PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/March 2023

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Unless otherwise specified, all icons denotes characters as a whole and does not specify any rarity.

Availability Gacha Campaign Main Pickups
2023/03/28 15:00~
2023/04/04 23:59

[[PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/March 2023#(28) {{{top}}} Primp Town Gacha|Primp Town Gacha]]
Primp Town Gacha
2023/03/21 15:00~
2023/04/12 14:59

[[PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/March 2023#(21) {{{top}}} Springtime Puyo-life Support Ability Gacha|Springtime Puyo-life Support Ability Gacha]]
Springtime Puyo-life Support Ability Gacha
Lucid Stargazer Klug Pearly Hell Prince Uruk
2023/03/18 15:00~
2023/04/03 14:59

[[PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/March 2023#(18) {{{top}}} Boys Full Power Pickup Gacha|Boys Full Power Pickup Gacha]]
Boys Full Power Pickup Gacha
2023/03/14 15:00~
2023/03/29 14:59

[[PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/March 2023#(14) {{{top}}} White Day Ability Gacha|White Day Ability Gacha]]
White Day Ability Gacha
Sugary Sweet Lemres Pure Angelic Feli
2023/03/14 15:00~
2023/03/29 14:59

[[PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/March 2023#(14) {{{top}}} White Day Present 10-in-a-row Gacha|White Day Present 10-in-a-row Gacha]]
White Day Present 10-in-a-row Gacha
2023/03/08 15:00~
2023/03/24 14:59

[[PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/March 2023#(08) {{{top}}} Puyo-ing Sharpshooter DX Gacha|Puyo-ing Sharpshooter DX Gacha]]
Puyo-ing Sharpshooter DX Gacha
2023/03/08 15:00~
2023/03/18 14:59

[[PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/March 2023#(08) {{{top}}} Technical Quest Support Gacha|Technical Quest Support Gacha]]
Technical Quest Support Gacha
2023/03/03 15:00~
2023/03/13 23:59

[[PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/March 2023#(03) {{{top}}} PreCure Series Collab Step Up 10-in-a-row Gacha|PreCure Series Collab Step Up 10-in-a-row Gacha]]
PreCure Series Collab Step Up 10-in-a-row Gacha
プリキュアシリーズ コラボ ステップアップ10連ガチャ
Cure Black & Cure White Atari ver. Cure Black Ringo ver. Cure White Chico ver. Shiny Luminous
2023/03/03 15:00~
2023/03/13 23:59

[[PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/March 2023#(03) {{{top}}} PreCure Series Collab Gacha|PreCure Series Collab Gacha]]
PreCure Series Collab Gacha
プリキュアシリーズ コラボガチャ
Cure Black & Cure White Atari ver. Cure Black Ringo ver. Cure White Chico ver. Shiny Luminous
2023/03/01 15:00~
2023/04/04 14:59

[[PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/March 2023#(01) {{{top}}} Steam City Full Power Gacha|Steam City Full Power Gacha]]
Steam City Full Power Gacha
蒸気都市 フルパワーガチャ
2023/03/01 15:00~
2023/04/01 14:59

[[PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/March 2023#(01) {{{top}}} March Puyo-ing Bargain 10-in-a-row Gacha|March Puyo-ing Bargain 10-in-a-row Gacha]]
March Puyo-ing Bargain 10-in-a-row Gacha
2023/02/27 15:00~
2023/03/03 14:59

[[PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/February 2023#(27) {{{top}}} PuyoPoint Super Bonus 10-in-a-row Gacha|PuyoPoint Super Bonus 10-in-a-row Gacha]]
PuyoPoint Super Bonus 10-in-a-row Gacha
2023/02/22 15:00~
2023/03/03 14:59

[[PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/February 2023#(22) {{{top}}} Stamina Aplenty 10-in-a-row Gacha|Stamina Aplenty 10-in-a-row Gacha]]
Stamina Aplenty 10-in-a-row Gacha
2023/02/22 15:00~
2023/03/02 23:59

[[PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/February 2023#(22) {{{top}}} Kitty Hunt Event Support Gacha|Kitty Hunt Event Support Gacha]]
Kitty Hunt Event Support Gacha
にゃんこハント イベント応援ガチャ
Kitty Strange Klug
2023/02/15 15:00~
2023/03/03 14:59

[[PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/February 2023#(15) {{{top}}} Super Puyo Fest DX Gacha|Super Puyo Fest DX Gacha]]
Super Puyo Fest DX Gacha
2023/02/04 15:00~
2023/03/03 14:59

[[PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/February 2023#(04) {{{top}}} Cross Ability Rerun Gacha|Cross Ability Rerun Gacha]]
Cross Ability Rerun Gacha
2023/02/01 15:00~
2023/03/01 14:59

[[PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/February 2023#(01) {{{top}}} February Puyo-ing Bargain 10-in-a-row Gacha|February Puyo-ing Bargain 10-in-a-row Gacha]]
February Puyo-ing Bargain 10-in-a-row Gacha
2023/01/31 15:00~
2023/03/03 23:59

[[PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/January 2023#(31) {{{top}}} Puyo Day Commemoration Full Power Gacha|Puyo Day Commemoration Full Power Gacha]]
Puyo Day Commemoration Full Power Gacha
Valkyrie Doppelganger Arle

