Puyo Puyo Drama CD Volume 7

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Puyo Puyo Drama CD Volume 7

Volume 7 Cover
WriterUtako Yoshino
CastShiho Kikuchi (Amitie)

Yuriko Fuchizaki (Sig)
Noriko Namiki (Raffina, Lidelle, Onion Pixie)
Mie Sonozaki (Klug, Strange Klug)
Takumi Yamazaki (Lemres)
Yukie Maeda (Feli)
Miwa Kouzuki (Accord & Popoi)
Tamaki Nakanishi (Yu & Rei)

Naomi Wakabayashi (Ocean Prince, Dongurigaeru)
Release dateJapan March 24, 2016

Puyo Puyo Drama CD Volume 7 is the seventh volume in a series of audio dramas published by SEGA and written by Utako Yoshino.


Track Title
Japanese English
01 アミティのともだち Amitie's Friends
02 アミティとリデルのプリンプツアー Amitie and Lidelle's Primp Tour
03 ユウちゃん&レイくんのミレン? Yu & Rei's Lingering Regrets?
04 アコール先生のナゾ Ms. Accord's Mystery
05 レムレスの彗星ラジオ Lemres's Comet Radio

Track Synopses

Amitie's Friends
While practicing Puyo with her classmates, Amitie makes a silly mistake and loses to Lidelle. She's discouraged a bit since she lost to everyone, and Raffina and Klug start poking fun at her. Lidelle tells the two of them that they're being mean and that Amitie has a lot of good points too, but Klug asks "what specifically about her is so wonderful?" Lidelle pauses and says that Amitie is always doing her best and that she's very cheerful. Raffina says that even though Amitie is such a hard worker, she got an F on the last test just like Sig. Amitie gets more upset, so Klug and Raffina agree to stop making fun of her and wrap up practice for the day. Lidelle asks her to cheer up and Amitie tries to, saying that being so cheerful is her only good point after all.
On the way home, Amitie finds a fallen doll by the side of the road. It's most likely a "Living Doll" from Madou Monogatari. She hears a mysterious voice talking to her inside her mind, which turns out to be the doll. It asks her why she was crying, and Amitie explains what happened at school that day and how she's clumsy and not very good at magic. The doll takes pity on her and offers her a gift, as long as she keeps her existence a secret from the rest of her friends. The doll says the "contract is complete", which confuses Amitie, but the doll tells her not to worry about it.
The next day, Amitie plays with Klug and Raffina and she's suddenly gotten better overnight. Klug and Raffina don't understand where her sudden improvement came from, while Sig and Lidelle are impressed by her. They ask how she got so much better in just one night while Klug and Raffina demand a rematch with her. After playing against them once more, Sig notices something sticking out of her pocket and asks about it. Amitie tells him it's nothing then suddenly says she needs to go home.
Everyone's left wondering about what's up with Amitie, when Accord and Popoi appear and ask the students what they're all doing. Klug says that she suddenly got better at Puyo and asks how such a thing could be possible. Accord has an idea of what might have happened, but tells her students not to worry about it and sends them all home. Popoi asks if they should investigate, but Accord says that the students should be able to solve this themselves and she'll only step in as needed.
At home, Amitie thanks the doll for everything and asks if she got better because of the doll. It tells her that this is Amitie's true power and all it did was help her out a little bit. Amitie thinks that it's nice to surprise everyone, but the doll says that it must be nice they aren't saying such mean things to her anymore. Amitie isn't so sure about that since it's true that she is a little clumsy and that isn't a bad thing, but the doll tells her she mustn't forgive her friends. The doll says that its her only true friend that will be with her forever.
The next day, the students are practicing again, but Amitie's heart isn't in it even when she manages to cast a Bayoen. Everyone says that Amitie got even stronger but she laughs it off and says that she's just tapped into her true potential. When Sig gets her attention, she asks if he's suspicious of her when he hadn't even said anything. Though Klug and Raffina are both suspicious of her and demand an explanation. The doll speaks to her in her mind and tells her to tell them what she really thinks. She says that everyone always teases her and that she realized that the only person she can rely on is herself, and that her classmates must all be making fun of her deep down in their hearts. Lidelle protests and says no, but Amitie suddenly realizes how mean she was being and gets a sudden headache. While her head is hurting, the doll falls out of her pocket and Sig and Lidelle notice it. She pushes both of them out of the way and tells them not to touch it, because the doll is the only friend she has that truly understands her. Klug and Raffina try to get her to calm down and get her to hand over the doll, but she refuses and says that if they want it, they have to Puyo battle her for it--but she doubts that they can win. Amitie runs off and the doll is proud of her for telling them what she really thinks. Amitie isn't sure how to feel, but her head is pounding and her heart aches because of the things she just said.
