PPQ:Pwurp's Uncharted Realms

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Pwurp's Uncharted Realms
2020/10/12 Preview Banner
Event TypeTechnical Maps


Quest Availability
Challenge! Fort Uncanny
2020/10/12 15:00~2020/11/01 14:59
2021/05/12 15:00~2021/06/02 14:59
Challenge! Pericol Dimension
2020/11/25 15:00~2020/12/08 14:59
Challenge! Frigeo Icefield
2020/12/21 15:00~2021/01/12 14:59
2021/05/12 15:00~2021/06/02 14:59
Challenge! Formida Dimension
2021/02/15 15:00~2021/03/08 14:59
Challenge! Marginis Dimension
2021/04/12 15:00~2021/05/03 14:59
Challenge! Iucundo Dimension
2021/06/10 15:00~2021/07/01 14:59
Challenge! Praeruptum Dimension
2021/08/14 15:00~2021/09/01 14:59


General Stats

Quest All
Stamina 10
No. of Stages 3
Coins 6000
User EXP 1000
Card EXP 0
Fairies Bravery Fairies (120)
Special No supporter
No continues

Quest Restrictions

Quest Stage Effect Deck Rules
Challenge! Fort Uncanny Puyo to Skill 1.5×
No Repeat Characters
Challenge! Pericol Dimension Up to 2 Skill Activations Per Turn
No Repeat Characters
Challenge! Frigeo Icefield Puyo to Skill 1.5×
No Repeat Characters
[Field Effect] Snow 99 every 3 turns
Challenge! Formida Dimension Up to 2 Skill Activations Per Turn
No Repeat Characters
Challenge! Marginis Dimension Up to 2 Skill Activations Per Turn
No Repeat Characters
Challenge! Iuncundo Dimension Up to 2 Skill Activations Per Turn
No Repeat Characters
Challenge! Praeruptum Dimension Up to 2 Skill Activations Per Turn
No Repeat Characters

Enemy Profile

Challenge! Fort Uncanny

Stage 1/3
[★7] Nelful P/AS All cards Fear5
Normal attack (5000)
AS 2-turn Trace Capacity -1
AS Single attack + Seal1 (5000)
[★7] Vita AS Transform
Red Puyo
Blue Puyo
Green Puyo
Yellow Puyo
Purple Puyo
(any 6) → Heart Box
Normal attack (5000)
AS Transform all Heart BoxGarbage Puyo
AS Garbage penalty: mass attack (Garbage Puyo ×100,000)
[★7] Grania P/AS All cards Poison6
Normal attack (5000)
AS Mass attack (5000)
AS All cards Poison10
Stage 2/3
[★7] Minoa Resistance Seal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
LS Extra Attack (3500)
PAS 3 consecutive attacks + Fury4 (3500)
Normal attack (3500)
AS 4 consecutive attacks (1750)
[★7] Yogi Resistance Seal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
PAS Self Undertake4
AS Mass blue attack (3500)
Normal attack (3500)
AS Self Counter2 (???)
[★7] Lux Resistance Seal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
AS All enemies Auto-recovery2 (1,000,000)
AS 2 cards Puyo to Skill +8
Normal attack (3500)
Stage 3/3
[★7] Ecolon Resistance Confusion ResistanceParalysis ResistanceSeal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
PAS All enemies Red ShieldBlue ShieldGreen ShieldYellow ShieldPurple Shield5 (-99%)
AS 3-turn Trace Capacity -1
AS Transform Red Puyo2* → Prism Ball
AS Single attack (12,000)
[★7] Ecolomi Resistance Confusion ResistanceParalysis ResistanceSeal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
PAS Transform
Red Puyo
Blue Puyo
Green Puyo
Yellow Puyo
Purple Puyo
(any 10) → Hard Puyo
AS 5 consecutive attacks (4000)
AS Garbage penalty: mass attack (Garbage PuyoHard Puyo ×100,000)
AS Transform Blue Puyo2* → Prism Ball
[★7] Grandpa Ecolo Resistance Confusion ResistanceParalysis ResistanceSeal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
Normal attack (8000)
AS Single Toughness-penetrating attack (8000)
AS Mass Toughness-penetrating attack (8000)
AS Single percentage HP recovery (20%)
[★7] Necolo Resistance Confusion ResistancePoison ResistanceSeal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
AS Transform Yellow Puyo2* → Prism Ball
AS All cards Puyo to Skill +4
Normal attack (8000)
AS All cards Attack Down5 (-50%)
[★7] Ecolonosuke Resistance Confusion ResistancePoison ResistanceSeal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
AS All cards Recovery Down3 (-30%)
AS Single percentage attack (50%)
AS Mass percentage attack (30%)
Turn Action(s)
Stage 1/3
[★7] Nelful [★7] Nelful [★7] Vita [★7] Vita [★7] Grania [★7] Grania
Stage 2/3
[★7] Minoa [★7] Minoa [★7] Yogi [★7] Yogi [★7] Lux [★7] Lux
Stage 3/3
[★7] Ecolon [★7] Ecolon [★7] Ecolomi [★7] Ecolomi [★7] Grandpa Ecolo [★7] Grandpa Ecolo [★7] Necolo [★7] Necolo [★7] Ecolonosuke [★7] Ecolonosuke

