True Madou Monogatari
- Disclaimer: The English translation of this title, although accurate, may be misleading without further context on this page. True Madou Monogatari was never explicitly established by Compile as the central canon of the franchise, and discrepancies exist between it, the associated Chronology, and what is known about the current canon surrounding SEGA's Puyo Puyo media. Additionally, this novel series should not be confused with New Madou Monogatari.
True Madou Monogatari ( 真・魔導物語 Shin・Madō Monogatari) is a series of novels written by former Compile employee Kenji Oda. It consists of eight volumes, released from December 1998 to March 2001, and the side story True Madou Monogatari Sidestory: The Golden Hero (真・魔導物語外伝―金色の勇者 Shin・Madō Monogatari Gaiden ― Kiniro no Yūsha).
This series is perhaps most well known for the "Madou Monogatari Chronology" included within the first volume, which attempts to establish a unified timeline for the Madou Monogatari and Puyo Puyo games released to that point. Said timeline would receive a revised version in 1999's Madou Monogatari Fanbook: Illustration and Others.
True Madou Monogatari began life as a potential story for Madou Monogatari (Saturn). There was an internal push for a unified timeline and more serious storytelling by Compile; Kenji Oda, who had a hand in the creation of Madou Monogatari: Chaotic Final Exam and Rulue's Spring Break of Fists, was tasked with creating a setting that unifies the series. However, due to Compile's financial woes and management problems, this story outline and at least four others were rejected before Compile settled on the smaller-scale plot of the final game. Oda used the elements from the original setting to create True Madou Monogatari.[1]
The eight volumes that were released were labeled as "Part 1". The alleged "Part 2" would never be released. Oda wrote in True Madou Monogatari Volume 8 that this is his own interpretation of the series.[1]
List of Books
- The World's Most Incredible Dropout Magician Volume (世にも不思議な落ちこぼれ魔導師の巻): Published December 1998
- Girl Meets Girl Volume (ガール・ミーツ・ガールの巻): Published July 1999
- Unite! The Strongest(?) Party Volume ( 誕生! 最強(?)のパーティーの巻): Published May 31, 2000
- Summoning a Storm?! Beauty Pageant Volume (嵐を呼ぶ!? 美少女コンテストの巻): Published July 19, 2000
- The World's Turned Upside Down ・ The Raging Golem War! Volume (天地逆転・怒濤のゴーレム大戦! の巻): Published: Published September 20, 2000
- 三人の封印賢者の巻: Published November 20, 2000
- Decisive Battle! The Giant Magic Fortress Volume (決戦! 巨大魔導要塞の巻): Published January 20, 2001
- Praise the Sorcerous Girl1(Arle Nadja) Volume (魔導少女(アルル・ナジャ)に祝福あれ! の巻): Published March 19, 2001
- True Madou Monogatari Sidestory: The Golden Hero (真・魔導物語外伝―金色の勇者 Shin・Madō Monogatari Gaiden ― Kiniro no Yūsha): Published July 19, 2001
1. This appears to be a joke on 魔導少女 (madō shōjo) sounding like 魔法少女 (mahō shōjo).
Madou Monogatari Chronology
Below is a translation of the chronology shown in Madou Monogatari Fun Book - Illustration and Others.[2][3]. This translation was done by Nenilein and ported here with the translation notes intact. Please note that translations of game titles and names may be inconsistent with wiki conventions.
For your convenience, the Madou Calendar works like this: Dates after the birth of Arle Nadja are called “A.A.”, dates before her birth “B.A.”. B.A. 15000 roughly matches up with present day (1999 on the Gregorian calendar).
- Key
- ● - Already released works or works currently in development.
- ★ - Unreleased works.
- For the meaning of the abbreviations used, refer to this list
- PC ⟶ PC9801 and related systems
- MD ⟶ MegaDrive
- SS ⟶ Sega Saturn
- DC ⟶ Dreamcast
- GG ⟶ Game Gear
- SFC ⟶ Super Famicom
- GB ⟶ Gameboy
- DS ⟶ Discstation
- WIN ⟶ Windows 95/98
Age of World Genesis
- B.A.15000
- Present Day.
