PPQ:Manzai Demo Theater/The Path of Training Be Heavy!

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< PPQ:Limited Story/2020 § The Path of Training Be Heavy!

Chapter Edit
Into Her Dream!
Absorbed in Training!
Gather, Strong Animals!

ところが、その日はゲンブだけが現れない。 様子を見に行ってみると、ゲンブはスヤスヤと眠っていた。 何をしても目を覚まさないゲンブに困り果てていると、夢の配達人エリサがやってくる。 「起こすためには夢の中に行かないとダメ」と言われ、聖獣拳士たちはゲンブの夢の中へと飛び込むことに!

Story Translator: Eudaemonics

Episode 1

― プワープアイランド ― とある拳法家の屋敷
― Pwurp Island ―
At a certain kung fu lineage's mansion
[★4] Suzaku 今日も朝のおつとめを始めましょう! そうじ せんたく すいじ! 各自もちばに…

Let us begin today's chores! Cleaning, laundry, and cooking! Each person will tackle their own respective duties...

[★4] Seiryu おい 人数が足りないんじゃないか?

Hang on. Aren't we short one person?

[★4] Kirin ほんとうだ~! 4人しかいないね

Ooh, we are~! There's only four of us here right now, huh?

[★4] Suzaku 確かに 人数が少ないですね…

Surely someone isn't shirking their work...?!

[★4] Suzaku おつとめは 5人で分担するようにと 師父がおっしゃられていますからね 点呼をとりましょう!

Since shifu told us that we should divide the housework among five people, I shall do rollcall![1]

[★4] Suzaku まずは私! スザク! ハイ!

First, myself: Suzaku! Present!

[★4] Suzaku 続いて セイリュウ!

Next, Seiryuu!

[★4] Seiryu ここだ


[★4] Suzaku ビャッコ!


[★4] Byakko いるぜー!

Right here!

[★4] Suzaku キリン!


[★4] Kirin はいはーい! キリンさんでーす♪

Yep yep! Present and accounted for ♪

[★4] Suzaku ゲンブ!


[★4] Seiryu ゲンブがいないようだな …まったく なにをしてるんだ?

Genbu is missing, it seems... Just what is she doing, slacking off like this?

[★4] Byakko へへーん きっと寝坊だぜ! ビャッコさまが起こしてやる!

Hehe, I bet she's sleeping in! I'll go wake her up!

[★4] Suzaku …珍しいですね ゲンブはおっとりとしてはいますが 朝寝坊は記憶にありません

That's unusual, though. Genbu might be rather laid-back, but I can't recall her ever sleeping in.

[★4] Suzaku なにごともなければ いいんですが…

I hope it's nothing serious...

[★5] Genbu (すやすや)


[★4] Kirin あー! やっぱり寝てるー!

Wow~ She really is sleeping in!

[★5] Byakko おーい! ゲンブねーちゃん! 起きろー! 朝だぞー!

Oiー Genbuー! Wake up! It's morning!

[★5] Genbu (すやすや)


[★4] Kirin ゲンブさーん おつとめの時間だよ~♪

Genbu, it's time to do the chores~♪

[★5] Genbu (すやすや)


[★5] Byakko ぜんぜん起きないぞ! いったい どーしたんだよ!?

She ain't wakin' up at all! What should we do?!

[★4] Suzaku うーん… 二人がこんなに大きな声で 騒いでいるのに目が覚めないとは

Hmm... If even your loud voices couldn't wake her up, that must mean...

[★4] Seiryu もしかしたら ただ寝ているだけでは ないのかもしれないな

Perhaps this isn't just her sleeping in.

[★4] Suzaku いったい ゲンブになにが…

Just what could have happened to Genbu...?

念のために 見に来てみたら… やっぱりこうなっちゃったかー

I came back just to check on her... I knew it'd probably turn out like this.

[★4] Elisa 夢におぼれちゃうかも~って 心配だったんだよね…

I was worried she'd become so absorbed in her dream...

[★5] Seiryu お前はなにものだ!?

And who are you?!

[★5] Elisa エリサちゃんは 夢の配達人♪ 夢の中で お願い事を叶えてあげるの

I'm just the dream courier, Elisa ♪ I bring dreams where a~ll your wishes come true!

