Seems we're caught up in Satan's plan. Just where am I, anyway? Let's examine the area for the time being since there's nothing better to do.
Beginning in the Forest
Walk left to meet Ally. After the conversation, you'll go through a tutorial fight.
Continue left to enter Grimp Town
Talk to the mayor of Grimp Town and accept the quest, Handle the Mystery Girl!
Leave town and head back to Grimp Forest (グリンプのもり)
After talking with the mayor, he said there's word about a Puyo-capped girl seen wandering the forest. Is that who I think it is? Now I'm curious. Let's go investigate!
Handle the Mystery Girl!
Head right for another tutorial fight about Battle Skills.
Head towards the red marker in the middle of the map. There's a button there; get close to it to start another fight and recruit Amitie
It turns out the red Puyo-capped mystery girl is Amitie. It looks like there's more to Grimp Forest, so let's keep looking!
Head back to Grimp Town. Talk to the mayor again to complete the quest.
We can get to Bleuo with something called the World Map...? Guess we'll find out once we leave and head to Bleuo.
Chest Items (Grimp Forest)
30 Coins
70 Coins
Cloth Hat (ぬののボウシ) (DEF +6)
To Bleuo Town
Bleuo Town is now unlocked! You are now able to leave Grimp and proceed to the next town.
Walk left to initiate a cutscene.
Chapter 2: Bleuo Town
I wonder why the residents of Bleuo are cooped up in their houses...? To start things off, Lidelle told us we need to go to the Snowy Road to find Sig!
Investigation of the Snowy Road
Head to Bleuo's Snowy Road (ブルーオの雪道)
The sliding puzzles to the chests in the southeast and northwest corners are really basic and can be figured out without much heavy thinking. You cannot slide in diagonal motions.
You can get to the southern area by sliding across the area in this way.
Yoshi! "Yaru zo" - ???? The status effect with 5 colors and an X.
Chest Items (Bleuo's Snowy Road)
80 Coins
100 Coins
60 Coins
So Sig's feeling down because the place has no bugs to be found? Lucikly, Ally told us of a bug haven we can visit to cheer him up!
Searching for Paradise
Head to a new area in the Grimp region: Bug Haven (ムシのらくえん)
You can access a hidden area by walking through the trees as shown in the screenshot below.
To unlock the gate, you'll need to kill several Hamtas that are sitting on switches. (Need ~9 or 10 Chain to sweep)
The chest straight north of the entrance is a Mimick (~200 HP). You will always go into the battle at a disadvantage ("back attacked").
Boss: Dongurigaeru (HP ~280) (~10 Chain can 1 shot)
Kero - Send 3 garbage
Kerokero - Send 6 garbge
KeroKERO~Spirited Song - ATK UP
Seems like Lidelle was able to get the Bleuo residents out and about to talk now. With Sig feeling better, let's get back to Bleuo!
Chest Items (Bug Haven)
160 Coins
Fresh Milk (とれたてミルク) (HP +17)
Crisp Cookie (サクサククッキー) (HP +15)
100 Coins
Back to Bleuo
Head back to Bleuo Town. The NPCs are now present to converse with.
Talk to Bleuo Town's mayor for your next quest.
There's supposedly a monster at the end of Sorrow Glacier, which made the residents go into hiding in their houses. According to rumors, it's a monster that makes people lost by singing a strange song...?The rumors about the singer turned out to be Ringo's song. Still, what's with this dizzying feeling I got from that "Shine★" I saw? Would Ringo know a thing or two about it...?
At the End of the Glacier?
Head to Sorrow Glacier (スクレルンひょうが) within the Bleuo Region.
If you walk on the big cracks while the ice is blowing, Arle's movement will slow down, making it easier for enemies to ambush you.
The chest in the middle of the map is a Mimick
A route through the whole map that lets you collect all the items is shown in a screenshot below; you can get to the secret area by walking between the trees.
You'll recruit Ringo as you progress through the southeast part of the map.
Use the ice pillar to go up into the area with Maguro.
Battle Maguro...with Ice Block Puyo rules! Winning this battle is optional, and can be skipped by picking the second option upon defeat. Note: Ringo will battle Maguro.
Continue upwards to activate the pedestal.
