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< Return to Raffina

This page contains the transcripts and translations for Raffina's chants as they appear throughout the series.

Puyo Puyo Fever

Player Chain (Raffina Type)
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Chain 1 それ Sore! Here! Exactly.
Chain 2 ウフフ Ufufu! Tee-hee! Precisely.
Chain 3 まだまだよ Mada mada yo. I'm not done. More to come...
Chain 4 いくわよ Iku wa yo! Here I go! Don't you know it!
Chain 5 アルマージュ Arumaaju Allumage (Ignition)
Repeater フォルト Foruto Fort (Strength)
Spell 1 グレール Gureeru Grêle (Hail)
Spell 2 エタンセル Etanseru Étincelle (Spark)
Spell 3 アヴァランシュ Avaranshu Avalanche
Spell 4 フー・ダルティ Fuu Daruti Feu d'Arti Feu d'Artifice (Fireworks)
Spell 5 シエルアーク Shieru Aaku Ciel Arc (Rainbow)
Enemy Attack
Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Light やったわね! Yatta wa ne! You got me! Nice one!
Heavy きゃあーっ! Kyaa! Aaah! Really nice!
Fever Mode
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Entered おーっほっほっほっ! Ohohoho! *noblewoman's laugh* I am good!
Success 余裕だわ Yoyuu da wa. It's easy. What a breeze!
Failed くっ… Ku... Tch... Blast it!
Character Select/Match Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character Select 相手になるのかしら? Aite-ni naru no kashira? Are you a match for me? Are you a worthy opponent?
Win やるまでもなかったわね Yaru made mo nakatta wa ne. I didn't have to do anything. Not worth the trouble.
Lose な、何かの間違いよ... Na, nanika-no machigai yo... T-There must be some mistake... Oh, la-ti-da!
Post-Match Dialogue (DS only)
Victory Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Just as I expected! Try me again anytime!
Hmph... Guess you're no match for me after all.
Ahahahaha! Not even a chance!
Wow, I can't believe it! You gotta be kidding me!

Puyo Puyo Fever 2

Player Chain
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Chain 1 それっ Sore! Here!
Chain 2 うっふふ Ufufu! Tee-hee!
Chain 3 まだまだよ Mada mada yo. I'm not done.
Chain 4 いくわよ Iku wa yo! Here I go!
Chain 5 アルマージュ Arumaaju Allumage
Repeater フォルト Foruto Fort
Spell 1 アヴェルス Averusu Averse (Shower)
Spell 2 エタンセル Etanseru Étincelle
Spell 3 オラージュ Oraaju Orage (Thunderstorm)
Spell 4 フー・ダルティ Fuu Daruti Feu d'Arti
Spell 5 シエルアーク Shieru Aaku Ciel Arc
Enemy Attack
Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Light やったわね Yatta wa ne! You got me!
Heavy きゃあーっ Kyaa! Aaah!
Character Select/Match Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Character Select 相手になるのかしら? Aite-ni naru no kashira? Are you a match for me?
Win やるまでもなかったわね Yaru made mo nakatta wa ne. I didn't have to do anything.
Lose な、何かの間違いよ... Na, nanika-no machigai yo... T-There must be some mistake...
Fever Mode
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Entered おーっほっほっほっ Ohohoho! *noblewoman's laugh*
Success 余裕だわ Yoyuu da wa. It's easy.
Failed くっ… Ku... Tch...
Japanese Romanization Translation
アヴァランシュ Avaranshu Avalanche

Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary and Puyo Puyo 7

Player Chain
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Chain 1 それ Sore! Here!
Chain 2 うふっ Ufu! *giggle*
Chain 3 まだまだよ Mada mada yo. I'm not done.
Chain 4 いくわよ! Iku wa yo! Here I go!
Repeater フォルト Foruto Fort
Counter お返しですわ! Okaeshi desu wa! Payback!
Spell 1 ネージュ Neeju Neige (Snow)
Spell 2 エタンセル Etanseru Étincelle
Spell 3 オラージュ Oraaju Orage
Spell 4 ラージュソレイユ Raaju Soreiyu Rage Soleil (Raging Sun)
Spell 5 シエルアーク Shieru Aaku Ciel Arc
Enemy Attack
Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Light やったわね Yatta wa ne! You got me!
Heavy きゃあーっ! Kyaa! Aaah!
Character Select/Match Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Character Select 相手になるのかしら? Aite-ni naru no kashira? Are you a match for me?
Win やるまでもなかったわね Yaru made mo nakatta wa ne. I didn't have to do anything.
Lose な、何かの間違いよ... Na, nanika-no machigai yo... T-There must be some mistake...
Fever Mode
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Entered おーっほっほっほっ!
おーっほっほっほっほっ!(7, Mini Fever Clear)
*noblewoman's laugh*
Success 余裕だわ Yoyuu da wa. It's easy.
Failed くっ… Ku... Tch...
Transformation (7)
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Chain A 余裕だわ Yoyuu da wa. It's easy.
Chain B 余裕だわ! Yoyuu da wa! It's easy!
Unused (15th)
Japanese Romanization Translation
デファンドル Defandoru Défendre

Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary

Player Chain
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Chain 1 ほら
ほ、ほら...! (Alt. voice)
Ho, hora...!
Chain 2 うふっ Ufu! *giggle*
Chain 3 いくわよ! Iku wa yo! Here I go!
Chain 4 見せてあげる! Misete ageru! I'll show you!
Repeater フォルト Foruto Fort
Counter お返しですわ! Okaeshi desu wa! Payback!
Spell 1 ネージュ Neeju Neige
Spell 2 フラーム Furaamu Flamme (Flame)
Spell 3 ディシャージ Dishaaji Décharge (Discharge)
Spell 4 フー・ダルティ Fuu Daruti Feu d'Arti
Spell 5 シエルアーク Shieru Aaku Ciel Arc
Enemy Attack
Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Light 何よっ!? Nani yo!? What's that!?
Heavy いや~っ! Iya! No!
Character Select/Match Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Character Select 覚悟はよろしくて? Kakugo-wa yoroshikute? Are you prepared?
Win 当然の(、)結果ですわ! Touzen-no kekka desu wa! It's a natural outcome!
Lose こ、こんなの嘘よ… (!) Ko, konna-no uso yo... T-That can't be...
Fever Mode
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Entered おーっほっほっ!
おほほほほほ...! (Alt. Voice)
*noblewoman's laugh*
Success こんなところね Konna tokoro ne. This about does it.
Failed えっ? E? Huh?
Transformation/Pair Puyo Puyo
Combo Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Chain A 余裕だわ Yoyuu da wa. It's easy.
Chain B 余裕だわ! Yoyuu da wa! It's easy!
Pair 8 Chain
Sync Chain Start
ひゃーほー! Hyaahoo! Yahoo!
Pair Attack A ビューティフル… Byuutifuru, Beautiful...
Pair Attack B ペア(、)アタック! Pea Attakku! Pair Attack!
Pair Life Lost (こ、ここ、)ここからですわ! Ko-koko, Koko kara desu wa! You haven't seen anything yet!
Pair Life Gone わたくしとしたことが… Watakushi-to shita koto-ga... This isn't like me...
Special Pair Victory
Character Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
with Amitie
Amitie ver. PuyoTet2 やったね、ラフィーナ! Yatta ne, Rafiina! We did it, Raffina!
Raffina ver. PuyoTet2 ま、上出来ですわ。 Ma, joudeki desu wa. Well, nicely done.

