PPQ:Endless Quest 8

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Endless Quest 8
Opening Banner
Event Period (UTC+9)2015/6/16 15:00~2015/6/18 23:59
Event TypeEndless Quest


General Stats

Floor Stamina Stages Coins EXP Fairies
1F ~ 10F 10 7 380 450 Komorebi Fairies (20)
11F ~ 20F 20 7 1600 1200 Power Fairies (40)
21F ~ 30F 30 7 3000 1800 Guardian Fairies (60)
31F ~ 40F 40 7 4000 2400 Life Fairies (80)
41F ~ 50 7 5000 3000 Darkness Fairies (100)

Enemy Profile

  • Enemy contents cycles every 10 floors, with stats increases with floor number


Stage Enemy
Randomly 5 out of:
[★2] Red Paprisu [★2] Odorigame-Red [★2] Blue Paprisu [★2] Sorairo Chagama [★2] Green Paprisu
attack (1S)
attack (4S)
attack (1S)
attack (3S)
attack (1S)
[★2] Green Umiushi [★2] Odorigame-Yellow [★2] Fujiiro Chagama
attack (2S)
attack (4S)
attack (3S)


Stage Enemy 1F 11F+ Shields
3 [★4] Honey Bee AS Thou Be Injected! (お注射でござる!)
2 consecutive attacks
AS Figure-8 Dance (8の字の舞)
8 consecutive attacks
= Poison Resistance
7 [★5] Honey Bee FASFigure-8 Dance It Be! (8の字の舞でござる!)
8 consecutive attacks
AS Endingly Injected Thou Be! (とっておきのお注射でござる!)
Single strong attack
= Poison ResistanceSeal Resistance
[★5] Himarie AS Sunflower Heal (ヒマワリの癒し)
Mass recovery
= Poison ResistanceSeal Resistance


Stage Enemy 2F 12F+ Shields
4 [★4] Leif = Green Shield
[★4] Erik AS Special Veggie Juice (特製野菜ジュース)
Mass recovery
= Blue Shield
[★4] Jørn = Red Shield
7 [★5] Leif = Green ShieldPoison ResistanceSeal Resistance
[★5] Erik AS Special Veggie Juice (特製野菜ジュース)
Mass recovery
= Blue ShieldPoison ResistanceSeal Resistance
[★5] Jørn = Red ShieldPoison ResistanceSeal Resistance
[★5] Gnome F/AS Light of Stun (痺れの光)
2 cards Paralysis3
= Poison ResistanceSeal Resistance


Stage Enemy 3F 13F+ Shields
4 [★4] Sphinx AS Makhadda (マハッダ)
All cards Counter3
AS Ya~wn~ (ふぁあ~ぁ~)
3 consecutive attacks
AS Mumble... (むにゃむにゃ...)
Single heavy damage
AS Mmm, Just A Bit More~ (うーん、あと少し~)
Mass attack
7 [★5] Sphinx AS Makhadda (マハッダ)
All cards Counter3
AS Ya~wn~ (ふぁあ~ぁ~)
3 consecutive attacks
AS Mumble... (むにゃむにゃ...)
Single heavy damage
AS Mmm, Just A Bit More~ (うーん、あと少し~)
Mass attack
AS ??? (???)
Mass recovery
= Poison ResistanceSeal Resistance
[★5] Lamia AS (various)
Single heavy damage
AS Choco Sundae (チョコサンデー)
Mass recovery
= Poison ResistanceSeal Resistance
[★5] Lilim AS (various)
Single heavy damage
AS Candy Lick (ペロペロキャンディー)
Mass recovery
= Poison ResistanceSeal Resistance


Stage Enemy 4F 14F+ Shields
4 [★4] Rein AS Lovestruck Gaze (恋するまなざし)
1 card Seal3
[★4] Lovestruck Feli AS Hid-den-Fla-vors... (か・く・し・あ・じ…)
Transform 5 puyos into hard puyos
AS Kieeeee...! (キエエェェェ…!)
Fixed single attack (No. of nuisance puyo ×500)
7 [★5] Rein F/AS Lovestruck Gaze (恋するまなざし)
2 cards Seal3
AS ??? (???)
2 cards Confusion3
= Poison ResistanceSeal Resistance
[★5] Lovestruck Feli AS Hid-den-Fla-vors... (か・く・し・あ・じ…)
Transform 10 puyos into hard puyos
AS Kieeeee...! (キエエェェェ…!)
Fixed single attack (No. of nuisance puyo ×500)
= Poison ResistanceSeal Resistance
[★5] Lovestruck Rulue AS ??? (???)
Mass attack
= Poison ResistanceSeal Resistance


