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< Return to Rulue

This page contains the transcripts and translations for Rulue's chants as they appear throughout the series.

Puyo Puyo

In this game, Rulue does not have a voice clip in outside of the TurboGrafx-CD version/Puyo Puyo CD. This could be related to the fact that many of the voices were recycled from the original versions of Madou Monogatari 123, where Rulue does not directly fight Arle.

Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Appearance ふんっ Fun Hmph.

Puyo Puyo Tsu

Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Appearance かかってきなさい Kakatte kinasai Bring it on.
Defeated 覚えてなさい! Oboete nasai! I'll remember this!
Unused ふんっ Fun Hmph.
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Appearance ふふん、かかってきなさい Fufun, kakatte kinasai Hmph, bring it on.
Defeated 覚えてなさい! Oboete nasai! I'll remember this!

Puyo Puyo CD Tsu

The following chants also apply to Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary and Puyo Puyo Chronicle when a cheat code is inputted in the rule selection screen when selecting the Puyo Puyo rule, but the damage and results quotes remain unchanged.

Player Chain
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
2 破岩掌! Haganshou! Rock Punch!
3 背負い投げ! Seoi-nage! Shoulder Toss!
4 女帝拳! Joteiken! Empress Fist!
5 女王乱舞! Joou Ranbu! Queenly Dance!
Enemy Attack
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
2 やったわね! Yattawane! You got me!
3 げげっ! Gege! Eek!
4 ひっどーい! Hidoi! Awful!
5 きゃあー! Kyaa! Ahhh!
Match Start and Result

Super Nazo Puyo: Rulue no Roux and Super Nazo Puyo Tsu: Rulue no Tetsuwan Hanjouki

Player Chain
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
2 えいや Eiya! ???
3 はあ Haa! Ha!
4 そうれ Sōre! Here!
5 ホーホホホホ Hōhohohoho! *noblewoman's laugh*

Puyo Puyo Sun and Minna de Puyo Puyo

The following chants also apply to Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary and Puyo Puyo Chronicle when a cheat code is inputted in the rule selection screen when selecting the Tsu and Sun rules, but the damage and results quotes remain unchanged.

Player Chain
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
1 たぁっ Taa! Hi-yah!
2 破岩掌 Haganshou Rock Punch
3 鉄拳制裁 Tekken Seisai Iron Fist Sanction
4 パワーストライク Pawaa Sutoraiku Power Strike
5 崩撃連脚 Hougeki Renkyaku Collapsing Kicks
6 レイスカッター Reisu Kattaa Wraith Cutter
7 女王乱舞 Joou Ranbu Queenly Dance
Enemy Attack
Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Light やったわね! Yattawane! You got me!
Heavy やってくれるわね! Yatte kureru wane! There you go!
Match Start and Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Character Select かかってらしゃい Kakatte rashai. Bring it on
Win おかわり、する? O kawari, suru? Want to go again?
Lose サタンさまぁ~ Satan-sama~ Darling Satan...

Puyo Puyo~n

Player Chain
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
1 そぉれ Sore! Here!
2 破岩掌 Haganshou Rock Punch
3 風神脚 Fuujin Kyaku Wind God Kick
4 天舞脚 Tenbu Kyaku Heaven Dance Kick
5 連撃雷神拳 Rengeki Raijinken Thunderous Punches
6 闘氣放撃 Touki Hougeki Fighting Spirit Shot
7 女王乱舞 Joou Ranbu Queenly Dance
Super Attack
Japanese Romanization Translation
真・女王乱舞 Shin Joou Ranbu True Queenly Dance
Enemy Attack
Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Light あぁっ! Aa! Aah!
Heavy やったわね! Yattawa ne! You got me!
Match Start and Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Match start ふふっ、かかってきなさい! Fufun, kakatte kinasai Hmph, bring it on!
Win 当然の結果ですわ Tōzen no kekkadesu wa That's a natural result
Lose 覚えてなさい Oboete nasai! I'll remember this!
Japanese Romanization Translation
キッー! ゆるさなーい! Kiee! Yurusanaai! Grrrr! Unforgivable!

Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary and Puyo Puyo 7

Player Chain
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Chain 1 たあ Taa. Yah!
Chain 2 それ Sore. Here!
Chain 3 邪魔よ Jama yo. Scram!
Chain 4 お黙り Odamari! Shut up!
Repeater 精神一統 Seishin Ittou Resolution
Counter 心頭滅却 Shintou Mekkyaku Clearing Mind
Spell 1 破岩掌 Haganshou Rock Punch
Spell 2 風神脚 Fuujinkyaku Wind God Kick
Spell 3 鉄拳制裁 Tekken Seisai Iron Fist Sanction
Spell 4 崩撃連脚 Hougeki Renkyaku Collapsing Kicks
Spell 5 女王乱舞 Joou Ranbu Queenly Dance
Enemy Attack
Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Light やってくれるわね! Yatte kureru wa ne! There you go!
Heavy きゃあーっ! Kyaa! Aaah!
Fever Mode
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Entered オーッホッホッホ! Ohohoho! *noblewoman's laugh*
Success 当然よ Touzen yo. Of course.
Failed キィ~ッ! Kii! Uh-oh!
Match Start and Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Character Select かかってきなさい。 Kakatte kinasai. Bring it on!
Win 身の程を知りなさい! Mi-no hodo-o shirinasai! Know your place!
Lose お、覚えてなさい! O, oboete nasai! I'll remember this!
(7 only) Transformation
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Chain A 当然よ Touzen yo. Of course!
Chain B 当然よ! Touzen yo! Naturally!
Unused (15th)
Japanese Romanization Translation
残念ね Zannen ne. Too bad.

Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary/Puyo Puyo Tetris/Puyo Puyo Chronicle/Puyo Puyo Tetris 2

