PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/December 2018

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Unless otherwise specified, all icons denotes characters as a whole and does not specify any rarity.

Availability Gacha Campaign Main Pickups
2018/12/27 15:00~
2018/12/31 23:59

[[PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/December 2018#(27) {{{top}}} Year End Fest|Year End Fest]]
Year End Fest
2018/12/23 15:00~
2018/12/27 14:59

[[PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/December 2018#(23) {{{top}}} Christmas Puyo Fest DX|Christmas Puyo Fest DX]]
Christmas Puyo Fest DX
Popping Amitie Dusklight Doppelganger Arle Arle & Carbuncle Audacious Stornum Blue Sky Sig Ryatafu Radiant Wynn Vivid Costa Crescent Schezo Irresolute Rufus Street Maguro Spirited Peruvis
2018/12/22 15:00~
2018/12/27 14:59

[[PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/December 2018#(22) {{{top}}} ★7-transform Select Gacha|★7-transform Select Gacha]]
★7-transform Select Gacha
Coffee Shop Amitieseries
2018/12/19 15:00~
2018/12/30 23:59

[[PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/December 2018#(19) {{{top}}} Holy Night Present Festival 6 Support Gacha|Holy Night Present Festival 6 Support Gacha]]
Holy Night Present Festival 6 Support Gacha
Santa Feli
Irene ver. Holy Nightseries
2018/12/17 15:00~
2018/12/23 14:59

[[PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/December 2018#(17) {{{top}}} ★7-transform! Pickup Gacha|★7-transform! Pickup Gacha]]
★7-transform! Pickup Gacha
[★6] Gorgeous Rulue [★6] Red Amitie [★6] Dark Sig [★6] Vigorous Draco [★6] Valkyrie Arle [★6] Unusual Ecolo [★6] Kitty Arle [★6] Kitty Ringo
2018/12/14 15:00~
2018/12/22 14:59

[[PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/December 2018#(14) {{{top}}} Magical Wall Gacha|Magical Wall Gacha]]
Magical Wall Gacha
[★6] Serity
2018/12/11 15:00~
2018/12/19 14:59

[[PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/December 2018#(11) {{{top}}} Challenge Boss Select Gacha|Challenge Boss Select Gacha]]
Challenge Boss Select Gacha
Blue Sky Sig Valkyrie Dark Arle Lamp Jaan Ryatafu Radiant Wynn Rocker Harpy Gallant Lidelle Chill Lemres Rozatte Missionary Risukuma Rafisol Valiant Fred Street Maguro Great Hero Ragnus
2018/12/07 15:00~
2018/12/18 23:59

[[PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/December 2018#(07) {{{top}}} Persona Q2 Collab Gacha|Persona Q2 Collab Gacha]]
Persona Q2 Collab Gacha
P3 Heroine P3 Hero Aigis Mitsuru Kirijo Chie Satonaka P4 Hero Yukiko Amagi P5 Hero Ann Takamaki Goro Akechi Rebecca ver. P3 Nero ver. P5 Sig ver. P3 Amitie ver. P4
2018/12/03 15:00~
2018/12/07 14:59

[[PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/December 2018#(03) {{{top}}} All Star Gacha|All Star Gacha]]
All Star Gacha
Firefighter Suzaku
2018/11/30 15:00~
2018/12/06 14:59

[[PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/November 2018#(30) {{{top}}} Puyo Fest|Puyo Fest]]
Puyo Fest
Big Popoi
2018/11/28 15:00~
2018/12/03 14:59

[[PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/November 2018#(28) {{{top}}} Pickup Gacha Winter Selection|Pickup Gacha Winter Selection]]
Pickup Gacha Winter Selection
ピックアップガチャ ウィンターセレクション
Legamünt Radiant Wynn Street Maguro Rafisol Rozatte Dark Sig Unusual Ecolo Chill Lemres Gallant Lidelle Valiant Fred
2018/11/23 15:00~
2018/12/02 23:59

[[PPQ:Gacha/List of Magic Stone Gacha campaigns/November 2018#(23) {{{top}}} Letter Festival Support Gacha|Letter Festival Support Gacha]]
Letter Festival Support Gacha

