PPQ:In-app Purchase

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While it is possible to play Puyo Puyo!! Quest completely for free, players can choose to make optional in-app purchases for additional resources and bonus conveniences.

Most in-app purchase items are available under one of these three sections in the Shop (ショップ) page:

In addition, the Super Welcome Pack may be purchased by only newly-created accounts during the account creation process.

Magic Stone

Magic Stone

The Magic Stone (魔導石) is the paid currency in Puyo Puyo!! Quest. Although primarily intended to be purchased, they are also granted for free in certain events and campaigns.

The Magic Stones that a player owns are accounted for in two categories:

  • Paid Magic Stones (有償魔導石) are the Magic Stones that the player actually paid for in purchases as calculated from the prevailing unit price. The current unit price is 120 yen.
  • Free Magic Stones (無償魔導石) are any Magic Stones outside of Paid Magic Stones. This includes the bonus Magic Stones from purchases outside of the unit price and all Magic Stones granted from quests, events and campaigns.

The breakdown of the two categories of Magic Stones may be viewed from Shop (ショップ) > Magic Stone Breakdown (所持魔導石の内訳).

Magic Stone Breakdown

In most cases where Magic Stones are spent, Free Magic Stones are used first before Paid Magic Stones. However, certain Gacha banners that offer additional benefits for using exclusively Paid Magic Stones, allow the player to choose to use Paid Magic Stones first.

The maximum number of Magic Stones (total of Paid and Free) that a player can own is 99,999. Players are not allowed to make purchases that cause the resultant total (currently held number + number to be purchased) to exceed the above limit.

Purchase Magic Stones

Purchase Magic Stones

The "Purchase Magic Stones" (魔導石購入) section sells Paid Magic Stones at five price points equivalent to the unit price. As of the policy revamp in April 2022, no bonus Magic Stone or items are included with any purchase in this section.

Price Contents
480 yen
Magic Stone×4
Magic Stone (paid)
1200 yen
Magic Stone×10
Magic Stone (paid)
3000 yen
Magic Stone×25
Magic Stone (paid)
4800 yen
Magic Stone×40
Magic Stone (paid)
7800 yen
Magic Stone×65
Magic Stone (paid)

Purchase Packs

The "Purchase Packs" (パック購入) section sells Item Packs (アイテムパック), which are bundles of in-game items available at a set price. The section divides Item Packs for sale into two categories:

  • Normal (通常) Item Packs are sold for real-life currency. All Item Packs in this tab come with Paid Magic Stones according to the prevailing unit price (120 yen).
  • Magic Stone (魔導石) Item Packs are sold for Paid Magic Stones

Most Item Packs are only available for a limited time, and with a limit on the maximum number of purchases a player can make of the pack during that availability. See PPQ:In-app Purchase/List of Paid Sales and Packs for all Item Packs currently for sale.

Bargain Packages

Bargain Packages

The RunRun Pack (るんるんパック) and WakuWaku Pack (わくわくパック), collectively known as Bargain Packages (お得なパケージ), are special Item Packs that also come with special perks of convenience within the game for 30 days other than just in-game items. The Bargain Packages are available from the Normal (通常) tab.

The effect for Bargain Packages begins immediately after successful payment, but only full periods of 04:00~03:59 (UTC+9) are counted as one day of the effective period. Bargain Packages cannot be cancelled early once purchased, and further purchases of the same Package cannot be made until after the current package is expired.

Effective Period Example
Time Package
Day Count
~01/01 07:59 Inactive
30-day Bargain Package purchased at 01/01 08:00
01/01 08:00~01/02 03:59 Active Day 0
01/02 04:00~01/03 03:59 Day 1
01/03 04:00~01/04 03:59 Day 2
... ...
01/30 04:00~01/31 03:59 Day 29
01/31 04:00~02/01 03:59 Day 30
02/01 04:00~ Inactive

Unlike other Item Packs, in addition to in-game items granted immediately at purchase, Bargain Packages grant more in-game items across the effective period known as Fun Gifts (おたのしみギフト), available on Days 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25. The items are sent to the Present Box when the player logs in on or after the available day while the Package is effective. If you did not log in after a Free Gift is available and the Package is expired, those items will NOT be distributed again.

