Puyo Puyo Drama CD Volume 6

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Puyo Puyo Drama CD Volume 6

Volume 6 Cover
WriterUtako Yoshino
CastMie Sonozaki (Arle)

Tamaki Nakanishi (Carbuncle)
Masakazu Morita (Schezo)
Kanako Kondou (Rulue)
Chikara Ousaka (Satan)
Kaoru Sakura (Witch)
Kaori Nazuka (Draco)

Hisayoshi Suganuma (Suketoudara)
Release dateJapan Februrary 18, 2016

Puyo Puyo Drama CD Volume 6 is the sixth volume in a series of audio dramas produced by SEGA and written by Utako Yoshino.


Track Title
Japanese English
01アルルと鏡の世界 Arle and the Mirror World
02もしもアルルたちが高校生だったら What if Arle and Her Friends Were in High School?
03 ウィッチと恋の特効薬 Witch and the Love Potion
04サタンさまの華麗なる日常 Satan's Brilliant Daily Life
05サタンさまのひとりごと Satan's Soliloquy

Track Synopses

Arle and the Mirror World
What if Arle and Her Friends Were in High School?
An imagining of Arle and her friends as high school students, possibly in a real-world context.
Witch and the Love Potion
Satan's Brilliant Daily Life
Satan's Soliloquy