Puyo Puyo Tetris, Puyo Puyo Chronicle and Puyo Puyo Tetris 2

  • Orange - Puyo Puyo Tetris Alt. Voice and Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 ENG. Alt Voice
  • Dark Orange - Puyo Puyo Tetris exclusive ENG Alt. Voice
  • Gold - Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 JP. Alt. Voice
  • Purple - Puyo Puyo Tetris exclusive Standard Voice
Player Chain
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Chain 1 ほら Hora. Here! Hah!
Chain 2 こっちよ! Kotchi yo! This way! Here it comes!
Chain 3 ごらんなさい!
Goran nasai!
Goran nachai!
Have a look! Don't blink!
Do not blink!
Chain 4 おみまいするわ!
O-mimai suru wa!
O-mimai churu wa!
I'll give you a blow! You ready?
This is it!
Repeater フォルト
Fort Thrashing time!
Counter お返しですわ!
Okaeshi desu wa!
Okaeshi dechu wa!
Payback! Take that back!
Take it back!
Spell 1 ネージュ Neeju Neige Frost
Spell 2 フラーム Furaamu Flamme Scorch
Spell 3 ディシャージ Dishaaji Décharge Static Shock
Spell 4 フー・ダルティ
Fuu Daruti
Fuu Dauti!
Feu d'Arti Fireworks
Spell 5 シエルアーク
Shieru Aaku
Cheru Aaku!
Ciel Arc Rainbow Deluxe!
Tetris Line Clear テトリスですわ!
Tetorisu desuwa!
Tetorichu desuwa!
Enemy Attack
Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Light 何よっ!? Nani yo!? What's that!? Ah!
Heavy いや~っ!/ ... *yawn*
やめやがれ!…ですわ! (Chronicle only)
Iya! / ...
Yameyagare! ...desu wa!
Cut it out, for sure! (Translation)
Character Select/Match Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character Select 覚悟はよろしくて?
Kakugo-wa yoroshikute?
Kakugo-wa yorochikute?
Are you prepared?
Win 当然の結果ですわ!
Touzen-no kekka desu wa!
Touzen-no kekka dechu wa!
It's a natural outcome! Was there ever any doubt?
Lose こ、こんなの嘘よ…
Ko, konna-no uso yo...
Ko, konna-no ucho yo...
T-That can't be... Someone owes me an apology...
Fever Mode/Big Bang
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Entered おーっほっほっ! O-hoho! *noblewoman's laugh* Did I do that?
Well done!
Success さすがわたくし (*yawn*)
Sasuga watakushi.
Chachuga watakuchi!
As expected of me. No surprise.
Failed えっ?
へ...? (T1 Standard & T2 Alt)
Huh? But, h-hey now...
Hey now...
Big Bang 覚悟なさい!
Kakugo nasai!
Kakugo nachai!
Prepare yourself! Stand your ground!
Light Attack はっ! Ha! Hah! Hi-yah!
Severe Attack いきますわよ~!
Ikimasu wa yo!
Ikimasu wa yo!
Here I go! Round house!
Win きまりましたわ!
Kimarimashita wa!
Kimarimachita wa!
I made it! Out of my way!
Light Damage なんですって!?
Nan desu-tte!?
Nan dechu-tte!?
What!? (Hey!)
Severe Damage わたくしとしたことが…
Watakushi-to shita koto-ga...