★ Madou Monogatari NOW (working title)
- An urban fantasy story, in which the Madou Monogatari characters from after the destruction of the World of Sorcery (A.A.~500) have reentered the cycle of rebirth and were reincarnated into this contemporary setting and partake in an occult-ish tale about school dropout mages. Arle and her friends would be high school students, while Satan would be a teacher with rather odd powers. It would be a pretty out-there story.
- B.A. 11???~
- Ragnarok breaks out. Human civilization reaches its point of saturation and the battle of armageddon begins. The Holy Ones, led by the devil lord, Lucifer (Now known as “Satan”), battle against the Wicked Ones, led by the protector of humanity, “Lilith”. (Viewed from the standpoint of humanity, Lucifer’s side is evil and Lilith’s side is righteous, however, viewed from the standpoint of (the) god(s), Lucifer’s side is on a holy mission and Lilith’s side is wicked and sinful. From the perspective of the true creator(s) of the world, however, who stand(s) above (the) god(s) and transcend(s) good and evil, these relationships are far more complex).
- B.A.11000~
- Human civilization is entirely destroyed. Through Lilith’s miracle, the demonic realm, the human realm, and the dimensional rift between them mix together and become one world, the newly created “World of Sorcery”, a world freed of the cycle of reincarnation that the creator(s) had devised and that had destroyed human civilization, though this freedom might not last… Due to these events, Lucifer, who was the leader of all angels, became the subject of the wrath of (the) god(s) and was banished from the heavenly realm, his 12 wings torn apart. By the way, the only name Lucifer was allowed to go by after he became a fallen angel and fell down to earth was “Satan”.
- B.A. 10000~
- History is reborn anew. Now that “Those that are not people” and “Those we call people” are mingling wildly between their various tribes and types, they build a completely new kind of history together. By the way, the reason that “Those that are not people”, the umbrella term for the Holy Ones and the Wicked Ones, as opposite to “Those we call people” are called 人為らざる者 in Japanese, is because the Kanji “為” can also mean “purpose” or “benefit”. It is used in the negative in this title, because mankind was created first by (the) god(s), so everything that was created afterwards “did not have the chance to be what the people are”.
- B.A.7000~
- The age of extremely ancient sorcery culture (“The Neo Divine Age”). This is a fruitful era, when mankind’s civilization awakened and flourished once again, aided by many kinds of stability and the power of the spirits.
Age of Prosperity
- B.A.1500~
- Era of ancient sorcery culture. Everything before this point is considered prehistoric, and all knowledge of the decline of the most ancient of civilizations, the reformation of species(?) has been completely lost. Whatever little history is known to the people living in the current World of Sorcery takes place after this point.
- B.A.1000~
- Birth of the ancient art of sorcery(?). This newly established form of sorcery functions by taking in demons themselves.[4]
- B.A.700
- Era of battle. An age of legends, ruled in accordance with the use of ancient sorcery by swordplay, magic and heroes, is upon us.
- B.A.350
- The height of the age of heroic tales.
★ Madou Side Story: The tale of Ragnus’ fierce battle
- The Dark Mage Runelord is sealed in the imperial city of Lana by a hero from another world called “Ragnus”.
- B.A.150
● Madou Monogatari S(PC)
- Schezo’s story in Madou Monogatari ARS (PC).
- Schezo is 14. He defeats Runelord in the ruins of the city of Lana and inherits the title of the Dark Mage (He also gains the “Dark Sword” and the ancient spell “Areiado”). Among all works currently released, this tale is the one set the earliest in the timeline.
- B.A.84
- The world of 100 years ago that is moving within DH Cell Chapter. Harmagge and Satan’s shared fate starts here. Carbuncle already exists.
Age of Stability
- B.A.2
- Arle’s parents get married.
- A.A.1
- Arle Nadja is born.
- A.A.5
- Arle’s father goes missing.
●Madou Monogatari A(PC)
- Arle’s story in Madou Monogatari ARS(PC).