(28) Primp Town Gacha

Featured Cards & Series Rate
Cost 52 Characters (16×)
total 2%
[★6] Primp Town Amitie [★6] Primp Town Amitie 0.125%
[★6] Primp Town Strange Klug [★6] Primp Town Strange Klug 0.125%
[★6] Primp Town Zero [★6] Primp Town Zero 0.125%
[★6] Primp Town Sig [★6] Primp Town Sig 0.125%
[★6] Primp Town Ms. Accord [★6] Primp Town Ms. Accord 0.125%
[★6] Primp Town Puubot [★6] Primp Town Puubot 0.125%
[★6] Primp Town Arle [★6] Primp Town Arle 0.125%
[★6] Primp Town Hachi [★6] Primp Town Hachi 0.125%
[★6] Primp Town Lidelle [★6] Primp Town Lidelle 0.125%
[★6] Primp Town Lemres [★6] Primp Town Lemres 0.125%
[★6] Primp Town Seo [★6] Primp Town Seo 0.125%
[★6] Primp Town Raffina [★6] Primp Town Raffina 0.125%
[★6] Primp Town Atari [★6] Primp Town Atari 0.125%
[★6] Primp Town Klug [★6] Primp Town Klug 0.125%
[★6] Primp Town Feli [★6] Primp Town Feli 0.125%
[★6] Primp Town Roquier [★6] Primp Town Roquier 0.125%
Gacha Power enabled
Gacha Power Equivalent Bonus
paid only
20 20 rolls
100 stones
5 rolls
25 stones
Primp Town Guaranteed Ticket Primp Town Guaranteed Ticket ×1
expires 2023/04/11 23:59
40 40 rolls
200 stones
10 rolls
50 stones
Primp Town Guaranteed Ticket Primp Town Guaranteed Ticket ×1
expires 2023/04/11 23:59
60 60 rolls
300 stones
15 rolls
75 stones
Primp Town Guaranteed Ticket Primp Town Guaranteed Ticket ×1
expires 2023/04/11 23:59
80 80 rolls
400 stones
20 rolls
100 stones
Primp Town Guaranteed Ticket Primp Town Guaranteed Ticket ×1
expires 2023/04/11 23:59
100 100 rolls
500 stones
25 rolls
125 stones
Free Choice Primp Town Voucher Free Choice Primp Town Voucher ×1
expires 2023/04/11 23:59
150 150 rolls
750 stones
38 rolls
190 stones
Free Choice Primp Town Voucher Free Choice Primp Town Voucher ×1
expires 2023/04/11 23:59
200 200 rolls
1000 stones
50 rolls
250 stones
Free Choice Primp Town Voucher Free Choice Primp Town Voucher ×1
expires 2023/04/11 23:59
250 250 rolls
1250 stones
63 rolls
315 stones
Free Choice Primp Town Voucher Free Choice Primp Town Voucher ×1
expires 2023/04/11 23:59
300 300 rolls
1500 stones
75 rolls
375 stones
Free Choice Primp Town Voucher Free Choice Primp Town Voucher ×1
expires 2023/04/11 23:59

(21) Springtime Puyo-life Support Ability Gacha

  • Gacha Coupon enabled:
    Springtime Puyo-life Support Ability Gacha Coupon
Featured Cards & Series Rate
[★6] Lucid Stargazer Klug [★6] Lucid Stargazer Klug 1.5%
[★6] Pearly Hell Prince Uruk [★6] Pearly Hell Prince Uruk 1.5%
Gacha Power enabled
Gacha Power Equivalent Bonus
paid only
40 40 rolls
200 stones
10 rolls
50 stones
[★6] Pearly Hell Prince Uruk [★6] Pearly Hell Prince Uruk ×1
80 80 rolls
400 stones
20 rolls
100 stones
[★6] Pearly Hell Prince Uruk [★6] Pearly Hell Prince Uruk ×1
120 120 rolls
600 stones
30 rolls
150 stones
Template:Card info/WSdouble/30px
150 150 rolls
750 stones
38 rolls
190 stones
[★6] Lucid Stargazer Klug [★6] Lucid Stargazer Klug ×1
250 250 rolls
1250 stones
63 rolls
315 stones
[★6] Lucid Stargazer Klug [★6] Lucid Stargazer Klug ×1
350 350 rolls
1750 stones
88 rolls
440 stones
[★6] Lucid Stargazer Klug [★6] Lucid Stargazer Klug ×1
450 450 rolls
2250 stones
113 rolls
565 stones
[★6] Lucid Stargazer Klug [★6] Lucid Stargazer Klug ×1
550 550 rolls
2750 stones
138 rolls
690 stones
[★6] Lucid Stargazer Klug [★6] Lucid Stargazer Klug ×1

(18) Boys Full Power Pickup Gacha

Featured Cards Rate
[★6] Even Stranger Klug [★6] Even Stranger Klug total 1.5%
(0.25% each)
[★6] Unrivalled Edgar [★6] Unrivalled Edgar
[★6] Crowlas [★6] Crowlas
[★6] Celestial Blade Legamünt [★6] Celestial Blade Legamünt
[★6] Golden Tree Archwarlock Rozatte [★6] Golden Tree Archwarlock Rozatte
[★6] Masked Satan [★6] Masked Satan
Gacha Power enabled
Gacha Power Equivalent Bonus
paid only
40 40 rolls
200 stones
10 rolls
50 stones
Free Choice Boys Full Power Wilde Stone Voucher Free Choice Boys Full Power Wilde Stone Voucher ×1
expires 2023/04/10 23:59
80 80 rolls
400 stones
20 rolls
100 stones
Free Choice Boys Full Power Wilde Stone Voucher Free Choice Boys Full Power Wilde Stone Voucher ×1
expires 2023/04/10 23:59
100 100 rolls
500 stones
25 rolls
125 stones
Free Choice Boys Full Power Voucher Free Choice Boys Full Power Voucher ×1
expires 2023/04/10 23:59
150 150 rolls
750 stones
38 rolls
190 stones
Free Choice Boys Full Power Wilde Stone Voucher Free Choice Boys Full Power Wilde Stone Voucher ×1
expires 2023/04/10 23:59
200 200 rolls
1000 stones
50 rolls
250 stones
Free Choice Boys Full Power Voucher Free Choice Boys Full Power Voucher ×1
expires 2023/04/10 23:59
300 300 rolls
1500 stones
75 rolls
375 stones
Free Choice Boys Full Power Voucher Free Choice Boys Full Power Voucher ×1
expires 2023/04/10 23:59