Challenge! Pericol Dimension

Turn Action(s) Action(s) Action(s)
[★7] Ander


[★7] Empusa


[★7] Yakov


0 All cards Recovery Down5 (-99%)
fails to activate if leader is main red
Mass attack (8000) + Seal3
1 Transform all Blue PuyoGarbage Puyo Mass attack (8000)
2 3 consec. attacks (8000) Mass attack (4000) + Fear2
3 Attack 3 cards (8000) + Fury3
4 Self Counter2 (8000) Create Heart Box5
Mass attack
(colorless Garbage PuyoHard Puyo×100,000)
3 consec. attacks (8000)
fails to activate if leader is main red
Mass attack (8000) + Seal3
6 Mass attack (8000) 2 cards Skill Rewind (+4)
7 3 consec. attacks (8000) Mass attack (4000) + Fear2
8 Attack 3 cards (8000) + Fury3
9 3 consec. attacks (8000) Create Heart Box5
10 Mass attack (12,000) All cards Fear2
11+ loops from Turn 1
[★7] Penglai


Seal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
[★7] Paula


Seal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
[★7] Monica


Seal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
0 All enemies Red Reflection1Blue Reflection1Green Reflection1Yellow Reflection1Purple Reflection1 (0.1×)
fails to activate if leader is main red
Mass attack (8000) + Confusion2
Self Red Shield3Blue Shield3Green Shield3Yellow Shield3Purple Shield3 (-99%)
1 4 consec. attacks (8000) Blue cards Attack Down3Recovery Down3 (-99%) Green cards Attack Down3Recovery Down3 (-99%)
2 Transform all Green PuyoHeart Box
Single attack (8000)
+ Skill Rewind (+4)
3 All enemies Blue Reflection1Green Reflection1Yellow Reflection1Purple Reflection1 (0.1×) Single attack (8000) 2 cards Fury2
Single attack (8000)
+ Skill Rewind (+4)
5 Single attack (8000) + Paralysis1
fails to activate if leader is main red
Mass attack (8000) + Confusion2
All cards Attack Down3Recovery Down3 (-50%)
7 8 consec. attacks (8000) Transform all Green PuyoHeart Box
Single attack (8000)
+ Skill Rewind (+4)
8 Single attack (8000) 2 cards Fury2
9 Single toughpen. attack (16,000)
Single attack (8000)
+ Skill Rewind (+4)
10 All cards Confusion1
11+ loops from Turn 1
[★7] Albert


Confusion ResistanceParalysis ResistanceSeal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
[★7] Matthew


Paralysis ResistanceSeal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
[★7] Albert


Confusion ResistanceParalysis ResistanceSeal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
0 Self Undertake3 (-99%)
Attack 2 cards (15,000)
+ Skill Rewind (+5)
All cards Attack Down2 (-99%)
1 Create Heart Box24 (1st-3rd rows)
2 Transform Purple Puyo5 → Heart Box Single attack (15,000) + Seal1 Single attack (15,000)
3 Mass attack (15,000) Single attack (15,000) + Seal1 Single attack (15,000)
4 Mass recovery (20%) Single attack (15,000) + Seal1 Transform all Heart BoxGarbage Puyo
5 Single attack (15,000)
6 Single attack (45,000)
Field reset
+ Transform Green Puyo5* → Hard Puyo
Mass attack
(colorless Garbage PuyoHard Puyo×100,000)
7 Attack 4 cards (22,500) + Fury2 Single attack (15,000)
8 Single attack (15,000) + Seal1
9 Mass recovery (20%) Single attack (15,000) + Seal1 Single attack (45,000)
10 Self 3-turn ext. attack (15,000) All cards Skill Rewind (+Garbage PuyoHard Puyo×4) All cards Attack Down2 (-99%)
11+ loops from Turn 1

