PPQ:Starting the Game

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This gameplay article is now up-to-date with the Super PuyoQuest Project major update!

This article explains the process that brand-new players begin playing Puyo Puyo!! Quest with a new account.

Opening the App (general)

Every time you open the Puyo Puyo!! Quest app, you will be shown the SEGA logo with a chant by Arle, Atari, Roquier and Seo, and then a notice regarding in-app purchase and parental permission:
While it is possible to play on this app to the end for free, it is also possible to purchase some of the paid items.
[For the Underaged (younger than 20)]
Please obtain permission from your guardian (like your father or mother) before starting the game. Please also discuss with your guardian to decide how you would use the app (including length of time of usage). Plus, when purchasing Magic Stones, please do it together with your guardian with their permission.

After reading and understanding the content, tap the screen to continue to the actual title screen.

You will then be shown the title screen, featuring scenery of Intral City as the background. (Note that the background image may temporarily change during certain events and collaboration campaigns.)

The version number of the app and Player ID of the account being used is shown on the top left, letting you confirm whether you are playing on the latest version of the game and whether the account to be used is yours.

With the exception of a fresh install, you can also find on the title screen:

  • "Support" (問い合わせ) (top left): linking to Sega's support portal for FAQs, chat enquiry and detailed enquiry forms
  • "Data Repair" (データの修復) (top right): deletes and re-downloads all asset data previously downloaded (total filesize 454 MB as of 2021/10/27); only recommended if the game runs poorly or with broken assets
Whenever the app needs to communicate with the servers through the internet, the following icon would appear. You would not be able to interact with the app momentarily, until the communication is completed and the loading icon vanishes.
If the app needs to download any asset data, you will be shown the "Notice" (おしらせ) dialogue box, reminding you to ensure a stable internet connection and showing the filesize of the incoming assets. Tap "OK" to begin the download when you are ready.
The progress of the data download will be shown with a gauge at the bottom, counting the number of bundles. Note that each bundle of asset data may have different sizes, so the progress may not be even.

While you wait for the data download to finish, you can read short introductions about select main-series Puyo Puyo characters. You can also tap the "News" (ニュース) button on the top-left to view recent announcements.

Opening the App (fresh install)

If the app is freshly installed on your device, you will be shown the "Before You Start" (はじめる前に) dialogue box after tapping to continue from the title screen. It notifies that you must agree to the game's Terms of Use in order to play Puyo Puyo!! Quest.

Tap "Read Terms of Use" (利用契約確認) to show the terms on the Puyo Puyo!! Quest website (or alternatively here), and if you agree to them tap "Agree" (同意する) to close the dialogue box and continue.

The game cannot let you play if you do not agree to the terms; if you tap "Disagree" (同意しない), the dialogue box will simply close without proceeding. Tap the screen to show the dialogue box again.

After confirming your agreement to the Terms of Use, you will be shown the "Welcome!!" (ようこそ!!) dialogue box, where you can choose either "Start From Beginning" (はじめから) to create a new account, or retrieve an existing account with "Transfer with ID and Password" (IDとパスワードでお引越し) or "Transfer through SNS Linkage" (SNS連携でお引越し).

The remainder of this article will explain as if you have chosen "Start From Beginning" to create a new account. Further information on the other two options can be found at PPQ:Account Management instead of this article.

After the selection, a data download will need to happen with about 1.8 MB (as of 2021/10/27) of assets for the tutorial.


The following text will focus on explaining parts that require attention or player input; interim dialogue boxes will be glossed over.

Before the main tutorial begins, you are asked to give a name to be used to identify yourself to other players in upcoming gameplay. You can also choose not to enter a name and use the default name of "Apprentice Sorcerer" (みならい魔導師) instead by directly tapping OK.

Player names are limited to 8 characters in length (including hiragana, katakana, kanji, alphanumeric and symbols). Player names are allowed to be duplicated between multiple players. The name can also be changed at any time after the tutorial through your player profile.

Price and contents changed on 2022/11/10.

Next, you are given the option to purchase the Super Welcome Pack (スーパーウェルカムパック) for the price of 480 yen. Upon purchase, your new account will come with:

  • 1 paid Magic Stone
  • 25 ★7 character cards: (directly set into decks)
[★7] Amitie
[★7] Amitie
Lv. 120 +300
[★7] Rulue
[★7] Rulue
Lv. 120 +300
[★7] Ringo
[★7] Ringo
Lv. 120 +300
[★7] Rebecca
[★7] Rebecca
Lv. 120 +300
[★7] Osa
[★7] Osa
Lv. 120 +300
[★7] Sig
[★7] Sig
Lv. 120 +300
[★7] Arle
[★7] Arle
Lv. 120 +300
[★7] Maguro
[★7] Maguro
Lv. 120 +300
[★7] Grace
[★7] Grace
Lv. 120 +300
[★7] Uto
[★7] Uto
Lv. 120 +300
[★7] Lidelle
[★7] Lidelle
Lv. 120 +300
[★7] Draco Centauros
[★7] Draco Centauros
Lv. 120 +300
[★7] Lemres
[★7] Lemres
Lv. 120 +300
[★7] Wynn
[★7] Wynn
Lv. 120 +300
[★7] Nari
[★7] Nari
Lv. 120 +300
[★7] Raffina
[★7] Raffina
Lv. 120 +300
[★7] Witch
[★7] Witch
Lv. 120 +300
[★7] Risukuma
[★7] Risukuma
Lv. 120 +300
[★7] Alex
[★7] Alex
Lv. 120 +300
[★7] Shio
[★7] Shio
Lv. 120 +300
[★7] Klug
[★7] Klug
Lv. 120 +300
[★7] Schezo
[★7] Schezo
Lv. 120 +300
[★7] Feli
[★7] Feli
Lv. 120 +300
[★7] Chiquita
[★7] Chiquita
Lv. 120 +300
[★7] Wata
[★7] Wata
Lv. 120 +300
  • Character Box Capacity +100
  • Starts game at User Rank 200
  • 30-day RunRun Pack (includes all Bonus Gifts)
  • Additional resources:
Additional Resources
Power Strawberry×600
Power Strawberry
Healing Eggplant×600
Healing Eggplant
Endurance Asparagus×600
Endurance Asparagus
Thief's Banana×30
Thief's Banana
Master's Truffle×15
Master's Truffle
[★6] Saturn Puyo×20 sets
[★6] Saturn Puyo (all colors)
Colorful Sir Wilde (30)×1
Colorful Sir Wilde (30)
Colorful Sir Wilde (40)×1
Colorful Sir Wilde (40)
Colorful Sir Wilde (50)×1
Colorful Sir Wilde (50)
Stamina Herb (100)×150
Stamina Herb (100)
Full Power 10% Ticket×5
Full Power 10% Ticket
Cross Ability 10% Ticket×5
Cross Ability 10% Ticket
Purchasing the pack is completely optional; you can choose not to purchase the pack by tapping Continue without Buying (購入せずすすむ)Continue (すすむ). However, you will not be able to purchase the pack again after this point.

Next, you are asked to turn the device to landscape view for the opening movie. If you want to skip the opening movie, you can tap on the screen to reveal the Skip (スキップ) button. You can turn back to portrait view after the opening movie is done.

After the tutorial, you can replay the opening movie in-game from the Others menu. It is also available on YouTube on the Sega Apps official channel.

As of the Super PuyoQuest Project renewal update (2021/10/27), the main tutorial features a scripted quest battle with story elements before and after the quest. Before the tutorial begins, you have three options here to choose regarding which part(s) to experience and which part(s) to skip:
  • Don't Skip (スキップしない) - show all parts
  • Only See Story (ストーリーのみ見る) - skip the quest battle and only show the story elements
  • Skip All (すべてスキップする) - skip all parts

The story for the tutorial begins with Atari coming to the Intral City Spacetime Detective Agency (イントラルシティ) for the first day of her internship, only to find no one else in the office. At the same time, a shower of jelly-like creatures (puyos) suddenly fall from the skies and fill the office. In the midst of her panic, a host of Puyo Puyo Characters (Arle, Carbuncle, Amitie, Ringo, Schezo and Legamünt) appear to assist Atari to engage in Puyo battle and clear the Puyos.

The scripted quest battle serves as the main platform for hands-on experience for the new player. During the quest, you are given this deck to use: (aside from [★5] Atari, the characters are not for the player to keep at this point)
[★5] Atari
[★5] Atari
[★6] Arle & Carbuncle
[★6] Arle & Carbuncle
[★6] Popping Amitie
[★6] Popping Amitie
[★6] Ringo Ando
[★6] Ringo Ando
[★6] Cool Schezo
[★6] Cool Schezo
[★6] Legamünt
[★6] Legamünt

The basics of puzzle element and quest procession are briefed in tutorial slides (which can be reviewed in-game afterwards at your own leisure). The actual steps requiring player input include:

The story continues after the tutorial quest, with Atari thanking Arle and co. for their assistance, assuming they are her seniors at the Spacetime Detective Agency. As Arle and co. shows confusion at the assumption, an alarm clock sounds at the distance, hinting to Atari that this has all been a dream. The story will continue in Main Story Volume 1, where Atari wakes up and actually heads to her internship.

As a final preparation before you are let into the main game, you will need to download the remainder of the asset data. You are given the choice to whether or not to download character voice assets at the same time, which affects the filesize of the download and the time needed:

  • Maybe Later for the Voice... (ボイスはあとで…) - voice assets can be manually downloaded afterwards
  • Together with the Voice! (ボイスもいっしょに!)

Your selection here will also affect whether voice assets will be automatically included in future asset data downloads. You can change the preferences in-game later.

Newcomer Benefits

Puyo Puyo!! Quest provides a number of benefits and campaigns to help newcomers get started on the game, either available once per account or within a specific time frame after account creation.

