
Ally | |
Ally | |
Teahouse Draco | |
Ally | |
Teahouse Draco | |
Worship Gown Chico | |
Ally | |
Missionary Risukuma | |
Missionary Risukuma | |
Ally | |
Missionary Risukuma | |
Ally | |
Ally | |
Ally | |
Glittering Elnath | |
Ally | |
Ally | |
Glittering Elnath | |
Glittering Elnath | |
Glittering Elnath | |
Glittering Elnath | |
Ally | |
Ally | |
Ally | |
Ally | |
Glittering Elnath | |
Ally | |
Ally | |
Glittering Elnath |
Episode 1
Full-bloom Chiquita | |
Ally | |
Full-bloom Chiquita | |
Full-bloom Chiquita | |
Ally | |
Ally | |
Miras | |
Miras | |
Ally | |
Ally | |
Ayn | |
Ally | |
Ayn | |
Ally | |
Kyma | |
Kyma | |
Kyma | |
Ally | |
Kate | |
Ander | |
Ally | |
Ally | |
Ally | |
![]() ![]() ふふ…あっはっは! 頑張るキミのすがた 見させてもらったぞ! |
??? |
Needo | |
Ally | |
Ally | |
Needo | |
Needo | |
Serendipitous Ally | |
Serendipitous Ally |
Episode 2
Serendipitous Ally | |
Serendipitous Ally | |
Glittering Elnath | |
Glittering Elnath | |
Serendipitous Ally | |
Glittering Elnath | |
Glittering Elnath | |
Wing-spreading Minoa | |
Serendipitous Ally | |
Wing-spreading Minoa | |
Wing-spreading Minoa | |
Wing-spreading Minoa | |
Wing-spreading Minoa | |
Teahouse Draco | |
Dapper Bones | |
Prim Klug | |
Prim Klug | |
Teahouse Draco | |
Dapper Bones | |
Glittering Elnath | |
Glittering Elnath | |
Teahouse Draco | |
Glittering Elnath | |
そして 数時間後… |
Glittering Elnath | |
Serendipitous Ally | |
Serendipitous Ally | |
Glittering Elnath | |
Serendipitous Ally | |
Glittering Elnath S | |
Serendipitous Ally | |
Glittering Elnath S | |
Serendipitous Ally | |
Serendipitous Ally |
Episode 3
前回までの あらすじ |
Last time on "In Pursuit of the Bouquet of Happiness"... |
祭りの衣装に合わせるブーケが ないことに 困り果てていた 天界の住人・エルナト |
Elnath, a resident of the Heavenly Sphere, was troubled that she lacked a bouquet to go with her outfit. |
しかし 愛の申し子・アリィは 彼女に 手をさしのべ プワープじゅうを かけまわり |
However, Ally, the envoy of love, offered her assistance and traversed across the island of Pwurp... |
これまた 愛のあふれるブーケを つくったのだった |
...and created a bouquet overflowing with love. |
ブーケの出来を きそいあう コンテストで ひともんちゃく あったものの |
A dispute arose over who would win the contest for the best bouquet, but... |
愛の祭りを エンジョイする ふたりなのであった… |
...I can confidently say that the two of them enjoyed the festivities of the Festival of Love... |
Missionary Risukuma | |
Missionary Risukuma | |
Serendipitous Ally | |
Missionary Risukuma | |
Serendipitous Ally | |
Glittering Elnath S | |
Missionary Risukuma | |
Serendipitous Ally | |
Serendipitous Ally | |
Serendipitous Ally | |
Glittering Elnath S | |
Glittering Elnath S | |
Wing-spreading Minoa | |
Serendipitous Ally | |
Wing-spreading Minoa | |
Serendipitous Ally | |
Wing-spreading Minoa | |
Glittering Elnath S | |
Wing-spreading Minoa | |
Glittering Elnath S | |
Wing-spreading Minoa | |
Serendipitous Ally | |
Wing-spreading Minoa | |
Glittering Elnath S | |
Serendipitous Ally | |
Serendipitous Ally | |
Wing-spreading Minoa | |
Wing-spreading Minoa | |
Wing-spreading Minoa | |
Glittering Elnath S | |
Glittering Elnath S | |
Serendipitous Ally | |
Ms. Accord | |
Ms. Accord | |
Ms. Accord |
- Prologue-Episode 1 translated by Minunlike
- Episodes 2-3 translated by eudaemonics
- 1: kind of an interesting multilayered joke here. there’s a department store chain in Japan called Don ・ Quijote, a popular chain similar to Wal-mart in the US, known for its wide selection of products and inexplicably named after the famous Spanish novel Don Quixote. the reference is doubly humorous because the design for Chiquita herself was loosely based on the novel’s titular protagonist.