- Arle is 4. She is on her first errand. This game was remade into Dokidoki Vacation (GG).
- A.A.7
●Madou Monogatari 1(PC) / Madou Monogatari 1 - The Three Magic Spheres(GG) / Madou Monogatari 1(MD) / Hanamaru Daiyoujienji(SFC)
- Arle is 6. This is the story of how she passed her kindergarten graduation exam. The second half of Hanamaru Daiyoujienji retells the events of Madou Monogatari 1.
- A.A.13
- Arle is 12. Arle’s abilities and memories as a sorceress are completely erased in a certain incident.
- A.A.15
●Madou Monogatari R(PC)
- Rulue’s story in Madou Monogatari ARS(PC). Rulue is 16. In this story, she is kidnapped by a vampire and has to escape from the Count’s castle. Here, Rulue meets Satan and falls in love at first sight with him.
- A.A.16
- ●True Madou Monogatari (Famitsuu Bunko Publishing)
- Arle is 15. Arle starts her journey + remake of Madou Monogatari 2 + α.[5] The evil spirit Asmode and the archeologist Deus appear.
- A.A.17
●Madou Monogatari 2(PC) / Madou Monogatari 2 - Arle’s 16th year(GG)
- Arle is 16. The story of how she met Schezo, Satan and Carbuncle. The main setting is the Lyla Ruins.
●Madou Monogatari 3(PC) / Madou Monogatari 3 - The Ultimate Queen(GG)
- The story of how Arle met Rulue and Minotaurus.The main setting is the Lost Forest.
●True Madou Monogatari 2 (Famitsuu Bunko Publishing)
- The second volume of the novel, set to be published in summer of 1999. A remake of Madou Monogatari 3 + α. It is planned to cover the story up to the point where Rulue joins Arle’s party.
- ★DH Cell Chapter
- (Saturn Madou Monogatari, unreleased script Vers.5.0)
- The story of Arle’s path until she arrives at the Magic School, and the basis for the novel series True Madou Monogatari.
- The main plot, revolves around a confrontation with a mad sorcery scientist who has a shared fate with Satan and a “sacred jewel”(*1) . Harmage’s underling, the “3-faced ogre” (*2) and many other characters appear. Also, Ragnus, who is the hero of the other world (Gaiearth), which appeared in the newer version, the story of the Yogs, appears, having lost his memory in a certain incident.
- This story would also go into the connection that the red magic gem on (*1)Carbuncle’s forehead, Rubelcrack, the blue gem Azorcrack, and other such as the Beljicrack share…
- The three sides of the 3-faced ogre(*2) are “Goukakukigan” (The eye of the rigid-shelled monster/A prayer of academic success), “Mukoyoushi” (The dream-calling fairy master/An adopted son-in-law) and “Himajin” (The flying Djinni/ The loafer). These three parts complete it as the ultimate sorcery creature of destruction.[6]
- Magic School enrollment. Arle and Rulue enroll in magic school. By the way, the headmaster is Masked Satan.
- ★Return of the Rotmage
- (Saturn Madou Monogatari, unreleased script Vers.2.0)
- On request by her old kindergarten’s headmistress, Arle heads out on a demon extermination… This is her decisive rematch with the Rotmage she faced at her graduation exam 10 years ago.
Age of Activity
●Chaotic Final Exam (WIN)
- This game was included in DS VOL.12. The story of how Arle and her friends meets Lilith, who has ascended to a higher plane of existence and become a being of pure will, as well as the Jewel Guardians. The moment Arle becomes the master of the legendary OOPArt, the Seraphim Orb (the sacred pearl of the archangels), the waves of karmic fate, that were first sealed away when Arle was 12 years old begin to move again. 4 out of 8 Jewel Guardians in total appear. By the way, those four are Red Ruby, Yellow Topaz (Diamond), Blue Sapphire and Green Emerald.
●Rulue’s Iron Fist Spring Vacation (WIN)
- This game was included in DS VOL. 14. Rulue is the protagonist. This is a side story set after “Chaotic Final Exam”, in the form of a digital adventure game. Maybe some small details about the creation of the World of Sorcery are revealed here? There are 35 endings total.