(14) White Day Ability Gacha

  • Gacha Coupon enabled:
    White Day Ability Gacha Coupon
Featured Cards & Series Rate
[★6] Sugary Sweet Lemres [★6] Sugary Sweet Lemres 1.5%
[★6] Pure Angelic Feli [★6] Pure Angelic Feli 1.5%
[★6] Tea Time Maguro [★6] Tea Time Maguro 4%
[★6] Prim Klug [★6] Prim Klug 4%
Gacha Power enabled
Gacha Power Equivalent Bonus
paid only
10 10 rolls
50 stones
3 rolls
15 stones
[★6] Prim Klug [★6] Prim Klug ×1
20 20 rolls
100 stones
5 rolls
25 stones
[★6] Tea Time Maguro [★6] Tea Time Maguro ×1
30 30 rolls
150 stones
8 rolls
40 stones
[★6] Pure Angelic Feli [★6] Pure Angelic Feli ×1
40 40 rolls
200 stones
10 rolls
50 stones
[★6] Prim Klug [★6] Prim Klug ×1
50 50 rolls
250 stones
13 rolls
65 stones
[★6] Tea Time Maguro [★6] Tea Time Maguro ×1
60 60 rolls
300 stones
15 rolls
75 stones
[★6] Sugary Sweet Lemres
[WS] Sugary Sweet Lemres
[WS] Sugary Sweet Lemres ×1
70 70 rolls
350 stones
18 rolls
90 stones
[★6] Prim Klug [★6] Prim Klug ×1
80 80 rolls
400 stones
20 rolls
100 stones
[★6] Tea Time Maguro [★6] Tea Time Maguro ×1
90 90 rolls
450 stones
23 rolls
115 stones
[★6] Pure Angelic Feli [★6] Pure Angelic Feli ×1
100 100 rolls
500 stones
25 rolls
125 stones
[★6] Sugary Sweet Lemres [★6] Sugary Sweet Lemres ×1
120 120 rolls
600 stones
30 rolls
150 stones
[★6] Pure Angelic Feli [★6] Pure Angelic Feli ×1
200 200 rolls
1000 stones
50 rolls
250 stones
[★6] Sugary Sweet Lemres [★6] Sugary Sweet Lemres ×1
300 300 rolls
1500 stones
75 rolls
375 stones
[★6] Sugary Sweet Lemres [★6] Sugary Sweet Lemres ×1
400 400 rolls
2000 stones
100 rolls
500 stones
[★6] Sugary Sweet Lemres [★6] Sugary Sweet Lemres ×1
500 500 rolls
2500 stones
125 rolls
625 stones
[★6] Sugary Sweet Lemres [★6] Sugary Sweet Lemres ×1

(14) White Day Present 10-in-a-row Gacha

  • Only gives out cards with (combin)Boys combination
  • Only up to 18 times 10-in-a-row Gacha available (no single rolls)
    • 1st/7th/13th 10IAR costs Magic Stone×24
  • All cards appear at Lv. MAX and Plus Bonus MAX (+300)
Featured Cards Normal
Guaranteeing Step
(1 card of ___th 10IAR)
2-5/8-11/14-17 6/12/18
CA/FP Characters (22×)
[★6] Outlander Djinn Khan [★6] Even Stranger Klug [★6] Outlander Warlock Albert [★6] Unrivalled Edgar [★6] Steam City Sig [★6] Steam City Maguro [★6] Crowlas [★6] Outlander Warlock Richard [★6] Outlander Djinn Hursh [★6] Steam City Lemres [★6] Steam City Satan [★6] Celestial Blade Legamünt [★6] Outlander Warlock Matthew [★6] Outlander Djinn Nur [★6] Golden Tree Archwarlock Rozatte [★6] Steam City Ragnus [★6] Steam City Shellbrick III [★6] Outlander Warlock Miriam [★6] Steam City Schezo [★6] Steam City Klug [★6] Outlander Warlock Sullivan [★6] Masked Satan
total 2.4%
(0.034% each)
total 100%
(1.449% each)
total 100%
(4.545% each)
Puyo Fest Characters (47×)
[★6] Nature Braver Gensan [★6] Heated Hed [★6] Sage of Verity Nero [★6] Dragondance Fangzhang [★6] Bloodmoon Draude III [★6] Dark Sig [★6] Nature Braver Sago [★6] Blue Incubus [★6] Kitty Sig [★6] Audacious Stornum [★6] Blue Sky Sig [★6] Ecstatic Sig [★6] Pitch-black Wacht [★6] Sea Skyline Klug [★6] Dragondance Yingzhou [★6] Made Guide Greap [★6] Heavenly-knight Reminisce Yuri [★6] Amanone [★6] Sparking Klug [★6] Vivid Costa [★6] Dazzling Satan [★6] Samurai Lyude [★6] Starlight Lemres [★6] Dragondance Penglai [★6] Showtime Hursh [★6] Yellow Satan [★6] Legamünt [★6] Rozatte [★6] Yellow Strange Klug [★6] Eminent Vartebra [★6] Chill Lemres [★6] Crescent Schezo [★6] Satan & Carbuncle [★6] Sage of Verity Severio [★6] Wanderer Bestoll [★6] Dragondance Daiyu [★6] Cool Schezo [★6] Great Hero Ragnus [★6] Street Maguro [★6] Irresolute Rufus [★6] Valiant Fred [★6] Moonlight Lyca [★6] Genius Knight Klug [★6] Dragondance Yuanjiao [★6] King of Ocean Prince [★6] Aptitudinal Demiserf [★6] Nocturne Bernard