At school, Raffina, Klug, Sig, and Lidelle are moping about Amitie's outburst. Lidelle is crying and says that Amitie is always so bright and energetic and can cheer anyone up. Raffina and Klug are both embarrassed, but they agree, and Sig decides to go and find Amitie. Klug tries to stop him since she's super strong right now, but Sig wants to go find her regardless since that doll is very suspicious and dangerous. He's sure that Amitie regrets what she said and is in a lot of pain. Lidelle agrees with him, saying that sitting there and moping won't help Amitie, and Sig leads the students to go find Amitie.
Meanwhile, Amitie feels very spaced out but she feels a bit better. She thanks the doll for worrying about her so much. Raffina suddenly storms in and Klug tells her to let go of the doll and Lidelle says it might be dangerous. The doll says that they must want to take it away because they're jealous of her, and Raffina, Sig, and Lidelle tell Amitie not to listen anything the doll is saying. Amitie starts a Puyo battle and the other students try to work together to counter her.
Raffina tells her that it's true that she says a lot of mean things to her, but that doesn't mean she should only rely on the doll, and that she's lonely without Amitie. Amitie is surprised, and Raffina explains that Amitie is her friend and despite everything, she always has fun with her, so she wants her to come back and be friends with them. Klug also tells her, although embarrassed, that she makes him laugh and that she has a lot of amazing points too: she's determined, energetic, and that she's the glue that holds them together as a friend group. Lidelle says that they've all decided to be honest with her about how much they appreciate her and Sig chimes in to say that he was worried about Amitie. The doll says that all of them are just lying to her, but Raffina and Klug say that why would they be so embarrassed if they're lying. Lidelle says she loves Amitie and Sig continues to call out to her. Amidst all of this, Amitie stacks her Puyo too high and ends up buried underneath a pile of Puyo.
The group dig her out of the pile and ask if she's okay. Lidelle asks if it's okay if they become friends again and Amitie says of course, but she's sorry for everything she said while she had the doll. Accord appears and picks up the doll and explains that this doll takes advantage of people's weaknesses so that it can control their power. The doll is annoyed and says that it just had a bit more to go, but Accord says that it'll be safely stored away in the museum so that it can't hurt anyone anymore.
Raffina tells Amitie to cheer up and to stop making such a sad face since everyone went through all this trouble to save her. Lidelle tells her that she shouldn't apologize to them, just thank them for helping her. Amitie thanks all of them and Sig is happy to see her smile again. She's happy to have heard such nice things from everyone. Klug plays it off and says that they had to, but Lidelle reminds him that they're going to be honest with each other from this day onward. Raffina says she has no intentions of saying what she said again, so Amitie had better have memorized it. Amitie playfully begs Raffina to say it again, but Raffina says she'll only say it again if Amitie gives her some jewelry. The group of students all laugh together while Accord watches over them and says she's very happy for them.
Amitie and Lidelle's Primp Tour
Amitie and Lidelle take the listener on a special tour of Primp and its surrounding landmarks, including Primp Magic School, the Coast of Miru, the Graveyard of Osolo, the Pitto Dunes, and the Arca Ruins. They encounter Raffina at Primp Magic School, Sig at the Coast of Miru, Feli and Yu & Rei at the Graveyard of Osolo, Lemres at the Pitto Dunes, and Klug and Possessed Klug at the Arca Ruins.
Yu & Rei's Lingering Regrets?
Rei wonders why he and Yu are ghosts, and they seek out the answers from Klug and Feli.
Ms. Accord's Mystery
Lemres's Comet Radio
Lemres reads out fan letters and fan requests on his radio talk show.


  • The doll in "Amitie's Friends" is most likely a Living Doll enemy from Madou Monogatari.