RunRun Pack
WakuWaku Pack
Price 480 yen 1200 yen
Special perks
  • Once-per-day Free Gacha +1
  • Ancient Adventures (incl. Flipside):
    2× UXP, CXP and Coins (excl. drops)
  • Special Contents:
    2× UXP and Coins (excl. drops)
  • Supporter list resets after every quest/battle
  • Auto-play and Repeater settings
In-game Items
at purchase
Magic Stone
Magic Stone
[★6] Red Comet Puyo
[★6] Blue Comet Puyo
[★6] Green Comet Puyo
[★6] Yellow Comet Puyo
[★6] Purple Comet Puyo
Magic Stone
Magic Stone
[★6] Red Saturn Puyo
[★6] Blue Saturn Puyo
[★6] Green Saturn Puyo
[★6] Yellow Saturn Puyo
[★6] Purple Saturn Puyo
bonus for every 3rd purchase:
Colorful Sir Wilde (30)×1
bonus for every 3rd purchase:
Magic Stone
Day 5 Gift
[★6] Red Crown Puyo
[★6] Blue Crown Puyo
[★6] Green Crown Puyo
[★6] Yellow Crown Puyo
[★6] Purple Crown Puyo
[★6] Red Comet Puyo
[★6] Blue Comet Puyo
[★6] Green Comet Puyo
[★6] Yellow Comet Puyo
[★6] Purple Comet Puyo
Day 10 Gift
Magic Stone
Stamina Herb (100)×1
Silver Ticket
Magic Stone
Stamina Herb (50)×6
Power Strawberry
Healing Eggplant
Endurance Asparagus
Day 15 Gift
[★6] Red Comet Puyo
[★6] Blue Comet Puyo
[★6] Green Comet Puyo
[★6] Yellow Comet Puyo
[★6] Purple Comet Puyo
[★5] Attack Pusler
[★5] Recovery Pusler
[★5] HP Pusler
[★5] Everything Pusler
[★5] Skill Pusler
Day 20 Gift
Magic Stone
Stamina Herb (100)×1
Gold Ticket
Magic Stone
Zealous Chili Pepper
Relieving Cabbage
Perserverance Broccoli
Healthy Carrot
Day 25 Gift
[★5] Attack Pusler
[★5] Recovery Pusler
[★5] HP Pusler
[★5] Everything Pusler
[★5] Skill Pusler
Magic Stone
Premium Ticket
Power Strawberry
Healing Eggplant
Endurance Asparagus
For Magic Stones, P = paid, F = free

Bonus Gift Volume Up Campaign (おまけギフト増量キャンペーン) may sometimes be held for a limited time, granting additional in-game items (at purchase) to players who purchase Bargain Package within a specific timeframe. See PPQ:In-app Purchase/List of Paid Sales and Packs for exact campaign periods and contents.

Purchase PuyoQuest Pass

PuyoQuest Pass

The PuyoQuest Pass (ぷよクエパス) is a subscription service (current price: 980 yen per month) that grants premium perks of convenience to subscribing players. Unlike other in-app purchase items, subscribing to the PuyoQuest Pass does NOT give Paid Magic Stones.

Pass Perks

Triple Speed option in certain modes
  • Not applicable in Everybody Quest, Everybody Battles and Endless Puyo Puyo: Double Speed also not usable
  • Not applicable in Guild Rush events: Double Speed still usable
Advanced options for Auto-Skill feature
  • Not applicable in any mode that Autoplay is not usable
  • Certain skills (Trace-transform, Repaint, Skill Refill, Deck Scroll) will not be automatically activated
Reduced PuyoVeggie Harvest Time
  • Harvest Time 22 hours → 11 hours for seeds planted during PuyoQuest Pass effective period
  • Further reduction in certain campaigns e.g. PuyoVeggies Great Harvest Festival
Farm Helper Times +100
Pass Exclusive Once-per-day Quest
  • Playable once per day, reset 04:00 (UTC+9)
  • First clear reward: Magic Stone Magic Stone ×1
Pass Exclusive Daily Missions
Pass Exclusive Lineup in PuyoPoint Exchange
Guaranteed Big Success in Power-up Fusion with 4× CXP granted
  • Including One-go Transformation and One-go ★7-transform
Continuance Benefit
  • Steps are counted at each subscription and automatic renewal (including re-subscribing after cancellation)
  • Continuance Benefit items are sent to Present Box when returning to the Home Screen after qualifying
Step Continuance Benefit Contents
1st Continuance Benefit
Red Sir Wilde Statue
Blue Sir Wilde Statue
Green Sir Wilde Statue
Yellow Sir Wilde Statue
Purple Sir Wilde Statue
2nd Continuance Benefit
Red Sir Wilde Statue
Blue Sir Wilde Statue
Green Sir Wilde Statue
Yellow Sir Wilde Statue
Purple Sir Wilde Statue
3rd Continuance Benefit
Red Sir Wilde Statue
Blue Sir Wilde Statue
Green Sir Wilde Statue
Yellow Sir Wilde Statue
Purple Sir Wilde Statue
loops back to 1st after 3rd
  • Only up to one step will be counted within one month, even if the player cancels and re-subscribes multiple times