Player Chain
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Chain 1 てやっ! Teya! Hi-yah! Hey-yah! (T1)
Hi-yah! (T2)
Chain 2 とう! Tou! ??? Take that!
Chain 3 いくわよ! Iku wa yo! Here I go! Here I come!
Chain 4 覚悟なさい! Kakugo nasai! Prepare yourself!
Repeater 精神一統 Seishin Ittou Resolution Concentration
Counter 心頭滅却 Shintou Mekkyaku Clearing Mind Clear the Mind
Spell 1 破岩掌 Haganshou Rock Punch
Spell 2 風神脚 Fuujinkyaku Wind (God) Kick
Spell 3 鉄拳制裁 Tekken Seisai Iron Fist (Sanction)
Spell 4 崩撃連脚 Hougeki Renkyaku Collapsing Kicks Exploding Knee
Spell 5 女王乱舞 Joou Ranbu Queenly Dance Fighting Queen
Tetris Line Clear テトリスよ! Tetorisu yo! Tetris!
Enemy Attack
Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Light 何てことを?! Nante koto-o?! How dare you?!
Heavy あーん!
ぐっ... (T2 Alt. Voice)
Tch... (T2 JP alt.)
Character Select/Match Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character Select よろしくてよ。(20th only)
Yoroshikute yo.
Kawaigatte ageru...
I'm ready.
I'll treat you fondly...
I'll have fun with you...
Win 女王の鉄拳、いかが? Jouou-no tekken, ikaga? How are my queenly fists? Did you enjoy my technique?
Lose 許さないんだから! (20th only)
Yurusanai-n dakara!
Oboete rasshai!
I won't accept this!
I'll remember this!
You'll regret this...
Fever Mode/Big Bang
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Entered オーッホッホッホ!
うっふふふふ…♪ (T1 Alt. Voice)
*noblewoman's laugh*
Hee-hee-hee...♪ (T1 JP. alt)
Success 当然よ Touzen yo. Of course.
Failed キィ~ッ!
くっ… (T1 and T2 Alt. Voices)
Tch... (T1 and T2 JP. alt)
Big Bang ごめんあそばせ! Gomen'asobase! Sorry about this!
Light Attack 鉄拳ですわ! Tekken desu wa! My fists! Iron Strike!
Severe Attack はぁーーーっ! Haa! HAAAAH!
Win ひれ伏しなさい! Hirefushinasai! Bow down to me!
Light Damage あーん!
ああっ! (T2 Alt. Voice)
Oh! (Translation)
Severe Damage こんなことって… Konna koto-tte... How can this... This can't be!
Lose 乙女になんてことを… Otome-ni nante koto-o... How dare you do this to a maiden... How dare you do this to me...
Transformation/Pair Puyo Puyo
Chain/Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Chain A 当然よ Touzen yo. Of course!
Chain B 当然よ! Touzen yo! Naturally!
Pair Attack A 女王の Jouou-no, Queenly...
Pair Attack B ペアアタック! Pea Attakku! Pair Attack!
Pair Life Lost 次は本気よ! Tsugi-wa honki yo! This is where I get serious!
Pair Life Gone ごめんあそばせ! Gomen'asobase! Sorry about this!
Special Pair Victory
Character Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
with Arle
Rulue なんでアンタなんかと! Nande anta nanka-to! Why do I have to be with the likes of you!
Arle まあまあ、勝ったんだし... Maa maa, katta n dashi... Now, now, we won after all.
with Satan
Rulue やりましたわ、サタンさま♥ Yarimashita wa, Satan-sama! We did it, my darling Satan!♥︎
Satan うむ、悪くない。 Umu, waruku nai. Mmm, not bad.
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Match Start ぷよぷよかしら?
Puyo Puyo kashira?
Tetorisu kashira?
Puyo Puyo/Tetris I guess? Time for Puyo Puyo/Tetris.
Swap こっちかしら? Kotchi kashira. Is it this one? I'm ready.
Swap while in disadvantage 危なかった… Abunakatta... This is close...
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Power-up item 悪くないわねぇ Waruku nai wa ne. Not so bad.
Offensive item あ・げ・る A-ge-ru. I give you this. Here you go!
Getting multiple items at once ゴージャスにいくわよ~! Goojasu-ni iku wa yo! Here I go gorgeously! Ready for this?
Topped out 次は本気よ! Tsugi-wa honki yo! This is where I get serious! I'll be more serious this time.
Win 女王の実力ですわ! Jouou-no jitsuryoku desu wa! The skill of the queen! I'm the martial arts queen!
Be a Runner-Up やりましたわ~! Yarimashita wa! I did it! Not so bad.
Lose み…認めないわ! Mi, mitomenai wa! I won't accept this! I demand a rematch!
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Mix Chain ミックス連鎖よ! Mikkusu Rensa yo! Mix Chain!
Tetris Plus テトリスプラスよ! Tetorisu Purasu yo! Tetris Plus!
Chaining by a Tetrimino crushing Puyo あら~?(ふふ~ Ara? Oh(, yes)!
Skill Battle
Activated Skill Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Unused 決めておしまい! Kimete o-shimai! Let's decide it! This decides it!
Change All これでどう? Kore-de dou? How was that?
Holdup いかがかしら Ikaga kashira? How about this? Get some of this!
Color Change 片を付けるわ Kata-o tsukeru wa. Let's settle this!
System Startup
Result Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation
Boot Up 1 セガ! Sega!
Boot Up 2 テトリス! Tetorisu! Tetris!
Title Screen ぷよぷよテトリス!
Puyo Puyo Tetorisu!
Puyo Puyo Tetorisu 2!
Puyo Puyo Tetris!
Puyo Puyo Tetris 2!
Online Greetings
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
準備はよろしくて? Junbi-wa yoroshikute? Are you all set?
かわいがってあげる… Kawaigatte ageru. I'll treat you fondly. I think this will be fun...
かかってらしゃい Kakatte rashai. Bring it on.
あーら、ごめんあそばせ Aara, gomen'asobase. Oh, sorry about this. Oh dear, you sure about this?
サタン様は(、)渡さないわよ Satan-sama-wa(,) watasanai wa yo. I'll never give away Darling Satan. The Dark Prince is all mine!