The identity of those so-called monsters are actually Ringo and Maguro. The incident at Bleuo's been solved! Let's go report to the village chief!
Chest Items (Sorrow Glacier)
130 Coins
Bronze Shield (青どうのタテ) (DEF +17)
100 Coins
Out of kindness, the chief let us have some shaved ice. A place like Bleuo is a bit too cold to have it though...So let's fix that and head on over to Retty!
Wake up, Bleuo!
Return to Bleuo Town and talk to the mayor to receive directions to Retty.
To the Blazing Town
Retty is unlocked! You are now able to visit Retty Town.
Talk to the mayor of Retty Town in the top left corner of the map to receive the next quest.
Chapter 3: Retty Town
We've arrived at the sweltering town of Retty! According to Maguro, something might be happening here...? Let's go talk to the residents to get ourselves settled in!
Leave it to the Hero!?
Leave town and visit Steamly Volcano (ホカホ火山) to trigger an event with Raffina.
Return to town and talk the mayor again and ask all three questions. The boss will not appear unless you ask the questions.
かれいなヘロインさまって? - Who's this magnificent heroine?
ヘロインさまはどこ? - Where's the heroine?
ヘロインさまはどんな人? - What kind of person is the heroine?
なんでもない - Nothing to ask. (End conversation)
What kind of person could this magnificent heroine be, I wonder...? We should get going after asking around town... I kinda want to meet this curriously magnificent heroine. (TN: There's a wordplay with how 'karei' is written. The second iteration is identical to how 'curry' is spelled.)
A Magnificent Heroine!?
Head to Steamly Volcano.
The button to open the switch is in the bottom left corner of the map
You can get to the secret area by walking between the blatantly off-color rocks.
The boss in this area is Raffina (HP: 450) (~13 Chain + atk/def modifiers? needed to 1 shot?)
Hora! - send 4 garbage
Goran nasai! - send 10 garbage
Kakugo nasai!Overflowing Confidence - ATK UP 30%
The game will warp you out of the area once you beat Raffina; if you want the Magical Hand Mirror (MP +4) you'll have to walk back to the treasure chest.
Who knew that the magnificent heroine would be Raffina? We better get back to Retty and tell the mayor about the volcano that's going to erupt!
Chest Items (Steamly Volcano)
290 Coins
120 Coins
Hunter's Bow (かりゅうどの弓) (ATK +23)
Magical Hand Mirror (まほうの手かがみ) (MP +4)
Taking Raffina Along
Return to Retty Town and talk to the mayor to receive your next quest.
It seems a monster appeared at the opposing Mildly Volcano. Let's take Raffina the magnificent heroine along to Mildly Volcano!
Fearsome Volcano!?
Head to Mildly Volcano (オダヤ火山)
The switch for the door is located in the southwest part of the map. You'll have to kill a Hamta sitting on it.
Circle around Yu & Rei to get the Rainbow Stone and the chest (if you fight and beat them, you'll get warped out of the area before you can collect the items).
Boss: Yu & Rei (HP: ~420) (to one shot, 12 chain + atk/def modifiers are required)
Sore! - send 5 garbage
Hoissa! - send 9 garbage
Acho!Silent Step - Sends 4 Hard Puyo and afflicts Hard Puyo status effect on party (future garbage also becomes Hard Puyo)
Chest Items (Mildly Volcano)
100 Coins
250 Coins
180 Coins
70 Coins
Rulue's Entry
Talk to the NPC at the entrance of Retty Town (not the mayor!) to get your next quest.
Just when we just won against Yu and Rei, Rulue suddenly came out of nowhere!? Though it seems the situation changed a bit...? Let's go report this to the mayor so we can chase down Rulue!
Could she have been the magnificent heroine from the very beginning...? If that's the case, Rulue's headed towards that stone somewhere in the Warmly Volcano.
Fighting Queen of the Volcano
Head to Warmly Volcano (アッタ火山)
You'll have to walk around the entire map to activate 4 switches to bring down the first barrier.
A quick way to return to the entrance is to intentionally lose a battle encounter, choose the second option to warp back to town, and reenter the area.
Hit the 5th switch to open the path to Rulue (HP: ~520)
Teya - send 6 garbage
Iku wa yo! - send 11 garbage
Hirefushinasai!O~hohoho - send 6 Hard Puyo and afflict Hard Puyo status effect
Touch the pedestal and report to the mayor.
