Floor kick
A player performs a floor kick when a Puyo group is rotated while the target space below for a Puyo is already occupied. When this happens, the whole Puyo group is pushed upwards so the rotation is a valid one after all.
An example for a Pair of Puyos
- Step 1: The player wants to rotate the green Puyo clockwise.
- Step 2: The ground blocks the green Puyo.
- Step 3: The Puyo group is pushed upwards.
Wall kick
The wall kick is similar to the floor kick. When an attempt is made to rotate a Puyo towards a wall, the Puyo group is pushed left or right. The wall kick will not take place if the target space after pushing is also occupied. In that case the Double rotate rule applies.
An example for a Pair of Puyos
- Step 1: The player wants to rotate the green Puyo clockwise.
- Step 2: The wall blocks the green Puyo.
- Step 3: The Puyo group is pushed right.
YON rule
In YON there is one additional rotation rule, that negates a wall kick and performs a floor kick instead. When the player rotates its Puyo into an obstacle (any kind of Puyo on the field) and the space above the obstacle is free, the Puyos are pushed upwards: a floor kick. In every other Puyo Puyo game, this action would normally result in a wall kick.
An example for a Pair of Puyos
- Step 1: The player wants to rotate the green Puyo counterclockwise.
- Step 2: An obstacle obstructs the Puyo (illustrated as wall blocks)
- Step 3: The Puyo group is pushed upwards
Double rotate
Double rotate, also known as Quick Turn is a Puyo Puyo game rule available in all games except the first one (and original mode in 15th Anni). It lets you flip over a 2-group by pressing either rotate button twice while the group is wedged between two columns of Puyo where there is no room for a 90 degree rotation.