PPQ:The Electrifying Ecolo Team Intrudes!!/In Comes Ecolonosuke!!

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< The Electrifying Ecolo Team Intrudes!!

The Electrifying Ecolo Team Intrudes!! In Comes Ecolonosuke!!
Preview Banner
Quest TypeTechnical Map


  • 2022/09/02 ~ 2022/09/19
  • 2023/06/14 ~


General Stats

Stamina 30
No. of Stages 2
Coins 30000
TP 120
User EXP 25000
Card EXP 0
Other Special No continues

Quest Restrictions

Stage Effect Up to 2 Skill Activations Per Turn
No Green Puyo droped (except chance)
Deck Rules No Repeat Characters
Main color is Yellow only

Enemy Profile

Turn Action(s)
Stage 1/2
[★5] Ecolonosuke [★5] Ecolonosuke Ailment Cutdown (-2) Turn Plus Cutdown (-2) [★7] Nasu Grave [★7] Nasu Grave Ailment Cutdown (-2) Turn Plus Cutdown (-2) [★7] Apostolos [★7] Apostolos Ailment Cutdown (-2) Turn Plus Cutdown (-2)
0 Transform all Purple PuyoGarbage Puyo Mass Attack (7500) +Fury5
1 Single Attack (7500) +Feigned3
2 Attack 2 cards (7500)
3 Mass Attack (colorless Garbage Puyo×100,000) Transform all Purple PuyoHeart Box Single Attack (7500) +Feigned3
4 Attack 2 cards (7500) All cards PTS+7
6 Mass Attack (7500) +Attack Down10 (-55%) Mass red Attack (7500)
7 Single Attack (7500) +Feigned3
8 Attack 2 cards (7500) Mass red Attack (7500)
9 Transform all Purple PuyoGarbage Puyo Single Attack (7500) +Feigned3
10 Mass Attack (37,500) Mass Attack (22,500) +Fury5 Mass Attack (22,500) with PTS+40
loops from Turn 1
Stage 2/2
[★6] Ecolonosuke [★6] Ecolonosuke Ailment Cutdown (-2) Turn Plus Cutdown (-2) [★7] Xianghua [★7] Xianghua Ailment Cutdown (-2) Turn Plus Cutdown (-2) [★7] Shigure [★7] Shigure Ailment Cutdown (-2) Turn Plus Cutdown (-2)
0 Transform Hard Puyo8 (bottom row) All cards Seal2
1 All enemies Attack Up4 (1.5×)
causes red multipliers below
4-turn transform Purple Next Puyo
2 Attack 2 cards (7500×1.5) Mass Attack (7500×1.5)
3 Attack 2 cards (7500×1.5) Transform Prism Ball8 (top row)
4 Mass Attack (7500×1.5) +Attack Down99 (-55%) Attack 2 cards (7500×1.5)
Single Attack (7500×1.5)
5 Mass Attack (colorless Garbage Puyo×100,000) 5-turn Trace Capacity -1
Single Attack (7500×1.5)
6 Attack 2 cards (11,250)
7 Attack 2 cards (11,250) All enemies Attack Up4 (1.5×)
causes red multipliers below
8 Mass Attack (7500×1.5)
Single Attack (7500×1.5)
9 Transform Hard Puyo16 (top 2 rows)
10 Mass Attack (37,500×1.5) Transform all Red PuyoBlue PuyoGreen PuyoYellow PuyoPurple PuyoHeart Box Mass Attack (22,500×1.5)
loops from Turn 1
Stage 2/2 (Boss Revived)
[★7] Ecolonosuke [★7] Ecolonosuke Ailment Cutdown (-2) Turn Plus Cutdown (-2)
0 All cards PTS+40
Self Red Inversion ShieldBlue Inversion ShieldGreen Inversion ShieldYellow Inversion ShieldPurple Inversion Shield6 (1×)
1 Transform Garbage Puyo6 (rightmost column)
2 Transform Garbage Puyo8 (bottom row)
3 Transform Garbage Puyo6 (leftmost column)
Mass Attack (7500) +Attack Down99 (-55%)
4 Transform Garbage Puyo8 (top row)
5 Mass Attack (15,000)
6 Mass Attack (colorless Garbage Puyo×100,000)
7 Mass Attack (22,500)
8 Mass Attack (22,500)
Transform Prism Ball5
9 Mass Attack (22,500)
Transform Heart Box5
10 Mass Toughpen. Attack (1,500,000)
Transform Hard Puyo12
loops from Turn 1

Drop and Reward Details

Quest Drop and First-clear Reward

  • (N) = Drop is not guaranteed
Difficulty Ghostly
Stage 1 [★6] Purple Crown Puyo [★5] Purple Grimoire
Stage 2 [★6] Purple Crown Puyo [★6] Purple Puyo Jelly [★5] Purple Grimoire [★6] Purple Grimoire
Stage 2
(Boss Revived)
[★6] Ecolonosuke [★6] Purple Puyo Jelly [★5] Purple Grimoire [★6] Purple Grimoire
EP Bonus [★6] Ecolonosuke [★6] Purple Puyo Jelly [★5] Purple Grimoire [★6] Purple Grimoire
[★5] Ecolonosuke