(08) Puyo-ing Sharpshooter DX Gacha

  • 5× bonus PuyoPoints for all rolls
    • Single roll: PuyoPoint10 → 50 / 10IAR: PuyoPoint100 → 500
Featured Cards Rate
Puyo Fest Characters (124×)
[★6] Red Amitie [★6] Nature Braver Gensan [★6] Great Spirit Salamander [★6] High Priestess Minoa [★6] Kitty Ringo [★6] Gorgeous Rulue [★6] Angelic Feli [★6] Black Kikimora [★6] Heated Hed [★6] Alluring Lilim [★6] Dusklight Doppelganger Arle [★6] Popping Amitie [★6] Sparkling Rulue [★6] Red Witch [★6] Sage of Verity Nero [★6] Princess Ringo [★6] Weathervane Zara [★6] Dragondance Fangzhang [★6] Bloodmoon Draude III [★6] Heart-Racing Xianghua [★6] Angelic Healer Floré [★6] Dingnified Shizunagi [★6] Charmy Draco [★6] Splendid Julia [★6] Shiftdrift Meili [★6] Chocolatious Hero Toule [★6] Dark Sig [★6] Nature Braver Sago [★6] Great Spirit Undine [★6] Blue Incubus [★6] Arle & Carbuncle [★6] Valkyrie Dark Arle [★6] High Priestess Katya [★6] Kitty Arle [★6] Kitty Sig [★6] Audacious Stornum [★6] Otohime Serilly [★6] Lamp Jaan [★6] Blue Sky Sig [★6] Shizunagi [★6] Ecstatic Sig [★6] Serendipitous Ally [★6] Sage of Verity Isabella [★6] Pitch-black Wacht [★6] Sea Skyline Klug [★6] Dragondance Yingzhou [★6] Lulisia [★6] Angelic Healer Ciel [★6] Made Guide Greap [★6] Heavenly-knight Reminisce Yuri [★6] Valkyrie Ms. Accord [★6] Amanone [★6] Snowy Night Lulisia [★6] Vigorous Draco [★6] Gallant Lidelle [★6] Nature Braver Inoha [★6] Great Spirit Sylph [★6] Rocker Harpy [★6] Green Witch [★6] High Priestess Mischa [★6] Kitty Ally [★6] Sparking Klug [★6] Vivid Costa [★6] Radiant Wynn [★6] Dazzling Satan [★6] Samurai Lyude [★6] Ryatafu [★6] Starlight Lemres [★6] Sage of Verity Dalida [★6] Sunohime [★6] Phantom Thief Madeleine [★6] Dragondance Penglai [★6] Fondant Istio [★6] Angelic Healer Roco [★6] Showtime Hursh [★6] Rainy Day Velena [★6] Yellow Satan [★6] Missionary Risukuma [★6] Nature Braver Sora [★6] Great Spirit Gnome [★6] Valkyrie Arle [★6] Legamünt [★6] High Priestess Deena [★6] Kitty Raffina [★6] Rozatte [★6] Yellow Strange Klug [★6] Martial Staff Raffina [★6] Eminent Vartebra [★6] Chill Lemres [★6] Crescent Schezo [★6] Satan & Carbuncle [★6] Full-bloom Chiquita [★6] Moonlight Witch [★6] Sage of Verity Severio [★6] Wanderer Bestoll [★6] Pure Benevolence Irene [★6] Dragondance Daiyu [★6] Angelic Healer Lisette [★6] Bamboo Maiden Lin [★6] Dancing Star Suketoudara [★6] Unusual Ecolo [★6] Rafisol [★6] Nature Braver Gyura [★6] Cool Schezo [★6] High Priestess Yana [★6] Kitty Witch [★6] Great Hero Ragnus [★6] Spirited Peruvis [★6] Street Maguro [★6] Irresolute Rufus [★6] Valiant Fred [★6] Moonlight Lyca [★6] Flash Attack Rulue [★6] Big Popoi [★6] Mirror Rafisol [★6] Sage of Verity Galatea [★6] Glaring Yana [★6] Genius Knight Klug [★6] Dragondance Yuanjiao [★6] King of Ocean Prince [★6] Angelic Healer Nina [★6] Aptitudinal Demiserf [★6] Nocturne Bernard [★6] Sky Parade Viola
total 5%
(0.04% each)
Gacha Power enabled
Gacha Power Equivalent Bonus
normal/coupon (1GP/roll) paid only (4GP/roll)
10 10 rolls
50 stones
3 rolls
15 stones
Free Choice Puyo Fest Voucher Free Choice Puyo Fest Voucher ×1
expires 2023/03/31 23:59
20 20 rolls
100 stones
5 rolls
25 stones
Free Choice Puyo Fest Voucher Free Choice Puyo Fest Voucher ×1
expires 2023/03/31 23:59
30 30 rolls
150 stones
8 rolls
40 stones
Free Choice Puyo Fest Voucher Free Choice Puyo Fest Voucher ×1
expires 2023/03/31 23:59
40 40 rolls
200 stones
10 rolls
50 stones
Free Choice Puyo Fest Voucher Free Choice Puyo Fest Voucher ×1
expires 2023/03/31 23:59
50 50 rolls
250 stones
13 rolls
65 stones
Free Choice Puyo Fest Voucher Free Choice Puyo Fest Voucher ×1
expires 2023/03/31 23:59
60 60 rolls
300 stones
15 rolls
75 stones
Free Choice Puyo Fest Voucher Free Choice Puyo Fest Voucher ×1
expires 2023/03/31 23:59
70 70 rolls
350 stones
18 rolls
90 stones
Free Choice Puyo Fest Voucher Free Choice Puyo Fest Voucher ×1
expires 2023/03/31 23:59
80 80 rolls
400 stones
20 rolls
100 stones
Free Choice Puyo Fest Voucher Free Choice Puyo Fest Voucher ×1
expires 2023/03/31 23:59
90 90 rolls
450 stones
23 rolls
115 stones
Free Choice Puyo Fest Voucher Free Choice Puyo Fest Voucher ×1
expires 2023/03/31 23:59
100 100 rolls
500 stones
25 rolls
125 stones
Free Choice Puyo Fest Voucher Free Choice Puyo Fest Voucher ×1
expires 2023/03/31 23:59