●Tower of the Sorceress (WIN)
- This game was included in DS VOL.16. Schezo is the protagonist. This is a side story after “Chaotic Final Exam”, featuring Schezo. If you put together the 3 Windows 95 games “Chaotic Final Exam”, “Rulue’s Iron Fist Spring Vacation” and “Tower of the Sorceress”, I guess it’s sort of like a new ARS game…
- A.A.18
★Guardian Chapter
- (Saturn Madou Monogatari, unreleased script Vers.1.0)
- Arle is 17. An uproar leads to Arle reuniting with the Jewel Guardians. All 8 Jewel Guardians appear. Aside from the 4 mentioned above, the remaining Jewel Guardians are: Flame Garnet, Lightning Zircon, Blizzard Aquamarin and Storm Alexandrite.
★Treasure Hunter Chapter
- (Saturn Madou Monogatari, unreleased script Vers.3.0)
- The story of the magic school giving out an assignment to search for treasure. The magic school’s summer resort, Sorcery Island, is the setting.
★Return of the Rotmage Chapter, Revised Version
- (Saturn Madou Monogatari, unreleased script Vers.4.1)
- Catastrophers Chapter, Prologue 1. Arle is the protagonist.
★Callous Martial Arts Chapter
- (Saturn Madou Monogatari, unreleased script Vers.4.2)
- Catastrophers Chapter, Prologue 2. Rulue is the protagonist. Rulue is 19. A somewhat sorrowful story, where Rulue, having returned to her old hometown, must fight her brother and fellow apprentice, as well as her master from long ago.
★The Hero and the Sacred District Chapter
- (Saturn Madou Monogatari, unreleased script Vers.4.3)
- Catastrophers Chapter, Prologue 3. Schezo’s chapter. The story of the fate that connects him with Runelord and the otherworldly hero Ragnus from 350 (200) years ago.
- A.A.19
★Catastrophers Chapter
- (Saturn Madou Monogatari, unreleased script Vers.4.0)
- Arle is 18. A being from a higher plane of existence, known as “The Ancient One” causes events that get the entire World of Sorcery tied up in them. The story of how Arle and her friend have fierce battle with the Catastrophers Seven(*3) Three legendary swordsmen, the Triblades(*4) and their swordmaster, Gyne(*5) appear.
- (*3) Seven mad warriors, who live awaiting the end of the world. Their names are Breaker, Buster, Killer, Destroyer, Eraser, Crusher, Slayer.
(*4) They are Saber (Female, Arle’s friend), Edge (Male, Rulue’s father), Sword (Trans Female, Schezo’s childhood friend and a “sibling from another father”)[7]. They are all magnificent sword fighters. (*5) Gyne is the strongest swordmaster in human history, and the true father of Saber, the leader of the Triblades.
Age of Turmoil
- A.A.21~
★Divine Judgment Chapter
- Arle is 20. The law of cause and effect, the eternal karma (the cycle of reincarnation) reawakens and reactivates. The creator(s) of the world begin to act? Arle Nadja is the only, irreplaceable existence capable of escaping from the clutches of the laws of karma and standing up to the creator(s). The devil lord Lucifer (now Satan) determines that Arle must be a product(?) of the miracle brought forth by Lilith, the protector of mankind, who was fire-branded as Satan’s wife (or rather, “The Dark Prince’s Whore”)[8], making Arle a being from a higher plane of existence that is exempt from the cycle of reincarnation. All mysteries regarding Carbuncle and the sacred jewels are revealed. The being that stands above the Jewel Guardians as the head of their kind, High Jewel appears alongside all their subjects.
- Last Ragnarok breaks out. A battle against the creator(s) of all spacetime begins.
- A.A. 500~?
★Creator(s) Chapter
- The several-hundred-years-long battle that Arle is waging against the creator(s) finally comes to a close. The only, irreplaceable higher existence that is exempt from the cycle of reincarnation, Arle Nadja, prevails(?). The creator(s) and all cycles of reincarnation created by them are entirely destroyed.
