PPQ:Account Management
Data Transfer

In case of device change or erroneous data corruption/deletion, Puyo Puyo!! Quest provides two methods of Data Transfer (データのお引越し) to let affected players retrieve their previous gameplay account data:
- Transfer with ID and Password (IDとパスワードでお引越し)
- Transfer by SNS Linkage (SNS連携でお引越し)
To access the Data Transfer menu, select the Gear Icon from the home screen, then select Data Transfer (データのお引越し) from the second page. When entering the Data Transfer menu, a warning pop-up will appear notifying the player of these important points:
- Use this functionality only after all ongoing quests and battles are finished
- Settings made in Options (オプション) will be reverted to default in the new device
- Misuse of gameplay data may result in consequences including termination of accounts

Note that each account can only proceed with Data Transfer up to 10 times per month among all methods (resets at 04:00 on the 1st).
Transfer with ID and Password
Players can retrieve their existing account data by correctly entering the account's User ID (ユーザーID, 8-digit numeric) and Password (パスワード, 10-digit alphanumeric) randomly generated by the game.
The User ID and Password can be found from the Data Transfer menu, under the User ID and Password (ユーザーIDとパスワード) section. In the menu, players can tap Copy (コピー) to copy the User ID and Password to the device's clipboard, or tap Refresh (更新) to generate a new random password and disable any previous password. Players are advised to memorize the ID and password in advance, and not to disclose them to any other people.
To retrieve the account data at the new device:
- Choose the Transfer with ID and Password (IDとパスワードでお引越し) option instead of New Game (はじめから) at the welcome pop-up
- Confirm the important points from the warning pop-up (tap OK)
- Enter the User ID and Password in the respective field and tap Transfer (お引越しする)
Note that Data Transfer for the account will be temporarily blocked after a certain number of entering a wrong password.
Transfer by SNS Linkage
Following the Version 9.4.0 Update on 2020/11/24, players can also link their Puyo Puyo!! Quest account data with accounts of certain social networking services (SNSes), allowing them to retrieve their existing account data by logging into the respective accounts.
SNS | iOS | Android |
![]() Sign In with Apple |
iOS 13+ | ✘ |
![]() Login with LINE |
iOS 10+ | Android 4.2+ |
SNS Linkage can be accessed from the Data Transfer menu, under the SNS Linkage (SNS連携) section. Tap the login button for the SNS you wish to link accounts with, and you will be redirected to the login and linkage dialogue for that SNS. After successful linkage, the respective button will now show a Linked (連携中) bubble. Tapping the button again will cancel the linkage. Note that each SNS account can only be linked to one PuyoQuest account data, while each PuyoQuest account data can only be linked to up to one account of each SNS (i.e. either one Apple ID, one LINE ID, or one of both).