Challenge! Frigeo Icefield

Turn Action(s)
Stage 1/3
[★7] Krianna [★7] Krianna [★7] Ruda [★7] Ruda [★7] Oleg [★7] Oleg
Stage 2/3
[★7] Sunohime [★7] Sunohime [★7] Matakichi [★7] Matakichi [★7] Kurasuke [★7] Kurasuke
Stage 3/3
[★7] Ginka [★7] Ginka [★7] Grace [★7] Grace [★7] Friede [★7] Friede [★7] Una [★7] Una [★7] Suzaku [★7] Suzaku

Challenge! Formida Dimension

Turn Action(s) Action(s) Action(s)
[★7] Shitori

[★7] Undine

[★7] Dietrich

0 99-turn [Field Effect] Rain
causes blue multipliers below
All cards Fear99
fails to activate if leader is not main green
Mass attack (8000) + Seal3
1 Transform all Green PuyoGarbage Puyo Attack 3 cards (4000) ×1.5 + Fear3 All cards Recovery Down4 (-99%)
2 Single attack (8000) ×1.5
3 Attack 3 cards (4000) ×1.5 + Fear3 Mass attack (4000)
4 Single attack (8000) ×1.5 All cards Confusion1
Mass attack
(colorless Garbage PuyoHard Puyo×100,000)
2 cards Skill Rewind (+4)
fails to activate if leader is not main green
Mass attack (8000) + Seal3
6 Mass attack (8000) ×1.5
7 2-turn Transform Next Garbage Next Puyo Attack 3 cards (8000) ×1.5 + Fear3
8 Mass attack (4000)
9 2 cards Skill Rewind (+4)
10 Mass attack (16,000) ×1.5 All cards Confusion2
11+ loops from Turn 1
[★7] Ragnus

Seal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
[★7] Oboro

Seal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
[★7] Stornum

Seal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
0 All cards Attack Down4 (-99%) Create Heart Box8 Garbage Puyo8 (1st, 6th rows)
fails to activate if leader is not main green
Mass attack (8000) ×1.5 + Seal3
1 Mass attack (80%) All cards Fear5 3-turn Trace Capacity -1
2 Attack 3 cards (yellow 8000)
Field reset
+ Transform Yellow Puyo4* → Garbage Puyo
Mass attack (8000) ×1.5
4 Attack 3 cards (12,000) Single attack (8000/2333)
5 Attack 3 cards (yellow 12,000)
Field reset
+ Transform Purple Puyo4* → Garbage Puyo
fails to activate if leader is not main green
Mass attack (8000) ×1.5 + Seal3
6 All cards Fear5
7 Attack 3 cards (16,000) All cards Skill Rewind (+4)
8 Attack 3 cards (yellow 16,000) Single attack (8000/2333)
9 Mass attack (8000) ×1.5
10 Mass attack (8000) + Attack Down99 (-50%) Create Heart Box8 Garbage Puyo8 (1st, 6th rows)
11+ loops from Turn 1
[★7] Richard

Confusion ResistanceSeal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
[★7] Sullivan

Confusion ResistanceSeal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
[★7] Richard

Confusion ResistanceSeal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
0 Create Hard Puyo12 (1st, 8th columns) All cards Paralysis2 All cards Attack Down2 (-99%)
1 All cards Fear99 All cards Attack Down2 (-50%) Single attack (30,000) ×1.5
2 Attack 2 cards (15,000) Mass attack (22,500) ×1.5 + Fear99
3 Mass attack (15,000) ×1.5 Single attack (15,000) Create Garbage Puyo6 (8th column)
Attack 2 cards (15,000) ×1.5
+ Skill Rewind (+5)
Mass attack
(colorless Garbage PuyoHard Puyo×100,000)
Attack 2 cards (15,000) Single attack (30,000) ×1.5
6 Mass attack (22,500) ×1.5 + Fear99 Transform all Yellow PuyoHeart Box
Mass attack
(colorless Garbage PuyoHard Puyo×100,000)
8 All cards Skill Rewind (+6) Mass attack (yellow 30,000)
9 Mass attack (22,500) ×1.5 + Fear99 Mass attack (45,000) ×1.5
10 Create Hard Puyo12 (1st, 8th columns) All cards Paralysis2 All cards Attack Down2 (-99%)
11(+) loops from Turn 1 loops from Turn 1
12+ loops from Turn 1

