Tailing is an advanced technique that requires a deep understanding of height differences and chain structures. It refers to chaining on the backside of your chain instead of on the front where your trigger is. Knowing how to chain on both the front and back of your chain greatly increases your efficiency and your defensive capabilities. For example, instead of momentarily blocking your trigger by extending on the front, you can extend on the back until you know it's safe to do otherwise.
In some of the following forms, there may not be a very clear way to describe the structure of every single link in the chain. You'll have to rely on your own conceptual abilities, which you can refine through practice and experimentation.
Think of Avalanche (雪崩) as tailing stairs. It's the most common style of tail.
2 Columns
If you look closely, it kind of looks like Stairs done in reverse.
3 Columns
If you plan to use L-Shape as a major form, you'll have a hard time unless you know 3 Column Avalanche. This form is also useful for other things, such as making your chain flatter or facilitating in the creation of a second transition.
The easiest way to conceptualize a 3 Column Avalanche is to see it as "stacked L's".
There's also other ways to build a 3 Column Avalanche. However, mixing different Avalanche styles can produce color conflicts. The best way to learn what works and what doesn't is to experiment with them yourself.
You can think of normal Tailing as "indirect chaining." Well, Turukame is a type of Tail that's even more indirect; the chain starts from the top and collapses down, as opposed to normal Tails, which start from the bottom and collapse the top.
Avalanche works due to the uneven shape of the Puyo groups. You wouldn't immediately think that four Puyo straight across would work as a tail, but here is one way. The following form is called Quicksand (流砂).
Think of Turning (めくり) as a transition, except for your Tail. Once your chain pops at the wall, it starts popping the other way. This is a useful tail to know if you're building under a time limit, but you don't want to risk making a frontal Transition. However, depending on the type of base you have, this form can produce color conflicts very easily.
Scatter is a very difficult type of Tail. Your chain dives under, after which the Puyo on the top of the stack align themselves correctly and then your chain dives down again. You'll need to run this step-by-step in the chain simulator to see it clearly. This form is similar in execution to Turukame.
Since this Tail is divided into an upper and lower part, it theoretically has a low color-conflict potential.
Daruma Otoshi
Daruma Otoshi (達磨落とし) is named after a Japanese children's game.
Insane Niagara
Insane Niagara (発狂・ナイアガラ) is a type of Ghost Chain. At first, your opponent thinks your chain doesn't work at all. But once they realize it's a Ghost Chain that actually works, they go insane.
Diving (Tail)
Diving-type Tails (潜り込み(連鎖尾)) encompass several different forms.
Door Bolt
Door Bolt (かんぬき) gets its name because the Puyo at the very end "slide in" like a real life door bolt. This concept is used in some of the specialty chains further on in this page.
2-Column Diving Tail
Saitou Special
Saitou Special (斉藤スペシャル) is a tail that's useful if you're making 3-1 Stairs. When each link pops, it should make a distinct upside-down L (run it through the chainsim and you'll see). To be specific, Saitou Special refers to the tail initiated by the yellow groups in the following chainsim.
Tanaka Special
Tanaka Special (田中スペシャル) is similar to Kuma Stacking, but done in two columns. This form is commonly used as a game opener because it can be quickly converted into a powerful Hellfire.
Example 1 | Example 2 | Hellfire |
Sagat Special
Sagat Special (サガットスペシャル) is similar to Saitou Special, but the columns are switched.
Tom Special
Tom Special (Tomスペシャル) combines aspects of L-Shape and the above Special chains to create an incredibly versatile tail. In the below chainsim, you can pop the greens, reds, or blues to make a harassment of varying strengths.
live Special
live Special (liveスペシャル) incorporates 2-2 Stairs with Two-on-Two Stacking. In the following chainsim, the chain can be triggered using either the reds or the blues at the bottom.
Shiroma Special
Shiroma Special (白魔スペシャル) works as both a Tail and a Holy Counter. Take note of the extra green in the Holy Counter example.
Basic Form | Tail | Holy Counter |
3-Column Diving Tail
deAlice (デアリス) refers to this Tail.
It looks very complicated, but at its core it involves the repeated interweaving of the following shapes.
EXE Special
EXE Special (EXEスペシャル) refers to the following chain. This is a solution to a common problem that may occur when using an L-Shaped base.
GTS Tail
GTS Tail (GTS連鎖尾) combines concepts from the above two Tails and to create something a bit more easy to follow. One drawback is that some of the forms require you to build high in a the middle.
Basic Form | Variation | Reverse Form |
Collapsing Crevasse
Collapsing Crevasse (クレバスの崩壊) is basically a ton of two-column Tails done in excess. Don't expect to pull this off in an actual match.
Thomson Tail
Thomson Tail (トムソンテイル) is a good Tail to use with L-Shape.