Detailed Terms

Effective Period
PuyoQuest Pass is effective for one month for each subscription and/or renewal. In general, the exact expiry time is 03:59 (UTC+9) on the next day of the next month. If the next month does not have a corresponding day, the closest day will be taken instead.
  • Example 1: PuyoQuest Pass subscribed/renewed on August 1st will be effective until September 2nd 03:59 (UTC+9).
  • Example 2: PuyoQuest Pass subscribed/renewed on August 31st will be effective until October 1st 03:59 (UTC+9).
Renewal and Cancellation
PuyoQuest Pass is automatically renewed every month, the exact time being 24 hours before the current expiry time unless cancelled or payment declined.
Cancellation of the subscription should be requested from the App Store or Google Play. For the cancellation to be effective for the next renewal, it must be requested at least 48 hours before the current expiry time (i.e. 24 hours before renewal is processed by the platform). Even when cancelled, PuyoQuest Pass will continue to be active for the current effective period will still be active (i.e. until the next expiry time). No refund will be rendered for the remainder of the effective period.
  • Example 1: PuyoQuest Pass subscribed/renewed on August 1st will be renewed on September 1st 03:59 (UTC+9), unless cancellation is requested before August 31st 03:59 (UTC+9).
  • Special example: For PuyoQuest Pass subscribed/renewed on January 31st in non-leap years, the upcoming renewal dates would be February 28th, March 31st, April 30th, etc.
Changing Devices While Subscribed
Transfer of active PuyoQuest Pass subscription is only possible on the same operating system/platform. The store account and the in-game account must also be the same. Use the "Restore Purchase" (購入状態を復元) button in the Purchase PuyoQuest Pass screen to initiate the transfer.
If changing to a different store account and/or platform is needed when transferring, the player should cancel the subscription on the previous account/platform, and re-subscribe on the new account/platform if necessary.
Simply uninstalling the app or transferring the in-game account will not cancel the existing subscription. No refund or extension of the effective period will be rendered for duplicate subscription on multiple platforms.

Super Welcome Pack

Super Welcome Pack

Super Welcome Pack (スーパーウェルカムパック) is a special in-app purchase option (current price: 480 yen) that is only available to new players during account creation and tutorial, that gives the following additional benefits in their new account. The pack will not be available for purchase again if the player chooses to proceed without purchasing the pack.

  • 25 ★7 character cards directly set into five ready-made decks:
Leader 2 3 4 5
[★7] Rulue [★7] Amitie [★7] Ringo [★7] Rebecca [★7] Osa
[★7] Arle [★7] Sig [★7] Maguro [★7] Grace [★7] Uto
[★7] Draco Centauros [★7] Lidelle [★7] Lemres [★7] Wynn [★7] Nari
[★7] Witch [★7] Raffina [★7] Risukuma [★7] Alex [★7] Shio
[★7] Schezo [★7] Klug [★7] Feli [★7] Chiquita [★7] Wata
all cards at maximum Card Level, Plus Bonus
and Special Training (except choice tiers)
  • Character Box Capacity +100
  • Starts game at User Rank 200
  • 30-day RunRun Pack (includes all Bonus Gifts)
  • Other items:
Additional Pack Contents
Magic Stone×4
Magic Stone (paid)
Power Strawberry×600
Power Strawberry
Healing Eggplant×600
Healing Eggplant
Endurance Asparagus×600
Endurance Asparagus
Thief's Banana×30
Thief's Banana
Master's Truffle×15
Master's Truffle
[★6] Saturn Puyo×20 sets
[★6] Saturn Puyo (all colors)
Colorful Sir Wilde (30)×1
Colorful Sir Wilde (30)
Colorful Sir Wilde (40)×1
Colorful Sir Wilde (40)
Colorful Sir Wilde (50)×1
Colorful Sir Wilde (50)
Stamina Herb (100)×150
Stamina Herb (100)
Full Power 10% Ticket×5
Full Power 10% Ticket
Cross Ability 10% Ticket×5
Cross Ability 10% Ticket