N.B.: These features are also available for one time to accounts created before the updates that added them: Tutorial Completion Rewards, Start Dash Voucher, Start Dash Gacha, Welcome Mission Bingo

Tutorial Completion Rewards

After completing the tutorial, you will be immediately given the following rewards:

Directly credited into inventory
[★5] Atari×1
[★5] Atari
To be claimed from Present Box
Material Puyos (for raising card levels and transforming cards into higher rarities)
[★1] Small Puyo×40 sets
[★1] Small Puyo (all colors)
[★2] Large Puyo×40 sets
[★2] Large Puyo (all colors)
[★3] Rock Puyo×30 sets
[★3] Rock Puyo (all colors)
[★4] Star Puyo×30 sets
[★4] Star Puyo (all colors)
[★5] Moon Puyo×20 sets
[★5] Moon Puyo (all colors)
[★6] Crown Puyo×20 sets
[★6] Crown Puyo (all colors)
[★6] Comet Puyo×10 sets
[★6] Comet Puyo (all colors)
Special Materials (for transforming cards into higher rarities)
[★3] Puyo Ice×15 sets
[★3] Puyo Ice (all colors)
[★4] Puyo Ice×10 sets
[★4] Puyo Ice (all colors)
[★5] Puyo Ice×5 sets
[★5] Puyo Ice (all colors)
[★6] Puyo Ice (all colors)×2 sets
[★6] Puyo Ice (all colors)
[★3] Puyo Candy×15 sets
[★3] Puyo Candy (all colors)
[★4] Puyo Candy×10 sets
[★4] Puyo Candy (all colors)
[★5] Puyo Candy×5 sets
[★5] Puyo Candy (all colors)
[★6] Puyo Candy (all colors)×2 sets
[★6] Puyo Candy (all colors)
[★3] Puyo Jelly×15 sets
[★3] Puyo Jelly (all colors)
[★4] Puyo Jelly×10 sets
[★4] Puyo Jelly (all colors)
[★5] Puyo Jelly×5 sets
[★5] Puyo Jelly (all colors)
[★6] Puyo Jelly (all colors)×2 sets
[★6] Puyo Jelly (all colors)
[★3] Puyo Choco×15 sets
[★3] Puyo Choco (all colors)
[★4] Puyo Choco×10 sets
[★4] Puyo Choco (all colors)
[★5] Puyo Choco×5 sets
[★5] Puyo Choco (all colors)
[★6] Puyo Choco×2 sets
[★6] Puyo Choco (all colors)
Premium Ticket×10
Premium Ticket
Start Dash Voucher×1
Start Dash Voucher

Start Dash Login Bonus

The Start Dash Login Bonus (スタートダッシュログインボーナス) is available on each of the first 14 days (day change at 04:00 (UTC+9)) you play on with the new account. You will be given one copy of the [★5] Arle card and materials you would need to transform to [★7] Arle by Day 5, as well as many other useful resources.
Day Login Bonus
[★5] Arle×1
[★5] Arle (Lv. MAX)
Premium Ticket
[★6] Blue Crown Puyo
Magic Stone
Magic Stone×7
Magic Stone
Premium Ticket
[★3] Blue Puyo Jelly
[★4] Blue Puyo Jelly
[★5] Blue Puyo Jelly
Premium Ticket×10
Premium Ticket
[★5] Blue Grimoire
[★6] Blue Grimoire
Magic Stone
Magic Stone×7
Magic Stone
Power Strawberry
Healing Eggplant
Endurance Asparagus
[★6] Arle×5
[★6] Arle
Magic Stone
Magic Stone×7
Magic Stone
[★6] Red Comet Puyo
[★6] Blue Comet Puyo
[★6] Green Comet Puyo
[★6] Yellow Comet Puyo×24
[★6] Yellow Comet Puyo
[★6] Purple Comet Puyo
Premium Ticket
Magic Stone
Magic Stone×7
Magic Stone
[★6] Red Comet Puyo
[★6] Blue Comet Puyo
[★6] Green Comet Puyo
Farm Rental Ticket (7-day)×1
Farm Rental Ticket (7-day)
[★6] Yellow Comet Puyo
[★6] Purple Comet Puyo
Magic Stone
Magic Stone×7
Magic Stone
[★6] Red Comet Puyo
[★6] Blue Comet Puyo
[★6] Green Comet Puyo
Red Sir Wilde (30)×1
Blue Sir Wilde (30)×1
Blue Sir Wilde (30)
[★6] Yellow Comet Puyo
[★6] Purple Comet Puyo
Magic Stone
Magic Stone×7
Magic Stone
[★6] Red Comet Puyo
[★6] Blue Comet Puyo
[★6] Green Comet Puyo
Green Sir Wilde (30)×1
Yellow Sir Wilde (30)×1
Yellow Sir Wilde (30)
[★6] Yellow Comet Puyo
[★6] Purple Comet Puyo
Magic Stone
Magic Stone×7
Magic Stone
Power Strawberry
Healing Eggplant
Endurance Asparagus
Purple Sir Wilde (30)×1