Age of Rebirth
- A.A.1000~
- About 500 years have passed since the creator(s) have/has been destroyed. One day, Satan creates “The New World of Sorcery” in the place where the old World of Sorcery once stood. A basic rule in this new world is that Arle is forever 16.
●DS WaySide-Story (PC)
- This game was included in DS VOL. 3. Puyo Puyo’s backstory.
●Puyo Puyo
- National Puzzle Game Sensation.
●Puyo Puyo Tsuu
- National Puzzle Game Sensation, the second.
●Interdimensional Orb-Being, Yog Chapter
- (Saturn Madou Monogatari, released version)
- The story of how Satan invites calamity from another world into the new World of Sorcery that he had originally created to be a “world of absolute tranquility”, that should be safe from invasion, as he had begun to harbor doubts regarding whether it even has the will to continue existing. The hero of Gaiearth, Ragnus Bisashi, appears. This work was also released as a novel under Famitsuu Bunko Publishing as the volume “Madou Monogatari ‘98 - Fear the Interdimensional Creature!”.
●Puyo Puyo SUN
- National Puzzle Game Sensation, the third.
★The Day the Puyo Disappeared Chapter
- The story of how the Madou characters band together to find and return the Puyo, who have all, without a single exception, been spirited away to another world by the mysterious being known as “Angol”. A side-story to Puyo Wars (working title).
●Puyo Wars (Working Title) (GB)
- An S-RPG slated for release in summer of 1999. A parallel world to the World of Sorcery is the setting. This is the story of the world where the Puyo originally come from. A few of the mysteries of the Puyo and the World of Sorcery might be revealed… Daichi, Sho, Marin, and Angol appear.
●Novel: Puyo Wars (Working Title) (Famitsuu Bunko Publishing)
- A novelization of “Puyo Wars”(working title). Slated to be released in summer of 1999. This book will, timeline-wise, act as a sequel to the volume “Madou Monogatari ‘98 - Fear the Interdimensional Creature!”.
●Puyo Puyo~n (DC)
- National Puzzle Game Sensation, the fourth. Chico, the descendent of a tribe of priestesses appears.
- Other
●Wakuwaku PuyoPuyo Dungeon (SS and PS)
●Other Madou-related DS material
●The Nazo Puyo series
- The DS releases (Great Madou Tactics Monogatari, Madou 456, Puyolympics) other Madou-related works and the three mentioned above all they place during the Age of Rebirth.
True Madou Monogatari vol. I
True MadouMonogatari vol. II
True Madou Monogatari vol. III
True Madou Monogatari vol. IV
True Madou Monogatari vol. V
True Madou Monogatari vol. VI
True Madou Monogatari vol. VII
True Madou Monogatari vol. VIII
True Madou Monogatari Gaiden
True Madou Monogatari vol. I
True Madou Monogatari vol. I
True Madou Monogatari vol. II
True Madou Monogatari vol. II
True Madou Monogatari vol. III
True Madou Monogatari vol. III
True Madou Monogatari vol. IV
True Madou Monogatari vol. IV
True Madou Monogatari vol. V
True Madou Monogatari vol. V
True Madou Monogatari vol. VI
True Madou Monogatari vol. VI
True Madou Monogatari vol. VII
True Madou Monogatari vol. VII
True Madou Monogatari vol. VII
True Madou Monogatari vol. VIII
True Madou Monogatari vol. VIII
True Madou Monogatari Gaiden
True Madou Monogatari Gaiden
References and Translation Notes
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Japanese Wikipedia
- ↑ Madou Monogatari Fun Book on the Internet Archive
- ↑ Madou Monogatari Data Hall
- ↑ TN: I can’t tell if he means that magic is possible because humans interbred with demons OR because humans literally are absorbing demons to make it happen. The wording is way too vague.
- ↑ TN: "Plus Alpha" seems to mean "and more"
- ↑ TN: These are all puns.
- ↑ TN: The original text used a slur here... just mentioning that for posterity.
- ↑ TN: A reference to "The Whore of Babylon" from the Bible.