[★5] Elisa それで 昨日この子に頼まれて お願い事を叶えてあげたんだよっ☆

Yesterday, miss sleepyhead here asked me to give her a dream like that, so I did ☆

[★4] Suzaku 夢を叶える…? ゲンブはあなたに どんなことを お願いしたんですか?

A dream where your wishes come true...? What kind of dream did Genbu ask for?

[★5] Elisa のんびりやさんだから 夢の中でも修行したいって言われたの だから叶えてあげたんだよ~☆

She's a rea~l easygoing girl, so she told me she wanted to make up with training in her dreams! So I made it happen.

[★5] Elisa エリサちゃんね がんばりやさんのことは 応援してあげたいから~♪

You see, I love hardworking and persevering types like that, so I provide them with Elisa's special dream service when I can~ ♪

[★4] Seiryu しかし このまま放っておくと 朝の時間が終わってしまう

Though, if we let her sleep like this, the morning will soon be over.

[★4] Seiryu 普段の修行の時間が減ってしまっては 本末転倒じゃないか?

Isn't decreasing her training time in the real world putting the cart before the horse a bit?

[★5] Elisa …………た たしかに~! 気が付かなかった…うっかり☆

... ... I-I guess you got me there~! I didn't realize that... How careless of lil ol' me ☆

[★5] Kirin ねえねえ~ せっかく 夢の中でがんばっても 意味がないんじゃかわいそうだよ

You know, I feel bad for her since she's training so hard in her dream but it won't really amount to anything...

[★5] Kirin 早く起こしてあげてよー

Let's hurry and wake her up!

[★5] Elisa うーん それができないんだなぁ… 自分で起きてもらわないと

Hm... I can't do that though~ I've gotta let the dreamers wake up on their own, you see.

[★5] Byakko でもゲンブねーちゃんは起こしても ぜーんぜん起きないぞ!

But she won't wake up even if we try to wake her up!

[★5] Elisa うん だからキミたちが 夢の中に行って この子を起こしてあげてよ☆

Yep, so I think all four of you have got to travel into her dream and wake her up from there ☆

[★4] Seiryu は? なにを言って…

Huh? That's ridiculous...

[★5] Elisa はーい じゃあ夢の中に ご案内するよ~♪

All aboard, everyone~! We're going straight to dreamland~♪

[★4] Seiryu おい! 話を…

Wait! Listen t...

[★5] Elisa そーれ~☆

Choo choo~☆

う うわあ~~~~!


― ゲンブの夢の中 ―
― Within Genbu's dream ―
[★5] Suzaku はっ! こ ここは!? 森の中…?

H-huh?! Is this the forest...?!

[★5] Kirin あ~! みんな! あそこ見て~!

Woah, everyone! Look over there!

[★5] Yamata no Nyoro-chan さあ かかってきなサイ! 相手になりマス!

Now, come at me! You shall be my next opponent!

[★2] Red Paprisu なにこれー? みどりのヘビー? なにがなんだか わからないけど みどりのあいてには 負けないよ!

What is this, some kinda green snake? I got no idea what you are, but I ain't lettin' some green fella get the best of me!

[★5] Seiryu パプリスの群れと… あれはゲンブ…なのか!?

In the middle of that group of Paprisu... Is that...Genbu?!

[★5] Kirin なんかイメチェンしてるっぽいけど あの雰囲気はゲンブさんで 間違いナシだよー

Seems like she's changed up her look, but that aura is definitely Genbu!

[★5] Yamata no Nyoro-chan 手加減しないヨ!

Do not expect me to go easy on you!

[★4] Byakko なんだか強そうで カッコイイな! アツい戦いの予感がするぞ!

Whoa, she seems kinda strong and cool! I bet this is gonna be an awesome fight!

Episode 2

― ゲンブの夢の中 ―
― Inside Genbu's dream ―
[★5] Yamata no Nyoro-chan 苦手な相手に勝ってこそ… 修行の意味があるのデス!

Training is only meaningful when against an opponent who has the advantage!

[★2] Red Paprisu みどりなんて イチコロ! かくごー!!

I ain't losin' to the likes of some greeny! Come at me!!

[★5] Yamata no Nyoro-chan たあー!

Take this!

どたばた どたばた

(Scuffle scuffle)

[★5] Suzaku ゲンブの優勢が続いています! このままなら 勝てる!