Start Dash Voucher

The Start Dash Voucher (スタートダッシュ引換券) granted as part of the Tutorial Completion Reward can be used to redeem one of the following 10 character cards:

Possible Choices
[★6] Black Kikimora
[★6] Black Kikimora
[★6] Gorgeous Rulue
[★6] Gorgeous Rulue
[★6] Blue Incubus
[★6] Blue Incubus
[★6] Valkyrie Dark Arle
[★6] Valkyrie Dark Arle
[★6] Green Witch
[★6] Green Witch
[★6] Vigorous Draco
[★6] Vigorous Draco
[★6] Yellow Strange Klug
[★6] Yellow Strange Klug
[★6] Valkyrie Arle
[★6] Valkyrie Arle
[★6] Cool Schezo
[★6] Cool Schezo
[★6] Unusual Ecolo
[★6] Unusual Ecolo

Welcome Mission Bingo

Welcome Mission Bingo (ウェルカムミッションビンゴ)

Bingo Sheet 1/3

Cell Mission Rewards
Spend 24 Stamina
[★6] Crown Puyo×3 sets
[★6] Crown Puyo (all colors)
Pop 24 Puyos
Silver Ticket×3
Silver Ticket
Perform Power-up Fusion 1 Time
[★6] Comet Puyo×2 sets
[★6] Comet Puyo (all colors)
Perform Power-up Fusion 2 Times
Gold Ticket×2
Gold Ticket
Login 1 Time
Magic Stone×1
Magic Stone
Pop 2+ Colors of Puyos at the Same Time
Magic Point Potion (30)×1
Magic Point Potion (30)
Achieve 2+ Chain
Stamina Herb (100)×1
Stamina Herb (100)
Clear A Lesson on Puyo Battles: Medium (Story Volume 1 Chapter 1 Stage 2)
[★6] Crown Puyo×3 sets
[★6] Crown Puyo (all colors)
Clear A Lesson on Puyo Battles: Mild (Story Volume 1 Chapter 1 Stage 1)
Power Strawberry

Healing EggplantEndurance Asparagus
×50 ea.
★1 PuyoVeggies
Bingo Rewards (stackable)
[★1] Small Puyo×240 sets
[★1] Small Puyo (all colors)
[★2] Large Puyo×240 sets
[★2] Large Puyo (all colors)
[★3] Rock Puyo×240 sets
[★3] Rock Puyo (all colors)
[★4] Star Puyo×240 sets
[★4] Star Puyo (all colors)
[★3] Puyo Ice×5 sets
[★3] Puyo Ice (all colors)
[★3] Puyo Jelly×5 sets
[★3] Puyo Jelly (all colors)
[★3] Puyo Candy×5 sets
[★3] Puyo Candy (all colors)
[★3] Puyo Choco×5 sets
[★3] Puyo Choco (all colors)

Bingo Sheet 2/3

Cell Mission Rewards
Clear [Medium] Searching for Flame Crowns 1 Time (Crown Quest Red)
Stamina Herb (100)×1
Stamina Herb (100)
Clear [Medium] Searching for Ocean Crowns 1 Time (Crown Quest Blue)
Premium Ticket×1
Premium Ticket
Clear [Medium] Searching for Forest Crowns 1 Time (Crown Quest Green)
Magic Point Potion (30)×1
Magic Point Potion (30)
Perform Power-up Fusion 3 Times
Thief's Banana×2
Thief's Banana
Login 1 Time
Magic Stone×1
Magic Stone
Clear [Medium] Searching for Light Crowns 1 Time (Crown Quest Yellow)
Gold Ticket×2
Gold Ticket
Clear [Medium] Searching for Darkness Crowns 1 Time (Crown Quest Purple)
Power Strawberry

Healing EggplantEndurance Asparagus
×50 ea.
★1 PuyoVeggies
Clear Quests 3 Times
[★6] Comet Puyo×2 sets
[★6] Comet Puyo (all colors)
Clear Quests 5 Times
[★6] Saturn Puyo×1 sets
[★6] Saturn Puyo (all colors)
Bingo Rewards (stackable)
Summons Point2000
Summons Point
Summons Point2000
Summons Point
Summons Point2000
Summons Point
Summons Point2000
Summons Point
[★4] Puyo Ice×4 sets
[★4] Puyo Ice (all colors)
[★4] Puyo Jelly×4 sets
[★4] Puyo Jelly (all colors)
[★4] Puyo Candy×4 sets
[★4] Puyo Candy (all colors)
[★4] Puyo Choco×4 sets
[★4] Puyo Choco (all colors)
Premium Ticket×5
Premium Ticket

