Staircase maneuver
The staircase maneuver is a trick that makes use of the Rotation rules. By making use of floor kick and the double rotation (if needed), a group of Puyos can be rotated over the top of a pile of Puyos. These Puyos must be in the shape of a staircase, as it is not possible to rotate over a stack of 2 Puyos. Two possible methods are given to perform the staircase maneuver. This maneuver is present in every Puyo Puyo game except YON.
As shown here, the Puyos on the left border are rotated over a pile of other Puyos to reach the right border.
Method 1
The first method is by consequently pressing one rotation button. In the case where one wants to move the Puyos right, the counterclockwise rotation is used. This method needs to have the buttons pressed extremely fast in order to perform the maneuver.
- The counterclockwise rotation button is pressed.
- One Puyo rotates and now rests on the neighbouring Puyo.
- The rotate button is pressed again while holding the right move button.
- The pair is moved on to the next step of the Puyo.
- The rotate button is pressed twice again. A floor kick is performed and the whole process is repeated.
Method 2
The second way to perform the staircase maneuver is by alternating the counterclock and clockwise rotation button. This method has more chances of succes to perform, as it does not need to be done as fast as method 1. However a second button is needed and chances of mistakes may be higher.
- The clockwise rotation button is pressed.
- The green Puyo rotates so the Puyos can slide on the next step.
- The right move button is held.
- The counterclockwise button is pressed and the Puyos perform a floor kick. The clockwise rotation button must be pressed again to repeat the process.