Puyo Puyo Champions

Player Chain
Chain Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
20+ Chain A 当然よ Touzen yo. Of course!
20+ Chain B 当然よ! Touzen yo! Naturally!
Counter 心頭滅却 Shintou Mekkyaku Clearing Mind Clear the mind.
Spell 1 破岩掌 Haganshou Rock Punch
Spell 2 風神脚 Fuujinkyaku Wind God Kick Wind Kick
Spell 3 鉄拳制裁 Tekken Seisai Iron Fist Sanction Iron Fist
Spell 4 崩撃連脚 Hougeki Renkyaku Collapsing Kicks Exploding Knee
Spell 5 女王乱舞 Joou Ranbu Queenly Dance Fighting Queen
Enemy Attack
Damage Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Light 何てことを?! Nante koto-o?! How dare you?!
Heavy あーん! Aan! Ahhh! Oh no!
Character Select, All Clear and Match Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character Select よろしくてよ。 Yoroshikute yo. I'm ready. Very good.
All Clear オーッホッホッホ! Ohohoho! *noblewoman's laugh*
Win 女王の鉄拳、いかが? Jouou-no tekken, ikaga? How are my queenly fists? Did you enjoy my technique?
Lose 許さないんだから! Yurusanai-n dakara! I won't accept this! You'll pay for this...
Fever Mode
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Entered ついて来なさい! Tsuite kinasai! Follow me! Try to keep up!
Success うふふっ! Ufufu! Hee-hee! Hahahahaha!
Failed キィ〜ッ! Kii! Aaugh!

Puyo Puyo Puzzle Pop

Player Chain & Damage
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Chain 1 は! Hah!
Chain 2 そこ! Soko! There!
Chain 3 ふふ Fufu *queenly laugh*!
Chain 4 よろしくて Yoroshikute Are you ready?
Repeater 精神一統 Seishin Ittou Resolution Concentration
Chain 20-24 オーッホッホ! Ohoho! *noblewoman's laugh*
Chain 25+ オーッホッホッホ! Ohohohoh! *stronger noblewoman's laugh*
*giggle more*
Counter 心頭滅却 Shintou Mekkyaku Clearing Mind Clear the Mind!
Spell 1 破岩掌 Haganshou Rock Punch
Spell 2 風神脚 Fuujinkyaku Wind (God) Kick
Spell 3 鉄拳制裁 Tekken Seisai Iron Fist (Sanction)
Spell 4 崩撃連脚 Hougeki Renkyaku Collapsing Kicks Exploding Knee
Spell 5 女王乱舞 Joou Ranbu Queenly Dance Fighting Queen!
All Clear すがすがしこと Sugasuga shikoto Oh, What a feeling!
Light Damage You got me!
Heavy Damage How cheeky!
Adventure Mode Map Dialogue
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Story introduction I am Rulue, the martial arts queen!
Beginning an episode
or Challenge Dungeon
Know your place!
Entering a stage Shall we begin?
Finding an item 1 I believe I'll take this.
Finding an item 2 I must say, that's not too bad.
Completing a stage On to the next one!
Failing a stage *scoff* Again!
Completing all stages That takes care of that, right?
Special Dialogue
Event Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character's birthday What a magnificent day! *laugh*
Clearing a Secret Mission Why, you're not half bad!
Player's birthday
Puyo Day
Character Select & Match Result
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Character Select
Win Care for some more?
Lose I won't forget this!
Fever Mode & Big Bang
Results Dialogue
Japanese Romanization Translation Localization
Entered Bow down to me!
Clear Success Witness my strength!
Clear Failed But... But how?
Big Bang Here I come!
Light Attack *battle cry*
Heavy Attack パワーストライク Pawaa Sutoraiku Power Strike
Win Overpower!
Light Damage Nope!
Heavy Damage I can keep going!
Lose I cannot believe this!

Puyo Puyo!! Quest

Main article: PPQ:Voice Transcript/Rulue

Main article: PPQ:Voice Transcript/Steam City Rulue