Bingo Sheet 3/3

Cell Mission Rewards
Pop 100 Puyos
[★6] Comet Puyo×2 sets
[★6] Comet Puyo (all colors)
Clear Quests 3 Times
[★6] Saturn Puyo×1 sets
[★6] Saturn Puyo (all colors)
Clear [Hot] Ringo Intrudes! 1 Time
Farm Rental Ticket (7-day)×1
Farm Rental Ticket (7-day)
Play League Battle or COM Battle 1 Time
Magic Point Potion (30)×1
Magic Point Potion (30)
Login 1 Time
Magic Stone×1
Magic Stone
Clear [Hot] Maguro Intrudes! 1 Time
Thief's Banana×2
Thief's Banana
Clear [Hot] Lemres Intrudes! 1 Time
Stamina Herb (100)×1
Stamina Herb (100)
Clear [Hot] Risukuma Intrudes! 1 Time
Power Strawberry

Healing EggplantEndurance Asparagus
×50 ea.
★1 PuyoVeggies
Clear [Hot] Feli Intrudes! 1 Time
Premium Ticket×1
Premium Ticket
Bingo Rewards (stackable)
[★5] Puyo Ice×3 sets
[★5] Puyo Ice (all colors)
[★5] Puyo Jelly×3 sets
[★5] Puyo Jelly (all colors)
[★5] Puyo Candy×3 sets
[★5] Puyo Candy (all colors)
[★5] Puyo Choco×3 sets
[★5] Puyo Choco (all colors)
[★6] Puyo Ice (all colors)×2 sets
[★6] Puyo Ice (all colors)
[★6] Puyo Jelly (all colors)×2 sets
[★6] Puyo Jelly (all colors)
[★6] Puyo Candy (all colors)×2 sets
[★6] Puyo Candy (all colors)
[★6] Puyo Choco×2 sets
[★6] Puyo Choco (all colors)
Colorful Sir Wilde (40)×1
Colorful Sir Wilde (40)

Start Dash Gacha

Start Dash Gacha (スタートダッシュガチャ) is a special gacha banner aimed to give beginners a free boost of power at the start of the game.

Lineup and rates updated on 2024/08/05.

Each account can roll 10-in-a-row Gacha only once for free in this banner (no single rolls available). Out of the 10 resultant cards, one will be guaranteed to be a Full Power character, and another one will be guaranteed to be at least ★5 rarity.

