PPQ:Manzai Demo Theater/Runaway Chant of Butler and Prince

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[★4] Serious Otomo 王子~! 王子~~~!!
Your Highness~! Your Highneeessss~!!
[★4] Serious Otomo はぁ… 王子は いま どこで何をしているのでしょうか…
*sigh*... I wonder where the Prince is now, and what he's doing...
[★4] Serious Otomo オトモは とても とても 心配で 心配で…
Your Butler is so very, very worried and fretful...
[★4] Serious Otomo まいにち まいにち 王子の夢を 見てしまいます…
Day after day, I keep having dreams of the Prince...
[★4] Serious Otomo …はっ! …そういえば 昨夜の夢で王子が…
...Hah! ...Come to think of it, in last night's dream, the Prince said...
[★4] Serious Otomo 「オトモヨ マッテオルゾ!」 …と言っていたような気が…
"Butler, I await your arrival!" ...or something like that, I think...
[★4] Serious Otomo なんだか 今日こそは 王子を見つけられる …そんな予感がいたします!
In any case, today must be the day I find him... This is a sign!
[★4] Serious Otomo 待っていてください 王子! このオトモ 次元の果てまで 追いかけますとも!
Please wait for me, Your Highness! Your Butler will pursue you to the very ends of time and space!

Episode 1 Pre-boss

[★4] Serious Otomo …とは言ったものの どこから手を付けるべきでしょうか…
...Having said that, I'm not sure where I should start...
[★4] Ruka ハロー! そこのお兄さん! こんなところでどうしたの?
Hello~! You, young guy over there! What brings you to a place like this?
[★4] Ruka もしかして…
Could it be...
[★4] Ruka 本日の 耳より情報を聞きに来たのかなー?
You're here to pick up the latest and greatest intel~?
[★4] Serious Otomo 情報…ですか?
Intel... you say?
[★4] Ruka そうそう!
Right, right!
[★4] Ruka プワープの最新情報は…
Pwurp's most up-to-date info...
[★4] Ruka みーんなこのアタシに 集約されているのよ!
is aaaaaall meticulously compiled by yours truly!
[★4] Serious Otomo そうでしたか! それは心強い!
Is that so! What a relief!
[★4] Serious Otomo それでは 見目うるわしく 秀才で ウルトラエレガントな
Well then, what do you know about the lovely, prodigious, Ultra-Elegant...
[★4] Serious Otomo サアルデ・カナール・シェルブリック3世王子の情報をお願いできますか?
Prince Salde Canarl Shellbrick III? Can you give me any info on him?
[★4] Ruka んーっと…? さあるで…かなーる…?
Mmm, uh...? Salday... Ka-narl...?
[★4] Ruka あのさ その人 名前以外に トクチョウってある?
Hey, uh, can you tell me anything about the guy besides his name?
[★4] Serious Otomo ええ! 王子の成長日記を持っていますので いま お見せしますね!
That I can! I've got the Prince's growth diary here with me. I'll show it to you right now!
...*flip flip*...
[★4] Ruka へー! 赤ちゃんのころからって ずいぶんと沢山あるのね!
Whoa~! There's a ridiculous amount of info here, way back from when he was a baby!
[★4] Serious Otomo はい! 王子の成長に合わせた 時代年表もありますよ
Yes! There's also a chronological table documenting each period of the Prince's development.
[★4] Ruka ふむふむ! それも見せてくれる?
Hmm, hmm! Could I have a look at that as well?
[★4] Ruka (成長日記だけで十分だけど もらえる情報は多いほうがいいわ♪)
(The diary is more than enough, but the more info I can nab, the better♪)
[★4] Serious Otomo こちらです
Here it is.
...*flip flip*...
[★4] Ruka (えっ? コレってアタシの知らないゴクヒジョウホウばかりじゃない!)
(Eh? This is super top-secret info I've never heard, isn't it!)
[★4] Ruka (しかも 王族の情報って… このお兄さん もしかして…!)
(On top of that, it's info on a member of royalty... could this guy be...!)
[★4] Serious Otomo あの どうかなさいましたか?
Um, what was it you needed?
[★4] Ruka (優しそうにふるまってはいるけど 底の見えない あの目つき…)
(He's acting really kind, but those eyes of his that you can hardly even see...)
[★4] Ruka (…しかも剣なんて持っちゃってるし まちがいない これは…)
(And that sword-thing he's carrying. There's no mistaking it, this is...)
[★4] Ruka (ドウギョウシャつぶしだわっ!)
(A business rival trying to snuff me out!)
[★4] Serious Otomo 顔色が悪いようですが…
Your face looks a bit pale there...
[★4] Ruka ア… ア…
Y... you...
[★4] Serious Otomo …?
[★4] Ruka アタシの情報をうばいに来たのね!
You're here to steal my intel, aren't ya!
[★4] Ruka そんなヒキョウな人は 返りうちにしてやるんだからー!!
I'll turn the tables right back on you, ya coward-!!
[★4] Serious Otomo 何のことでしょうか~~っ!?
What on Earth are you even talking about~~!?

Episode 1 After Boss

Episode 2 Pre-boss

Episode 2 After Boss

Episode 3 Pre-boss

Episode 3 After Boss

Episode 4 Pre-boss

Episode 4 After Boss

Episode 5 Pre-boss