(08) Technical Quest Support Gacha

Featured Cards Rate
CA/FP/Fest Characters (178×)
[★6] Red Amitie [★6] Nature Braver Gensan [★6] Great Spirit Salamander [★6] Outlander Fairy Tale Rebecca [★6] Outlander Djinn Khan [★6] High Priestess Minoa [★6] Kitty Ringo [★6] Gorgeous Rulue [★6] Angelic Feli [★6] Black Kikimora [★6] Heated Hed [★6] Alluring Lilim [★6] Dusklight Doppelganger Arle [★6] Popping Amitie [★6] Sparkling Rulue [★6] Red Witch [★6] Sage of Verity Nero [★6] Steam City Rulue [★6] Princess Ringo [★6] Steam City Amitie [★6] Steam City Ringo [★6] Weathervane Zara [★6] Dragondance Fangzhang [★6] Bloodmoon Draude III [★6] Angelic Healer Floré [★6] Dingnified Shizunagi [★6] Charmy Draco [★6] Splendid Julia [★6] Neptunian Rebecca [★6] Steam City Kikimora [★6] Even Stranger Klug [★6] Outlander Warlock Albert [★6] Shiftdrift Meili [★6] Chocolatious Hero Toule [★6] Unrivalled Edgar [★6] Dark Sig [★6] Nature Braver Sago [★6] Great Spirit Undine [★6] Outlander Fairy Tale Grace [★6] Outlander Djinn Ayn [★6] Blue Incubus [★6] Arle & Carbuncle [★6] Valkyrie Dark Arle [★6] High Priestess Katya [★6] Kitty Arle [★6] Kitty Sig [★6] Audacious Stornum [★6] Otohime Serilly [★6] Lamp Jaan [★6] Blue Sky Sig [★6] Shizunagi [★6] Ecstatic Sig [★6] Serendipitous Ally [★6] Sage of Verity Isabella [★6] Steam City Arle [★6] Pitch-black Wacht [★6] Steam City Sig [★6] Steam City Maguro [★6] Sea Skyline Klug [★6] Dragondance Yingzhou [★6] Lulisia [★6] Angelic Healer Ciel [★6] Made Guide Greap [★6] Heavenly-knight Reminisce Yuri [★6] Valkyrie Ms. Accord [★6] Steam City Serilly [★6] Light Marle [★6] Crowlas [★6] Outlander Warlock Richard [★6] Amanone [★6] Snowy Night Lulisia [★6] Valkyries Arle & Carbuncle [★6] Shadowcrown Rafisol [★6] Vigorous Draco [★6] Gallant Lidelle [★6] Nature Braver Inoha [★6] Outlander Fairy Tale Wynn [★6] Outlander Djinn Hursh [★6] Rocker Harpy [★6] Green Witch [★6] High Priestess Mischa [★6] Kitty Ally [★6] Sparking Klug [★6] Vivid Costa [★6] Radiant Wynn [★6] Dazzling Satan [★6] Samurai Lyude [★6] Ryatafu [★6] Starlight Lemres [★6] Sage of Verity Dalida [★6] Steam City Draco [★6] Sunohime [★6] Steam City Lidelle [★6] Steam City Lemres [★6] Phantom Thief Madeleine [★6] Dragondance Penglai [★6] Fondant Istio [★6] Angelic Healer Roco [★6] Ringo Ando [★6] Steam City Satan [★6] Showtime Hursh [★6] Steam City Harpy [★6] Celestial Blade Legamünt [★6] Luminous Ally [★6] Outlander Warlock Matthew [★6] Rainy Day Velena [★6] Flower Bed Lidelle [★6] Yellow Satan [★6] Missionary Risukuma [★6] Nature Braver Sora [★6] Great Spirit Gnome [★6] Outlander Fairy Tale Alex [★6] Outlander Djinn Nur [★6] Valkyrie Arle [★6] Legamünt [★6] High Priestess Deena [★6] Kitty Raffina [★6] Rozatte [★6] Yellow Strange Klug [★6] Martial Staff Raffina [★6] Eminent Vartebra [★6] Chill Lemres [★6] Crescent Schezo [★6] Satan & Carbuncle [★6] Full-bloom Chiquita [★6] Moonlight Witch [★6] Sage of Verity Severio [★6] Steam City Witch [★6] Wanderer Bestoll [★6] Steam City Raffina [★6] Steam City Risukuma [★6] Pure Benevolence Irene [★6] Dragondance Daiyu [★6] Angelic Healer Lisette [★6] Golden Tree Archwarlock Rozatte [★6] Bamboo Maiden Lin [★6] Steam City Ragnus [★6] Steam City Shellbrick III [★6] Wishing Star Amitie [★6] Concoctive Witch [★6] Outlander Warlock Miriam [★6] Dancing Star Suketoudara [★6] Summer Break Elisa [★6] Unusual Ecolo [★6] Rafisol [★6] Nature Braver Gyura [★6] Outlander Fairy Tale Chiquita [★6] Outlander Djinn Sultana [★6] Cool Schezo [★6] High Priestess Yana [★6] Kitty Witch [★6] Great Hero Ragnus [★6] Spirited Peruvis [★6] Street Maguro [★6] Irresolute Rufus [★6] Valiant Fred [★6] Moonlight Lyca [★6] Flash Attack Rulue [★6] Big Popoi [★6] Mirror Rafisol [★6] Sage of Verity Galatea [★6] Steam City Schezo [★6] Steam City Klug [★6] Steam City Feli [★6] Glaring Yana [★6] Genius Knight Klug [★6] Dragondance Yuanjiao [★6] King of Ocean Prince [★6] Angelic Healer Nina [★6] Aptitudinal Demiserf [★6] Steam City Chico [★6] Steam City Ms. Accord [★6] Nocturne Bernard [★6] Oceanfront Grace [★6] Space☆Ecolo [★6] Outlander Warlock Sullivan [★6] Sky Parade Viola [★6] Masked Satan
total 2%
(0.011% each)
Pickup Series (1) (11×)
total 6%
Swordfighter Sig [★5~6] Magic Swordfighter Series 0.545%
Ayn [★4~6] Djinn Series 0.545%
Foehn [★5~6] Magical Wall Series 0.545%
Barty [★5~6] Order of the Costumeheads Series 0.545%
Finlay [★4~6] Dream Courier Series 0.545%
Tsumugi [★5~6] Haunted Ghostplay Series 0.545%
Shitori [★4~6] Weatherkids Series 0.545%
Mushut [★5~6] Crinis Clinic Series 0.545%
Traveling Warlock Maguro [★6] Alt-world Travel Series 0.545%
Magical Chiffon [★5~6] Magical Cat Girls Series 0.545%
Fishmonger Seiryu [★5~6] Downtown Holy Beast Fighter Series 0.545%
Pickup Series (2) (6×)
total 12%
Patri [★4~6] Dark Angel Series 2%
Eldur [★4~6] Accursed Knight Series 2%
Yuri [★4~6] Heavenly Knight Series 2%
Enishi [★4~6] Gagakushi Series 2%
Lewis [★5~6] Artisan Series 2%
Sans [★5~6] Trapcrafter Series 2%
Gacha Power enabled
Gacha Power Equivalent Bonus
paid only
30 30 rolls
150 stones
8 rolls
40 stones
FP/CA Guaranteed Ticket FP/CA Guaranteed Ticket ×1
expires 2023/03/25 23:59
60 60 rolls
300 stones
15 rolls
75 stones
FP/CA Guaranteed Ticket FP/CA Guaranteed Ticket ×1
expires 2023/03/25 23:59
90 90 rolls
450 stones
23 rolls
115 stones
FP/CA Guaranteed Ticket FP/CA Guaranteed Ticket ×1
expires 2023/03/25 23:59
120 120 rolls
600 stones
30 rolls
150 stones
FP/CA Guaranteed Ticket FP/CA Guaranteed Ticket ×1
expires 2023/03/25 23:59
160 160 rolls
800 stones
40 rolls
200 stones
FP/CA Guaranteed Ticket FP/CA Guaranteed Ticket ×1
expires 2023/03/25 23:59
200 200 rolls
1000 stones
50 rolls
250 stones
FP/CA Guaranteed Ticket FP/CA Guaranteed Ticket ×1
expires 2023/03/25 23:59