Genbu's got the upper hand! If she keeps this up, victory will be hers!

[★5] Byakko がんばれー! ゲンブねーちゃーん!

Go, go, Genbu!

[★5] Yamata no Nyoro-chan …隙アリ! もらったデス!

You're wide open! Hiyah!

[★2] Red Paprisu うわ~! ばたんきゅ~…

Uwah~! I'm zonked...

[★4] Seiryu あの数の相手を倒してしまうとは…

I can't believe she defeated that many of them...

[★4] Kirin さっすが ゲンブさんー♪

That's our Genbu~ ♪

[★4] Byakko んじゃー 起きてプワープに帰ろうぜ!

Okay then, time for you to wake up and come back to Pwurp!

[★6] Slithering Genbu 起きて…? 何を言ってるんですカ! まだ修行の途中ですヨ!

Wake up...? Just what are you proposing! I am still in the middle of my training!

[★2] Blue Paprisu そうだそうだ! こんどは あおいパプリスと 修行する約束ー!

That's right, that's right! You promised to train with us Blue Paprisus!

[★4] Suzaku ゲンブ…? いや だからですね 朝のおつとめのために この夢から出て…

Genbu...? No, you have to wake up so we can take care of the chores...

[★6] Slithering Genbu 夢? おつとめ? 修行のジャマを しないでくだサイ!

A dream? Chores? Please do not suggest things that would interfere with my training!

[★4] Seiryu おっと…これはマズイんじゃないか?

Hm... This doesn't seem to be going well, does it?

[★6] Slithering Genbu 修行のジャマをする人たち… みんな敵デス!

All of those who would seek to interfere with my training...are my enemies!

[★4] Kirin あわわわ! やめてよ ゲンブさーん!

Oh no no no! Stop it, Genbu!

[★5] Yamata no Nyoro-chan モンドウムヨウ デス! 覚悟してくだサイ!

I will not entertain your arguments! Prepare yourself!

[★2] Blue Paprisu あおいパプリスたちも加勢するよー!

Us Blue Paprisus will provide some support!

[★4] Suzaku ということで… ゲンブに こてんぱんに されてしまいましたね

So... Genbu totally beat us to a pulp, didn't she...

[★5] Byakko チョーつよくなってたぞ…

She's way too strong...

[★4] Seiryu ここはゲンブの夢の中… きっと彼女の強さは 何倍にも なっているんだろう

As this is Genbu's dream, I'm sure she's become twice as strong...

[★5] Kirin どーしたらいいんだろ~ ゲンブさんが起きないと わたしたちも出られないんじゃない?

What should we do~ If Genbu doesn't wake up, then we can't leave either, right?

[★4] Suzaku たしかに… どうすればいいんでしょう…

That's right. So what should we do next...

[★4] Seiryu ゲンブは ニョロちゃんの力を得て 強くなっているように思う

I believe that with Nyoro-chan's assistance, Genbu has become stronger.[2]

[★4] Suzaku たしかにそうですね 大きくなった ニョロちゃんみたいでした

That might be the case. When she gets big, she resembles Nyoro-chan.

[★4] Seiryu そこが突破口になるような 気がするんだが…

I believe that may be where the answer to this conundrum lies...

[★6] Byakko あー!


[★5] Kirin わわっ! 急に大きい声出さないでよー

Whoa! Don't shout so suddenly like that!

[★6] Byakko いいこと思いついたぞ! これなら ゲンブねーちゃんにも勝てる!

I just thought of something good! I bet we can beat Genbu with it!

[★4] Suzaku それはすごい! どんなアイデアか聞かせてください!

Amazing! What have you come up with?

[★6] Byakko ゲンブねーちゃんがヘビの力で 強くなったなら ビャッコさまも 強い動物の力で強くなればいいんだ!

If Genbu got stronger by borrowing the power of a snake, then I can get stronger with the help of a strong beast, too!

[★4] Suzaku なるほど… それは一理あるかもしれません

I see... I believe you may have a point.

[★4] Seiryu でも どうやって 身につけるんだ? 急に強い動物と言われても… オレたちには 身近に動物はいないぞ

But how can we acquire that? Even if you say that we can borrow the strength of beasts, there aren't any of those near us.