To retrieve the account data at the new device:
- Choose the Transfer by SNS Linkage (SNS連携でお引越し) option instead of New Game (はじめから) at the welcome pop-up
- Select the linked SNS and log in through the redirected login dialogue
- Confirm whether the basic information of the account you want to retrieve is correct (tap OK if correct)
Data Linkage
Data Linkage functionality is removed with the termination of the PC Version service as of 2019/06/27 11:00. To show the content anyway, click here.
- Select Data Linkage (データ連携) (green button) on title screen on the original version
- Select View Linkage ID/Password (データ連携用のID・パスワードを見る)
- Remember the User ID (ID) and Linkage Password (連携パスワード) (Password is valid for 30 minutes)
- Keep the ID/Password dialogue box open on the current version until linkage is completed
- Select Data Linkage (データ連携) (green button) on title screen on the receiving version
- Select Link Data (データ連携をする)
- Enter the User ID (ID) and Linkage Password (連携パスワード) and click Link (連携する)
- Confirm the user data (ID, player name (名前) and user rank (ユーザーランク)) and click OK if correct
- Confirm caution message and click Agree (同意する)
Points to note:
- Executing Data Linkage will erase any existing gameplay data from the receiving version.
- e.g. If you have PC version-exclusive reward serial code(s) (e.g. PC version pre-registration bonuses) you would like to claim onto an account shared from the smartphone version, make sure the Data Linkage is completed before claiming the serial code(s). Claiming the code(s) before Data Linkage will cause the rewards be lost to the erased account.
- Once gameplay data is linked between the two versions, it could not be undone, re-linked or replaced with another account.
Data Linkage Rewards
Availability | Rewards | |
2018/03/01 14:00~ 2019/06/27 11:00 |
Magic Stone | |
Sir Wilde (30) (all colors) |
Playing on Multiple Devices
While it is possible to log into the same account on multiple devices with Data Transfer/Linkage, players cannot use the same account on more than one device at the same time. Opening the app on a device will cause session error (セッションエラー) on all other devices using the same account, rendering those play sessions unable to be resumed. Any ongoing quests and battles will lose their status and the Stamina or Magic Points used will not be refunded.
Starting from Version 7.4.0, a warning will be shown when opening the app if there is a quest ongoing on another device, asking to confirm whether to discard the quest status:
- Selecting Continue (続ける) will start the game on this device, discarding all session data and quest status on other devices
- Selecting Back (もどる) will leave the app on this device on the title screen. The session data and quest status is not harmed, letting the player to properly finish it
Retrieval of Lost Account Details
It is the player's responsibility to keep the ID and password safe for the purpose of Data Transfer. If a player unfortunately loses their password, they may contact Sega Networks Support at https://faq.sega.jp/hc/ja/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360004607073 for assistance in retrieving them. However, Sega must confirm the enquirer's identity before re-issuing the ID and password.
Query ID
A majority of Sega Networks smartphone games use the Query ID (照会用ID) to identify the device. If you can still use your original device, finding out and providing the Query ID greatly helps to confirm your identity.
The official procedures to find out the Query ID is as follows:
- Select Shop (ショップ) → Complete Criteria to Get Magic Stones!! (条件を達成して魔導石をゲット!!) (top-right)
- Select the Menu button (three horizontal lines) → Contact (お問い合わせ)
- Select Other Contacts (その他のお問い合わせ) within Select Contact Type (お問い合わせ内容の選択), then Open Contact Form (問い合わせフォームを開く)
- Select Email Form (メール送信フォーム) (green icon) from the bottom of the page
- Select Contact (お問い合わせ) (green icon) from the bottom of the page, which will cut to an email client on your device
- Query ID can be found in the email title (お問い合わせ[●●])
Points to note:
- Switch to a 3G, 4G or LTE connection if you are using a WiFi connection.
- If the app fails to login with the original account, create a new account on the same device.
- The official procedures above may not apply to all devices, firmware versions and/or locales.
- In general, turning off "Limit Ad Tracking", changing device language to Japanese and changing device timezone to Japan/Tokyo helps with making the game show the "Complete Criteria to Get Magic Stones!!" banner
Filling in the contact form
Points to note:
- Use Japanese to fill in the form, as Sega do not accept contact in other languages.
- Fields with * (red asterisk) are required fields.
- Blue text are not provided by Sega.
- Fields in the form are known to be subject to change by Sega without prior announcement. The following explanations are accurate as of 2021/01/21.
Field | Explanation |
Enquiry Type* (お問い合わせ種別) |
Select Data Retrieval (データ復旧) |
Email Address* (メールアドレス) |
If your mailbox has domain-specific settings, please add the following domain names |
Confirm the following section.* (以下の内容を確認しました。) |
In order to identify your use history, please enter the following information as much as possible: |
Device Used* (ご利用の端末) |
Android / iOS / Others (その他) |
User ID* (ユーザーID) |
※ Check from Gear Icon from the home screen → Profile (プロフィール) |
User Name* (ユーザー名) |
Can be checked by guildmates |
User Rank (ユーザーランク) |
Can be checked by guildmates |
Query ID [Important]* (照会用ID【重要】) |
See section above for instructions |
Guild Name (ギルド名) |
※ Enter if you have joined a guild Can be checked by guildmates |
Device Name (機種名) |
Enter the name of the device you used to access. Example: SC-03D(GALAXY S II LTE)、iPhone8 |
Magic Stone Purchase History (「魔導石」購入履歴) |
▼For iOS Users: |
Google Account Email Address* (Googleアカウント登録メールアドレス) |
Enter the email address that registered your Google Account. Enter "Unknown" (不明) if unknown |
PuyoPoint Exchange History (ぷよP交換所の履歴) |
※ Example: January 1 2019, (name of card/item exchanged) (2019年1月1日、(交換したカード(アイテム)の名前)) ※ If you never used PuyoPoint Exchange, enter None (なし) |
No. of Magic Stones Currently Held (所持している「魔導石」の個数) |
PuyoPoints Currently Held (所持している「ぷよP」の数) |
Character Inventory Cap (キャラ最大所持数) |
Type of Flag in Farm (農園の旗の種類) |
No. of Fields Opened in Farm (農園の畑の開放数) |
※ Count also the one field available at the start Can be checked by guildmates |
Endless Tower Area Last Reached (とことんの塔最終到達エリア) |
※ Enter area name (floor number and color) |
Character Chosen in Tutorial (チュートリアル時に選んだキャラクター) |
Card Name of Farm Helper (おてつだいカード名) |
Puyopuyo!! Quest Registration Month/Year* (「ぷよぷよ!!クエスト」ご登録年月) |
Example: January 2019 (2019年1月) |
Reason for Enquiry* (問い合わせ理由) |
Device malfunction/lost (端末故障/端末紛失) |
Remarks (備考) |
Ticket Content* (ご投稿内容) |
Agree to Privacy Policy* (プライバシーポリシーに同意する) |
File Attachment (添付ファイル) |