Challenge! Marginis Dimension

Turn Action(s) Action(s) Action(s)
[★7] Severio

[★7] Elyon

[★7] Sasori Man

fails to activate if leader is main yellow
Mass attack (8000) + Seal3
Mass attack (8000) + Poison5 (5%)
1 1-turn Transform Next Next Puyo Single attack (8000)
2 Attack 2 cards (4000) + Fury2Poison2 (5%)
3 All cards Paralysis2 Mass attack (4000) + Attack Down5 (-30%)
4 Transform all Blue PuyoPrism Ball Attack 2 cards (4000) + Fury2Poison2 (5%)
Mass attack
(colorless Garbage PuyoHard Puyo×100,000)
fails to activate if leader is main yellow
Mass attack (8000) + Seal3
5-turn Trace Capacity -1
6 Single attack (8000) Attack 2 cards (8000) + Fury2Poison2 (5%)
7 Create Heart Box5
8 Mass attack (4000) + Attack Down5 (-50%) Attack 2 cards (8000) + Fury2Poison2 (5%)
9 All cards Paralysis2
10 Mass attack (12,000) Mass attack (8000) + Poison5 (5%)
11+ loops from Turn 1
[★7] Elisa

Seal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
[★7] Honey Bee

Seal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
[★7] Gogotte

Seal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
0 Create Heart Box40 (5 random rows) Self Undertake5 (-99%)
fails to activate if leader is main yellow
Mass attack (8000) + Seal3
1 Attack 2 cards (8000) + Paralysis1
2 Attack 3 cards (8000)
3 Transform all Heart BoxHard Puyo Attack 2 cards (8000) + Paralysis1 All cards Recovery Down3 (-50%)
4 All cards Skill Seal1 Attack 3 cards (8000)
5 All cards Skill Rewind (+Garbage PuyoHard Puyo×20)
fails to activate if leader is main yellow
Mass attack (purple 8000) + Seal3
6 Transform Yellow Chance Puyo5 Attack 3 cards (12,000) + Paralysis2
7 2-turn Transform Next Yellow Next Puyo Attack 3 cards (12,000)
8 Attack 3 cards (12,000) + Paralysis2
9 Attack 3 cards (12,000)
10 Create Heart Box24 (4 random columns) All cards Damage Taken Up3 (1.5×)
causes red multipliers below
11 Attack 2 cards (8000) ×1.5 + Paralysis1
13 Attack 2 cards (8000) ×1.5 + Paralysis1 Attack 3 cards (8000) ×1.5
14+ loops from Turn 2 loops from Turn 4 loops from Turn 3
[★7] Miriam

Confusion ResistanceParalysis ResistanceSeal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
[★7] Albert

Paralysis ResistanceSeal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
[★7] Miriam

Confusion ResistanceParalysis ResistanceSeal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
0 All cards Poison99 (5%) Mass attack (7500) + Attack Down5 (-99%) Mass attack (50%)
1 Mass attack (99%) Create Heart Box2 Attack 2 cards (22,500) + Poison5 (5%)
2 Single attack (99%) 2 cards Skill Rewind (+5) Attack 2 cards (22,500) + Poison5 (5%)
3 Transform all Heart BoxPrism Ball All cards Poison99 (5%)
4 Attack 2 cards (7500) + Poison5 (5%)
5 All cards Attack Down5Recovery Down5 (-50%) Transform Red Chance Puyo3 Mass attack (50%)
6 All cards Poison99 (5%) Attack 2 cards (22,500) + Poison5 (5%)
7 Mass attack (99%) Create Heart Box2 Attack 2 cards (22,500) + Poison5 (5%)
8 Mass attack (45,000) 2 cards Skill Rewind (+5)
9 Transform all Heart BoxPrism Ball Mass attack (100%)
10 Single attack (100%) Mass attack (50%)
11+ loops from Turn 1