[★5] Kirin ふんふんふ~ん♪ だったらさ~ わたしたちが 動物になっちゃえばいーんじゃない?

Hehehehe~ ♪ Obviously then we've gotta become the strong beasts ourselves, right?

[★4] Seiryu おい 何を言い出して…

What are you proposing...?

[★4] Suzaku そうですね… 動物になりきれば その力を借りられるかもしれません!

I see... By becoming beasts, perhaps we can borrow their power!

[★6] Byakko よーし! 決まりだな! ゲンブねーちゃんのところに行くぞ!

Alright! Let's do this! Off to face Genbu!

[★4] Seiryu え おい… ………………

Hey, wait... ... ...

[★4] Seiryu …仕方ない やるしかないようだな

...I suppose we might as well give it a shot.

[★6] Byakko ゲンブねーちゃーん!


[★6] Slithering Genbu アナタたち まだいたんデスカ

You four are here again?

[★6] Byakko さっきの ビャッコさまとは 違うんだぞ!

I'm different from the last time you fought me!

[★6] Slithering Genbu どういうことデスカ…?

What do you mean by that...?

[★6] Byakko 聞いて驚け! ビャッコさまは トラの力を手に入れた!

Listen here! I, the Great Byakko, have acquired the strength of a tiger!

[★7] Byakko ニャー!!


[★6] Slithering Genbu ニャー!?


Episode 3

[★6] Byakko 聞いて驚け! ビャッコさまは トラの力を手に入れた!

Listen here! I, the Great Byakko, have acquired the strength of a tiger!

[★7] Byakko ニャー!!


[★6] Slithering Genbu ニャー!? ソレはネコでは!?

M-meow?! Is that not the cry of a cat?!

[★6] Suzaku 私はニワトリの力を借りて 強くなりました!

I've borrowed the strength of the rooster!

[★7] Suzaku くるっくー! くるっくー!!

Coo coo! Coo!!

[★6] Slithering Genbu くるっくー!? ソレはハトでは!?

Coo coo?! Is that not the call of a dove?!

[★6] Kirin ふんふんふ~ん♪ わたしはキリンさんだけに~ キリンの力を手に入れたんだよ~♪

Hehehe ♪ And I'm Kirin, so of course I've got the strength of a kirin~♪ [3]

[★7] Kirin …あれ キリンって鳴くの? まーいっか キリンリンリ~ン♪

...Hang on, do kirin make any sound? Well, whatever~ Kirinrinrin~♪

[★6] Slithering Genbu キリンリンリ~ン♪ …って 力を手に入れたのでは!?

Kirinrinrinrin~♪ ...so you have borrowed its strength as well?!

[★6] Seiryu オレはリスの力で 己の拳法に磨きをかけた…

With the strength of squirrels, I've honed my kung fu...

[★7] Seiryu かかってこいパプー!

Come face me, papuー!

[★6] Slithering Genbu パプ…!? なんのことだかワカリマセン!

Papu...?! I do not understand that one at all!

[★6] Slithering Genbu ふふ… ふふふっ…

Hehe... Hehehehe...!

[★6] Byakko おっ!?


[★7] Yamata no Genbu アハハハハ! な、なんですか そのモノマネは~!

Ahahahaha! Just what is going on with these silly animal impressions~?!

[★6] Seiryu 隙ができたぞ…いまだ! 全員でいくぞ!

She's open... Now's our chance! Everyone give it all you've got!

[★7] Yamata no Genbu きゅう~ やられましタ…

Oof~ You have bested me...

[★6] Suzaku さあ ゲンブ! 目を覚ましてください!

Now, Genbu! Please wake up!

[★7] Yamata no Genbu うう… 修行… 修行をしなければ…

Uugh...but my training... I have to continue it...

[★6] Byakko だから! これは夢なんだってば! 朝のおつとめの時間だぞ!

Like we've been tellin' ya, this is just a dream! It's time to do the morning chores!

[★7] Yamata no Genbu おつとめ… 朝…


[★5] Kirin そーだよー じーちゃん 怒っちゃうよ~

What he said~ Grandpa's gonna get mad otherwise~

[★7] Yamata no Genbu じーちゃん…! 師父!?

Grandpa...! You mean shifu?!

[★4] Seiryu 正気に戻ったようだな ほら 早く起きろ

Looks like you've come to you senses. Come on, hurry and wake up.