(27) Year End Fest

  • Guarantees ★4 or up
Pickup Card/Series Normal
Guaranteeing Step
(1 card of 10/20/30th 10IAR)
[★6] Shizunagi [★6] Shizunagi 1% 100%
Narukami [★4~6] Gagakushi Series 4%
Emilia [★4~6] Heavenly Knight Series 4%

(23) Christmas Puyo Fest DX

  • Guarantees ★4 or up
  • 1st, 3rd, 6th and 9th 10-in-a-row Gacha costs Magic Stone×30
Pickup Cards/Series Normal
Guaranteeing Step
(1 card of every 10th 10IAR)
[★6] Popping Amitie [★6] Popping Amitie 0.2% 16.66%
[★6] Dusklight Doppelganger Arle [★6] Dusklight Doppelganger Arle 0.2%
[★6] Arle & Carbuncle [★6] Arle & Carbuncle 0.2% 16.66%
[★6] Audacious Stornum [★6] Audacious Stornum 0.2%
[★6] Blue Sky Sig [★6] Blue Sky Sig 0.2%
[★6] Ryatafu [★6] Ryatafu 0.2% 16.66%
[★6] Radiant Wynn [★6] Radiant Wynn 0.2%
[★6] Vivid Costa [★6] Vivid Costa 0.2%
[★6] Crescent Schezo [★6] Crescent Schezo 0.2% 16.66%
[★6] Irresolute Rufus [★6] Irresolute Rufus 0.2% 16.66%
[★6] Street Maguro [★6] Street Maguro 0.2% 16.66%
[★6] Spirited Peruvis [★6] Spirited Peruvis 0.2%
Traveling Bard Lemres [★6] Alt-world Travel Series 2%
Swordfighter Raffina [★5~6] Magic Swordfighter Series 2%
Magical Kish [★5~6] Magical Cat Girls Series 2%
Nur [★4~6] Djinn Series 2%

(22) ★7-transform Select Gacha

  • Guarantees ★4 or up
  • Guaranteeing Step guarantees ★6 pickup character
Pickup Cards/Series Normal
Guaranteeing Step
(1 card of every 3rd 10IAR)
Coffee Shop Amitie [★5~6] Coffee Shop Amitie 3% 10%
Coffee Shop Arle [★5~6] Coffee Shop Arle 3% 10%
Coffee Shop Ringo [★5~6] Coffee Shop Ringo 3% 10%
Kyma [★5~6] Tidal-roar Knight Series 3% 10%
Byakko [★4~6] Holy Beast Fighter Series 3% 10%
Severio [★4~6] Sage Series 3% 10%
Ecolo [★4~6] Boss!? Series 3% 10%
Yue [★4~6] Xiannu Series 3% 10%
Elma [★4~6] Hellspawn Series 3% 10%
Alex [★4~6] Fairy Tale Series 3% 10%

(19) Holy Night Present Festival 6 Support Gacha

  • Support Character Guaranteed Gacha (特攻キャラ確定ガチャ): First roll is free and guarantees support character
  • Guarantees one support character card with 10-in-a-row gachas
Pickup Cards/Series 1st Roll
Guaranteeing Step (1 card of ___th 10IAR)
Others 5/10/15
Santa Feli [★4~6] Santa Feli 4% 4% 4% 100%
Irene ver. Holy Night [★4~6] Holy Stellar Mage Series (Lv. 50) 96% 20% 96%
Reindeer Yu & Rei [★4~6] Reindeer Yu & Rei (Lv. 50) 2%
Santa Sig [★4~6] Santa Sig (Lv. 50) 2%
Reindeer Ecolo [★4~6] Reindeer Ecolo (Lv. 50) 2%
Reindeer Schezo [★4~6] Reindeer Schezo (Lv. 50) 2%
Lux ver. Holy Night [★4~6] Holy Night Angel Series (Lv. 50) 10%
Miriam ver. Holy Night [★4~6] Holy Night Warlock Series (Lv. 50) 10%
Serena ver. Holy Night [★4~6] Holy Messenger of Love Series (Lv. 50) 5%
Alex ver. Holy Night [★4~6] Holy Night Fairy Tale Series (Lv. 50) 5%