Challenge! Iucundo Dimension

Turn Action(s) Action(s) Action(s)
[★7] Jin

[★7] Sylph

[★7] Asagao

0 99-turn [Field Effect] Wind
causes green multipliers below
fails to activate if leader is main green
Mass attack (8000) ×1.5 + Seal3
All cards Poison3 (10%)
1 2-turn Transform Next Next Puyo All cards Recovery Down4 (-99%)
2 Attack 2 cards (8000) ×1.5 All cards Skill Rewind (+4)
3 Transform Green Chance Puyo2
Attack 2 cards (8000) ×1.5
+ Confusion1Paralysis1
4 Mass attack (8000)
Mass attack
(colorless Garbage PuyoHard Puyo×100,000)
fails to activate if leader is main green
Mass attack (8000) ×1.5 + Seal3
6 99-turn [Field Effect] Wind
causes green multipliers below
All cards Attack Down4 (-30%) All cards Poison5 (10%)
7 Attack 2 cards (16,000) ×1.5 All cards Skill Rewind (+4)
8 Create Garbage Puyo5
Attack 2 cards (8000) ×1.5
+ Confusion1Paralysis1
9 Mass attack (30,000)
10 Attack 2 cards (24,000) ×1.5 All cards Confusion2
11+ loops from Turn 1
[★7] Velena

Seal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
[★7] Erin

Seal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
[★7] Senichi

Seal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
0 All cards Poison3 (15%)
fails to activate if leader is main green
Mass attack (8000) + Seal3
All cards Attack Down4 (-99%)
1 Mass attack (8000) ×1.5
2 Create Heart Box8 (6th row)
Mass attack (8000)
+ Fear1Confusion1
3 Attack 2 cards (8000)
Single attack (8000) ×1.5
+ Skill Rewind (+5)
4 All cards Poison3 (15%)
5 All enemies Red ReflectionBlue ReflectionGreen ReflectionYellow ReflectionPurple Reflection1 (?×)
fails to activate if leader is main green
Mass attack (8000) + Seal3
Single attack (8000) ×1.5
+ Skill Rewind (+5)
6 Create Heart Box8 (6th row)
Single attack (8000)
+ Fear1Confusion1
Mass attack (8000) ×1.5
7 Attack 2 cards (8000)
Single attack (8000) ×1.5
+ Skill Rewind (+5)
9 All cards Confusion1
Single attack (8000) ×1.5
+ Skill Rewind (+5)
10 All cards Poison3 (15%) Attack 3 cards (8000)
11(+) All enemies Red ReflectionBlue ReflectionGreen ReflectionYellow ReflectionPurple Reflection1 (?×) loops from Turn 1 Mass attack (16,000) ×1.5
12(+) loops from Turn 1
13+ loops from Turn 1
[★7] Matthew

Paralysis ResistanceSeal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
[★7] Richard

Paralysis ResistanceSeal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
[★7] Matthew

Paralysis ResistanceSeal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
0 99-turn [Field Effect] Wind
causes green multipliers below
Attack 3 cards (7500)
+ Seal1, Skill Rewind (+10)
99-turn [Field Effect] Wind
causes green multipliers below
1 All cards Confusion1 All cards Fear99
Attack 2 cards (22,500) ×1.5
+ Confusion2, Skill Rewind (+5)
2 2-turn Transform Next Next Puyo Mass attack (7500)
Attack 3 cards (15,000) ×1.5
+ Confusion1Seal1
Mass attack (22,500) ×1.5
Attack 3 cards (15,000) ×1.5
+ Confusion1Seal1
3-turn Trace Capacity -2 Create Garbage Puyo6
5 99-turn [Field Effect] Wind
causes green multipliers below
Attack 2 cards (22,500) ×1.5
+ Confusion2, Skill Rewind (+5)
6 All cards Skill Rewind (+Garbage PuyoHard Puyo×20) All cards Fear99
7 All cards Skill Rewind (+5) Mass attack (22,500)
8 3-turn Trace Capacity -2 All cards Skill Rewind (+Garbage PuyoHard Puyo×20)
9 All cards Confusion1 Mass attack (45,000) ×1.5
10 99-turn [Field Effect] Wind Mass attack (colorless 30,000) 99-turn [Field Effect] Wind
11+ loops from Turn 1