[★7] Yamata no Genbu おつとめ… 修行… はっ! ワタシは… いったい何を…

Chores... Training... Ah! What was I just doing...?

[★4] Suzaku ここは… 夢から出られたくるっくー?

Have we finally escaped her dream, coo?

[★4] Genbu くるっくー!? ソレはハトでは!?

Coo?! Isn't that the call of a dove!

[★4] Genbu …はっ! 今までのは…夢? 今は何時ですカ!? 寝坊しましタ!

...Ah! Was that all just a dream?! What time is it now?! I have overslept!

[★4] Elisa あ! みんな起きた! おかえり~☆

Ah! Everyone's up now! Welcome back~☆

[★4] Elisa ちゃんと 修行はできた?

Were you able to get some training in?

[★4] Genbu はい! たくさんできましタ!

Yes! I did quite a bit!

[★4] Seiryu 姿も元のゲンブに 戻っているな やはりあれは 夢の中だから だったのかもしれないパプー

It seems that Genbu's returned to her usual self, too. That really was just part of the dream, papu.

[★4] Byakko ハハハ! セイリュウにーちゃん 「パプー」っておかしいニャー!

Hahaha! Seiryuu, you're still going "Papu", it's so weird, meow!

[★4] Kirin ビャッコくんだって「ニャー」って 言ってるリンリン~♪

And Byakko's still going "meow", rinrin~

[★5] Genbu ふふっ みなさん かわいいですネ!

Hehe, everyone is acting so cute!

[★4] Suzaku そういえば ゲンブは もっとたくさん修行がしたいと 思っていたんでしたね

That reminds me. Genbu, you wanted to do some more training, correct?

[★5] Genbu そうでス ワタシ のんびりは好きですが 修行が遅れてしまうのではト…

That is right. I like to take things easy, but I am afraid that I will fall behind in my training...

[★6] Suzaku では…朝のおつとめの後に 特訓メニューを 追加しましょう!

Then after the morning chores, let us prepare a special training regimen!

[★6] Byakko ビャッコさまも もっともっと 修行したいと思ってたから ちょうどいいニャー!

I wanna do more training, too, so that's perfect, meow!

[★4] Kirin ん~ わたしは部屋に帰って 二度寝したいリンリン~

Hm... I think I'll go back to my room and take a nap, rinrin~

[★4] Seiryu なにを言っているんだ 修行なら全員でだろう…パプー

What are you saying? If they're training, we're all going... Papu.

[★7] Genbu ありがとうございます… とても嬉しいでス!

Thank you very much... I am very happy!

[★4] Suzaku よし まずは朝のおつとめですね

Perfect. Then let's take care of the chores first.

[★6] Suzaku がんばっていきましょう! くるっくー!

Let us all do our best! Coo coo!

[★6] Byakko ビャッコさまに まかせろニャー!

Leave it to the Great Byakko, meow~!

[★4] Seiryu そうだな すぐにおわらせて 特訓をするパプー

Quite. The sooner we finish, the sooner we can train, papu.

[★7] Kirin しょうがないな~… わたしもつきあってあげよう! キリンリンリ~ン♪

I don't get a say huh~... Guess I'll join in! Kirinrinrin~!

[★7] Genbu みなさん ありがとうございまス!

Thank you, all of you!

[★7] Genbu ワタシも がんばりますニョロ~!

I will also push myself hard, nyoro~!

[★5] Elisa ふふ あの子たち みーんな きちんと自分の力で願いが叶えられる えらい子ちゃんたちだったのね

Hehe, all of these guys are hard workers that can make their dreams come true on their own, aren't they?

[★5] Elisa 夢の力を使うのもいいけど… その前に努力するのが大事だもんね♪

It's good to use the power of dreams, but before that, you've gotta put in the effort ♪

~ おしまい ~
"The Serpentine Path of Training![4]
~ The End ~
Translated by eudaemonics


  1. Shifu is a Chinese title used to address a teacher of martial arts.
  2. For people who don't know Genbu's character, Nyoro-chan is her pet snake.
  3. A kirin, sometimes spelled "qilin", is a hooved chimerical creature in Chinese mythology.
  4. The title of this manzai is a pun as ヘビ also means "snake" in Japanese, but ヘビー means "heavy".