(03) PreCure Series Collab Step Up 10-in-a-row Gacha

  • Only up to 6 times 10-in-a-row Gacha available (no single rolls)
    • 1st 10IAR costs Magic Stone×0
    • 2nd 10IAR costs Magic Stone×30
    • 3rd 10IAR costs Magic Stone×40
Featured Cards Normal
Guaranteeing Step
(1 card of ___th 10IAR)
3 4 5 6
[★6] Cure Black & Cure White [★6] Cure Black & Cure White 0.5%
[★6] Atari ver. Cure Black [★6] Atari ver. Cure Black 1.5% 4% 33.333%
[★6] Ringo ver. Cure White [★6] Ringo ver. Cure White 1.5% 4% 33.333%
[★6] Chico ver. Shiny Luminous [★6] Chico ver. Shiny Luminous 1.5% 4% 33.333%
[★6] Cure Dream [★6] Cure Dream 2% 8% 20%
[★6] Cure Rouge [★6] Cure Rouge 2% 8% 20%
[★6] Cure Aqua [★6] Cure Aqua 2% 8% 20%
[★6] Cure Mint [★6] Cure Mint 2% 8% 20%
[★6] Cure Lemonade [★6] Cure Lemonade 2% 8% 20%
[★6] Amitie ver. Cure Dream [★6] Amitie ver. Cure Dream 2% 8% 16.666%
[★6] Draco ver. Cure Rouge [★6] Draco ver. Cure Rouge 2% 8% 16.666%
[★6] Aldera ver. Cure Aqua [★6] Aldera ver. Cure Aqua 2% 8% 16.666%
[★6] Genbu ver. Cure Mint [★6] Genbu ver. Cure Mint 2% 8% 16.666%
[★6] Lidelle ver. Cure Lemonade [★6] Lidelle ver. Cure Lemonade 2% 8% 16.666%
[★6] Sultana ver. Milky Rose [★6] Sultana ver. Milky Rose 2% 8% 16.666%

(03) PreCure Series Collab Gacha

  • Gacha Coupon enabled:
    PreCure Series Collab Gacha Coupon
  • Free Milky Paprisu [★5] Milky Paprisu ×1 or Pollunrisu [★5] Pollunrisu ×1 (random color) with 10-in-a-row gachas
Featured Cards Rate
[★6] Cure Black & Cure White [★6] Cure Black & Cure White 0.5%
[★6] Atari ver. Cure Black [★6] Atari ver. Cure Black 1.5%
[★6] Ringo ver. Cure White [★6] Ringo ver. Cure White 1.5%
[★6] Chico ver. Shiny Luminous [★6] Chico ver. Shiny Luminous 1.5%
[★6] Cure Dream [★6] Cure Dream 2%
[★6] Cure Rouge [★6] Cure Rouge 2%
[★6] Cure Aqua [★6] Cure Aqua 2%
[★6] Cure Mint [★6] Cure Mint 2%
[★6] Cure Lemonade [★6] Cure Lemonade 2%
[★6] Amitie ver. Cure Dream [★6] Amitie ver. Cure Dream 2%
[★6] Draco ver. Cure Rouge [★6] Draco ver. Cure Rouge 2%
[★6] Aldera ver. Cure Aqua [★6] Aldera ver. Cure Aqua 2%
[★6] Genbu ver. Cure Mint [★6] Genbu ver. Cure Mint 2%
[★6] Lidelle ver. Cure Lemonade [★6] Lidelle ver. Cure Lemonade 2%
[★6] Sultana ver. Milky Rose [★6] Sultana ver. Milky Rose 2%
Gacha Power enabled
Gacha Power Equivalent Bonus
paid only
10 10 rolls
50 stones
3 rolls
15 stones
[★6] Sultana ver. Milky Rose [★6] Sultana ver. Milky Rose ×1
20 20 rolls
100 stones
5 rolls
25 stones
[★6] Aldera ver. Cure Aqua [★6] Aldera ver. Cure Aqua ×1
30 30 rolls
150 stones
8 rolls
40 stones
[★6] Genbu ver. Cure Mint [★6] Genbu ver. Cure Mint ×1
40 40 rolls
200 stones
10 rolls
50 stones
[★6] Lidelle ver. Cure Lemonade [★6] Lidelle ver. Cure Lemonade ×1
50 50 rolls
250 stones
13 rolls
65 stones
[★6] Draco ver. Cure Rouge [★6] Draco ver. Cure Rouge ×1
60 60 rolls
300 stones
15 rolls
75 stones
[★6] Amitie ver. Cure Dream [★6] Amitie ver. Cure Dream ×1
70 70 rolls
350 stones
18 rolls
90 stones
[★6] Cure Aqua [★6] Cure Aqua ×1
80 80 rolls
400 stones
20 rolls
100 stones
[★6] Cure Mint [★6] Cure Mint ×1
90 90 rolls
450 stones
23 rolls
115 stones
[★6] Cure Lemonade [★6] Cure Lemonade ×1
100 100 rolls
500 stones
25 rolls
125 stones
[★6] Cure Rouge [★6] Cure Rouge ×1
110 110 rolls
550 stones
28 rolls
140 stones
[★6] Cure Dream [★6] Cure Dream ×1
120 120 rolls
600 stones
30 rolls
150 stones
[★6] Chico ver. Shiny Luminous [★6] Chico ver. Shiny Luminous ×1
130 130 rolls
650 stones
33 rolls
165 stones
[★6] Ringo ver. Cure White [★6] Ringo ver. Cure White ×1
140 140 rolls
700 stones
35 rolls
175 stones
[★6] Atari ver. Cure Black [★6] Atari ver. Cure Black ×1
150 150 rolls
750 stones
38 rolls
190 stones
[★6] Chico ver. Shiny Luminous [★6] Chico ver. Shiny Luminous ×1
160 160 rolls
800 stones
40 rolls
200 stones
[★6] Ringo ver. Cure White [★6] Ringo ver. Cure White ×1
170 170 rolls
850 stones
43 rolls
215 stones
[★6] Atari ver. Cure Black [★6] Atari ver. Cure Black ×1
180 180 rolls
900 stones
45 rolls
225 stones
[★6] Chico ver. Shiny Luminous [★6] Chico ver. Shiny Luminous ×1
190 190 rolls
950 stones
48 rolls
240 stones
[★6] Ringo ver. Cure White [★6] Ringo ver. Cure White ×1
200 200 rolls
1000 stones
50 rolls
250 stones
[★6] Cure Black & Cure White [★6] Cure Black & Cure White ×1
210 210 rolls
1050 stones
53 rolls
265 stones
[★6] Atari ver. Cure Black [★6] Atari ver. Cure Black ×1
300 300 rolls
1500 stones
75 rolls
375 stones
[★6] Cure Black & Cure White [★6] Cure Black & Cure White ×1
400 400 rolls
2000 stones
100 rolls
500 stones
[★6] Cure Black & Cure White [★6] Cure Black & Cure White ×1
500 500 rolls
2500 stones
125 rolls
625 stones
[★6] Cure Black & Cure White [★6] Cure Black & Cure White ×1
600 600 rolls
3000 stones
150 rolls
750 stones
[★6] Cure Black & Cure White [★6] Cure Black & Cure White ×1