Featured Cards Normal Rate
(9 cards of 10IAR)
Guaranteeing Step
(1 card of 10IAR)
Full Power Characters (16×)
[★6] Neptunian Rebecca [★6] Even Stranger Klug [★6] Unrivalled Edgar [★6] Light Marle [★6] Crowlas [★6] Valkyries Arle & Carbuncle [★6] Shadowcrown Rafisol [★6] Ringo Ando [★6] Celestial Blade Legamünt [★6] Luminous Ally [★6] Flower Bed Lidelle [★6] Golden Tree Archwarlock Rozatte [★6] Wishing Star Amitie [★6] Concoctive Witch [★6] Space☆Ecolo [★6] Masked Satan
6.250% each
(total 100%)
Puyo Fest Characters (128×)
[★6] Red Amitie [★6] Nature Braver Gensan [★6] Great Spirit Salamander [★6] High Priestess Minoa [★6] Kitty Ringo [★6] Gorgeous Rulue [★6] Angelic Feli [★6] Black Kikimora [★6] Heated Hed [★6] Alluring Lilim [★6] Dusklight Doppelganger Arle [★6] Popping Amitie [★6] Sparkling Rulue [★6] Red Witch [★6] Sage of Verity Nero [★6] Princess Ringo [★6] Weathervane Zara [★6] Dragondance Fangzhang [★6] Bloodmoon Draude III [★6] Heart-Racing Xianghua [★6] Angelic Healer Floré [★6] Dingnified Shizunagi [★6] Charmy Draco [★6] Splendid Julia [★6] Shiftdrift Meili [★6] Chocolatious Hero Toule [★6] Dark Sig [★6] Nature Braver Sago [★6] Great Spirit Undine [★6] Blue Incubus [★6] Arle & Carbuncle [★6] Valkyrie Dark Arle [★6] High Priestess Katya [★6] Kitty Arle [★6] Kitty Sig [★6] Audacious Stornum [★6] Otohime Serilly [★6] Lamp Jaan [★6] Blue Sky Sig [★6] Shizunagi [★6] Ecstatic Sig [★6] Serendipitous Ally [★6] Sage of Verity Isabella [★6] Pitch-black Wacht [★6] Sea Skyline Klug [★6] Dragondance Yingzhou [★6] Lulisia [★6] Angelic Healer Ciel [★6] Made Guide Greap [★6] Heavenly-knight Reminisce Yuri [★6] Valkyrie Ms. Accord [★6] Amanone [★6] Snowy Night Lulisia [★6] Vigorous Draco [★6] Gallant Lidelle [★6] Nature Braver Inoha [★6] Great Spirit Sylph [★6] Pearly Hell Prince Eridu [★6] Rocker Harpy [★6] Green Witch [★6] High Priestess Mischa [★6] Kitty Ally [★6] Sparking Klug [★6] Shadowed Santa [★6] Vivid Costa [★6] Radiant Wynn [★6] Dazzling Satan [★6] Samurai Lyude [★6] Ryatafu [★6] Starlight Lemres
[★6] Sage of Verity Dalida [★6] Sunohime [★6] Phantom Thief Madeleine [★6] Dragondance Penglai [★6] Fondant Istio [★6] Angelic Healer Roco [★6] Showtime Hursh [★6] Rainy Day Velena [★6] Yellow Satan [★6] Missionary Risukuma [★6] Nature Braver Sora [★6] Great Spirit Gnome [★6] Valkyrie Arle [★6] Legamünt [★6] High Priestess Deena [★6] Kitty Raffina [★6] Rozatte [★6] Yellow Strange Klug [★6] Resounding Narukami [★6] Martial Staff Raffina [★6] Eminent Vartebra [★6] Chill Lemres [★6] Crescent Schezo [★6] Satan & Carbuncle [★6] Full-bloom Chiquita [★6] Moonlight Witch [★6] Sage of Verity Severio [★6] Wanderer Bestoll [★6] Pure Benevolence Irene [★6] Dragondance Daiyu [★6] Angelic Healer Lisette [★6] Bamboo Maiden Lin [★6] Dancing Star Suketoudara [★6] Unusual Ecolo [★6] Rafisol [★6] Nature Braver Gyura [★6] Great Spirit Frau [★6] Cool Schezo [★6] High Priestess Yana [★6] Kitty Witch [★6] Great Hero Ragnus [★6] Spirited Peruvis [★6] Street Maguro [★6] Irresolute Rufus [★6] Valiant Fred [★6] Moonlight Lyca [★6] Flash Attack Rulue [★6] Big Popoi [★6] Mirror Rafisol [★6] Sage of Verity Galatea [★6] Glaring Yana [★6] Genius Knight Klug [★6] Dragondance Yuanjiao [★6] King of Ocean Prince [★6] Angelic Healer Nina [★6] Aptitudinal Demiserf [★6] Nocturne Bernard [★6] Sky Parade Viola
0.007% each
(total 1%)
Normal Magic Stone Gacha outputs
(except Caballoon)
Lidelle [★4~5] Magic School Series
Draco Centauros [★4~5] Original Puyo Puyo Series
Satan [★4~5] Boss!? Series
Harpy [★4~5] SUN Series
Roco [★4~5] Angel Series
Maurice [★4~5] Dark Angel Series
Orkte [★4~5] Mythical Series
Ent [★4~5] Monster Series
Demiserf [★4~5] Demiserf
Succubus [★4~5] Succubus
Komone [★4~5] Komone
Wynn [★4~5] Fairy Tale Series
Kumagurumi [★4~5] Kigurumi Series
Bernard [★4~5] Hellspawn Series
Iyo [★4~5] Onizamurai Series
Friede [★4~5] Accursed Knight Series
Liz [★4~5] Cat Girls Series
Nari [★4~5] Fisherboys Series
Rein [★4~5] Tropical Merfolk Series
Penglai [★4~5] Dragon Person Series
Swordfighter Lidelle [★4~5] Magic Swordfighter Series
Nasos [★4~5] Stellar Mage Series
Dalida [★4~5] Sage Series
Hartmann [★4~5] Heavenly Knight Series
Lyude [★4~5] Heavy Infantry Series
Genbu [★4~5] Holy Beast Fighter Series
Yamato [★4~5] Gagakushi Series
Odette [★4~5] Messenger of Love Series
Thomas [★4~5] Adventurer Series
Hursh [★4~5] Djinn Series
Kawatarou [★4~5] Yokai Series
Lin [★4~5] Xiannu Series
Gasper [★4~5] Vegetable Kingdom Series
Eridu [★4~5] Hell Prince Series
Edodss [★4~5] Micron Series
Liresil [★4~5] Magical Wall Series
Yukko [★4~5] Cheering Squad Series
Sheepro [★4~5] Beastsmith Series
Yakov [★4~5] Snow Kingdom Series
Olio [★4~5] Herbal Oil Series
Inoha [★4~5] Scorched Desert Journey Series
Nelful [★4~5] Ghost Lolita Series
Needo [★4~5] Artisan Series
Sieben [★4~5] Extreme Culinarian Series
Mel [★4~5] Mischief Fairy Series
Frono [★4~5] Order of the Costumeheads Series
Korallia [★4~5] Tidal-roar Knight Series
Velena [★4~5] Trapcrafter Series
Adia [★4~5] General Magic Shoppe Series
Sandra [★4~5] Dream Courier Series
Barosso [★4~5] Animal Band Series
Sana [★4~5] Snoozing Lilin Series
Emil [★4~5] Cleaner Boys Series
Cindy [★4~5] Doctor Series
Giselle [★4~5] Sensation Magician Series
Senichi [★4~5] Haunted Ghostplay Series
Jin [★4~5] Weatherkids Series
Shurita [★4~5] Crinis Clinic Series
Coffee Shop Amitie [★4~5] Coffee Shop Girls Series
Traveling Sage Risukuma [★6] Alt-world Travel Series
Magical Liz [★4~5] Magical Cat Girls Series
Teahouse Genbu [★4~5] Downtown Holy Beast Fighter Series
total 99%