Watakuchi-to chita koto-ga...
This isn't like me... Better watch out!
Lose ふざけんな!…ですわ…
Fuzaken na! ...desu wa...
Fuzaken na! ...dechu wa...
Stop messing around, for sure... Next time...!
We'll meet again.
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Match Start ぷよぷよですわ!
Puyo Puyo desuwa!
Tetorisu desuwa!
Puyo Puyo dechuwa!
Tetorichu dechuwa!
Puyo Puyo Time!
Tetris Time!
Swap 交代ですわ!
Koutai desu wa!
Koutai dechu wa!
Switch! Let's swap!
Let us swap!
Swap while in disadvantage ピンチでしたわねぇ…
Pinchi deshita wa ne...
Pinchi dechita wa ne...
That was a pinch... Close call!
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Power-up item いただきですわ!
Itadaki desu wa!
Itadaki dechu wa!
This is mine! What I've always wanted.
Offensive item はい、どうぞ! Hai, douzo! Here you are! This is for you!
Getting multiple items at once くらいなさい!
Take this! Enjoy! *laugh*
Topped out ここからですわ!
Koko kara desu wa!
Koko kara dechu wa!
You haven't seen anything yet! Last time didn't count!
Last time did not count!
Win わたくしが(*yawn*)最強ですわ!
Watakushi-ga saikyou desu wa!
Watakuchi-ga saikyou dechu wa!
I'm the strongest!
I am the strongest!
Be a Runner-Up 余裕(...)です(...)わ!
Yoyuu desu wa!
Yoyuu dechu wa!
It's easy! I can always do better!
Lose み…(*snores*)認めないわ…! Mi, mitomenai wa...! I don't accept this outcome!
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Mix Chain ミックス連鎖ですわ!
Mikkusu Rensa desuwa!
Mikkuchu Rencha dechuwa!
Mix Chain!
Tetris Plus テトリスプラス(、)ですわ!
Tetorisu Purasu(,) desuwa!
Tetorichu Purachu dechuwa!
Tetris Plus!
Chaining by a Tetrimino crushing Puyo のってき(まし)たわ~!(*yawn*) Notte ki(mashi)ta wa! I'm getting on a roll! So lucky!
I'm the best.
Mega Puyo Rush
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Chain A 余裕だわ Yoyuu da wa. It's easy.
Chain B 余裕だわ! Yoyuu da wa! It's easy!
Skill Battle
Activated Skill Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Change All (2 rows) いかがかしら?
How about this? Want some of this?
Change All (4 rows) これで決まりよ! koredekimari yo! This is it!
Unused やっちゃいなさい!
Time to do this!
Change All (3 rows) 見せてあげる
I'll show you.
System Startup
Result Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Boot Up - Sega セガ!* Sega!
Boot Up - Tetris テトリス! Tetorisu! Tetris!
Title Screen - Tetris Series ぷよぷよテトリス!
ぷよぷよテトリス 2!
Puyo Puyo Tetorisu!
Puyo Puyo Tetorisu Tsu!
Puyo Puyo Tetris!
Puyo Puyo Tetris 2!
Title Screen - Chronicle ぷよぷよクロニクル! Puyopuyo Kuronikuru! Puyo Puyo Chronicle!