Challenge! Praeruptum Dimension

Turn Action(s) Action(s) Action(s)
[★7] Yana

[★7] Pikari

[★7] Cockatrice

0 Mass attack (8000) + Poison2 (5%) 99-turn [Field Effect] Thunder
causes goldenrod multipliers below
fails to activate if leader is main purple
Mass attack (8000) + Seal3
1 2-turn Transform Next Yellow Next Puyo Attack 2 cards (8000)
2 Attack 2 cards (8000) + Poison2 (5%) Transform Blue Chance Puyo3
3 Mass recovery (30%) Attack 2 cards (8000)
4 1 card Paralysis1
5 Attack 3 cards (8000) ×1.5
fails to activate if deck is main purple
Mass attack (8000) + Seal3
6 Attack 2 cards (8000) + Poison2 (5%)
7 Create Heart Box5 3 cards Paralysis1
8 Attack 3 cards (8000) ×1.5 All cards Skill Rewind (+4)
9 Attack 2 cards (8000) + Poison2 (5%)
10 99-turn [Field Effect] Thunder
causes goldenrod multipliers below
Attack 2 cards (8000) + Paralysis2
11+ loops from Turn 1
[★7] King of Ocean Prince

Seal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
[★7] Frau

Seal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
[★7] Deena

Seal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
0 Mass attack (30%)
fails to activate if leader is main purple
Mass attack (8000) + Seal3
All cards Attack Down4 (-90%)
1 Attack 3 cards (8000) Create Heart Box16 (1st, 2nd rows)
2 Single attack (4000) ×1.5 + Paralysis1
3 Attack 3 cards (8000) All cards Poison3 (10%)
4 Mass attack (30%)
5 All enemies Attack Up3 (1.5×)
causes red multipliers below
fails to activate if deck is main purple
Mass attack (8000) ×1.5 + Seal3
3-turn Trace Capacity -1
6 Create Hard Puyo8 (6th row)
Attack 2 cards (4000) ×1.5 ×1.5
+ Paralysis1
7 Attack 3 cards (8000) ×1.5 All cards Poison3 (10%)
Attack 2 cards (4000) ×1.5 ×1.5
+ Paralysis1
9 Attack 3 cards (8000)
10 Mass attack (4000) + Paralysis1 Create Heart Box12 (4th, 5th columns) 3-turn Trace Capacity -1
11+ loops from Turn 1
[★7] Sullivan

Confusion ResistanceSeal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
[★7] Miriam

Confusion ResistanceSeal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
[★7] Rozatte

Confusion ResistanceSeal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
[★7] Sullivan

Confusion ResistanceSeal ResistanceTurn Plus Resistance
0 All cards Skill Rewind (+10) All cards Poison5 (10%) All enemies Red Inversion ShieldBlue Inversion ShieldGreen Inversion ShieldYellow Inversion ShieldPurple Inversion Shield5 (1×)
Field reset
+ Transform Yellow Puyo12* → Prism Ball
1 Mass attack (70%) 1-turn Transform Next Next Puyo All cards Paralysis2
2 Transform all Yellow PuyoGarbage Puyo Attack 3 cards (5000) ×1.5 Transform all Prism BallHard Puyo
3 Transform all Heart BoxPrism Ball Attack 3 cards (10,000)
4 Attack 3 cards (5000) ×1.5
Mass attack
(colorless Garbage PuyoHard Puyo×100,000)
Mass attack
(colorless Garbage PuyoHard Puyo×100,000)
6 Mass attack (10,000) + Paralysis2 Transform Yellow Chance Puyo5 Mass recovery (10%) Attack 3 cards (10,000)
7 Mass attack (purple 5000)
8 Create Hard Puyo12 (1st, 8th columns) All cards Paralysis2
9 All cards Paralysis2 1 card Skill Rewind (+10) 3-turn Trace Capacity -2 Single toughpen. attack (20,000)
10 Single toughpen. attack (20,000) All cards Poison5 (10%)
Field reset
+ Transform Yellow Puyo12* → Prism Ball
11+ loops from Turn 1


By First Clear

Quest Rewards
Challenge! Fort Uncanny
Red Sir Wilde (50)×1
Red Sir Wilde (50)
Challenge! Pericol Dimension
Blue Sir Wilde (50)×1
Blue Sir Wilde (50)
Challenge! Frigeo Icefield
Green Sir Wilde (50)×1
Green Sir Wilde (50)
Challenge! Formida Dimension
Yellow Sir Wilde (50)×1
Yellow Sir Wilde (50)
Challenge! Marginis Dimension
Purple Sir Wilde (50)×1
Purple Sir Wilde (50)
Challenge! Iuncundo Dimension
Red Sir Wilde (50)×1
Red Sir Wilde (50)
Challenge! Praeruptum Dimension
Blue Sir Wilde (50)×1
Blue Sir Wilde (50)