Beginner Exclusive Gacha

Beginner Exclusive Gacha (初心者限定ガチャ) is a special gacha banner that is exclusive to beginners within 30 days of account creation. This banner spots several differences than normal Magic Stone Gacha banners:
  • All cards appear at Lv.70 and at least ★5 rarity
  • The single roll is only available once per day (reset at 04:00 (UTC+9)).
  • Only up to 3 times 10-in-a-row Gacha can be rolled, with additional benefits for each:
10IAR Special
  • reduced cost: Magic Stone Magic Stone ×50 → 10
  • guarantees one character from Pickup Series (1)
  • reduced cost: Magic Stone Magic Stone ×50 → 30
  • guarantees one character from Pickup Series (2)
  • all cards appear at ★6 rarity
  • guarantees one Puyo Fest character

Despite the above-advertised benefits, the card lineup has not been updated on 2021/04/24 as with other Magic Stone Gacha, meaning some of the newly-commonized cards are not available. This banner also features less Puyo Fest characters than other limited Magic Stone Gacha banners (including the monthly Bargain 10-in-a-row Gacha).

Featured Cards Normal
Guaranteeing Step
(1 card of ___th 10IAR)
1 2 3
Puyo Fest Characters (77×)
total 2%
total 100%
[★6] Red Amitie [★6] Red Amitie 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] High Priestess Minoa [★6] High Priestess Minoa 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Kitty Ringo [★6] Kitty Ringo 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Gorgeous Rulue [★6] Gorgeous Rulue 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Angelic Feli [★6] Angelic Feli 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Black Kikimora [★6] Black Kikimora 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Heated Hed [★6] Heated Hed 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Alluring Lilim [★6] Alluring Lilim 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Dusklight Doppelganger Arle [★6] Dusklight Doppelganger Arle 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Red Witch [★6] Red Witch 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Sage of Verity Nero [★6] Sage of Verity Nero 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Princess Ringo [★6] Princess Ringo 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Weathervane Zara [★6] Weathervane Zara 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Dragondance Fangzhang [★6] Dragondance Fangzhang 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Bloodmoon Draude III [★6] Bloodmoon Draude III 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Dark Sig [★6] Dark Sig 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Blue Incubus [★6] Blue Incubus 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Arle & Carbuncle [★6] Arle & Carbuncle 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Valkyrie Dark Arle [★6] Valkyrie Dark Arle 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] High Priestess Katya [★6] High Priestess Katya 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Kitty Arle [★6] Kitty Arle 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Kitty Sig [★6] Kitty Sig 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Audacious Stornum [★6] Audacious Stornum 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Otohime Serilly [★6] Otohime Serilly 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Lamp Jaan [★6] Lamp Jaan 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Blue Sky Sig [★6] Blue Sky Sig 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Shizunagi [★6] Shizunagi 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Sage of Verity Isabella [★6] Sage of Verity Isabella 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Pitch-black Wacht [★6] Pitch-black Wacht 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Dragondance Yingzhou [★6] Dragondance Yingzhou 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Made Guide Greap [★6] Made Guide Greap 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Vigorous Draco [★6] Vigorous Draco 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Gallant Lidelle [★6] Gallant Lidelle 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Rocker Harpy [★6] Rocker Harpy 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Green Witch [★6] Green Witch 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] High Priestess Mischa [★6] High Priestess Mischa 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Kitty Ally [★6] Kitty Ally 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Sparking Klug [★6] Sparking Klug 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Vivid Costa [★6] Vivid Costa 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Radiant Wynn [★6] Radiant Wynn 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Samurai Lyude [★6] Samurai Lyude 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Ryatafu [★6] Ryatafu 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Sage of Verity Dalida [★6] Sage of Verity Dalida 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Sunohime [★6] Sunohime 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Dragondance Penglai [★6] Dragondance Penglai 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Yellow Satan [★6] Yellow Satan 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Missionary Risukuma [★6] Missionary Risukuma 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Valkyrie Arle [★6] Valkyrie Arle 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Legamünt [★6] Legamünt 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] High Priestess Deena [★6] High Priestess Deena 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Kitty Raffina [★6] Kitty Raffina 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Rozatte [★6] Rozatte 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Yellow Strange Klug [★6] Yellow Strange Klug 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Martial Staff Raffina [★6] Martial Staff Raffina 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Eminent Vartebra [★6] Eminent Vartebra 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Chill Lemres [★6] Chill Lemres 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Full-bloom Chiquita [★6] Full-bloom Chiquita 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Moonlight Witch [★6] Moonlight Witch 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Sage of Verity Severio [★6] Sage of Verity Severio 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Wanderer Bestoll [★6] Wanderer Bestoll 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Dragondance Daiyu [★6] Dragondance Daiyu 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Unusual Ecolo [★6] Unusual Ecolo 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Rafisol [★6] Rafisol 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Cool Schezo [★6] Cool Schezo 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] High Priestess Yana [★6] High Priestess Yana 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Kitty Witch [★6] Kitty Witch 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Great Hero Ragnus [★6] Great Hero Ragnus 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Spirited Peruvis [★6] Spirited Peruvis 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Street Maguro [★6] Street Maguro 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Irresolute Rufus [★6] Irresolute Rufus 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Valiant Fred [★6] Valiant Fred 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Flash Attack Rulue [★6] Flash Attack Rulue 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Big Popoi [★6] Big Popoi 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Sage of Verity Galatea [★6] Sage of Verity Galatea 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Genius Knight Klug [★6] Genius Knight Klug 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] Dragondance Yuanjiao [★6] Dragondance Yuanjiao 0.025% 1.298%
[★6] King of Ocean Prince [★6] King of Ocean Prince 0.025% 1.298%
Pickup Series (2) (10×)
total 4%
total 100%
Swordfighter Lidelle [★5~6] Magic Swordfighter Series 0.4% 10%
Hursh [★5~6] Djinn Series 0.4% 10%
Liresil [★5~6] Magical Wall Series 0.4% 10%
Frono [★5~6] Order of the Costumeheads Series 0.4% 10%
Sandra [★5~6] Dream Courier Series 0.4% 10%
Senichi [★5~6] Haunted Ghostplay Series 0.4% 10%
Shurita [★4~6] Crinis Clinic Series 0.4% 10%
Traveling Sage Risukuma [★5~6] Alt-world Travel Series 0.4% 10%
Magical Liz [★6] Magical Cat Girls Series 0.4% 10%
Teahouse Genbu [★5~6] Downtown Holy Beast Fighter Series 0.4% 10%
Pickup Series (1) (6×)
total 8%
total 100%
Maurice [★5~6] Dark Angel Series 1.333% 16.666%
Friede [★5~6] Accursed Knight Series 1.333% 16.666%
Hartmann [★5~6] Heavenly Knight Series 1.333% 16.666%
Yamato [★5~6] Gagakushi Series 1.333% 16.666%
Needo [★5~6] Artisan Series 1.333% 16.666%
Velena [★5~6] Trapcrafter Series 1.333% 16.666%
Other outputs (51×) total 86%
Lidelle [★5~6] Magic School Series
Draco Centauros [★5~6] Original Puyo Puyo Series
Sylph [★5~6] Spirit Series
Satan [★5~6] Boss!? Series
Harpy [★5~6] SUN Series
Roco [★5~6] Angel Series
Orkte [★5~6] Mythical Series
Ent [★5~6] Monster Series
Wynn [★5~6] Fairy Tale Series
Green Caballoon [★5] Caballoon
Kumagurumi [★5~6] Kigurumi Series
Bernard [★5~6] Hellspawn Series
Akhdar [★5~6] Rabbit Dancer Series
Liz [★5~6] Cat Girls Series
Nari [★5~6] Fisherboys Series
Georg [★5~6] Spectral Knight Series
Rein [★5~6] Tropical Merfolk Series
Penglai [★5~6] Dragon Person Series
Melone [★5~6] Fruits Girls Series
Jørn [★5~6] Dwarf Series
Nasos [★5~6] Stellar Mage Series
Yogi [★5~6] Tropical Birdman Series
Paula [★5~6] Condiment Series
Dalida [★5~6] Sage Series
Kangaeroo [★5~6] Forest Nobility Series
Lyude [★5~6] Heavy Infantry Series
Genbu [★5~6] Holy Beast Fighter Series
Odette [★5~6] Messenger of Love Series
Thomas [★5~6] Adventurer Series
Wakaba [★5~6] Kunoichi Series
Josef [★5~6] Tinplate Band Series
Kawatarou [★5~6] Yokai Series
Lin [★5~6] Xiannu Series
Lyle [★5~6] Thief Dogs Series
Gasper [★5~6] Vegetable Kingdom Series
Eridu [★5~6] Hell Prince Series
Perraulsa [★5~6] Nursery Tale Series
Edodss [★5~6] Micron Series
Tanya [★5~6] Pathfinder Series
Sheepro [★5~6] Beastsmith Series
Yakov [★5~6] Snow Kingdom Series
Olio [★5~6] Herbal Oil Series
Inoha [★5~6] Scorched Desert Journey Series
Sieben [★5~6] Extreme Culinarian Series
Mel [★5~6] Mischief Fairy Series
Gourmya [★5~6] Cat Pirate Series
Korallia [★5~6] Tidal-roar Knight Series
Johann [★5~6] Assistant Series
Adia [★5~6] General Magic Shoppe Series
Emil [★5~6] Cleaner Boys Series
Cindy [★5~6] Doctor Series