(17) ★7-transform! Pickup Gacha

  • Guarantees ★4 or up
  • Free Yellow Sir Wilde (50) with 10/20/30th 10IAR (only 1, random color)
Pickup Cards Normal
Guaranteeing Step
(1 card of 5/15/25th 10IAR)
Gorgeous Rulue [★6] Gorgeous Rulue 0.3% 12.5%
Red Amitie [★6] Red Amitie 0.3% 12.5%
Dark Sig [★6] Dark Sig 0.3% 12.5%
Vigorous Draco [★6] Vigorous Draco 0.3% 12.5%
Valkyrie Arle [★6] Valkyrie Arle 0.3% 12.5%
Unusual Ecolo [★6] Unusual Ecolo 0.3% 12.5%
Kitty Arle [★6] Kitty Arle 0.3% 12.5%
Kitty Ringo [★6] Kitty Ringo 0.3% 12.5%

(14) Magical Wall Gacha

  • Guarantees ★4 or up
Pickup Cards/Series Normal
Guaranteeing Step
(1 card of 10/20/30th 10IAR)
Serity [★5~6] Serity 4% 100%
Tera [★5~6] Tera 0.25%
Foehn [★5~6] Foehn 0.25%
Liresil [★5~6] Liresil 0.25%
Aegis [★5~6] Aegis 0.25%

(11) Challenge Boss Select Gacha

  • Guarantees ★4 or up
Period 12/11 15:00~ 12/15 15:00~
Pickup Cards Normal GS Normal GS
[★6] Blue Sky Sig [★6] Blue Sky Sig 0.2% 25% 0.2%
[★6] Valkyrie Dark Arle [★6] Valkyrie Dark Arle 0.2% 0.2%
[★6] Lamp Jaan [★6] Lamp Jaan 0.2% 25% 0.2%
[★6] Ryatafu [★6] Ryatafu 0.2% 25% 0.2%
[★6] Radiant Wynn [★6] Radiant Wynn 0.2% 0.2% 25%
[★6] Rocker Harpy [★6] Rocker Harpy 0.2% 0.2%
[★6] Gallant Lidelle [★6] Gallant Lidelle 0.2% 0.2%
[★6] Chill Lemres [★6] Chill Lemres 0.2% 0.2% 25%
[★6] Rozatte [★6] Rozatte 0.2% 0.2% 25%
[★6] Missionary Risukuma [★6] Missionary Risukuma 0.2% 0.2%
[★6] Rafisol [★6] Rafisol 0.2% 25% 0.2%
[★6] Valiant Fred [★6] Valiant Fred 0.2% 0.2%
[★6] Street Maguro [★6] Street Maguro 0.2% 0.2% 25%
[★6] Great Hero Ragnus [★6] Great Hero Ragnus 0.2% 0.2%
GS = Guaranteeing Step (1 card of 10/20/30th 10IAR)

(07) Persona Q2 Collab Gacha

  • Guarantees ★4 or up
  • Free P5 Paprisu (only 1, random color) with 10-in-a-row gachas
Pickup Cards Normal
Guaranteeing Step (1 card of ___th 10IAR)
1/4 2/5 3/6 7 8 9 10
[★6] P3 Hero [★6] P3 Hero 1.5% 100%
[★6] P3 Heroine [★6] P3 Heroine 1.5% 100%
[★6] P4 Hero [★6] P4 Hero 1.5% 100%
[★6] P5 Hero [★6] P5 Hero 1.5% 100%
[★6] Aigis [★6] Aigis 2% 25%
[★6] Mitsuru Kirijo [★6] Mitsuru Kirijo 2% 25%
[★6] Chie Satonaka [★6] Chie Satonaka 2% 33.3%
[★6] Yukiko Amagi [★6] Yukiko Amagi 2% 33.3%
[★6] Ann Takamaki [★6] Ann Takamaki 2% 33.3%
[★6] Goro Akechi [★6] Goro Akechi 2% 33.3%
[★6] Sig ver. P3 [★6] Sig ver. P3 1.5% 25%
[★6] Rebecca ver. P3 [★6] Rebecca ver. P3 1.5% 25%
[★6] Amitie ver. P4 [★6] Amitie ver. P4 1.5% 33.3%
[★6] Nero ver. P5 [★6] Nero ver. P5 1.5% 33.3%

(03) All Star Gacha

  • Guarantees ★4 or up
Pickup Card Normal
Guaranteeing Step
(1 card of 10/20/30th 10IAR)
Firefighter Suzaku [★5~6] Firefighter Suzaku 2% 100%