Stage Enemy 5F 15F+ Shields
4 [★4] Fufufu AS This Is Chance-nanone~ (これがチャンスなのね~)
Trace capacity -2 for 3 turns
AS Limited 30% Off Now-nanone~ (今だけ3割引き、なのね~)
3 consecutive attacks
[★4] Yang AS Treasure's Mine! (お宝はワシのもの!)
Single heavy damage
7 [★5] Fufufu FAS This Is The Final Chance-nanone~ (これが最後のチャンスなのね~)
AS All New Chance-nanone~ (新しいチャンスなのね~)
Trace capacity -4 for 3 turns
AS 'Limited 40% Off Now-nanone~~ (今だけ4割引き、なのね~)
4 consecutive attacks
= Poison ResistanceSeal Resistance
[★5] Yang AS Treasure's Mine! (お宝はワシのもの!)
AS Treasure's Mine... Probably! (お宝はワシのもの…のはず!)
Single heavy damage
= Poison ResistanceSeal Resistance


Stage Enemy 6F 16F+ Shields
4 [★4] Fangzhang AS Thrust of the Crimson Dragon (赫龍の突き)
Single heavy attack
AS Facing Thrust of the Crimson Dragon (赫龍の面突き)
2 consecutive heavy attacks
7 [★5] Fangzhang FAS Flames of the Crimson Dragon (赫龍の炎)
Mass attack
AS Thrust of the Crimson Dragon (赫龍の突き)
Single heavy attack
AS Facing Thrust of the Crimson Dragon (赫龍の面突き)
2 consecutive heavy attacks
AS Accumulating Power (チカラをためる)
Activate Disorder Thrust of the Crimson Dragon in 2 turns
AS Disorder Thrust of the Crimson Dragon (赫龍の乱れ突き)
6 consecutive attacks
= Poison ResistanceSeal Resistance
[★5] Penglai F/AS Dance of the Jade Dragon (碧龍の舞)
3 cards Fury3
= Poison ResistanceSeal Resistance


Stage Enemy 7F 17F+ Shields
3 [★4] Yana AS Hymn of Darkness (闇の賛美歌)
3 cards Poison3
= Poison ResistanceSeal Resistance
7 [★5] Yana F/AS Hymn of Darkness (闇の賛美歌)
3 cards Poison3
= Poison ResistanceSeal Resistance
[★5] Sylph F/AS Wind of Confusion (混乱の風)
2 cards Confusion2
F/AS Wind of Confusion (混乱の風)
3 cards Confusion2
Poison ResistanceSeal Resistance


Stage Enemy 8F 18F+ Shields
4 [★4] Ruka LS Follow-up Attack
AS Sudden Interview (突撃インタビュー)
2 consecutive attacks
[★4] Black Tiger AS I Am Tiger! (オレはトラだ!)
Mass attack
AS I Am Prawn! (オレはエビだ!)
Mass recovery
7 [★5] Ruka LS Follow-up Attack
AS Sudden Interview (突撃インタビュー)
3 consecutive attacks
= Poison ResistanceSeal Resistance
[★5] Black Tiger FAS Whatever I Am! (オレは誰なんだ!)
Mass attack
AS I Am Tiger! (オレはトラだ!)
Mass attack
AS I Am Prawn! (オレはエビだ!)
Mass recovery
= Poison ResistanceSeal Resistance


Stage Enemy 9F 19F+ Shields
4 [★4] Sig FAS Cyan (シアン)
Mass attack
AS Acide (アシッド)
Mass recovery
AS Lapis Lazuli (ラピスラズリ)
Mass attack
= Confusion ResistancePoison ResistanceSeal Resistance
7 [★5] Sig F/AS Lapis Lazuli (ラピスラズリ)
Mass attack
AS Acide (アシッド)
Mass recovery
= Confusion ResistancePoison ResistanceSeal Resistance
[★5] Empusa AS Consecutive Slash! (れんぞくぎり!)
2 consecutive attacks
AS Buchikamasu (ブチカマース)
All cards Counter3
= Poison ResistanceSeal Resistance