(01) Steam City Full Power Gacha

Featured Cards & Series Rate
Full Power Characters (26×)
total 3%
[★6] Steam City Rulue [★6] Steam City Rulue 0.115%
[★6] Steam City Amitie [★6] Steam City Amitie 0.115%
[★6] Steam City Ringo [★6] Steam City Ringo 0.115%
[★6] Steam City Kikimora [★6] Steam City Kikimora 0.115%
[★6] Steam City Gogotte [★6] Steam City Gogotte 0.115%
[★6] Steam City Arle [★6] Steam City Arle 0.115%
[★6] Steam City Sig [★6] Steam City Sig 0.115%
[★6] Steam City Maguro [★6] Steam City Maguro 0.115%
[★6] Steam City Minotauros [★6] Steam City Minotauros 0.115%
[★6] Steam City Serilly [★6] Steam City Serilly 0.115%
[★6] Steam City Draco [★6] Steam City Draco 0.115%
[★6] Steam City Lidelle [★6] Steam City Lidelle 0.115%
[★6] Steam City Lemres [★6] Steam City Lemres 0.115%
[★6] Steam City Satan [★6] Steam City Satan 0.115%
[★6] Steam City Harpy [★6] Steam City Harpy 0.115%
[★6] Steam City Otomo [★6] Steam City Otomo 0.115%
[★6] Steam City Witch [★6] Steam City Witch 0.115%
[★6] Steam City Raffina [★6] Steam City Raffina 0.115%
[★6] Steam City Risukuma [★6] Steam City Risukuma 0.115%
[★6] Steam City Ragnus [★6] Steam City Ragnus 0.115%
[★6] Steam City Shellbrick III [★6] Steam City Shellbrick III 0.115%
[★6] Steam City Schezo [★6] Steam City Schezo 0.115%
[★6] Steam City Klug [★6] Steam City Klug 0.115%
[★6] Steam City Feli [★6] Steam City Feli 0.115%
[★6] Steam City Chico [★6] Steam City Chico 0.115%
[★6] Steam City Ms. Accord [★6] Steam City Ms. Accord 0.115%
Pickup Series (1) (11×)
total 4%
Swordfighter Sig [★5~6] Magic Swordfighter Series 0.363%
Ayn [★4~6] Djinn Series 0.363%
Foehn [★5~6] Magical Wall Series 0.363%
Barty [★5~6] Order of the Costumeheads Series 0.363%
Finlay [★4~6] Dream Courier Series 0.363%
Tsumugi [★5~6] Haunted Ghostplay Series 0.363%
Shitori [★4~6] Weatherkids Series 0.363%
Mushut [★5~6] Crinis Clinic Series 0.363%
Traveling Warlock Maguro [★6] Alt-world Travel Series 0.363%
Magical Chiffon [★5~6] Magical Cat Girls Series 0.363%
Fishmonger Seiryu [★5~6] Downtown Holy Beast Fighter Series 0.363%
Pickup Series (2) (6×)
total 8%
Patri [★4~6] Dark Angel Series 1.333%
Eldur [★4~6] Accursed Knight Series 1.333%
Yuri [★4~6] Heavenly Knight Series 1.333%
Enishi [★4~6] Gagakushi Series 1.333%
Lewis [★5~6] Artisan Series 1.333%
Sans [★5~6] Trapcrafter Series 1.333%
Gacha Power enabled
Gacha Power Equivalent Bonus
paid only
20 20 rolls
100 stones
5 rolls
25 stones
Steam City Guaranteed Ticket Steam City Guaranteed Ticket ×1
expires 2023/04/11 23:59
40 40 rolls
200 stones
10 rolls
50 stones
Steam City Guaranteed Ticket Steam City Guaranteed Ticket ×1
expires 2023/04/11 23:59
60 60 rolls
300 stones
15 rolls
75 stones
Steam City Guaranteed Ticket Steam City Guaranteed Ticket ×1
expires 2023/04/11 23:59
80 80 rolls
400 stones
20 rolls
100 stones
Steam City Guaranteed Ticket Steam City Guaranteed Ticket ×1
expires 2023/04/11 23:59
100 100 rolls
500 stones
25 rolls
125 stones
Free Choice Steam City Voucher Free Choice Steam City Voucher ×1
expires 2023/04/11 23:59
150 150 rolls
750 stones
38 rolls
190 stones
Free Choice Steam City Voucher Free Choice Steam City Voucher ×1
expires 2023/04/11 23:59
200 200 rolls
1000 stones
50 rolls
250 stones
Free Choice Steam City Voucher Free Choice Steam City Voucher ×1
expires 2023/04/11 23:59
250 250 rolls
1250 stones
63 rolls
315 stones
Free Choice Steam City Voucher Free Choice Steam City Voucher ×1
expires 2023/04/11 23:59
300 300 rolls
1500 stones
75 rolls
375 stones
Free Choice Steam City Voucher Free Choice Steam City Voucher ×1
expires 2023/04/11 23:59