*: The "Sega" is singing by 3rd pitch downwards. Unused in Puyo Puyo Tetris 2.

Online Greetings
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Iza, shoubudesu wa!
Ija, choubudechu wa!
Let us begin!
Aite-ni natte sashiagemasu wa.
Aite-ni natte chachiagemachu wa.
And now you face... me!
Kakugo-wa yoroshikute?
Kakugo-wa yorochikute?
I hope you're ready for me!
Toreeningu-wa, redii-no tashinami desu wa.
Toreeningu-wa, redii-no tachinami dechu wa.
A proper lady trains hard.
おーっほっほっほっ! Ohohoho! O-hohohoho!

Puyo Puyo Champions

Player Chain
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
20+ Chain A 余裕だわ Yoyuu da wa. It's easy. Too easy.
20+ Chain B 余裕だわ! Yoyuu da wa! It's easy! Child's play!
Counter 蹴ちらしてさしあげますわ! Kechirashite sashiagemasu wa! I shall kick it away! It's over for you.
Spell 1 フォルト Foruto Fort Thrashing time!
Spell 2 ネージュ Neeju Neige Frost
Spell 3 フー・ダルティ Fuu Daruti Feu d'Arti Fireworks
Spell 4 ディシャージ Dishaaji Décharge Static Shock
Spell 5 シエルアーク Shieru Aaku Ciel Arc Rainbow Deluxe!
Enemy Attack
Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Light 何よっ!? Nani yo!? What's that!? Ah!
Heavy いや~っ! Iya! No!
Character Select/All Clear/Match Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character Select 覚悟はよろしくて? Kakugo-wa yoroshikute? Are you prepared?
All Clear おーっほっほっほっ! Ohohoho! *noblewoman's laugh*
Win 当然の結果ですわ! Touzen-no kekka desu wa! It's a natural outcome! Was there ever any doubt?
Lose こ、こんなの嘘よ… Ko, konna-no uso yo... T-That can't be... Someone owes me an apology...
Fever Mode
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Entered いきますわよ~! Ikimasu wa yo! Here I come!
Success ごらんなさい! Goran nasai! Have a look! Are you awestruck?
Failed えっ? E? Huh? What!?

Puyo Puyo Puzzle Pop

Player Chain & Damage
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Chain 1 ほら Hora! Ha!
Chain 2 こっちよ! Kocchi yo! Here it comes!
Chain 3 ごらんなさい! Goran nasai! Don't blink!
Chain 4 くらいなさい! Kurainasai! Take this! Enjoy! *giggle*
Repeater フォルト Foruto Fort Thrashing time~!♪
Chain 20-24 行きますわよ! Ikimasu wa yo! Here it comes! Roundhouse!
Chain 25+ もっと行きますわ! Motto ikimasu wa! Get ready for more!
Counter その程度かしら? Sono teido kashira? Is that all you got?
Spell 1 ネージュ Nēju Neige Frost
Spell 2 フラーム Furāmu Flamme Scorch
Spell 3 ディシャージ Dishāji Décharge Static Shock
Spell 4 フー・ダルティ Fū darti Feu d'arti Fireworks
Spell 5 シエルアーク Shieru āku Ciel arc Rainbow Deluxe
All Clear How refershing!
Light Damage ちょっと! Chotto! A little! Hey!
Heavy Damage だめ! Dame! No good! No!
Adventure Mode Map Dialogue
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Story introduction ラフィーナですわ。いご、 お見知りおきを。 Rafīna desu wa. Igo omishirioki wo I'm Raffina. Hope to see you soon!
Beginning an episode
or Challenge Dungeon
軽く遊んで差し上げますは! Karuku asonde sashiagemasu wa? I'll have fun with you! Don't worry, I'll go easy on you!
Entering a stage それでは、参りましょう。 Sore de wa, mairimashō Let's get started, shall we?
Finding an item 1 何かしら? Nani kashira? What might this be?
Finding an item 2 わたくしのものよ! Watakushi no mono yo! All mine!
Completing a stage こんなところね。 Konna tokoro ne. I'm done here.
Failing a stage ありえませんわ・・・ Ariemasen wa... Impossible...
Completing all stages That was rather fun.
Special Dialogue
Event Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character's birthday You'll make this a special day for me, right?
Clearing a Secret Mission Why, you're not half bad!
Player's birthday
Puyo Day
Character Select & Match Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character Select 軽く遊んで差し上げますは! Karuku asonde sashiagemasu wa? I'll have fun with you! Don't worry, I'll go easy on you!
Win Want some more?
Lose こ…このわたくしが… Ko... Kono watakushi ga... This can't be right!
Fever Mode & Big Bang
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Entered いきにいくわよ Ikini iku wa yo! Here I go! I won't hold back!
Clear Success 決まりましは! Out of my way!
Clear Failed 今のは無しよ! That was nothing!
Big Bang It'll only hurt a little!
Light Attack それ! Sore! Here! Take this!
Heavy Attack Hi-yah!!
Win You'll forgive me, right?
Light Damage Nugh! At this rate...!
Heavy Damage Ugh! Why?
Lose Ahh!

Puyo Puyo!! Quest

Main article: PPQ:Voice Transcript/Raffina

Main article: PPQ:Voice Transcript/Steam City Raffina