The stone at Warmly Volcano has been broken, Rulue's back to her normal self, and the incident seems to have been peacefully resolved. Onwards to the next town: Yellome!
Chest Items (Warmly Volcano)
Warrior's Sword (せんしのけん) (ATK +21)
200 Coins
120 Coins
400 Coins
Out of the Volcano and into the Desert
Yellome is now unlocked and available for travel.
Talk to the mayor of Yellome Town (he's straight ahead, looking at the water). It doesn't matter which of the four choices you pick as they all agree. (They read "Yes.", "Sounds good.", "With pleasure." and "I can do it~")
Head to Deserted Rockface (さびれた いわば)
Chapter 4: Yellome Town
Yellome's stone is right at the heart of the town! Looks like we need to do some requests for the mayor before we can check it out. Let's go find this witch at the Deserted Rockface!
Witch of the Desert
There's just one switch. The path is fairly straightforward, but be careful not to get caught in the desert tornadoes.
Witch (HP: 600)
Yo! - send 5 garbage
SORE!!! -send 8 garbage
Falling Star - Direct HP damage (~45 HP)
Give it a go! - Applies Blind (turns your field black)
Chest Items (Deserted Rockface)
250 Coins
430 Coins
150 Coins
The witch of the Deserted Rockface turned out to be Witch, who happened to be just wandering around. Let's hurry back to Yellome and take a look at that stone!
Just the Stone Comes Next?
The Mayor will tell you the stone has gone missing and requests you to ask around town. Talk to the Timid Boy (いじけた子) for a lead to unlock Yellome Desert.
Just when we thought we found the stone, someone dressed in black made off with it and skipped town. Whoever that someone is, we need to chase them down to Yellome Desert!
A green marker will appear at an earlier portion of the map. Head to it, talk to Risukuma.
Chest Items (Yellome Desert)
410 Coins
230 Coins
160 Coins
110 Coins
We met a suspicious person in the desert... Hold up, Lemres said the black-clothed person we're looking for isn't actually Feli...? Let's go check out the Forgotten Rockface!
Feli and Senpai
Head to the Forgotten Rockface (わすれうれた いわば)
There's two switches you need to step on to progress.
You can get to the secret area by walking between the white slabs on the ground.
Circle around Feli on the right side to nab the chest before you fight her.
Feli (650 HP)
Kono kanji - send 4 garbage
Techu techu teaa - Send 8 garbage
ルミナリー Luminary - Directly deal 55 HP damage
あやしいおまじない Suspicious Luck Charm - Attack Speed UP & Garbage Number UP (time between attacks decreases and garbage sent increases)
Chest Items (Forgotten Rockface)
300 Coins
Witchcraft Scroll (まじゅつのスクロール) (MP +17, ATK +7)
160 Coins
480 Coins
What a relief, we found Feli! She isn't the black-clothed person that made off with the stone though. Let's head back to Yellome Desert, check out that blocked-off road and find that stone!
Beyond the Road
Head back to Yellome Desert (イエロームさばく). There is a new red marker in the middle of the map.
Rematch: Witch (HP: 600) This is considered a surprise encounter.
Yo! - send 5 garbage
SORE!!! -send 8 garbage
フォーリンスター Falling Star - Direct HP damage (~45 HP)
いってみよ Give it a go! - Applies smokescreen status effect (turns your field black)
Well, Witch's sudden appearance came as a surprise. But then where did Risukuma wander off to...? Anyhow, let's keep on going!
The Desert's End
Continue left to access another region of Yellome Desert, Yellome Desert's End
Head to the red marker to fight Risukuma (HP: 790)
Humu - send 6 garbage
Naruhodo send 11 garbage
ウォーアイニー Woo Ai Ni - Attack Up 30%
じっけんせいこう Experiment Successful - Defense Up 30%
Chest Items (Yellome Desert's End)
220 Coins
460 Coins
Warrior's Armor (せんしのヨロイ) (DEF +28)
My First Grimoire (はじめての魔導書) (MP +11, Recovery +5)
Risukuma behaved all strangely because of Ecolo's sudden appearance... I have several worries, but let's go see the village chief about the broken stone.There's nothing more to say about the broken stone, so let's leave it be. Let's get going to Purplune so we can get to the tower and chase Ecolo down!