(01) March Puyo-ing Bargain 10-in-a-row Gacha

  • Only up to 9 times 10-in-a-row Gacha available (no single rolls)
    • 1st/4th/7th 10IAR costs Magic Stone×30
    • 2nd/5th/8th 10IAR costs Magic Stone×40
Featured Cards Normal
Guaranteeing Step
(1 card of 3/6/9th 10IAR)
CA/FP/Fest Characters (167×)
[★6] Red Amitie [★6] Nature Braver Gensan [★6] Great Spirit Salamander [★6] Outlander Fairy Tale Rebecca [★6] Outlander Djinn Khan [★6] High Priestess Minoa [★6] Kitty Ringo [★6] Gorgeous Rulue [★6] Angelic Feli [★6] Black Kikimora [★6] Heated Hed [★6] Alluring Lilim [★6] Dusklight Doppelganger Arle [★6] Popping Amitie [★6] Sparkling Rulue [★6] Red Witch [★6] Sage of Verity Nero [★6] Steam City Rulue [★6] Princess Ringo [★6] Steam City Amitie [★6] Steam City Ringo [★6] Weathervane Zara [★6] Dragondance Fangzhang [★6] Bloodmoon Draude III [★6] Angelic Healer Floré [★6] Dingnified Shizunagi [★6] Charmy Draco [★6] Splendid Julia [★6] Neptunian Rebecca [★6] Steam City Kikimora [★6] Even Stranger Klug [★6] Outlander Warlock Albert [★6] Shiftdrift Meili [★6] Chocolatious Hero Toule [★6] Unrivalled Edgar [★6] Dark Sig [★6] Nature Braver Sago [★6] Outlander Fairy Tale Grace [★6] Outlander Djinn Ayn [★6] Blue Incubus [★6] Arle & Carbuncle [★6] Valkyrie Dark Arle [★6] High Priestess Katya [★6] Kitty Arle [★6] Kitty Sig [★6] Audacious Stornum [★6] Otohime Serilly [★6] Lamp Jaan [★6] Blue Sky Sig [★6] Shizunagi [★6] Ecstatic Sig [★6] Serendipitous Ally [★6] Sage of Verity Isabella [★6] Steam City Arle [★6] Pitch-black Wacht [★6] Steam City Sig [★6] Steam City Maguro [★6] Dragondance Yingzhou [★6] Lulisia [★6] Angelic Healer Ciel [★6] Made Guide Greap [★6] Heavenly-knight Reminisce Yuri [★6] Valkyrie Ms. Accord [★6] Steam City Serilly [★6] Light Marle [★6] Crowlas [★6] Outlander Warlock Richard [★6] Amanone [★6] Snowy Night Lulisia [★6] Valkyries Arle & Carbuncle [★6] Shadowcrown Rafisol [★6] Vigorous Draco [★6] Gallant Lidelle [★6] Nature Braver Inoha [★6] Outlander Fairy Tale Wynn [★6] Outlander Djinn Hursh [★6] Rocker Harpy [★6] Green Witch [★6] High Priestess Mischa [★6] Kitty Ally [★6] Sparking Klug [★6] Vivid Costa [★6] Radiant Wynn [★6] Dazzling Satan [★6] Samurai Lyude [★6] Ryatafu [★6] Starlight Lemres [★6] Sage of Verity Dalida [★6] Steam City Draco [★6] Sunohime [★6] Steam City Lidelle [★6] Steam City Lemres [★6] Phantom Thief Madeleine [★6] Dragondance Penglai [★6] Fondant Istio [★6] Angelic Healer Roco [★6] Ringo Ando [★6] Steam City Satan [★6] Showtime Hursh [★6] Steam City Harpy [★6] Luminous Ally [★6] Outlander Warlock Matthew [★6] Yellow Satan [★6] Missionary Risukuma [★6] Nature Braver Sora [★6] Great Spirit Gnome [★6] Outlander Fairy Tale Alex [★6] Outlander Djinn Nur [★6] Valkyrie Arle [★6] Legamünt [★6] High Priestess Deena [★6] Kitty Raffina [★6] Rozatte [★6] Yellow Strange Klug [★6] Martial Staff Raffina [★6] Eminent Vartebra [★6] Chill Lemres [★6] Crescent Schezo [★6] Satan & Carbuncle [★6] Full-bloom Chiquita [★6] Moonlight Witch [★6] Sage of Verity Severio [★6] Steam City Witch [★6] Wanderer Bestoll [★6] Steam City Raffina [★6] Steam City Risukuma [★6] Dragondance Daiyu [★6] Angelic Healer Lisette [★6] Golden Tree Archwarlock Rozatte [★6] Bamboo Maiden Lin [★6] Steam City Shellbrick III [★6] Concoctive Witch [★6] Outlander Warlock Miriam [★6] Dancing Star Suketoudara [★6] Summer Break Elisa [★6] Unusual Ecolo [★6] Rafisol [★6] Nature Braver Gyura [★6] Outlander Fairy Tale Chiquita [★6] Outlander Djinn Sultana [★6] Cool Schezo [★6] High Priestess Yana [★6] Kitty Witch [★6] Great Hero Ragnus [★6] Spirited Peruvis [★6] Street Maguro [★6] Irresolute Rufus [★6] Valiant Fred [★6] Flash Attack Rulue [★6] Big Popoi [★6] Mirror Rafisol [★6] Sage of Verity Galatea [★6] Steam City Schezo [★6] Steam City Klug [★6] Steam City Feli [★6] Glaring Yana [★6] Genius Knight Klug [★6] Dragondance Yuanjiao [★6] King of Ocean Prince [★6] Angelic Healer Nina [★6] Aptitudinal Demiserf [★6] Steam City Ms. Accord [★6] Nocturne Bernard [★6] Space☆Ecolo [★6] Outlander Warlock Sullivan [★6] Sky Parade Viola [★6] Masked Satan
total 2.4%
(0.014% each)
total 100%
(0.598% each)