Stage Enemy 10F 20F+ Shields
3 [★4] Chiquita FAS You'd Better Know It! (覚悟はよろしいか!)
Mass attack
AS Chivalric Pledge (騎士の誓い)
Transform 10 puyos into nuisance puyos
AS Brave Charge! (ブレイブチャージ!)
Fixed Mass attack (No. of nuisance Puyo ×500)
= Poison ResistanceSeal Resistance
[★4] Minotauros = Poison ResistanceSeal Resistance
7 [★6] Chiquita FAS You'd Better Know It! (覚悟はよろしいか!)
Mass attack
AS Chivalric Pledge (騎士の誓い)
Transform 15 puyos into nuisance puyos
AS Brave Charge! (ブレイブチャージ!)
Fixed Mass attack (No. of nuisance Puyo ×1200)
= Poison ResistanceSeal Resistance
[★6] Minotauros AS Roar of the Beast (野獣の咆哮)
All cards Fear2
AS Full-force Blow (渾身の一撃)
Single heavy attack
= Poison ResistanceSeal Resistance


By Floor Cleared

Floor Puyo Material PuyoPoint Book of Secrets
1F [★5] Red Moon Puyo ×1 PuyoPoint 2
2F [★5] Blue Moon Puyo ×1 PuyoPoint 2
3F [★5] Green Moon Puyo ×1 PuyoPoint 2
4F [★5] Yellow Moon Puyo ×1 PuyoPoint 2
5F [★5] Purple Moon Puyo ×1 PuyoPoint 2
6F [★5] Red Moon Puyo ×1 PuyoPoint 2
7F [★5] Blue Moon Puyo ×1 PuyoPoint 2
8F [★5] Green Moon Puyo ×1 PuyoPoint 2
9F [★5] Yellow Moon Puyo ×1 PuyoPoint 2
10F PuyoPoint 2 [★3] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
11F [★5] Purple Moon Puyo ×3 PuyoPoint 3
12F [★5] Red Moon Puyo ×3 PuyoPoint 3
13F [★5] Blue Moon Puyo ×3 PuyoPoint 3
14F [★5] Green Moon Puyo ×3 PuyoPoint 3
15F [★5] Yellow Moon Puyo ×3 PuyoPoint 3
16F [★5] Purple Moon Puyo ×3 PuyoPoint 3
17F [★5] Red Moon Puyo ×3 PuyoPoint 3
18F [★5] Blue Moon Puyo ×3 PuyoPoint 3
19F [★5] Green Moon Puyo ×3 PuyoPoint 3
20F PuyoPoint 3 [★3] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
21F [★6] Yellow Crown Puyo ×1 PuyoPoint 5
22F [★6] Purple Crown Puyo ×1 PuyoPoint 5
23F [★6] Red Crown Puyo ×1 PuyoPoint 5
24F [★6] Blue Crown Puyo ×1 PuyoPoint 5
25F [★6] Green Crown Puyo ×1 PuyoPoint 5
26F [★6] Yellow Crown Puyo ×1 PuyoPoint 5
27F [★6] Purple Crown Puyo ×1 PuyoPoint 5
28F [★6] Red Crown Puyo ×1 PuyoPoint 5
29F [★6] Blue Crown Puyo ×1 PuyoPoint 5
30F PuyoPoint 5 [★4] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
31F [★6] Green Crown Puyo ×2
32F [★6] Yellow Crown Puyo ×2
33F [★6] Purple Crown Puyo ×2
34F [★6] Red Crown Puyo ×2
35F [★6] Blue Crown Puyo ×2
36F [★6] Green Crown Puyo ×2
37F [★6] Yellow Crown Puyo ×2
38F [★6] Purple Crown Puyo ×2
39F [★6] Red Crown Puyo ×2
40F [★4] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
41F [★6] Blue Crown Puyo ×3
42F [★6] Green Crown Puyo ×3
43F [★6] Yellow Crown Puyo ×3
44F [★6] Purple Crown Puyo ×3
45F [★6] Red Crown Puyo ×3
46F [★6] Blue Crown Puyo ×3
47F [★6] Green Crown Puyo ×3
48F [★6] Yellow Crown Puyo ×3
49F [★6] Purple Crown Puyo ×3
50F [★5] Purple Book of Secrets ×1
Each floor
Each color
[★1] Red Small Puyo
[★1] Blue Small Puyo
[★1] Green Small Puyo
[★1] Yellow Small Puyo
[★1] Purple Small Puyo
×1 set

By Ranking

  • Ranking tallied at 2015/6/19 00:29.
  • In case of same floors cleared, earlier achievers rank higher.
Ranked Within Coin/Ticket Ending Floors Cleared
500000 Coin 50000
200000 Silver Ticket ×1
80000 Silver Ticket ×2
30000 Gold Ticket ×1
10000 Gold Ticket ×2
3000 Gold Ticket ×3
1000 Gold Ticket ×2 Premium Ticket ×1
300 Gold Ticket ×1 Premium Ticket ×2