Sorry, it Broke
Talk to the mayor of Yellome Town again to unlock the next area.
To the Final Town
Head straight forward to the platform with the four stars floating around. This will trigger a cutscene.
Talk to the mayor (the NPC in the top hat, just below this platform) for your next quest.
Chapter 5: Purplune Town
What kind of person would jump into the water and take shelter in the underground waterway...? That person is pretty weird... Let's head for the Purplune Aqueduct.
Beware the Dark Streets
Head to Purplune Aqueduct (パープルーン水道).
The switch you need to step on has a 20 second timer on it, so go through the gate before it closes.
If you need to get out, there's another switch you can step on (shown below).
Open the really huge chest at the end of this dungeon to fight Schezo (HP: 840).
Taa! - send 6 garbage
Kurae! - send 11 garbage
闇のチカラ Power of Darkness - Attack UP 25%, Defense UP 35%
アレイアード Areiardo - 65 HP damage
What do we do with Schezo, who's not only a pervert, but proclaims he wants love? Let's consult Purplune's mayor about it.
Chest Items (Purplune Aqueduct, First Area)
240 Coins
220 Coins
150 Coins
360 Coins
Love and a Pervert
Talk to the mayor of Purplune Town to receive your next quest.
We need to air out and put a stop to the smoke in the Smoked Maze so we could take care of the Love Overflow state. Let's head over to the Smoked Maze and cure Schezo as well.
The Smoke-filled Labyrinth
Head to Smoked Maze (モックモクめいろ). There's smoke panels around the ground; if you run into them while they're smoking, your controls will be inverted.
Step on the timed switch to open the gate.
Just walk through the archway to get to the secret area.
Head to the red marker for a one-on-one Puyo battle with Risukuma with Tsu rules. (Schezo will battle Risukuma)
Schezo and Risukuma just went into a almost Love Overflow time back there... Well, everything's alright now, so let's consult Purplune's mayor again for some answers.
Chest Items (Smoked Maze)
180 Coins
220 Coins
200 Coins
300 Coins
400 Coins
Escaping the Labyrinth
Report to the Mayor to receive the next quest.
Rumors about people heading to the Purplune Aqueduct and losing their memories spreading like crazy. Let's go back to the Purplune Aqueduct and investigate from top to bottom!
Something Lurking Within the Aqueduct
Return to Purplune Aqueduct (パープルーン水道). There will no longer be a gate in the big southeastern room. Continue on to the Aqueduct Depths. Vision will be limited in this area, only showing a circular sight around Arle.
ぬきうちテスト Pop Quiz - Send 12 Iced Puyo and afflict Ice Puyo status effect.
フェルマータ Fermata - 70 HP damage
Chest Items (Purplune Aqueduct Depths)
Steel Shield (はがねのタテ) (DEF +36)
180 Coins
390 Coins
300 Coins
We ran into Ms. Accord within the Purplune Aqueduct. Let's get back to Purplune with the teacher! By the way, what's the rumor about losing memories all about...?
Together with Teacher
Speaking to the Mayor will yield information about a "black shadow." To proceed to the next quest, you need to speak with the Lethargic Man (だつりょくお兄さん) pictured below in the screen shot. Afterwards, the mayor's dialogue will change and he will give you the quest.
A pitch-black shadowy thing appeared in the Pitch-black Underpass. Could that be Ecolo, then...? Let's head to the Pitch-black Underpass!
Beyond the Darkness
Head to Pitch-black Underpass (マックライ地下道). Much like the Purplue Aqueduct Depths, the player's vision is limited.
もっとあそぼうよ (Let's keep playing!) - may inflict Nuisance Puyo status (Puyo pairs are Nuisance Puyo)
Chest Items (Pitch-black Underpass)
450 Coins
350 Coins
Life Bracelet (いのちのうでわ) (+24 RCV)
650 Coins
To the Last Pedestal
Return to the Purplune Aqueduct Depths. The gate blocking off a deeper part of the area will be gone, allowing access to Purplune Aqueduct's End (パープルーン水道のはて).