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The Suzuran Shopping District as it appears in Puyo Puyo 7.
Other NamesChinese 铃兰 (línglán)
AppearancesPuyo Puyo 7

Puyo Puyo Tetris
Puyo Puyo Tetris 2

Puyo Puyo Puzzle Pop

Suzuran (すずらん Suzuran) is a more modern Japanese city that first appeared in Puyo Puyo 7. It is the hometown of Ringo Ando, Maguro, and Risukuma.


The detailed geography of Suzuran is unknown, but it appears to be close to the sea based on backgrounds shown in Puyo Puyo Tetris. It is connected to other parts of the world through a train system, which Amitie was unfamiliar with based on dialogue shown in Puyo Puyo 7. It is populated primarily by human beings as Risukuma is considered to be quite unique by Ringo and Maguro.

The Shopping District where Ringo and Maguro live is located here, as well as Suzuran Junior high, where Ringo, Maguro, and Risukuma are all students.

Other Appearances


  • The name of the city comes from the Japanese word for lilies of the valley. The streetlights in the Shopping District are modeled after this flower.


Puyo Puyo 7

Suzuran Junior High

Suzuran Shopping District

Puyo Puyo Tetris 2

Puyo Puyo Puzzle Pop